In Defiant Challenge (Limit Break 1)  

Start Area: Ru'Lude Gardens
Start NPC:Maat (H - 5)
Type:Limit Break
Related Mobs:Exoray
Min Level:50
Max Level:50
Reward:Raises Level Cap to 55
(Average from 52 ratings)
Items Required:Ancient Papyrus
Bomb Coal
Exoray Mold
Title Obtained:Horizon Breaker
Last Updated: Mon Jun 21 22:02:41 2010

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Apparently, your innate limits can be breached by acquiring the necessary items.


Talk to Maat in Ru'Lude Gardens and he will ask you to collect three items:

As these drops tend to be rare, it is recommended you start collecting these as early as possible.

As a reward for completing the quest, your level cap will increase from 50 to 55.

Quest Series

This quest is part of the Limit Break quest series. The complete series includes:

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2010-06-22 06:54:17.
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#REDACTED, Posted: May 01 2004 at 8:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) First lets all take a quick moment to scream at this quest... RAAWWR... Ok next most of these post are either omg it was SO easy or omg it was SO hard and hes my story..anoter one of those omg it was SO hard... I started off well got the mold in 2 parties that went there then I got invited to go get paper but they took the long way there. 3 hours later we are all there and we start killing. 3hr later still killing. Another hour later some ppl got to go and then a lvl 63 pld comes to help us ^^. 1 more hr OMG it dropped one so a total of 8 hrs to get one I was like I better get the highest lot and i did but thats the only luck i've ever had period. Next day I thought bomb would be easy OMG WAS I WRONG. Maybe I did get lucky and get parties up to now but now it was like I was the only one on the sever doing the quest. Wasted day looking for help that I never got. Next day i start a party and then we go to nest first for 2 molds /sigh but I thought after we could go to bomb so i was happy those 2hr to get the 2 molds. On the 2nd mold 2 ppl gota go well thats just crap. Just barly keeping party together we go to "Garbage" Citedel. When we get there one member disconnect 6 times then falls down the hole twice not once twice! A lot of high lvls run by and go do some af quest I think and right when we where about to go 3 ppl gota go... Yea now i'm screwed. I thought maybe one of the high lvl people will help once there done... dont ever count on that cause it NEVER HAPPENS. they dont care about me and I can't wait until I'm a high lvl and then I ignore all the low people...someday..someday.. So here i am with 1/2 a pt and no will left at all to put it back together... I thought this game was fun now it isn't...... Well anyway good luck to all you out there doing this quest and hopfully you have such a bad time with it like me.
RE: My story
# May 02 2004 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,059 posts
It's very ignorant of you to make that comment about high levels never helping. Perhaps they can tell how rude and arrogant you are and avoid you on purpose. ^^ And if you no longer think this game is fun, you might as well stop playing since you have genkai to look forward to every 5 levels after 50 anyway.

My experience so far: Linkshellers went to the Nest on two occasions to get Exoray Molds. Both times we had 10-11 people. One was a Ninja 58, and the rest were 50 or below. We got 9 or 10 Molds (I forget how many we needed) in four hours, tops. (I wasn't really paying attention to time.) We had one TH2 and no downtime other than waiting for Exorays to spawn. Now on to the Explosures and Liches... >.<
RE: My story
# May 03 2004 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
i agree. just because some high levels run by and don't offer any help is stupid, maybe whatever they were doing wasn't finished? maybe they had somewhere else to be? while i don't go out of my way to help people i don't know, i never run around just randomly asking either, "hey, you need help with that little level 12 newb?"

(and not that i think level 51 is extremely high...) but just this past week alone, i've participated in 3 genkai parties (AFTER the ones i joined to get my items), and i was not the only one randomly helping. the last one i did was in eldieme, and out of the 6 of us (ok 4, 2 d/c RIGHT as we got there, but they didn't need the paper), only 2 papers were needed. special thanks to veviticus (spelling???), he stayed to help with only 4 of us total, and he wasn't even in our LS :D after that i went and helped some guy do his PLD AF1. he's not in my LS, nor have i pt'd with him since maybe my level 20's as a WAR. he was pt'ing with a friend, mentioned he needed it, and my friend sent me a tell. i thought, man, it was a little tough to get help for mine, i'm gonna grab some people and help this guy. also earlier in the day, i helped a guy get his sub job items, and took a level 20 to jueno for his choco quest. also a friend asked me to help someone get her carbuncle ruby, sure why not. i've also helped 4 people get their beadeux quadav drops this past week as well. and when i get really bored i stand guard at the Selbina gates and kill the trains for the silly little first-time pt'ers in valkrun :) maybe what goes around comes around? i guess i'll find out as i'll be looking for some help with PLD AF2 soon (hint hint anyone on Odin :D)

