Chocobo's Wounds  

Submitted by:Chuckles of Midgardsorm
Start Area: Upper Jeuno
Start NPC:Brutus (G - 7)
Related Areas:Dangruf Wadi
Min Level:20
Max Level:75
Reward:Chocobo Licence
(Average from 47 ratings)
Items Required:Gausebit Wildgrass
Title Obtained:Chocobo Trainer
Items Granted:Chocobo License
Last Updated: Wed Feb 16 15:11:38 2011

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Help nurse the chocobo back to health. It seems to have suffered both mentally and physically. Gausebit wildgrass may do the trick.


The first time you talk to Brutus, he will give you the quest "Chocobo on the Loose!" After watching the cutscene, talk to him again to get the quest "Chocobo's Wounds."

You absolutely MUST be at least level 20 to do this quest. Anyone who tells you otherwise is mistaken. Brutus will not give you the quest if your current job level is lower than 20.

After talking to Brutus (or before, whatever), you need to get four clumps of Gausebit Wildgrass. You will try and feed the sick chocobo the grass. You can get the grass by killing Wadi Hares in Dangruf Wadi, or Crane Flies in Meriphataud Mountains. You can also buy Gausebit Wildgrass off of the Auction House. It is listed under Weapons -> Ammo & Misc -> Pet Items. (Yes, Chocobo food is listed under the Weapons category. -_-)

Many players often get confused and think that you're supposed to feed the chocobo Gysahl Greens instead of Gausebit Wildgrass. This is wrong. Gysahl Greens will not work. You have to feed the chocobo Gausebit Wildgrass.

The quest can take up to six real world hours to complete. You must feed (or attempt to feed) one clump of Gausebit Wildgrass to the Chocobo every game day (one game day is equal to about one hour in real life). If you feed one clump at the end of a game day, you do not have to wait a full hour to feed the next clump. You only need to wait until the next game day. However, if you feed a clump at the beginning of a game day, then you WILL have to wait a full hour, since you will have to wait for the next game day before you can attempt to feed the Chocobo the next clump of grass.

In total, you must attempt to feed the Chocobo six times. However, you will only need four clumps of grass because the Chocobo will refuse your first two attempts.

Day 1 - The Chocobo rejects the food and refuses to eat.

Day 2 - The Chocobo rejects again (1 real hour later).

Day 3 - The Chocobo will accept this time (1 real hour later).

Day 4 - The Chocobo eats again (1 real hour later).

Day 5 - The Chocobo will eat again (1 real hour later).

Day 6 - The Chocobo will eat for the final time and you will get the license.

You do not have to be logged in every hour to do this quest, and they do not have to be consecutive hours, either. In other words, you can feed the chocobo once, then log off for several hours, then come back and feed the next clump of grass. Also, you cannot go up and continuously try to feed all four clumps of grass to the chocobo at once. You must wait at least one real-life hour (or until the next game day) between each feeding attempt.


This page last modified 2010-02-13 11:44:02.
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# Mar 05 2004 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
254 posts
I decided to run from Windurst to Jeuno, taking the route through Sauromugue, even though people warned me of the dangers. Well, I switched to a lvl 1, just like the posts here said, but still couldn't make it. Pretty much everything there is aggressive, and the roads were packed with mobs. I ended up asking for help, but wouldn't you know that sneak and invisible wouldn't work on me! They'd wear off after a second each time. I'm guessing it's because I was lvl 1. My advice: if you plan to go through Sauromugue, don't switch to lvl 1 if you're going to ask for help.
RE: sauromugue
# Mar 09 2004 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
I took the same path as a lvl 1. I stuck to the road whenver possible and made it after 1 failed attempt. Make sure you use the homepoint in Meriphataud Mountains.
RE: sauromugue
# Mar 22 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
254 posts
Yeah, unfortunately, the beastmen owned the area, so there was no HP... :( Maybe I should have just waited.
wrong answer
# Mar 04 2004 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
i need to get the boat right? if i anwser wrong ?
thx^^for help
Speaking of chocobos...
# Feb 23 2004 at 11:45 PM Rating: Default
Why do that quest when you could just run around dandruf wadi like a mouse searching for cheese =P
but seriously, who would've guessed you have to get on a stream of water to get to a secret area to find the hidden wadi hares? I was in dandruf wadi for at leat a hour before someone told me that i wasn't supposed to kill hoarder hares, but wadi hares. I'm still on this quest and man does it take long(i think we all know that).

Job and level:20 red mage
Get a map of Dangruf
# Feb 07 2004 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
Reply to the last post. Do this quest from Bastok Markets to get the map of Dangruf Wadi The Bare Bones.

