I think you've been smoking the Moko... http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/350413/ http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/1628942/ http://www.nerdist.com/ Angus of Cerberus (retired)
Do you find out who's RSE week it is by talking to the goblin quest NPC. I just wondered how to know when it is my week. Need hands and feet for my 31 smn.
not true. I have not done that many quests. Just do the Moss quest enough to where you get gobbiebag 4 from the other gob and you should be about to get the quest
Nice MP bonus and extra INT. Well worth it for Level 27+ RDM or BLM. They also go for 40,000 - 70,000 on Auction if you have tons of money and don't feel like going key hunting. :)
I prefer the lvl 30 royal squire's mufflers for a dark knight over these gloves. I find the 2 accuracy helps more than this 2 dex. While the 24 mp would help, I'd rather hit more as an elvaan. Anybody disagree? I'd like to hear your comments.