According to the gardening recipe list on Somepage, this pot gives very specific results.
The other flowerpots all have a chance result from four or so items of varying use, where as the arcane flowerpot will give a specific item, but on the flip side, this limits the amount of stuff you can get from it.
So the short of it is, this flowerpot is good if you're looking for a particular harvest, but not so much of an all rounder.
I have been gardening since game came out using recipes I get from Pikko. Let me tell ya, the arcane flowerpot's result is NO BETTER for me than a Porcelain pot for the harvesting of the item...however, I have NEVER gotten rock salt or worms no matter what i try to grow so I am assuming that this flower pot has some kind of protection from this sort of disaster.
I haven't really seen anything posted about the chances of getting this item as a reward from trade a chip+infinity core.
Here are my recent trades...
1 - (bought first one in AH) 1/5 2/9 1/10 1/9 2/10 1/9 0/13 0/5 0/9
Drop Rate: 10% (at least that's my opinion)
That's pretty much it. I traded on the day the chip I bought was strong to. (Ex. Blue Chip -water- I traded on Firesday since Water > Fire)
The last 2 trade attempts really bit me in the ***** Trying to make a full set of 10 for one mule and the last pot is proving to be a pain.
On Fairy server Rune Arrows 10k a stack, Rune Weapons 20k+ a stack, Cermet Chunk 50k a stack.
Generally after selling the non-arcane reward items to the AH I come out either having a small loss in gil with zero arcane reward, get 100% of my gil back with no arcane reward, get enough gil back to technically have paid around 50k for the arcane (as apposed to 100k in AH), or get enough gil back to technically have made 100% of my gil back and the arcane for free.
If you want the arcane items at a cheaper price than the AH, you could do the Strange Apparatuse trade and come out having paid less than you would have in AH (since prices vary per server you'd have to do the calculations on your own whether it's cheaper to buy the arcane from AH or do it by trade). You might even be able to make a decent profit by just doing the trades and selling everything in the AH including the arcane rewards if you choose not to keep them.
However, in the long run I believe you will either come out even or a small profit/loss. In this case I would say you're better off farming something else and making more gil that way since Infinity Cores disappear from the AH like cookies at a weight loss convention.
you can get 2-3 ores from one pot using this type I know for a fact as I have frequently done so. Also can get 2-3 sappling from one cutting using this type of pot. It takes a bit longer to grow and seems to yeild more then other pots from my experience. as well now u can have up to 10 of these per character making your gardening a bit more plentiful :)
just type in the first 3 letters of your character name and select an area. By the way, I got an arcane flowerpot at Ordelles cave on a full moon (98%) lightning day.
The link is correct except for the [/link] at the end. I tried to put it down as a url and that's what this website put in. This time I'll just type it in:
I have a mule that had an arcane pot for a while. I had forgotten about something I had planted in it and the plant died. Now the pot os only a porc pot. Has that happened to anyone else? o.o
Dont you see the "first time 4:00" "second time 10:45" I guess you take more than 15 minutes to either trade it to a friend or warp to a town, then put it up at AH or send it.
Ok Just want to let everyone know how to get the Arcane Fowerpot. You trade a chip and infinity core to apparatus. You don't need password. These are rare so you can only have one, also they are rare as in they aren't given often. Make sure to trade the right color chip to the right color apparatus. I just got my Arcane Fowerpot in the Crawlers Nest today by trading Blue chip and infinity core to apparatus. I know days make difference but haven't perfected them. I got mine on Lightningday 36% waning at 11:42. Hope this helps.
Just wanted to mention that I was experimenting with the strange apparatus in dangruf wadi and got an arcane pot there by trading a red chip and core on firesday. I also got rune bangles when I came back on iceday. Not sure if the day matters, but I only tried once on waterday and got a fire cluster.
ok here are the PW's for 3 that i know."dangruf wadi 10042438/red chip/infinity core" "Gusgen mines 10052542/yellow chip/infinity core" "Crawlers nest 10262646/blue chip/infinity core" hope this helps all that are trying to do this also ive done wadiX3 crawlersX2 ive gotton rune bakhnaks lvl70 2 arcane pots and 2 sets of 8 of cermet chunks" made over 500k for all....
Here is how you get the password. Make sure you use the chip that corresponds to the right element of the apparatus and an infinity core. That can be found by searching this site for any of the colored chips. blue chip = crawlers nest I believe, clear chip = eldieme necropolis, etc. This is basically like gambling so don't expect to get anything worth while the first 10 or so times you do it.
I planted Tree Saplings in my arcane pot and in my ceramic pots...Quit the game for 4 months...Checked my Mule this morning, and guess what? All my plants where dead except for the one in the arcane pot...which was still growing well? I have no idea how that plant survived that long but it did. Perhaps the arcane pot has some hidden attributes to it...Anyone happen to have a plant die in the arcane pot?
i'm working on it. normally, you get the option to feed the first crystal to a sapling on the 8th day after planting. but so far it's been 10 days since i planted a sap in my arcane pot and i still don't have the option to feed. i planted 6 saplings in porc, brass, and earthen pots 8 days ago and fed them just before posting this, so... i'll try to keep you updated as things progress.
it's me again. got option to feed the first crystal on the 12th day after planting. just an uneducated guess, but i figure another 10 or 11 days to feed the 2nd crystal (based on the normal 6-7 day wait for the other pots).
From what I've heard the arcane pot does take longer for things to grow but has a higher yield on alot of things. i dont know if that is true or not. I plan on trying some soon and we will see if it is then.