Vana'diel Bestiary: Flesh Eater  

Found in:Attohwa Chasm
Eastern Altepa Desert
Waughroon Shrine
Level:38 - 42
  • Aggro
  • Linking
  • Detects by Sound
  • Based on Earth
  • Weak against Light
  • Weak against Wind
  • Strong against Earth
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Updated: Fri Dec 28 16:26:12 2007

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still T at lvl 33
# Aug 12 2007 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
still T at lvl 33. went there to skill up...

Only killed 2 so far (soloing with PL), one gave 125, one gave 150.

Edited, Aug 12th 2007 9:27am by Mday
Eastern Altepa Flesh Eaters
# Jul 17 2007 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
I was wondering if someone could point me to where the 28 spawn locations of Flesh eaters are in EAltepa, according to wiki there are this many, but I've only ever seen one by the doom scorp pit near the altep crystal.
# Aug 21 2006 at 4:35 PM Rating: Default
/check is right, top line depend on lvl, bottom line depend on your skill, the top line means, how much exp you get, normally EM is about 100exp, IT is about 200, 200 is max without chain.
can i kill these?
# Dec 06 2004 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
what lvl can lvl 30rng/nin solo these?

RE: can i kill these?
# May 09 2005 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
This is my experience with Flesh Eaters in Attohwa Chasm in the 1st chasm right after the hecteyes.

Level 30Rng/15Nin - Was able to chain several worms for 200exp for the 1st worm and subsequent worms for 240,250,260. This was true also for level 31.

Level 32Rng/16Nin experience dropped off to 180 for the 1st worm and subsequent worms for 185+ (all I checked were [Tough]).

These are listed as agro but they do not agro (at least the worms I found near the zone). Engaging worms without being too close is tricky here due to the twisty/turny paths and close proximity to other worms which will join in the fun if they are too near the worm you are fighting. Sadly you cannot shoot across the chasm ("you cannot see your target") so you'll need to wait sometimes for worms to move around where you can safely engage them.

Flesh Eaters cast Bind,Rasp,Stoneskin,Stone II,Stonega. All of these except Stonega will be stopped by Utsusemi:Ichi each taking 1 of your shadows. Stonega will take any/all of your shadows and still do 90-200 dmg!

Getting Here:
From Tahrongi Canyon enter Maze of Shakhrami. In the 1st room stay to the left going through the short tunnel. Upon entering the next room there is a Ghoul on the right. Hug the left wall going straight until you see a ramp on the left. Now head north. When you come to a group of leecher/gambler/mugger goblins the zone is just north of them (like 10 feet). Enter Attohwa Chasm and head straight. A short way down should be several hecteyes which agro to sound and were VT,IT to me at 30. A short tunnel straight past them is your destination.

I recommend nin subjob for utsusemi. Horn arrows, bloodybolts and maybe acid bolts, and shihei. I have decent ranged accuracy equipment so I like to use str foods to pump up the damage. If you choose to bring a casting subjob be aware of air elementals here during wind weather.

Order of Battle:
Select a worm that is far enough away so you'll have room to step back after your first shot. Typically you shoot, step back/wait for cast, step forward, shoot twice, step back/repeat. If you don't mind going through a bit more shihei you can stand in place for all casting except stonega. If you see the worm begin casting stonega even if in the middle of your shot step back immediately.

These worms routinely drop flint stones, copper ore, and igneous rock. I scavenged holy boltheads, horn arrowheads, bird fletchings, and like everywhere arrowwood & ash lumber.

In conclusion these are GREAT experience and fun but should be respected if you mistime getting out of their casting range.
RE: can i kill these?
# Apr 13 2006 at 3:56 AM Rating: Default
Please tell me how you soloed these much less chained them. I was there yesterday and couldn't even kill one with my standard Shoot-n-Run-n-Shoot-n-Run-etc. This was fine actually B/C I was only trying to cap Marksmanship and Archery (which I did) for LVL 31. The main problem I faced was the Stoneskin they kept casting. I only wanted to LVL RNG to 30 on this PC, but I'd like to know B/C I have a Mithra PC that I do want to max RNG and knowledge of this might come in handy.

I was subbing WAR (don't have NIN LVLed on this PC and don't want to :P) - is /NIN the only way to solo these?