maybe you have a bad LS man? everyone in my LS is extremely helpful and either offers help or offers to help find it, and i haven't run across a whole lotta people that weren't willing to help me either. i guess what im saying, is maybe have a better attitude and maybe people will be more inclined to help O.o
Not as bad as people say!!!
# May 01 2004 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
After being 50 for a few days now (and capping it out) i finally got into a G1 quest group :P anyway, it consisted of WHM, RDM, 2 DRK's, a PLD, and me (another PLD), we had the other PLD sub THF for TH since i was a few levels higher than him. anyway, we went through the glacier, and entered eldieme through the otherwise unaccessible batallia entrance. we set up camp (sorry didn't get the grid), you go down the main stairs, pass those rooms on your left and right, and then when you enter that room with mummy's and the coffin-type things, now if you look to your right you'll see what looks sorta like a cave, we entered there, and took the far right of the three tunnels. awesome camp spot. we were able to pull lich's from the room in front of us and behind us, we got 5 drops in just over an hour. remember to sneak the puller, and have them pull with a cure ;) almost impossible to get an add, we had no deaths whatsoever. one of the DRK's also dropped (hoping it was just a d/c, he was the first to get the paper, and dropped after the 2nd paper drop...) so the rest of the time it was just the five of us. good luck guys.

OMG bomb coal was tougher than most say :P
# May 01 2004 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
OMG how can people say this is the easiest, i woulda gone back for 6 more papers instead of doing this!!!

horrible horrible time. i joined a group of about 10 people, just as half of them got slaughtered after the first banishing gate. almost all of them quit after that. we got a few more people, and gave it a go with about 8 people this time. some fool was running far ahead (saty in a close group after you pass the first gate!!!!) got aggro, some tried to help, ultimately it was another slaughter with tons of adds. so we gave it ago with only 6 people. well, one person was still stuck inside dead, and as we all regrouped, he d/c'ed and wasn't to return till we finished the quest :\ so it was just 5 of us, me (50 PLD), a BLM, 2 WHM's and a DRG (i think we were all 50 even). first we had to deal with tons of bats. had to keep killing them. then lightining and earth elementals kept spawing, making it difficult to pull/fight. the first 3 explosures... dropped nothing. the next, dropped 1 coal (we needed 2 at this point). finally the 5th, started doing self-destruct, which i shield bashed and cancelled, only for it to use it again like 5 seconds later, i used flat blade and a mage used brainshaker (i think that's the name) but alas it didn't stop it and killed me :P and this one dropped 2 coals. there went that 1 tnl i stared at for almost a week! oh well. only 500 till 51 now :P

learn from our mistake, don't take more than a full pt. too hard to keep everyone sneaked/invisi'd beyond the first gate, and watch that self destruct!!!
# Apr 30 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
wll i've been a long time troller here, but i thought i'd post on my papy experience. i had tried a few pts trying to get the papy, much to my dismay with little success. I finally get in aparty that wants to go in the long way, and we even go and get the tele- crystal in xarcarabard. Of course, as per usual, the papy drops on the second lich. We coninue to fight and after an hour and a half the party starts getting dismayed, our drk dropped 30 minutes ago and people want to go to sleep (they thought an hour would be enough for eveyone to get theirs ><). But then a 2nd papy drops and then something wonderful happens. I note how on the boards i've heard alot of time papys drop in a row. Of course, my prediction comes true and a 3rd papy drops immediately after. Then, the next lich drops a papy. 3 in a row. The next lich... doens't drop. Bu tthe one after him does! We get 4 papys our of 5 monsters in a row. I should note that after the third papy dropped we had a 48 thf join our pt and then the drg left and a rdm came in, so we had to get our last 6th one. Well 8 lichs later the 6th papy in shy of 3 hours dropped. I don't know if TH2 helped, my guess is it helped on that last drop, but not the 4 out of 5. That's just ridiculous ^^.
This Sux >.<
# Apr 29 2004 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
81 posts
There's many posts here and I'm sure lots of people have had similar exp's but, I've been hunting papyrus Alone for 2 Week's Strait and I havent even seen a Drop. Every party I've Joined has ended up with alot of people dead. If you read this and you've just broke lvl 45 remeber; Lich Hunting Parties ALWAY's ALWAY's come befor exp parties. A lich hunting party is so hard to find even for a Whm that if one comes up, take it. I've Heard of people quiting the game because of this Cap quest. Its very annoying even the small stuff like the mold and bomb Coal suck. The Important thing is to get a head start.
RE: This Sux >.<
# Apr 29 2004 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts

Edited, Sat May 1 01:58:43 2004
Theory on drop rates
# Apr 22 2004 at 7:47 PM Rating: Default
1,453 posts
'As these drops tend to be rare, it is recommended you start collecting these as early as possible.'

