Vana'diel Bestiary: Fomor Red Mage  

Found in:Lufaise Meadows
Phomiuna Aqueducts
Job:Red Mage
  • Aggro
  • Appears at Night
  • Detects by Sound
  • Based on Dark
  • Weak against Fire
  • Weak against Light
  • Strong against Darkness
Updated: Sun Feb 2 19:15:57 2014

Fomor Red Mage Picture

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Subligar Hunt
# Feb 20 2006 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
Ive looked all over for pop locations for each of the Fomor types. I found nothing. I have since decided to post locations I have seen myself within the main lv of the Aqueducts for each of the Fomors I have encountered.

I have seen Fomor RDMs at:
(E-8) - here I met Fomor PLD, SAM and RDM in a Party together. Any attempt I have made to pull one from the PT without getting them all, including Carby pull, has failed. If anyone knows a way to pull them separately, post please.

I KNOW there are more, ill post as I find them.
Misareaux Coast
# Oct 25 2005 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
The Fomor Red also spawns in Misareaux Coast. Also, it spawns with the Fomor Ranger, and they go everywhere together. i even did a carby pull and both came, but i was able to solo them both at lv 57. I got no drops so eh.

Edited, Tue Oct 25 09:53:50 2005
spectral crimson
# May 27 2005 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
Saw her and her ranger friend wandering around so I decided to pick a fight. Really tough, I beat them with two digit HP and no MP left (man holy circle helps a ton with these guys). She dropped spectral crimson and I'm still not sure what to do with it. Is it worth trying to sell it to someone who needs it? Or does it drop very frequently and thus isn't worth the trouble? I got this off the first try so I don't know if I was lucky or what.
# May 27 2005 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
Aquaducts are 40 cap, you need a party of at least 5 to kill any of them...

Thats a lie. I've had BST friends solo them. Just grab a slime. Slimes can take a ton of dmg and keep on ticking.
# Feb 05 2007 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
634 posts
It's hardly just a "grab a slime" sort of deal... keep in mind BSTs who solo **** in the Aqueducts are charming VT-IT slimes, which are hella charm resistent anyways. I died at least 3 or 4 times as a BST before I got my sub to drop - and each one of these times was just in charming the slime... never had ANY issues with the single fomors or weaker taurus.

Although if once they succeed in charming a slime they immediately use Familiar, they have a pretty sweet pet for 30 minutes. However, that doesn't change the fact that most "normies" (sorry but very true) end up getting hella aggro every time they go into that place. Making the BST have to save other peoples' asses from themselves really cuts into the effectiveness of having them there in the first place.

BTW, I've soloed _many_ things in there as BST with VT-IT slimes and it's really fun - but if you're gonna ask a BST to help you do it, you may want to stay at the entrance and just lot if they get a drop. Most players not used to aggro radius, true sight monsters, etc (sadly way more than half these days) will just put your BST mercenary in danger if they try to come with.
# Mar 07 2005 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
this is just a minor thing but I notice her sword is not drawn. Do they actually draw their weapons when they aggro? The shadows in Fei Yin and Eldieme always had their weapons drawn.
RE: hmm...
# May 26 2005 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
Yes they draw their weapons (unlike dark stalker mobs). They also are often found in parties and can be rather nasty when they team up on someone.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 15 2005 at 7:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Woo finally the game fights back ;)
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 15 2005 at 7:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Woo finally the game fights back ;)
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 15 2005 at 7:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Woo, finally the game fights back ;)
RE: Ha
# May 26 2005 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
Woo, finally the triple post fights back!! =)
# Jan 11 2005 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
Aquaducts are 40 cap, you need a party of at least 5 to kill any of them... you need at least a GOOD BCNM party or 2-3 parties for the Rdm mob in there... it's in party with a sam and with a pld, you have to take all 3 at once, and they cannot be slept. (can be slept, but not worth anything). this one drops the subligar for the brygid quest. 2 parties can still easily get wiped, i wouldn't recommend taking any less than 15 people to kill it... it can be done, but not safely.