I was wearing full Noct +1, 2 Beetle Rings +1, Ranger Necklace, Great Bow +1/Horn Arrows, and Power XBow/Acid Bolts; no waist, back, earrings. Food: Pea Soup

Edited, Thu Apr 13 05:00:55 2006
cons are NOT accurate
# Dec 02 2004 at 9:11 AM Rating: Default
Con's are accurate, period. The difference is that mobs hit much harder then pc's as well as have more hp. If you con something and it is an even match, then when you kill it, it will give you 100 xp. The reason most job classes can't kill EM mobs the higher you go is that the mobs have that much more hp and hit that much harder...
I am a beastmaster and see this everytime i fight. At level 35-40 things that con as easy-prey to dc are going to be hard fights for most classes.

con's are NOT accurate, period. i have seen people with all their combat skills capped and excellent gear and still get their asses handed to them by mobs that con as "too weak". this tends to be the rule and not the exception. the cons need to be fixed. an easy prey should be just that. if you're getting owned by an EP even though you have up to date gear and capped weapon skill, then something is not right.
cons are NOT accurate
# Apr 24 2007 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
Cons can vary in range a fair bit too. Lvl 38 WHM/18 BLM fighting a Yagudo priest in Sauromague Champaign. Longest fight I've been in. Only had a warhammer because I didn't have the money to get a better weapon. 15 minutes long, just us smacking each other back and forth. His hp bar barely moved when I hit him, and he was only hitting me for 8-10 dmg per hit. I got a tick or two in bewteen his hits, so it was 6-8 dmg. Near the end, we were both using healing spells as well. He conned as an easy prey. I've had fights with Goblin Shamans at EP would kick my butt all over the floor(just outside Jeuno so a very quick run), and not even 5 minutes later I would attempt the DC one that had spawned and take him down in half the time it took for an EP to almost kill me.
RE: cons are NOT accurate
# Dec 03 2004 at 5:38 AM Rating: Good
1,309 posts
Actually, accuracy of con is not really a question at all, considering that the con is based solely on the level difference.

It's just that everyone(re: you) seems to forget things like au laits, juices, potions, and ethers, which are probably assumed. A PLD/WAR using those tools, with capped skills and proper usage, can probably take on most mobs fairly well, and a NIN with full haste gear and nikkariaoe(sp?), using throwing weapons, can probabl also take on at -least- DC.
DCs and EMs
# Nov 28 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Excellent
It's easy to take on an EM at lvl 1 since you're both on a level playing field. Think about it, the more your character progresses, the more abilities, weapons, spells, etc open up to your character, and vice versa for the mobs. The higher lvls they reach into, they become more complicated just like a player would. If you want to take on EMs, make sure your combat and magic skills are capped, that you have the best equipment, and that you know how to play your job well. Otherwise, expect a swift death.

Edited, Sun Nov 28 13:01:35 2004
con is right
# Nov 21 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
Don't flame someone if you don't know yourself...
Con's are accurate, period. The difference is that mobs hit much harder then pc's as well as have more hp. If you con something and it is an even match, then when you kill it, it will give you 100 xp. The reason most job classes can't kill EM mobs the higher you go is that the mobs have that much more hp and hit that much harder...
I am a beastmaster and see this everytime i fight. At level 35-40 things that con as easy-prey to dc are going to be hard fights for most classes. The only reason Bst can solo is that they can charm EM mobs and throw them at tough mobs. The reason our pet wins is that the bst makes up the difference with his/her melee/spell attacks. (which are much weaker then thier pets)
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 20 2004 at 5:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Con has NOTHING to do with lvl, the scale is screwed up majorly. @ lv 1 on one job, Wild Rabbits were DC, to another Even, its screwed, dont ever use your lvl to make an aporcimation, I.E. why you cant solo even matches @ lvl 50, unless you have an advantage maker (Arcana killer, Undead killer, etc.)
# Nov 19 2004 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
I'd Assume that they are 32-37 but i will further investigate that tonite, going as my 29 rng. They were all IT+ - IT++ at lvl 25. Giving 200 exp every fight to a party of 3.
# Nov 19 2004 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
These gotta be lower lvl than 38, went as 37RDM/RNG hopin to get some easy xp and couldn't find harder than DC--, guess I still have to wait on stupid static to lvl -.-
# Jun 15 2008 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
on windsday, their level is being reduced by around 1-3 levels. On earthsday, their level will increase by a few.

Just a guess :)
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