Im currently in the process of getting the license and bought the grass from the AH in Jeuno for about 850 gil apiece. Gl to you.
new chocobo?
# Feb 07 2004 at 1:46 PM Rating: Default
I've heard that it's possible to get a new chocobo from the Crags, on the way back from Jeuno. Is this true, and if so, how is it done?
Chocobo Quest
# Feb 06 2004 at 3:07 AM Rating: Default
i ran as a wht lvl 1 from Sandoria 2 La thiene 2 Jugner forest 2 Battalia going to upper jueno ... so easy but once u run dont stop dont look behind so so easy
# Feb 02 2004 at 2:15 AM Rating: Default
If your on Fairy Server you probably have seen the naked lvl 1 Mithra that runs from Windurst to Bastok (nice relaxing boatride inbetween) solo. Also, once in while making a trip to San d'oria from Selbina as well.

Yah, the one that everyone is always doing a Check on and going "What the??? Your only level one what are you doing out here." Has even made the run up to Jueno from Windurst. The amazing thing is no deaths except to get back to Home Point set at the Mog House (Intentional death, duh).

That would be me Zandaria of Windurst owner of the FortuneSeekers LS.

I have no clue why people find it so strange or even the nerve to try to say that a player should not venture out "Because, well um your to low level." These trips with some planning and expecting everything to hate you and attack on site are completly doable. They actually can be quite a fast journey. However, once you start running you cannot stop and have to watch every angle. So far only real area that posed much of a problem was the Sand Bats in the tunnel in the dunes going toward Selbina. Luckily I scoped out enough to see them aggro non-aggresive players. Best way through is wait for a unexpecting person and let them draw all the bats and dont look back.

Just be cautious of siblings that are on auto-follow and have fallen asleep at the keyboard. Luckily that ordeal went well, but thats another story.
Easy time getting there
# Feb 01 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Default
Well I ran to Jeuno tonight for this quest. It really is no problem. As long as you carefully avoid going near ANYTHING that you don't know to be non-agro, any route is safe. I made my char level 1 job to be safe, but I won't bother if I do this again. Just be watchful as you run and it's no trouble.
Where to get grass
# Jan 29 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Default
You can also get the grass from Crane flies in the northern part of Merph. mountains near the outpost. It's much easier than Wadi if you're coming from Windurst. I did it as a 20th lvl whm and had a 19th lvl monk and we got 8 grasses in about an hour and a half.
500 a pop
# Jan 14 2004 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
If you don't feel like walking and hunting; the gausebit grass are available at the AH for 500gil in the misc section. That's what I would have liked to read. :)
RE: 500 a pop
# Feb 01 2004 at 4:47 AM Rating: Default
if you plan on buying the grass when you get to jeuno, might wanna think again at 1000 gil. better of risking your neck and get them yourself.
Stop the rudness please
# Jan 13 2004 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
It makes me sick to here people talk down to others just because they are asking a simple question. Just because you've played a million other mmorpgs that doesn't mean you are a god. Some people don't know what agro's and what doestn't. Please try to be a little less elitest and a little more understanding to newcomers to this genre. I found when I started playing EQ one of the things that drew me to that type of game was the cool people I met there. Be one
of those people for someone else so that they will find what I found in this kind of game. This is a community, none of it would be possible if the guy ahead of you didn't help you out.
the trip to Jeuno
# Jan 07 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Excellent
182 posts
Wanna avoid losing EXP on your run to Jeuno? No problem. Set your home point as close to Jeuno as you can, while still maintaining safety for your ~20 character (for Windursters, this would be Meri Mountains, south). Go to your nation's Mog House and change to a level 1 job. Go outside and get killed (losing no EXP). You will reappear at the home point. Now run carefully. If you die, no problem -- no EXP lost, and you reappear relatively close to Jeuno anyway. When you get to Jeuno, rent a room and change back to your ~20 job. No risk of losing EXP, and the Chocobo license will be yours!

yurik (Unicorn) MNK/20 WAR/8 -- Windurst
RE: the trip to Jeuno
# Jan 25 2004 at 1:17 AM Rating: Default
that could still result in hours upon hours of trying to get there.
In regards to the run
# Jan 06 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
Ran up to Juno for fun at lvl 15 Monk... Bought some good lvl 18-20 armor much cheaper than the other towns I had been. Tried to run back the other day to do this quest at 20monk/10thf... Died 4 times and LVL down to 19 :( I was so Pissed.. When I finally made it to Jeuno at lvl 19 I couldn't Buy a good party that would take me in to get the peddy 600xp I needed to get back to LVL 20....

Getting back to my point. I just wanted to say. Luck plays a big part in the run up to Jeuno. Learn from me, Turn your computer off when it isn't your day!
Get the greens first!
# Jan 05 2004 at 12:20 AM Rating: Default
Getting into and out of Jueno at level 20 is not joke. Go to the wadi and get the greens or expect to pay about 3-5K gil at the AH for the greens!