I really don't like this advice, but that's probably because I have something of a theory: Not having the quest active (that is, not being level 50 and not having spoken to Maat first) hurts your chances of a drop. Being Level 50 with the quest active helps your chance of a drop (a little bit).

This is purely a theory, based on observations when I was in parties that were 'not ready' (i.e. 48-49) for the quest and thinking they could collect all 3 items, and THEN level to 50, and THEN talk to Maat and continue being powerleveled to 51 when they can form their alliance for Genkai II. Unfortunately, such parties were a disaster, with 1-2 drops seen every 4-8 hours, and the usual ill-will and 'oh I got mine now I have to go' nonsense going on.

At another point I got into a party of four (high-level THF/WHM help, me and a 50PLD who'd started the quest). Second lich dropped the papyrus. First Bomb dropped 2 coals.

While far from scientific, I wonder if other people have noted in their parties who is actually eligible to complete the quest before attempting to get their items to drop? I'm willing to wager that a group of desperate 48-49s is going to see far less success than a fully-prepared group of level 50s.

In the end it's all luck and statistics. If this theory winds up being bogus...well...I'll delete the post. ^^;
RE: Theory on drop rates
# Apr 26 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
high-level THF/WHM help

I'm sure treasure hunter 2 had something to do with that...
RE: Theory on drop rates
# Apr 26 2004 at 7:44 PM Rating: Good
1,453 posts
I'm not saying it didn't ^^

But I've also been in parties with multiple 48-49 thieves (who have Treasure Hunter II) and the drops for the Exoray Mold were hardly better. Lots of Kindred's seals and mushrooms galore, but no Mold.

Again my solitary experience is hardly incontrovertible evidence of the theory. But again I'm willing to bet very good money that people who write up nightmare stories about abominable drop rates and repeated deaths are trying this before they're ready, and by 'ready' I mean 'at level 50 and with the quest active.'
RE: Theory on drop rates
# May 01 2004 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
210 posts
No, sorry...but there's nothing to your theory. Either that or there's a lot more too it. I was in a mold hunting party last night, where 5/6 of the members were level 50, and had accepted the quest. The only one who wasn't was a 45 THF. In four hours, we had a grand total of 2 mold droppings, two. It's a POS quest, period, and I think the only variable may be that the programmers decide "Hmm...I think exorays have been dropping a little too much mold. How about for the next few days, there's a 1/74 drop ratio".
# Apr 22 2004 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
4,221 posts
if you believe in karma, find a 50+ BRD who needs to do AF2. BRD AF2 is done on the glacier side right near lich. offer to join the BRD's PT/alliance if they could take some time to kill lich when they are done.

i helped my BRD friend with his AF2. Afterwards, the alliance stuck around to kill Lich. 1 lich and 1 drop. ^^ it was a full moon too.
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 20 2004 at 10:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I got the Bomb Coal & Exoray Mold the second time each dropped.
Stick with it
# Apr 19 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
Oh its much worse than the skull ... :/

It took me a combined total of about 10-12 (Three Parties) hours to get my Papyrus. In that time i saw 4 drop. Id say we killed a total of about 100 liches till i had to kill no more. The worst part is not getting them to drop but it is the lot to win it. I got VERY VERY lucky by beating a 941 lot with my 960. The best advice i can give is just stick with it, i know it is extremely boring and frustrating, but once its done, ITS DONE. And all the other limit quests are not this lame at all. And i definatly agree with the advice that you shuld lot no matter what, even if you just joined a pt that has been at it for a while. I say if you helped to kill the lich that dropped it, you have just as much right to lot as anyone else in your pt.
RE: Stick with it
# Apr 22 2004 at 3:37 PM Rating: Default
Well you know.. I might kick you out of the team for this.. if its your first kill of a litch and you just get in the team and loot, while I've been trying to get it for days.. and you just come and grab it under my nose.

I had this experience with a lvl 13 trying to get its bloody robe from the Bogy for sub job quest.
I was helping him, while I was killing leeches to get the carbuncle ruby. He wanted to lot the ruby.. if he had.. we would have kicked him out!
RE: Stick with it
# Apr 25 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Excellent
210 posts
Well, a level 13 lotting for a ruby is not the same thing as lotting for papyrus when you just joined the PT. First off, the level 13 was getting high level help (you) and not pulling his weight on either the bogy or the leech. He didn't need either at the moment, most definitely not the ruby. You could have killed it without him, in that way, he in no way had rights to the drops.

If you join a lich killing party, kill a lich, and it drops--if you are in the 47-50 level range that SHOULD be doing this quest, you should be pulling your weight in the kill. Now if they were killing one without you, and you got invited before reaching camp and a paper dropped, that's entirely different matter. You didn't help kill it, so you don't really have any claim to it.

