Like the poster below me says, these mobs sit in this one room which you are supposed to stealthily run every single member of you party/alliance through to avoid aggro and most likely death. However the odds of this drastically decrease as the number of members in your party increases over 1. >.> Once aggroed, the mobs close all doors in and out of the room, and they don't open again until all four of them have returned to their starting position (you got owned) or they are all dead at the same time (they got owned). They can be killed, slowly, but if one repops while you're killing the other three, it will basically keep going on and on and on and on.
This is a NM in The Garden of Ru'Hmet. There are 4 of them in one corridor, each slowly spinning. Its supposed to be kind of a stealthy area of the garden. You must pass all 4 without the pots seeing you if you want to make it to the other side. If one catches you, the exit door closes, and all 4 aggro you. It's Fun!!!!=D
Posted:Jul 17 2005 at 3:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Either it drops one of all Cluster, or its an Elemental and they dont know which type yet?