Third eyes normal cast/duration is 60 seconds. While using Seigan it reduces the cast time/duration to 30 seconds not 30 to 15 like post states. Third eye wears off at the duration weather you take a hit or not. Third eye was basicaly a nearly useless ability until Seigan. Now it has allowed SAM to farm alot more eficiently. Also it is posible to take more attacks directed at you. inother words you can "Tank" although i still dont recomend it. The new third eye stacked with SAeigan is pretty random not like NIN blink which is a certain number of hits iregardless. you could lose seigan on first hit or you could counter,parry,anticipate,every attack directed at you. Way to random for my tastes. Also SAM doesnt have to many abilitys to help hold hate so if you got a SAM tank i hope you got a THF and a good WHM couse SAM gets hit HARD.
IMOLE Carbuncle server 62 SAM and rising.