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Auction House: Armor - Hands

Ogygos's Bracelets
[Hands] All Races
DEF:11 HP+20 STR+5 DEX-3 AGI-3
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# Oct 20 2007 at 10:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
Added drop flag and updated image.
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What you need to know
# Apr 08 2006 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
F-8 Middle Delkfutt's Tower 9th Floor, has 1 PH Wallwatcher, pops every 12 min real life time. Good luck.
# Mar 13 2006 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
i dont really like these hands because of the dex and agl down.
# Mar 13 2006 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
these hands are really good i usee them for my drk but i dont really like the dex and agl down ><
RE: ogyogo's
# Mar 21 2006 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Macro this in before WS, then change back to whatever you use normally.
good alternative?
# Jan 22 2006 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
decided just tonight to get this instead of o-kote. 1. o-kote is too expensive to buy
2. o-kote is too hard to camp.

enough said? lol

however, this costs about 1.5 mil on Seraph, so im gonna have to farm for a while, then camp jujitsu gi /cry lol
So Close...
# Nov 09 2005 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
haha. I had to post my experiences today.

I have been camping Ogygos on and off for a few days. Never actually seen him until today.

I was sitting there as a War44/Thf15 and there he pops. I couldnt claim him straight away as I had just fought a magic pot, so i rested up. Got to around 880hp and decided thats high enough, popped a meat mithkabob and then engaged.

It was an intensely close fight but with the help of a few Sturmwinds, I actually beat him with about 130hp left and I got the bracelets on the first try :D

So, for anyone below 50 who wants to get the bracelets to use, it is possible to beat him ^^

Good Luck :D
O.Kote vs. Ogygos's Bracelets
# Aug 11 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
I was wondering,
I'm a MNK41 and cannot afford the o.kote
Do you think this would be a satisfactory alternative to O.kote, besides isnt the +5 STR better for a MNK than the +Attack?

500k - Ogygos's Bracelets
1.5-2M - O.Kote

heh, the price is definately better
The REAL info on Ogygos
# May 12 2005 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
I am 0/5 with this guy and know for sure about
certain facts on hunting Ogygos. I'm posting to
clarify them and the use of the bracelets.

Is ONLY the Wallwatcher in Ogygos' room.
The Jailer is NOT a placeholder but I kill it to
keep links away. PlaceHolder and Jailer repop
every 12 minutes.

Ogygos pops in place of the Wallwatcher approx.
every 2 hours. If you just killed him, then don't
waste the next hour and a half hunting him.

As a SAM, I plan on macroing them in for a WS.
/equip hand "ogygos bracelets"
/wait 1
/p <Tachi: Jinpu> ====> <t>
/ws "Tachi: Jinpu" <t>
/equip hand "whatever I was using".

That gives a boost to my WS damage without the
nasty -dex -agi to my normal hits.

I have almost NO competetion hunting this guy.
When I do, it's usually a guy who can't claim him
fast enough anyway.

His drop rate really sucks. If I've just killed
Ogygos, then I use the next hour and a half to
hunt the guy on the floor above; Enkelydos(sp?)
# May 08 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
He has 2 gigas placeholders.

It does 2hr at about 1/2 health

currently 0/15 on him

horriable drop rate

Quote from cannotlinkto
" * Lottery spawn from various Gigas around F-8 on the Ninth Floor approximately every 2 hours.
* Around 2500HP
* Killable by: Solo at level 49
* Special Attacks: Mighty Strikes

Edited, Sun May 8 17:36:57 2005
# Nov 12 2004 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
I switch off between these and the battle gloves, depending on how well I am hitting the mob.

the Kote is 850k now.. I won't be getting that for a while.
# Nov 08 2004 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
854 posts
I use these on my WAR (Currently 47). I have about +13 STR with Foods on, pretty nice when i berserk.
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 15 2006 at 10:59 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ya i love thes i have +26 str with theas including food
Where's he at?
# Oct 12 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
1,851 posts
so, this looks like an item I could use, and well, I could prolly take 'em down, but I dunno where he's at. If someone could share, I would be grateful. Thanks!

P.S. does he have a spawn time/placeholder?
Great for kitties
# Sep 23 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
As a Mithran monk I must say, these are indeed a superb hand item (if you don't have the money or high level help needed for Ochiudo's Kote) and no one should really be without. With such naturally high DEX and such, it isn't so much of a hit for us catfolk, and the extra strength is always appreciated. So if you're debating getting this, stop and go grab a pair ^^ The whole Gigas set of bracers is wonderful.
my experence
# Sep 14 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
i just bought a pir of these and i think they are awesome the str up helps alot .but also made it as part of a package (see my character profile) ^^ the biggest thing is to compensate for the loss of dex and agi ( i am a drk ) but anyway se ya around
my experence
# Sep 14 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
# Aug 22 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
here is how it works

str raises damage curve

dex raises critical chances and acc

vit lowers damage curve for recieved attacks

agi is range acc and eva

mnd is like magic vit and raises white magic potentcy

int is like magic str i guess and black magic potentcy

chr does NOT translate to hate it is a bst and brd stat also does something for weaponskills

hope this helps
RE: stats
# Aug 11 2005 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
STR = Attack strength
DEX = Critical attack & ACC
VIT = Damage recieved from enemy/enemy critical hit success NOTE: affects some JA's and WS (EX: Chakra = VITx2)
AGI = Evasion/Ranged Accuracy
MND = Healing/Enhancing potency
INT = Damage with magic potency
CHR = Charm and/or BRD? (I am not sure)