People do not have a certain time that they "owe" of killing the mobs for the items, before they should gain rights to getting them. Most will have to fight a long time, and it might be courteous to pass and let someone else win, but it's also a dog eat dog world. This is an _extremely_ annoying quest, I'm on it currently, and I want to claw my eyes out. I'm lotting for anything that comes my way.
# Apr 18 2004 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
Ancient Papyrus was the hardest to get for me, it's either you're lucky or your not. I was VERY lucky and FORTUNATE to ask a JP player to help (65 PLD)

It is very helpful if you know any Japanese or have a English/Japanese translator book on you. I know very minimal japanese and that's what got the JP player to help me.

He was so nice and even changes his SJ to a THF. He was killing the Lichs at a slow rate so guess what he did next?... He invited his LS members full of 60+ jobs in the party (65PLD, 69 BLM, 67 BLM, 65 SAM, 67 DRK, and me 50 BLM) . I was like holly fawk! We went through 10 Lich's before getting the Drop, it took about 4 hours.

When I finally got it I typed DOMO! DOMO! DOMO! DOMO! I wish I could have given him somthing but I was flat broke =\ But if I ever see him again I'll be sure to send a trade or kneel down to him.

I also got a Key Drop and some RDM scrolls!

ADVICE FOR PAPYRUS (this is just from my experince) there is prob better advice out there

- Try and ask a high lvl player to help you 65+, some might charge up to 20k for the help =\.
- If you're gonna ask a JP player, know some japanese or get a translator book. It worker for me! Most of the time they wont help just cuz you dont speak their language jpns, chns, korn, etc.
- Don't even bother asking high WHM's, BLM's, BRD'S etc.(they can't hit worth shet) Look for PLD's, SAM's, MNK's, etc.
- I your gonna make a GENKAI party full of mostly lvl 50's careful.... There's always one person in the group that will agro something and get the whole party introuble or dead =\
- Try to have a lvl 50 THF for the treasure drop ability =)
- Someone posted a way to get to Necrop. going through East Ronf. > Korr. Tunn. > Beaud. Glac. > Necrop. I tired that way and I heard it's easier to camp for the Lich therem but I got lost in Beau. Glac. (no map- silly me) so I just went the easy way in Batilla Downs south to the enterance of Necrop.
-Goodluck and don't give up! I always got some tells for a Genkai PT, but it was easier for me to get it for myself. If you got some good friends or a nice LS go for the party!

SN: Doctorr
SERVR: Carbuncle

Edited, Sun Apr 18 05:59:28 2004
genki 1 help
# Apr 15 2004 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
i relly need help with genki 1 im in midgarssormr sever and if you can help/tell me eney time my persons name is badbabe k thanks ^^.i relly relly need the help ^^ my p
Name of the quest
# Apr 13 2004 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
This quest is called In defiant Challenge, NOT challenge the limit.
less then a day
# Apr 12 2004 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
I must be one lucky RDM. I got paper of 2nd Lich and won the lot. I stayed untill I got arggoed from an earth elemental while i was /sit ing with a stone 3. The others were fighting a lich and Just as i cast Warp I had 100 hp left. We stopped after that. Next in CN a LS RDM helped me kill 4 exorays..got my mold. BTW I was 50 he was 58 I think. Next stop GC. Meet another RDM there and we teamed to look for help. We never saw the Bomb. Someone Joined our party and before we could do anything.....YOU FIND A BOMB COAL ON <bombname> 1 minute later another bomb coal. In less then a day lvl 51! Started Saturday Night about 12:oo midnight. By 12:00 miday I was done , had to kill a bat to get my 1 exp and almost died but I did it. Now onto AF2 and lvl break 2. If you're not against getting help go for it, but know how to ask for it too. It doesnt hurt to know japanese also (-_-) o O 0 ( Gomenasai )
My Genkai 1 Experience
# Mar 29 2004 at 10:40 PM Rating: Excellent
466 posts
From what I'd read on here of others' experiences, I thought I was going to be in this for the long haul. Having xp'ed quite a bit in the CN, I had been fighting quite a few Exorays. I think I probably had seen 50+ exorays without a single mold drop. Last night I got my mold though, and level 50 shortly after.

So today I got on at around midday. High noon seemed right to pull up my britches and get going on this thing, for real. I managed to scrounge up a balanced party in about an hour or so: 47 (almost 48) - 50, with a nin/war blink tank and a war/nin backup blinker, rdm, whm, drk (thf sub, so we had TH1) and myself the mnk. We ported to Holla and off we went!

