why are they gonna make any h2h weapons that monks cant use. and garglyion is right, drk's dont have a h2h skill, thats like giving a monk a frikin great sword or a great axe, wtf!?!?!
DRKs don't even have a skill in Hand-to-Hand. THF and NIN have an E in Hand-to-Hand. Even a WAR has a D in HTH and doesn't get access to these type of weapons. I'm sorry but I see no reason why THF/DRK/NIN should have access to Additional Effect weapons and not a MNK. I have yet to find a reasonable explanation, please somebody explain this.
Seems like this would be a nice item to use in BCNM20 Crustacean Conumdrum. I have yet to try it out however. But, it would make getting a mannequinn part much cheaper than from someone's bazaar. ^^