There is also one or so in Lufaise Meadows... but this one does not drop subligar or much else for that matter (a bit of gil) there is one that's going to be VT or IT to a 75 in the upper right region on your map, and there might be another one around level 40 or so somewhere else on the map, if there is i don't know where to find it right now.

as a rdm killing the {too weak} ones in lufaise is fairly simple, BUT, to another job it might not be as simple do to certain attacks the fomors can do...
My Fomor Experience
# Dec 30 2004 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
Im a 50 RDM, and I subbed Ninja to explore the meddows. I ran right up behind a few of them with a 59 war friend of mine, and they didnt even flinch. So we killed them (Galka BST/Taru SMN {w/ ice spirit}/and Elvaan War). It wasnt too hard, I slept the Galka and owned the SMN while my War friend went to town on the Elvaan. They were in a Watch tower in the meddows. We decided to take a seat, and wait for another spawn while we were talking. They spawned again, and we killed them again. We ran around and killed a few more. The next day (RL day) I was on my way to the safehold from the Vortex, and I ran under a watch tower... Next thing I know, I have 3 Fomor's and a Wyrven after me. 2 checked EP, the other was Too Weak... I dont know, but I heard that they do build hate with the more you kill... I also heard that the more of them you kill, the easier it is for them to see through Sneak/Invis.
One more thing... If any of you want to invest in a few prism Powders/Sneak Oils and run all the way to the North (Cant remember the Pos), but it's on the Right side, all the way north of the map, through a cave... There is a cliff with a view of a valley, and durring the day, you can see a pair of dragon's flying in the distance. Amazing. Only problem is: You have to go through a farm with Level 75+ Chickens and Sheep, and at night, a party of 4 level 70 Fomors spawn there. I got a few good screen shots for friends w/o CoP or who havent finished the Prom quests. The Party Consisted of a Hume Drg, Galka PLD, Mitha Drk, Taru BLM... All in AF. They were pretty intresting. Of corse, they didnt like my Diaga/Run-like-hell tactic. I made it pretty far, besides the Wyrven nipping at my heals the whole time, until I ran right in front of another PT with an RDM, SAM, NIN, WHM... The RDM got me with Posion 2, which ended up being my demise. NEways, I thought I would share that with anyone intrested.

Mithra RDM
-Shiva- Rank 5
# Dec 14 2004 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
Im lvl 60 rdm and i owned all 4 at onces in Misareaux Coast like they was nuttin
# Dec 13 2004 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
rumor goin around on any of the formers is they are like tonberrys, once you kill one of them, they start to form hate, also rumor if u don't kill one, tey will not argo. but rumors......
Purely: 75smn 75 Rdm 75 pld
Cooking 70
Clothcraft 98.5 +2
goldsmithing 100 +3
RE: argo
# Oct 10 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
I went into Aquaducts today as a bst duo. Checked the mobs near entereance and they were all ep-dc except the Fumors were IT (SMN and MNK mobs near enterance) exploring a little to see what mobs i could kill here. These IT Fumors did NOT aggro me even when healing. After my partner joined me we took down the SMN Fumor w/ a couple Jelly mobs (easy). During the battle the monk was walking threw the fight but did not link or aggro. Directly after the fight he now aggros. Having killed him and moved on and further in, we encountered a DRG and NIN Fumor mobs. Pulling the DRG the NIN linked. My suggestion is to nvr kill a Fumor till you get threw the aquaducts for CoP missions and also find the Fumor you need for your subligar. This way you have a few less mobs that will attack you while your there. Now everytime I enter the aquaducts the smn and mnk that are by the enterance aggro everytime when before I ever killed one they did not. Try it for yourself if you are 100% positive you have nvr killed a Fumor before.
# Dec 11 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
442 posts
Seeing as youre level 67, they should be too weak to you, they are VERY chllenging in the aquaducts or whatever, seeing as no one knows for sure what they aggro by, have both sneak/invis and still aggros, heh maybe they aggro mp ?.?
# Nov 29 2004 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
looks awsome >.<
# Nov 23 2004 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
30 posts
I'd love to challenge one of these buggers to a duel. Has anyone ever fought one? I want to know if they're challenging. >:D
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