The Eldi Necro was our first stop. We went through the Pass and Glacier, only a few eyes, tigers and goblins aggroed in the Glacier, easily handled. Got to Bata Downs and into the Eldi Necro from there. We snuck past the dogs and other things (straight through the first cross intersection, then first right), then continued to our camp spot, which was through the next room with the Liches, Kas and Mummies into the tunnel. This tunnel is a great spot to camp because it also leads to another similar room to the one before it, which also spawns a treasure chest. We killed Liches, Mummies and the odd Ka for about 4 hours and got 6 papers, various Absorb scrolls (worth about 1-2k each) and a chest key, which we used to open the chest that spawned in the 2nd room - 3400 gil for everyone.

Next, we headed over to the CN - went to the Exoray room (that doughnut room that was described in a previous post, take a right instead of going straight to the secret room in that large cavern). Camped there for about an hour killing exos and got 3 molds, which was all we needed! I was amazed as everyone.. after not seeing a mold drop for so long before, they came damn quick, maybe 1 in 15!

Our final stop: Garbage Citadel! To get to the first banishing gate: turn left at the first cross intersection (watch holes), left at the fork, straight through the next cross (watch more holes), and then take a right and go down a bit and the gate'll be on your left. Go through the gate, take a right and follow that around until you can turn right again and go down the stairs. Make a left in the tunnel and there's a good camp spot past the next room in another tunnel - explos will spawn in the rooms beyond. These drop coals like crazy and it took us maybe ten minutes for all five we needed.

And that's it, done and done! All in all, not a bad experience - I nearly even levelled to 51 doing it and I still was in time for dinner. Thanks to: Kaervek, Digi 'call me k' (Digitalk), Zantos, Lightninglemur and Resist! They all stayed for everyone else, even though some didn't need some of the items. Great people, give them a shout and don't pass them up for a party if you're on Garuda!
Perma PT
# Mar 27 2004 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
Best way to do this quest, though the most difficult: Gather a PT dedicated to getting each of the 3 items, without a single person leaving or betraying the rest. Like I said, difficult to do. Start with the hardest item: the papyrus. I met a PT in CN willing to hunt these items with me, and we first tackled the mold since we were already fighting Exos. Instead of sticking around the usual Exoray area, that first large room where Soldiers and everything else spawn, we went to a small donut-shaped area, where about 5 dedicated Exorays spawn sites were. I don't have any of these exact pos's, so I apologize. We spent maybe 5 hours total, and collected 6 molds for everyone. The position is slightly dangerous, as we were right next to a spawn site and VERY far from any zoneline, but by keeping track of spawn timing and good communication, we didn't have significant issues. We more or less worked out the kinks in the PT.

Next, we headed to the southeastern Batallia entrance to EN. We knew the best entrance was the northwestern Batallia entrance, only accessible via Ranguemount Pass > Beaucidine Glacier, but we decided to try the easy way. I DO NOT recommend going this route. We couldn't find but 2 spawn sites, and the place was crawling with aggro creepies like Ka, Hell Hounds, Mummies, and whatnot. So we didn't stay for long. Next day we took the long route and found the entrance on a cliff standing above the rest of Batallia. Do not fall from this cliff unless you want to walk all the way around again. Enter into the zone, and there is a hallway with 6 spawn sites divided into 3 rooms. This is a nice, safe area with a nearby zone, but after camping here for 7 hours last night, we found 0 drops. The night ended with some bad moods and a hope for success the next day.

Started again this afternoon, but after seeing a PT had taken our first campsite, we decided to move deeper in. If you continue down that first hallway, then into a room with 2 Lich spawns and a few other doors in it, take the right-hand door. This will lead you into a large area with another 2 Lich spawns, 2 Mummy spawns and 2 Ka spawns. Continue right, into another hall, and you will now be in an area where there are no spawns, and none of the mobs even roam near you. This is where we could pull from all 10 spawn sites (4 at the beginning, 2 at the first large room, 2 at the second, and another 2 past your campsite hall). After 5 hours, we found 5 drops.

From all of this info, we hypothesized that the mobs that may drop more often are found deeper in the area you are hunting. Molds went faster when we found a deep area within CN, and papyruses went fairly fast when we found a deep area within EN.

Here's the significant part: We had NO WHM for Raise, and NO THF for TH. The PT was: BRD/WHM (me), PLD/WAR, RNG/NIN, SMN/WHM, DRK/WAR, and WAR/MNK. So, we had to be extra cautious to allow NO deaths, and extra patient to allow for NO Treasure Hunter. Thankfully, TH seems not to have been needed, and the occasion that our PLD died, we were fortunate to have a friendly RDM help us out.

Things that helped: 1) RNG. Widescan is invaluable when you are hunting for a mildly competitive item. 2) Team effort and honestly. A great group of players who deserve applause, they know who they are on the Leviathan server.

