I was just wondering if y could ride the chocobos that you hatch instead of renting one from the stables. I'm really new to the game, and I'm looking for as many ways as possible to save a few gil.
I breed to chocobos and never got an egg and now i dont ahve teh option of buying more breeding plans is there a deay time for getting an egg back from the little guy?
I posted this info on the quest, but I'll put it here too. This is what I did: when I took my bird on the first (short) walk I met the advanced chocobo trainer and he told me the first letter of the NPC's name who has lost the chick. I took my chick for 3 walks in one session and on the third walk the trainer told me the NPC was an Elvaan. At this point it's pretty easy with some common sense to figure out which NPC you're looking for. Come to Alla, go to South Sandy or wherever you're raising your bird, and check which mobs are in the area. Look at the ones whose names begin with the letter you were given, jot down their locations and go speak to them. Voila. If you leave it a while longer you can take your chick for another set of walks when they've regained their energy, and you'll meet the trainer again. The third time he'll tell you the NPC's profession (merchant, etc.). This narrows down the search fields a bit more. My guess is that the NPC will be randomly generated for each of us. When I headed straight to the NPC I needed and spoke to her she thanked me and taught me a song to sing to my bird. You'll find the song in Temporary Key Items.
the idea that a red choco has poor stats from all is kinda wrong in a sense. i got this egg as well, and hatched in 4 rl days. i fed it azouph greens and right now its STR and END is impressive with room left to improve on it. so really red chocos can turn into a really good bird only if u know how to take care of it. thats basically it.
Anyone has a fact about how to get a red or green chocobo? Like, if you want red breed it in san'Doria, or is there a specific food to affect the bird and make it turn Xx Color? Any info will be apreciated.
It is a firm belief of my the way you raise a chocobo effects its color.
Food, yes, has a lot to do with it. Food effect the developement of certain attributes. Food is only per of it. For example, since it was born I've fed my chocobo nothign but vomp carrots, a STR and END+ food. It gre up to be black with FIrst class STR and Impressive END. Zehgam carrots give DIS and RES+, which in theory would help it become a Blue chocobo. ***This goes without takign into consideration wether or not you've bred to get your chocobo egg. I did.
As far as red or green chocobos go, form what I understand, it is a random outcome of Courser and Jennet chocobos, which are either red or yellow(Courser); green or yellow(Jennet).
I've known Red chocobos to have all poor stats, which supports my theory that it's a random outcome of yellow Courser chocobos. I have not seen any green chocobos. I would suggest finding a Red or green chocobo and get a chococard for breeding and see what happens.
i have a green choco and have no idea how i got him the only theory i have on that is the temp of the egg when you get it. mine was the hottest egg and strangly it hatched in 4 rl days. as for him beong green, so far from what i can tell on the Ifrit server no one that i have come across has seen a green choco. (at the moment i feel special) but i have seen lots of black ones. so i have blabbed long enough. these were my 2 cents enjoy.
Has anyone confirmed if there is any difference between a NPC boughten egg and the Jeuno quested ones or bcnm ones? It just seems to me the harder it would be to aquire an egg, the better choco you would get. I bought mine before I knew about the quest or bcnm battle dropped ones and got a damn yellow >.>
Any info or even a point in the right direction would be appreciated, thanks.
I bought mine from the verdor before I did the quest as well, and I am now the proud owner of a Black male chocobo. So I don't think there is a difference between quested and bought eggs. BUT, I do think there will be a difference between those eggs and the bred ones. I just picked up an Egg I bred between a black male and a red female. I used the Sports "Honeymoon". Can't wait to see what I get.