Enmity = Control Hate (More = More hate)
# Aug 09 2004 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
206 posts
I see that there isn't a position noted for this particular NM; I'm curious if anyone knows the exact location. I've been sittin around the lvl 30 mob, in the lone teleport room, and that one seems to be on a 1-3 hour timer, like Mee Deggi.

Just curious. I'm frustrated with Mee Deggi right now, and so wished to farm something else; if I'm going to be here anyways, I might as well camp him and kill giants too. ^_^

Anyways, a location would be nice.
# Jul 30 2004 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
are these good for monks?
# Feb 08 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Default
are these gloves good for a Paladin ?
RE: Paladin
# Oct 28 2004 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
147 posts
I would say no. Paladins are not there to do damage so don't really need plus strength. The plus HP is ok, but unless you are a taru, I would go for something that had plus MP instead, as paladins get and keep most of their hate by healing themselves and other party members, not attacking and doing damage.

You don't really want evasion either as a PLD because if you aren't getting hit you can't heal yourself (and don't keep hate as well). The main idea is MP (unless you are a taru), DEFENSE definitely, vitality, maybe even mind. But not strength certainly, or evasion or agility or any of the normal melee stats.

I know it sounds weird but you really have to think of yourself as a tank who keeps hate by healing (and a couple other things) and not as a damage dealer.
RE: Paladin
# Oct 13 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Default
God, you noobs never learn...
Yes, he should get STR+ gear, as a PLD.
In fact, he should get all the very best DD gear he possibly can, as well as his tank stuff, just so he is prepared.
In exp parties, you will often find that mobs don't hit hard at all, so what do you do?
Stand there, happy that you're the perfect imitation of a brick wall?
No! You balance your gear out, so that you take a little more damage, while still keeping it low enough to conserve healer mp, in exchange for a few pieces of DD stuff.
PLDs should always have multiple gear sets, aimed at different assignmens, to mix and match according to situation.

For example, looking at main weapon, I have a Company Sword for wielding in large alliances, a Durandal for the enmity+ and the vit+7 against mid-heavy hitters, an Espadon+1 for mid-light tanking, a Terra's Staff for heavy-extreme hitters, Hrotti for tanking weaker dragn-types, Dainslaif for farming [too weak] stuff without downtime, Joyeuse for farming slightly stronger things, as well as a selection of G.Swords with various stats, for when I need to play full DD. You do realize that PLD/WAR, along with DRG/WAR and DRK/WAR has the highest STR rating of all job combos? With equipment aimed towards it, we can make decent DDs, although never incredible.

This is why should have these kind of options for every equip slot.

Whenever I go out to merit, I wear acc+, att+ and dex+ gear, and only a few vit+ pieces, because at 75 no exp mobs can really hurt me anyways. By your noob logic, I should be wearing my Koenig stuff to exp parties, and not contribute to killing fast at all.

Please, please, never pick up PLD. You would shame us all.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 17:03:20 2005
RE: Paladin
# Dec 08 2004 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
I just wanted to have my lil' say in this as well! ^^ I agree with you on all points except the evasion issue. True, Pld does get alot of emnity due to its insistant cures, but one might want to keep in mind that taking damage reduces hate as well. Most likely thought, curing oneself for 100hp genrates more hate then what takin a 100 hit point damage blow will reduce it. Still.. its a factor to be put into the equation in my book.^^
RE: Paladin
# Feb 26 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Default
79 posts
They'd probably be good for balancing out a Mithra or Hume paladin, Galkas and Elvaan probably couldn't afford to lose that much DEX and AGI. Notably, DEX affects accuracy and AGI affects (I think?) blocking and parrying.
RE: Paladin
# Aug 10 2004 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
ive never heard that AGL effects ur blocking, buts thats an interseting theory, ive always wonderd what it done besides put ur EVA +...can any 1 confirm it?
RE: Paladin
# Dec 08 2004 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
I would wager the reason most PLDs choose Drone Earings (+3 AGI) over Dodge Earings (+3 Evasion) is that while still getting an evasion bonus (albeit less then pure +3 evade) also makes it harder for mobs to land Criticl hits on you.

So to sumarise;

AGI; Boosts evasion as well as reduces the number of crit hits you recieve.

Dex: Not does it boost accuracy, but also allows you to score more crit hits.
Those crit hits can be quite bothersome seeing as they often catches you off guard. Especially from mobs with Double and Triple Attack.
RE: Paladin
# Aug 17 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Default
569 posts
I cant confirm it but ive seen lots of Palidans say it does when talking about getting the Agl earings or the Evasion earings.
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