On a character with low Sandy fame, here are the items and prices offered when Sandy and Bastok were tied for first:
Rabbit hide: 72
Sheepskin: 167
Wolf Hide: 483
Ram Skin: 937
Tiger Hide: 1,312
Coeurl Hide: 2,700
Manticore Hide: 6,840
Ram Leather: 17,250
Tiger Leather: 3,087
Coeurl Leather: 32,123
Manticore Leather: 14,310
Raptor Skin: 11,381
Cockatrice Skin: 2,650
Sheep Wool: 4,392
Willow Log: 120
Distilled Water: 9
Rabbit Mantle: 132
Dhalmel Mantle: 2,931
Wolf Mantle: 40,783
Ram Mantle: 10,800
Lizard Mantle: 13,439
Raptor Mantle: 24,000
Leather Belt: 2,074
Waistbelt: 13,860
Leather Gorget: 337
Wolf Gorget: 6,384
Leather Vest: 2,822
Cuir Bouilli: 43,120
Raptor Jerkin: 170,726
Cuir Highboots: 37,497
Sandals: 3,455
Leather Gloves: 417
Lizard Gloves: 2,700
Cuir Gloves: 83,668
Raptor Gloves: 71,280
Leather Bandana: 330
Lizard Helm: 18,585
Cuir Bandana: 19,656
Leather Trousers: 2,186
Cuir Trousers: 31,416
Raptor Trousers: 279,136
Solea: 453
Himantes: 11,970
Leather Ring: 6,100
Tanning Vat: 75
Whew! Hope that comes in handy for someone! d<(^_^)>b
Edited, Jul 9th 2007 10:07pm by Moonsong