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Guide To Levelling WormFollow

#77 Aug 18 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
211 posts
I think I heard about him Seriha, he became the ruler of Jeuno.
#78 Aug 23 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
224 posts
Bumped for funni.
Something witty.
#79 Aug 23 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
291 posts
I am still stuck leveling bird till I can unlock giant bird.
#80 Aug 23 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
I do *not* appreciate snorking coffee out my nose first thing in the morning...

Thanks, I needed that. Really.
#81 Aug 23 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
182 posts
On a related note...

A lot of people dislike trying out BCNM quests because of the frequent problems of PC's coming in ill prepared and you winding up killing the pack. For pity's sake, half the time only one person in your team will get to bite the bullet and the rest of you slaughter the PC's in an instant.

It's a shame, because you get to drop some really sweet things, and the orbs they trade can be traded for drop seals. I think I've found the secret, though...

BCNM 40's seem to have better prepped parties than most. Also, they will do them over and over and over, and you hardly need to carry a full drop list for every time. In fact, you can carry only half of what you really need. Thry'll come back every time... even if you're out of drops! (I don't reccomend this, though, other players will refuse to party with you.)

Oh, and does anyone have a good Aggro FAQ out there? You know, how to keep from being distracted from the Tank when one of those DRK's takes a BIG hit out of you or a WHM pulls off a big heal? I STILL want to know how Gaffnix kept focused on that Paladin when the WHM with her trigered Benidiction, I doubt I could do that.

#82 Aug 23 2005 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
182 posts
Metah wrote:
I think they need to gimp Crawlers.

Agreed, I mean, they can Defense Boost maaaaan!!
Metah wrote:
I think they need to gimp Crawlers.

Agreed, I mean, they can Defense Boost maaaaan!!

Oh, come on.... Yeah, Crawlers get some pretty sweet abilities, and you look really scary... but you only get to drop smooth stones, Calculi, and once in a while a silk thread. And THAT"S what PC's are targeting you for, Silk. And silk is EXPENSIVE.

Crawlers pay a lot for their popularity. It's a demanding job, and for the most part you're not even allowed to aggro-- you're farm fodder. And they haven't a lot of use endgame, IIRC...
#83 Aug 23 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
233 posts
^^ cute and funny.. I like it!
#84 Aug 23 2005 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Personally I like Bee. There is always someone in any of the areas we can spawn in that is after a beehive chip or two. Plus I like being able to hit quickly. Hehe....there was this one drg/whm that thought he could take me in CN, but he didn't realize how fast I could hit him. Everytime he tried to dia I'd hit him just hard enough to interrupt him. hehehehe good times as a wasp ^^

Edit: I just got Bee to 37 so I don't have to lvl it anymore, does anyone know where I can start the Fly Flag Quest?

Edited, Tue Aug 23 18:22:10 2005 by Leamsi
#85 Oct 24 2005 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,426 posts
#86 Oct 25 2005 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
547 posts
edit : multipost

Edited, Wed Oct 26 02:00:50 2005 by Genova
#87 Oct 25 2005 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
547 posts
I have been telling people about this for ages that there are places that you can solo with worms and still get good xp/hr.

I have been thinking of making a guide but havent gotten around to it, so I'll just post the info I ahve here. the only reason I suggest lvling off worms it that if anything goes bad just walk out of agro range and np after that the mob will not chase you, will go underground to heal and lose agro, I have lvled my SMN like this while I was looking for PTs. I mean you can get Chain 2/3 of 150-180 xp from just T worms, being a BST it helps to know abouta the places to lvl of the worms....

as for lvlng guide it doesn list quite few more places that contain worms such as maze, and Attowah Chasam.

1-12 Geddeus but there is quite a bit of agro here you have to keep an eye out for Yagudo ptroling the tunnels.

12-30 Maz will take you starting off with maze makers and then moving over to Abyss worms in the lower lvls.

30-38 Attowah Chasam the worms here are around the chasam and in the side tunnel, firstly when you zone over you might need sneak since the Heckeyes in starting tunnel are more likly to agro you, by cahsam a Airelemetal spawn but mostly its taken careoff when Highlvl people run by.

38/39-47 the worms in eastern and western altep deserts, these worms only come out during the night, also being spread around the map is a major drawback to xp/hr.

