Vana'diel Bestiary: Sturm  

Found in:The Eldieme Necropolis
  • Notorious Monster
  • Based on Dark
  • Weak against Fire
  • Weak against Light
  • Strong against Darkness
  • Strong against Ice
Involved in Quests:
Updated: Fri Dec 28 16:26:12 2007

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# Mar 20 2006 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
2,075 posts
This is indeed the undead hound NM for the BST AF legs, which pops when a BST with the quest flagged and whistle made touches a tomb in Eldeime at D4 (need to enter from the Glacier side). We went after it on Saturday night. Party was BST61 BST61 BST58(me) BLM74 (he's also a BST 60+) RDM/NIN75. We cleared the ghosts in the room first, then popped the NM (Sturm) and his two tiger friends, Taifun and Trombe. The BST60+ charmed the tigers, and we went to work. Battle against Sturm took around 5 minutes, and he's mean as hell, but with the RDM/NIN around we had enough for him.

Only one fight needed, then all the BST with the quest flagged touched the tomb again, and that was that done. You get the BST AF legs right there, no more running around required.

Nice cutscene afterwards - I won't spoil it for folks by giving away what's in it, but it's pretty cool.

Good luck to all that are on this quest, make sure you take a strong party to this fight.
# Jul 28 2005 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
this is indeed the NM we bst must fight for our last AF, the leggings.
it is only brought out when a bst on the quest touches the required target (as long as the have their whistle made). it pos with 2 named tigers Trombe and Taifun which can be charmed but are easily killed off by the hound. a 65+ tank is needed and this quest can not be soloed or duoed, a full pt of bst at 60 may not even be enough.
Sturm info
# Sep 07 2004 at 2:14 AM Rating: Default
688 posts
I saw this NM while trying to get my Ancient Papyrus... a 60 BST was trying to solo him, and not having much luck, causing my party to have to zone when he dragged it to the exit. =.=

No clue what it drops, but it evidently spawns somewhere in that NW part of Eldieme that is accessed through Beaucedine Glacier, as that is where we were at the time. From the enemies nearby, it seems to spawn in place of a Hell Hound, but I'm not sure.
RE: Sturm info
# Sep 26 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
I'm pretty sure this is the NM for the BST AF level 60 Leggings.

Though the Undead Hound in that one does spawn along with 2 tigers. Possibly, the BST had already killed off the tigers, since they are charmable, but I've heard that the Hound is incredibly difficult to take out, even with high-level help, so it's no surprise that he was running to the zone.

Then again, I could be completely wrong, so I wouldn't take my word for it ^^

RE: Sturm info
# Mar 29 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default
2 60 bst can solo bst af pants

Edited, Tue Mar 29 16:50:07 2005
RE: Sturm info
# May 29 2005 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
How can 2 people solo?
RE: Sturm info
# Oct 11 2006 at 10:26 PM Rating: Good
634 posts
How can 2 people solo?

yeah it is kind of an oxymoron how that usage came out.

What they meant to say was that 2 BSTs can do it without a "normal" party to back them up, although it's not especially simple to do as they still need to clear out the room to avoid aggro before popping the fight mobs.

They each charm one of the small mobs and set it on the main one, and if they lose their pet, juggie to the rescue! Add in pet food, and it's quite doable, as long as the BSTs don't pull a dumb and go in on a day that charm is weak. :D
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