Next on the list: Bomb Coal, which I've heard is significantly easier that the other 2 items. Hope this post helps, and good luck to all.
RE: Perma PT
# Mar 29 2004 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Haha, being said SMN - you beat me to the post! =)

Two things to add to your awesome post:

1) That nice exoray spot we hunted at the second day - the exorays there are a bit more difficult. Dark Spore, which was hitting our PLD for 300ish the day before, was now hitting our PLD for 600+, just something to keep in mind.

2) I think we had a much easier time with that second (not quite near the zone) spot because we weren't fighting hell hounds or tomb wolves. These doggies are nasty, cause they disease, and with no WHM...eh. I had a blast here, because as SMN/WHM, I could be main puller, using my avatar and staying sneaked, and there wasn't a single link all night! All in all, as pleasant an experience as can be had, since we could concentrate on just liches instead of clearing the path to them. Keep in mind, yes you cn try cure pulling while sneaked - however, the liches will try casting on you 50% of the time (sometimes with ancient magic, like Tornado or Freeze) - if you get hit with a normal spell, you lose sneak, and agro everything else. If it starts casting ancient magic, you freak out and run, and possibly die. Poor carbuncle (designated puller) died quite a few times to ancient magic that night.

Anyway, again, awesome post friend - if you don't have that Bomb Coal next time I see you, I'll come help, so we can keep leveling!
Luck of the draw
# Mar 24 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
460 posts
Well this is not really a horror story like many of the above. Rather I was just lucky. Very very lucky. One of my LS members was in E N fighting Liches for the papyrus. The PT had been down there like 10 hrs straight trying to get it. I get there and The first Lich we fight drops it. I tell the PT that I should probably pass on the lot since I just got there and all. The whmg asks for it straight up...I think he's been down there a long time so i really can't blame him.
But the rest of the PT says no. We all have to lot for it because thats the way we've been doing it all along. So I lot 813 and take the item after being there 10 minutes. I felt bad. Shameful even, but after reading the nightmares posted here I felt at least I had avoided it.
I tell the group that I will stay as long as it takes for everyone to get there's. That would be easy enough seeing as I had been on like 20 minutes. So an hour goes by and we are fighting a Lich (the Liches are easy to kill, it's the hounds and stuff that agg you or pop right on you mid fight that suck). Well this is what happens.. we end up fighting 4 mobs at once and everyone is gonna die. I die first then, everyone is slowly getting killed. The Lich we were fighting drops the item and everyones dead and right before he dies my ls member cast lot on the paper( not knowing no one else lotted...he gets it. Our whmg had left already...tele dem. We get a raise from Cgdream....a badass whmg on Diabolos (BIG UPS CGDREAM!!) And he helps us get out alive.

By the way in E N I dropped down a hole at one point..I had sneak and it lasted so I lived and while I was down there I saw a scary mob. This was my first time there. I saw warriors that I thought were player charaters. I waled up to one to check him out and he had red glowing eyes. His name was "Ka" on my way back up I saw many of these mobs, all seemed to have a different name. At one point a guy in our PT lost his sneak near one and it agged him and killed him in one hit then walked right back to the original spot just stood there. Freaky as hell. What are these mobs called and has anyone fought them?

Edited, Wed Mar 24 11:54:25 2004
# Mar 23 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
Strange. This mission was called "In Defiant Challenge" in my log. Perhaps because I'm from San d'Oria or something... could someone else verify the name?
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 23 2004 at 12:32 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sorry, have to vent a bit...
RE: Bad Lich
# Mar 29 2004 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
First of all, I would definitely not recommend having a bunch of high levels do it for you as you sit at the zone. If you start doing this at level 46, not only will you get the drop on your own (static PT recommended) but you will get awesome exp! Ugh, I hated having to "compete" with 5 high levels helping up some schmuck at the zoneline when we were doing liches.

Funny though, all of us got our papers before that idiot at the zoneline got his. Our liches were better I guess =P
RE: Bad Lich
# May 25 2006 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
In my experience (and other friends), the closer your job level is to the mob from which you're trying to get the drop, the more likely it will drop. This is most likely why your group got the drop before the schmuck with the high level help. I duoed the exoray mold item with a BST friend of mine, and it didn't take too long. We are going to attempt all 3 that way.
Freaking Lich!!!
# Mar 15 2004 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
/em slaps SE.