47-65 you can kill the worms in quicksand caves agian there is alot of agro here, there are 2 tiers of worms in this area, the antican and cactuar will agro to sound.
when getting close to 60s it would be wise to leave this place if its not working that good for you. depends when you want to leave this place.

55-69 you can go to Kuftal tunnel are alternative to the ones in quicksand caves. agian there are 2 tiers of worms that you could lvl on, the second tier will have agro mobs around it, also I am not totally sure if Guvier runs by the second tier worms.

55-70 the alternative to Kuftal tunnel is the ulegurand range there are 2 tiers or worms here agian as the lower lvl worms are near the enternce and the higher tier worms are by thousandfall caves, Careful going for the caves since you have to run by the Dragon.

hmmm... seems like I am hijacking Magical pony's post XD, but there you have it alternate staring points on worms. I will later post a full thread with all the possible lvling spots with those worms, I think I am missing some of the starting off places. the info about worms lvl from 50-70 is from ffxi.cannotlinkto. As for me I personally attend to lvl my NIN of the worm as Subjob, seems recently the PT stink at lower lvls.
#88 Oct 25 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
439 posts
Look, you guys are going about it all wrong.

If you want to level Worm or any other job (unless you already have something Endgame and want to level a Beastman now...or you buy gil), there's a simple way to do it.

Post a guide to adventurers showing where you are, what you -could- drop (with the really good drops, we only have to tease them with an occasional hit), and how easy it would be.

For instance, have you noticed that even after SE modified Rangers they (and everyone else with a long ranged attack) can still farm Worms?

With the longest range bows, they can still step-n-shoot at us from the earliest levels, and once they can sub Utsusemi, they only have to move when we throw a -ga spell...the rest of our stuff just misses.

Used to, Rangers would go up against anything...then they got nerfed, and now it's back to playing with -stationary- targets...now why do you suppose that happened?

Could it possibly have been because Worm Players had a talk with SE about getting a little love?

The rest of you, don't be afraid to ask SE for an adjustment somewhere.

Anywho...same with mages that want to play...Altana knows I've been able to level on BLM's that are bored or topping off their own exp by nuking and retreating.

And when the mages sub Utsusemi, they can really go to town.

They've also figured out, thanks to a few good guides, that if they Silence us, they can pound from a "safe" distance, and will come with one or two ranged attackers, and a WHM, silence us, and go to town.

So stop complaining about how no one wants to kill you, and go make a good leveling or farming guide based on your -chosen- job, and you can level with what you enjoy, instead of having to buy gil and play a Beastman.

Oh, as for the Fly Flag Quest, I could go look that up, but I plan on taking Bee all the way up...at least as far as Uggalepih.

Just pack some sterile Larvae (I would never advocate using -real- babies as bait) and they will kill you all day farming to go get a Hornetneedle...and if bored, they will kill you between Beastmen.

Frankly, I prefer that to being a placeholder...since DFA is a force-spawn they will kill -all- of us constantly to face him.

Oh, and we're allowed to Aggro there, btw. ^_^

Sensubean on Midguardsormr
#89 Mar 24 2007 at 5:30 PM Rating: Default
474 posts
I'm gonna bump an ancient thread because it's hillarious.
#90 Mar 24 2007 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
359 posts
I swear nobody but me levels Tonberry... I feel like those DRG PCs.
#91 Mar 24 2007 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
After taking several classes (including Bird, Greater Bird, and Apkallu) to endgame, I'm hoping to eventually take Empty up, but there seems to be a blatant shortage of places to do anything before 30.

With any luck they'll rectify this by the next expansion.
#92 Mar 24 2007 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
333 posts
Am I the only one who is pissed about the new PC expansion areas?! I've been lvling GOB in Bibiki Bay, but I'm stuck at lvl66 since it came out...and I can't unlock IMP until I hit 70, but noone comes to kill me anymore!

I'd join an Endgame LS and lvl in Dynamis areas, but I don't think I can afford to carry that much currency in my inventory, unless maybe I stay in the snow zones where we aren't required to drop any PC AF....
#93 Mar 24 2007 at 8:52 PM Rating: Good
3,777 posts
Hey guys S-E is soooooo mean to us worm class. I mean, SERIOUSLY S-E, why are there no worm HNM's. I play my worm seriously and I always cap my elemental magic through stonega and try to avoid ancient magic because it scares people from killing me. I also have capped enfeebling magic from rasping people so much, its a great way to **** them off.

