I picked some of these up thinking they'd be a very small healing boost, like 20-30HP a pop, but I was curious to try them out. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they healed 110HP, but a bit disappointed to find myself medicated.
But after finding out that the medicated status only lasted a couple of minutes, I got over the disappointment pretty quickly. On their own, these are of limited use, but when paired with other healing potions they become much more effective. You still want to use regular Hi-potions for when you need to fill up quickly, but having a stack of these in your inventory can stretch your potion supply a little bit further. Use a drop first before dipping into your potions, so that the medication timer is running down.
I personally carry a stack with me now wherever I go, so I have a quick bit of healing if I need it, but I don't have to clutter my inventory.