Could a LV63PLD/WHM solo this guy?
I do the occasional Flash >> Stoneskin against EPs all the time, and I don't lose very much HP during the one-on-one battles.
Edit: I answered my own question
You better be skilled in the art of Stoneskin and Blink, cuz Flash does no good. (Light based monsters). And you better hope he doest Throat Stab you. He hit me for 997 damage. 100 more damage and I wouldn't have survived. I was glad I had Blink and Stoneskin on, and Divine Seal >>> Cure IV ready. 3 Stalkers later, I had my ordrynite, and I ran home bruised, but not beaten.
Paladins beware!
Edited, Jul 21st 2006 at 1:38am EDT by JagerForrester