When is S-E going to let me spawn as a HNM. All those crabs can spawn as Aquarius and the ungodly cactuars who can lvl to high lvl (I salute you all btw, you are greater than me) can spawn as cactrot rapido. When is S-E going to add the worm HNM spawn?

I hear its in the process but they just have yet to implement it. I can't wait. I'll be as tall as a craig and wider than ten malboros. S-E will add rasp-ga (they said so themselves) and I'll get stonega VI. But don't worry my fellow worms, when I die I'll be sure to load many orichalcum and adaman ores so that when you spawn as HNM worm you can get experience too. I can't wait!!!

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
#94 Mar 24 2007 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
411 posts
This man is a Genius!
#95 Mar 24 2007 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
I've always shyed away from leveling Quadav, mainly because I like listening to music on winamp when I play, which would leave me completely in the dark since most people avoid Quadav already.

Edited, Mar 25th 2007 1:03am by bsphil
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#96 Mar 25 2007 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
2,914 posts
omg you think Worm is hard?

Try leveling LUM, or Lumorian. I mean, theres only 4 or 5 areas we can spawn and all of them are full of 75 PCs! And the ares we put our new offspring, in the Metal Chip activated Limbus, no one ever goes! THEY DONT LIKE OUR COINS!!!!!!!

I tell ya, I'm just gonna switch to Dhalmel. sounds easy enough.
#97 Mar 25 2007 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,426 posts
Haha. This thread again! Genius.
#98 Mar 25 2007 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
2,815 posts
You're all fools! Fools I say!!

Let me tell you about the REAL pimp job in FFXI. It's called Bomb!

I mean do i really have to explain the awesome superiority of Bomb? I get to agro by sight and magic, thats a rare combo. So many noobs have been forced to kill me for casting invisible trying to sneak one past me, hah! I also get to spawn in unexpected places when fog weather hits, which makes for agroing even more frequently.

And i mean come on, I can kill MYSELF anytime i want. All i need is an excuse to aggro, a little TP, and WHAMMO, free exp for me!

The beastmasters love me, hell I Duo'd with one BST through over 20 levels, and he didnt even realize i was lvling up and changing to new camps with him. I'd try to wave at him sometimes but he was a taru and i would end up breaking him with my friendly headbutt. (you try waving any other way with those lame excuses for arms). Anyway... At least the BSTs have reraise up so they get right back up and get back to feeding you TP.

It's win-win with those BST guys, everyone gets exp, even your charmable buddies they keep launching at you relentlessly.

And man, once you reach ToAU, it's a beautiful thing. I actually get to team up with 2 other bombs to form a Cluster and have all kinds of fun taking turns blowing up. Although sometimes I hang out in Ifrit's Cauldron a little more than I would like with "Looking For Cluster" flag up.

Snoll Tzar is an awesome gig endgame if you can get it, you get lvl capped but now with no more exp loss for those weak lil adventurers, they just keep streaming in over and over, ripe for your well timed Self-D. Being lvl capped in CoP areas is nice meriting too if you can form a static Cluster that knows what its doing.

Also try to be good pals with Jormy, if he lets you hang around him, man o man do you get sweet deaths when linkshells come by to try and take him on, and they have to kill you over and over for hours on end! It's a beautiful thing.

Anyway, you guys seriously stop leveling your wussy jobs this is the only one worth leveling. Pft... Worm... Lolworm i say!

All those crabs can spawn as Aquarius and the ungodly cactuars who can lvl to high lvl (I salute you all btw, you are greater than me) can spawn as cactrot rapido

I know that Rapido guy IRL he uses 3rd party tools... I mean isnt it obvious already? He really should be stopped.

Edited, Mar 25th 2007 2:08pm by RattyBatty
#99 Mar 25 2007 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
590 posts
cool lol!
#100 Mar 25 2007 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
3,777 posts
I know that Rapido guy IRL he uses 3rd party tools... I mean isnt it obvious already? He really should be stopped.

I lold. rate up for you.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
#101 Mar 25 2007 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
Man, I wish SE would give us Worms some good spells for BLU to learn from us. Sandspin? Some of them skip right past that crap. Give us a new move that they'll want, so we can go back to the glory days of last year in April, when we were being mass-slaughtered for our (then unknown to be crappy) spell!
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