i hate this quest.. trick: get a high lvl to help. i pted for 10+ hours today trying to get paper... (lich ) saw about 8 drop... funny thing is.. the person gets the drop.. and just suddenly has to leave... then u are forced to replace them or something else... if u are a drk you will have a really hard time.. seeing as half of your magic support is wasted.. and ur 2hr doesnt drain anything.. so its shafted even MORE... but over all.. i will kill whoever made this dam quest up.. and get a high lvl to help me because most of the people on my server at this lvl are either:
A: *****
B: busy
C: dont speak english so wont help
D: greedy as hell ( i was told from several people that they would only help for 50k )

main stratagy:
no matter what, lot on the dam paper
get a high lvl to help
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 03 2004 at 1:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) man im tired of seeing we done this and we done that. It is easlier if you can find one high lvl person to help just you, doing it in parties are just too crazy. I got my exoray mold unexpectedly. But im having a hard time getting the other two items. The bomb blew me up three times, my tachi: habaku did not work, neither flatblade from the tank. Lich wasn't a prob to kill just impossible drop. From the three days i have tried i've only seen one drop, thats over 10 hours maybe of trying. Last time i went me and my buddy about gave up. more so him than me, he has been trying for 3 weeks and didn't have one item, he was ready to quit the game. We got this lvl 59 drk to help, we were raping the mobs. first kill a paprus dropped, but i lost the lot. My friend got his first item in three weeks, im sure if he didn't get it that time he would have snapped.
RE: bah
# Mar 14 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
uh... where's the fun in basically just getting someone else to do it for you? Unlike you, most people enjoy taking the hard way out, and actually working for their stuff.

For instance, my highest level is a Lv44 warrior. My playtime is somewhere around 52-53 days. now in 25-30 days, people should be around 50-55 (or so I've observed). I've also taken a lot more time to missions and quests that I've done on my own, and exploring on my own, and dying for trying to get throughareas that were too high of a level.

My point is this. Don't tell us how to play, and we won't tell you how to play. Deal?
RE: bah
# Mar 20 2004 at 12:05 AM Rating: Excellent
726 posts
uh... where's the fun in basically just getting someone else to do it for you? Unlike you, most people enjoy taking the hard way out, and actually working for their stuff.

Actually most people would prefer to be power-levelled and get high-level help for everything that's difficult in this game. I play WHM and I get at least 3 power-level requests per day. I'm assuming these people are migrating from b.net... Others, like me (and I assume Izonthrall, although I don't know him personally) DO enjoy the process of questing and working towards a goal with others.

Oh, and Izonthrall didn't actually tell us how to play did he? He just said it is easier to get a high-level friend to help, and he's absolutely right. Faster killing = more killing = more chance of a drop by law of average. No-one's telling us how to play, just relating personal experience and making a suggestion. Consider that before telling us what to say.

I also want to give whoever came up with this type of quest a peice of my mind. Searching for hours, days, for an extremely rare drop is not fun. Meanwhile, your job's progess is frozen. In other words, your ability to progress past level 50 is based on luck. That doesn't seem like a good system to me.

Edited, Sat Mar 20 00:10:37 2004
i'll say this..
# Feb 27 2004 at 1:39 AM Rating: Default
none of them are that hard.. if you can get static group.

it's not that papers don't drop. i've had 20 + of them drop over a week of parties. Problem is wining a lot, and people staying after they get theirs.

A staticv party of people wiling stay till the yget it, even if it's some time over few days all you need. When you keep replacing people who got paper, with those who don't is what kills you. As for high lvl help, i wouldn't count on it. I'm sick of liches after week trying, i can certianly understand why no one wants come back.
RE: i'll say this..
# Feb 27 2004 at 9:48 AM Rating: Default
Where is is the best part of Eldieme to camp liches? I was in a spot yesterday for 9 hours with 1 drop, but we were also having to kill hounds wolves and fallen's inbetween each lich. If anyone can give me the location for a better place to camp I would appreciate it.
RE: i'll say this..
# Feb 27 2004 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
go to the entrance from beaucedine glacier (to battalia downs). you can only get to that entrance from beaucedine.

i got 4 papyrus parchments in about 2.5 hours. the spot we were in was safe and had decent spawning.

Edited, Fri Feb 27 23:36:16 2004
RE: i'll say this..
# Apr 07 2004 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
277 posts
Yes, the entrance via glacier is the best. We got 6 papyrus within 4 hours. Make sure you get the map from the sandorian quest "her magesty's garden" so you don't get lost on the way there. In fact, with a lvl 49 THF in the group, we somehow managed to get 6 papyrus and only 3 chest keys.

