As most rangers I had the misconception that Agi+ is the end all and be all of stat mods for RNG but, +STR doesn't just help with your Sidewinder it makes all of your attacks hit harder just as it does with other DD's. The damage you do per shot has to do with player str and enemy vit. Archer's Jupon is very cool, its a big difference until you can get your hands on K. Osode. The-10 R.acc issue is completely up to the player. If your missing xp mobs while wearing this then dont XP with it.
ik str is need for dmg, but then what does agi do for the rng? should i sell my genin and drone earrings and get something different? and while im at it, Scout's beret or wyvern helm? thanks for the help
agi is a modifier for many things, but for rangers it is mainly for ranged accuracy. but food and other equips can make up for the -10 loss and have no problems. I suggest getting this, if not to just try it out
From what i've gathered. I've fought this guy twice already and after reading all the posts, it seemed pretty clear.
First time we went, we ran over some cracks close to where citipati spawns and started popping trench antlions. rng and me (75thf) were taking them np. We had blm's with us, just running around the map exploring. We got like 5 HQ antlion jaws wich i craft to traps, very nice farm area.
After about 8 or so, they stopped popping on their normal 5min pop timer. To make sure we stay for an extra 3-5min yet nothing.
Now we know we are rdy to pop NM so we kill a fly nearby to gain TP.
**Warning, if nm is rdy to be popped, wait till 4:00 for undead to despawn, last thing u need is blood agro**
Even though u might get other Trench Antlions to pop elsewhere, if the pop where u were doesnt pop them, Ambusher Antlion is still poppable.
I cant post specific directions since it all happened in the same square (E-8 i believe, northeast popped him once, and the other time it was southeast in same square).
Jupon is 100% drop. Upon spawning his attack is 500+dmg. His TP move mandibular bite or w/e can hit for up to 1k. He is not an NM (did not con impossible to gauge! yet instead easy prey or decent challenge). These guys are too weak to thunder. We started off with light SC and thunder 2 x2 (2 blm's) so that they didnt get alot of hate. Then when we did our 2nd light SC they went all out with Thunder IV x2 hitting for over 1k each easy.
Another thing, its spawn time is about 1-3hrs, but after he's rdy to pop, it can be up to 1hr before he actually can get popped so even if u checked alot of cracks by healing on them (/heal) check them again and again. If you do not defeat him, he will despawn and ur original trench antlions will resume popping as before.
Hope this helps anyone interested. Our 75 rng put it on with wyvern helm and selene's bow and hit a sidewinder for 1k+ dmg on her first shot and dmg stayed that consistant from her other 600-700dmg previous ws's. Very nice DD dmg, even if u wanna use ur af to build tp, switch to this for ws, its an item worth playing with.
Thnx for the Info He does indeed spawn a e-8 in about the middle of the square. Kill Trench Antlions for about an hour and then he popped. *Note He didnt spawn in the same crack as first time I popped him so check them all Good Luck and Happy Hunting
Hi im looking for details on this spawn ive heard rumor and read shady details on spawn being at E-9 lotto off Trench antlions ive been in the area trying to pop with LS and seen mostly cave antlion and been unable to find NM have also read it pops in tiamat area tho the pops in that area are cave antlions any first hand information would be great Zuvor 75 Rng 60 Bst Bismarck
at 71+ accuracy appears to be much less of an issue. rng will have natural accuracy plus food and rings you can afford to up your damage much more and still land your shots.
Like Aryden already say, it's most likely to be macroed to be used for WS, especially when WS using Patriarch Protector Arrow (CP Arrow) which has RAcc+40. Str+5 and RAtk+10 gives a lot of boost in damage not to mention at lv 75 Ranged Accuracy is becoming less of an issue, and RNG can afford to swap in RAcc gear for RAtk and Str gear for WS
Since the update that changed the ranged attack system RATK significantly changes damage, and at higher levels most rangers go for the most damage possible. +10 RATK is a nice bonus on the body piece ^^