Passive Ability details for Magic Attack Bonus I  

Jobs/Level:Red Mage, lvl 20
Black Mage, lvl 10
MP cost:0
Cast time:Instant
Target Type:Single
Description:Increases the damage of offensive spells.

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let's think about this...
# Nov 18 2005 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Look at your traits, unlike treasure hunter you do not get MAB2, u just get MAB once in the menu. Each consecutive time you get a MAB, it increases the effectiveness of MAB. This is like dual wield and resist traits. You don't get new traits each time you get it, your trait is just improved.
Also, the trait says "Improves power of magic spells" for both rdm and blm. It does not say "Increases the damage of offensive spells." I hate to disappoint the allakhazamists out there, but this site in not all knowing.

Edited, Fri Nov 18 17:45:47 2005
# Nov 14 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
wtf if ne1 here has a blm then they would know that alla made a mistake in calling rdm's job trait and blm's job trait different things. they are both called magic attack bonus I, II and III. so dont post when you have no idea wth ur talking about. so in other words, unless you have lvled blm and rdm, dont post your theories that you have never tested
#REDACTED, Posted: May 10 2005 at 8:24 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ivé noticed that most<not all> w3hm's have bad attitudes as if being the most boring class in the game gives them the right to act selfe rightous. any comments?
# Oct 25 2004 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
Think about Strength and Attack
Blm's MAPU is like the streghth, it increases your MAX. damage. Say your stone would normally do 20-30 damages and MAPU will increases it to 23-33
RDM's is like Attack,. Say your stone would normally do aveage 25 damages, by having this MAU, it will increases to 28.
RE: ..
# Sep 26 2005 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
Rdm and Blm both get Magic Attack Bonus, and they both do the same thing.

The same magic "ie Black Magic, Enfeebling Magic, etc" has the same modifiers and the same modifications with those modifiers regardless of job. Int will do the same thing to Black Magic if you're Rdm, Blm, Rdm/Blm, Blm/Rdm, or maybe Smn/Blm for those of you that think you can nuke, and the odd War/Blm who think War/Whm isn't gimp enough for them.

And "MAPU" isn't a Job Ability/Trait for ANY job, although it describes what this trait does.

OK i read some other things and found out that Alla had Blms thing as Magic Attack Power Up and Rdms as Magick Attack Up (or possibly vice versa) and now i see where you guys are getting this, but its the same trait.

Edited, Mon Sep 26 23:57:08 2005
I'd like to Know
# Aug 23 2004 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
983 posts
Is this the same as Magic Attack Power Up I (the blm ability)? and if not, what's the difference and will they stack?
RE: I'd like to Know
# Sep 26 2005 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
Blms get Magic Attack Bonus I-III, but no "MAPU" that all of you seem to have from somewhere.
# May 06 2004 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
I don't think this is same as BLM's MAPU. think of it this way, BLM skill affect is as if you add on more INT taking magic resistance of the target into account, where as RDM skill add on directly onto dmg without taking magic resistance of the target into account. so they stacks in sense of what they do in the end but not in sense of performing the same function.
# Apr 19 2004 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
88 posts
As I hear it, the SECOND magic attack+ you get from BLM stacks, the first does not. No idea how to confirm this though. Got this info from gamefaqs RDM guide.
# Jan 17 2004 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
162 posts
No, it won't stack.
# Jan 15 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Default
Does this stack with Black mage Magic Attack up? I'm subbing a black mage and it only appears once on my passive job abilities list...
someone told me that it does stack though.. anyone know?
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