I thought the hardest part was trying to get the damn mold from the exorays that would 1 hit kill some of our party members from full health from their specials. It took us 3 days to get everyone in my static party the stupid mold.
Getting help
# Feb 18 2004 at 3:50 AM Rating: Default
It seems many people when I have asked for help from (that are lvl 51 or 52) merely say to get high level help which for some reason seems to have caused a severely small pool of people to ask to join you if your trying to get at doing liches. So if your thinking you'll be able to finish this within a few days of starting you will probably go completely insane.
# Feb 16 2004 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
once you hit lvl 50..do u continue gaining exp or how does that work?
RE: EXP...
# Feb 25 2004 at 1:49 AM Rating: Excellent
29 posts
You gain exp until 1 TNL, ie. it stops at 7799 of 7800.
Title Granted
# Feb 07 2004 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
Title Granted: Horizen Breaker
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 04 2004 at 5:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I got help from LV70MNK/35THF and guess what? the first lich he killed dropper that ancient crap :)
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 23 2004 at 12:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) There's always some clown that has to post how fast he got a rare this or rare that. The fact is you don't pwn your just lucky and most people will have to kill these monsters for days to get the item they need. So save your time and boast elsewhere because your post is useless.
RE: I pwn
# Feb 29 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Default
Man you sound mad. Take it easy bro.

RE: I pwn
# Mar 09 2004 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Well that's what happens when you camp Liches for hours on end and see a bunch of people get their paper before you and then leave the party. Tends to **** a fella off.

Here's what happened to me:

I spent 4 days in The Eldieme Necropolis trying to get the Ancient Papyrus. I saw at least 8 of them drop and I didn't lot for over 200 for a single ******* one, I **** you not. Last night it was me, my SPT (I'm the only one that needs to finish Genkei 1), and a random WHM helping out (they needed paper too) and we were alone in Eldieme. After a little while of consistently killing Liches and me white knuckling the mouse after every kill to see what treasure dropped, we got PAPER and the WHM asked if he should let me have it. The party told him to go ahead and lot. I lotted 161 and he won the lot with something in the 500s. ******* great. The WHM mentions he has an hour left after originally stating 2 hours. ******* great. We keep chaining Liches and after a while the WHM says he has to go in 5 minutes. 2 Liches later the paper finally ******* drops. Smiles all around.
RE: I pwn
# Mar 09 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
Man do I ever owe you a big "I'M SORRY. I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND!!!"

I've been doing this quest for 2 days now. Not too bad. I spent most of my time helping others and I got all but the easiest item to get (Did the hard one's first.)

And then the drama begins... OMFG....

I set out to get this bomb thingy alone b/c the people that I just spent 4 hours helping bailed on me after getting the mold. I was like okay cool, I understand your tired (but so am I... I've been wasting my day here - With you.)

So I get to the Citadel and begin my search for support. I play at night so there aren't many NA players online. I'm thinking to myself "This shouldn't be too bad. This is a quick item to get." and 45 min later no help. So I'm desperate now. There are like 65 people in the Citadel mostly higher and in PT's. I ask around to no avail.

Few min later a lvl 50 pt stolls in -guess what they're looking for? So I ask the leader JACOBINS to ally with me. I mean it's not gonna hurt. The bomb drops like 3 at a time. No reply. So I ask PUUC the group White Mage (Who I've pt'd with before, and thought was a good guy). No reply for 5 min, then he says "Ask Jacobins, he's the leader."

Hey long story short, they were done in like 10 min no lie, then ran past me on the way out and warped. At this point I almost threw my key board threw my monitor.

So I'm still not done, going on day 3.

Lesson's learned:
Get your stuff first.
Get your stuff first.
Get your stuff first.

And when PvP come's out, find JACOBINS & PUUC!!!

Edited, Tue Mar 9 19:20:41 2004
# Feb 03 2004 at 8:30 AM Rating: Default
Where in Garliage are the Explosures?
RE: where?
# Feb 06 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Default
They're past the first banishing gate so you need at least 4 people to open the door to get to them. They explode for 900+ damage so make sure you have barfira and a beefy tank...
RE: where?
# Feb 07 2004 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
the dmg of there self destruct is random just got done fighting them and the 1st time took 756dmg and the next time only too 75dmg but it is totally random but you can stop self destruct the same way you can stop a goblin's bomb toss ex. Tachi: Hobaku, Shield Bash, ect
RE: where?
# Feb 27 2004 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
just to add your facts are bogus- bomb blow up much like goblin bombs(when they drop on them selfs) are not random dmg dmg is based on how much life the monster has when it kills it self. just like nin 2 hour from what i know of ninjas-- ez battle drops often blow up can be a killer. a bst is great for this have him charm a bat and watch the fire works!
RE: where?
# Mar 02 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
211 posts
Okay, your reply is actually incorrect. Goblins can have slivers of life left and still devistate a party. They can also suicide and still kill the whole party. Bombs are exactly the same, it is a random amount except for defense of fire. I am a lvl 50 Ninja, last time I used my two hour in a tough battle I was at 16HP and did damge for 650.
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