we got 3 papyrus in 2 hrs..so yeah its just luck, and THFs TH2 doesnt always work..its just luck, cuz i know someone who is stuc at 50 for a month cuz no one wanted to help him with papyrus..
Be careful to not run off the second cliff once in Battalia, as you will have to go all the way back through those areas again to get back.
If you are a BLM, or have a BLM in your party DO NOT CAST ESCAPE at ANY time. This will take your party outside in Battalia near the Jugner Forest zone. If you went to Necropolis the long way, you will slap yourself for using Escape. Only use this when your party is sure they want to leave.
This entrance to Necropolis is the best Entrance because there are fairly simple pulls, and the zone is just up the stairs.
Do not expect a quick drop. I spent hours upon hours inside with an alliance of 12 people, at two different trips. Out of atleast 5+ hours we only got 2 drops in each of those parties. When all 12 need the item, 2 drops just won't do.
I do not suggest going with a lot of other ppl that also need this item, because that will limit your chances. Only do this if you have no higher lvled friends to help you out with it.
Being in a party waiting for 1-2 drops is much better then waiting on 12. Goodluck to you all doing this quest. It is a pain in the.....
I can confirm that the Beaucedine Entrance to Batallia -> Eldieme Necropolis is the best place to hunt for this item.
47 PLD, 48 BLM, 48 BRD, 48 THF, 48 RNG and a 75 BLM pulling for us, within 3 hours we had 5 Papyrus drop for us. The key element was the 75 BLM, I know it's not easy, but I suggest getting high level help, as this BLM was able to consistently pull Liches one after another without any aggro from anything else.
The f-5 entrance to batallia (through Beaucidine) is so much easier than the I-10 entrance. No fallen soldiers to worry about, only liches, mummies, and puppies. You can sit at entrance with little to no worries about links and trains. We took an 8 person alliance, and in an hour and forty-five minutes, all but one person had their Ancient Papyrus. 4 hours later, we were still missing on. Mine. >_<
We took a group consisting of 47 WHM, 48 THF, 50 WAR, 50 SAM, 50 WHM and 57 PLD here and found the first pretty quick, about an hour. We stuck around for another 30 min or so and no drop, and the party member who needed it had to leave. Even if we had another besides the 57 PLD that was our level we would have been able to handle it.
If you hunt Eldieme for this (and dont go in the hole) the key is to kill the puppies in the tunnels before you attempt to kill lich. To pull the lich have someone sneak and pull them with cure, you won't get link that way. Then when your done with one of the 4 way intersections, get sneak and run to the next. It's one big circle of four 4 way intersections, so you should have enough to kill.
I have so far spent about72 hours (nearly straight), just pting trying to get the stupid papy... only stopping for a few hours of sleep and occasionally to eat. A true test of FFXI dedication...
lol I hear a lot of ppl saying that it took them 5days 2days 2weeks, ect to get this item so I must be extremely lucky cause i got it on my 4th kill just me sam/war and a lvl 62 pld/war and no worries 30minutes tops
Went in with an alliance of 8. Spent 2 hours got no drops with a lvl 48 thf. Got aggro from 2 Ka which proceeded to slaughter us all except the thf. After that we decided to go after mold which wasn't much better.
Went in with an alliance of 8. Spent 2 hours got no drops with a lvl 48 thf. Got aggro from 2 Ka which proceeded to slaugher us all except the thf. After that we decided to go after mold which wasn't much better.