Dystar, Ifrit.
# Jan 02 2004 at 2:44 PM Rating: Default
For the road, take the boat at selbina it'll sail you right to mhaura.
# Jan 02 2004 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
Hi everyone!

Can some one tell me what to do if i anwser wrong on brutus question?

# Dec 30 2003 at 7:42 PM Rating: Default
I cant find the greens!

lv22 redmage/lv11 Warrior
Kujata server
RE: ?!
# Jan 24 2004 at 9:57 AM Rating: Default
G7 in the wadi. (Wadi Hares)
RE: ?!
# Mar 07 2004 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
E-7 is another good place for greens
# Dec 30 2003 at 7:41 PM Rating: Default
I did the jugner route and a sabertooth got me. I find the marshes route way eaiser. Jus get past the marlboros.
Good LORD.
# Dec 29 2003 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
262 posts
Good LORD, those complaining about trouble getting to Jeuno, stop. Just stop. I made it there waaaay back when I started playing, and I did it at level 3. So there. =P I was one of the first to get there...or even know it WAS there. XD

Just avoid everything, pretty much. I found the Valkurm ---> La Thiene ---> Jugner Forest ---> Batillia Downs route easiest...the Windurst route is horrible, and Rolanberry is highly dangerous.
RE: Good LORD.
# Jan 10 2004 at 12:18 AM Rating: Default
hehe ya, at level 14 i ran to jeuno for kicks, all alone XD. even from windurst i nearly made it, but a skink caught me last min in sauromugue ;_;. anyways, its def doable... jus takes a hella lota concentration.. i did it with no one else in the area XD, and only one death
# Dec 29 2003 at 10:27 AM Rating: Default
I think a lot of people are confused. You MUST be level 20 to do the quest. The update only lowers the level for riding chocobos to lvl 15. Yes it does sound weird but it's mainly so you can actually ride a chocobo without raising your subjob to level 20. Repeat...you MUST be level 20 to do the quest. I'm a level 21 RDM/10 WAR and I got to Jeuno EASILY from Bastok (with only Sneak). Make your way from Bastok to S. Gusta ===> N. Gusta ==> Konschat Highlands ==> Valkurm Dunes ==> La Thienne Plateau ==> Jugner Forest ==> Batilla Downs ==> Upper Jeuno and you're there. Just avoid Sabertooth tigers, Orcs, and Gobs when you're in Batilla Downs and you should be safe. I made it through the Downs without a map safely. Just head north for a bit along the road and then head East and a bit South.
the easiest waay
# Dec 29 2003 at 4:33 AM Rating: Default

sneak will help alot here too...
never got attacked and im lv 20/7
A little bit faster way
# Dec 28 2003 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I think you can do it in 5 hours 1 min if you are that fast on trading. I did it in 5 hours and 5 min....

The thing is the game does not track when u give the grass to chocobo, it uses in game time to track. So the first two grass you can actually do it within 10 min, then the rest will be 1 hour after each other.

I arrived at stable around 23:00 in game time, I gave it once, then after 0:00, everything reeset, I gave another one, that count two already since it's a day passed...

After I found out that, I went to do some quests or lvling instead of standing in front of the chocobo and wait.. I did the same thing for the 3rd and 4th one and also the 5th and the 6th one so I have a bigger gap inbetween to do somethign else. otherwise, walking back and forth in FFXI might already cost player that hour...

just my 2 cents :)
Oh good lord ><
# Dec 25 2003 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
The Connection Map is your friend.
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 23 2003 at 3:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok not sure if this has been mentioned but one game day is 2 hours Real Time. 2 secs RT equals one tick. Don't beleive me check it out. So every 2 hours you can feed the chocobo.
RE: Time needed to complete
# Dec 24 2003 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
One game day is one hour. I don't know what this guy is talking about. The quest description is correct, it takes 6 hours if you do it all at once.
# Dec 22 2003 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
do you have to go to jeuno and get the quest before the wadi hares drop the grasses? or can u just go to dangorf wadi and kill hares and then bring the grasses to jeuno?
RE: ??
# Dec 23 2003 at 6:21 PM Rating: Default
well, it'd make sense that, like the subjob quest, you could get the grass from the hares before you get the quest. But, it's possible that you DO have to; me and my friend, 18whm/9war and 20war/??? killed roughly 20-50 wadi hares for about an hour and not a single shred of grass dropped. I just bought the stupid grass from the AH in bastok, 600-800 gil each. easy =P
RE: ??
# Dec 30 2003 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
147 posts
No you can get the grasses in the wadi before you go. In fact, I would highly suggest you do that since it's a long trip!
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