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BST Nerf - SpinShark Weighs InFollow

#1 Dec 13 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
Tired of seeing misinformed nitwits telling you about the effect this update has had on the game, and what you should think about it? Sick of seeing the same tired arguments with no merit being repeated over and over again?

Well, as I said I would, I've waited to see the repercussions of this latest update before commenting, and now I'm here to provide a voice of reason and clarity. I'll give the correct synopsis of this whole debacle.

First off, I need to get something out in the open here. If you haven't taken BST to 35 and have no experience soloing with the "Leave" ability, you are unqualified to give an opinion. If you do, you fail; it's as simple as that.

Please insert co[/i]ck in mouth. This goes double for duo+ and full party only BSTs that attack solo BSTs who say this change is negative, and attempt to whitewash it. Go to the corner, don your dunce cap, and sit quietly with the other retards. Your worthless comments aren't welcome nor useful.
Unveiling the reasons behind the update:

Let's just face the facts here, $€ (Square-Enix) is incompetent. They've shown this time and time again, despite the lack of acknowledgement from idiots. Is that clear enough for you revolting $€ sycophants? You might need to take off the fanboy blinders. Go ahead, it won't hurt, I promise.

$€ decided to attack the MPK symptom, rather than the disease. Instead of dealing with the perpetrators, they chose to take the easy way out and just modify the game itself.

It's not even a huge issue among legitimate players, but it is among the RMT "players" which $€ refuses to deal with properly. $€ had to find a way to satiate the playerbase, preserve cashflow by not banning the culprits (mostly RMT accounts, which commit the vast majority of MPK in this game), take pressure off of the useless GMs by not making them do their job, and avoid having to hire additional staff to handle the MPK calls.

I have a solution to the whole MPK issue. This is a really radical idea, so get ready. No really, you might need to hang onto your computer chair for this one. This is so extreme and so crazy that I think this might just be too much for any one person to handle.

Gee golly, I hope this isn't too abrasive to common thought to the point where it's offensive. Oh well, here goes:


$€/GMs are too inept and/or unwilling to properly handle MPK complaints and deal with them accordingly, so they instead decide to clumsily implement a new system and change the game for the worse while destroying a job class in the process.


Whoa, my apologies. I seem to have momentarily slipped into a mental state similar to your average FFXI allakhazamer. That's the price I pay for reading this site for more than 10 minutes at a time.

Anyway, they didn't actually get rid of MPK. I've done some testing on a mule belonging to one of my compatriots, and I've already found several reliable ways of MPKing.

So, what are we left with at the end? the possibility of griefing/MPKing is still viable, and a job class is ruined. That's just stellar.


Argument #1 "Penta-spam and RNG were nerfed too! Now you know how it feels!1 They dealt with it, you BSTs can too!!1"

These two nerfs cannot even be compared. Both of these were damage nerfs. The jobs that were affected can still function and deal adequate damage.

The Leave nerf destroys a BST's ability to make exp at a somewhat decent rate. In other words, it changes the face of the job and destroys it.

The RNG/TP nerfs were child's play compared to this.

argument #2 "BSTs shouldn't be able to solo exp! My job can't, so you should have to party too!! "

Yeah, good thinking sparky. As if the game wasn't group-focused enough, we need to homogenize it completely. Let's not even have the option of a soloable job. Let's make every single one dependant on a party to advance. Don't have much time to play? Too bad, you'll have to wait hours to even start exping if you want to advance at all.

Argument #3 "Well, they may have messed up Leave, but at least they made you viable for parties!!11"

The problem is, BSTs have to rely on jug pets, which are less powerful than EM mobs, and lower level than the BST himself. Factor in the fact that parties more often than not fight IT monsters (which are IT++ to the jug), and you've got yourself a whiff-fest and some mediocre "damage" dealing!

Also, many BSTs play the one job that allows them to get away from the party scene. In other words, quite a few of them don't want to party with you.


Many BSTs are complaining, and rightfully so. The chances of a change for the better are slim, because this is $€ you're dealing with after all.

My advice is to make your comments as succinct as possible while still making your case.

Chances are, if it's too long, it won't be read, given the fact that they're getting spammed with this very complaint at this time. Also, $€ has much more important things to do than read lengthy complaints, like completely mismanage an MMORPG and plan their next complete and utter fu[i]

Edited, Wed Dec 28 15:30:51 2005 by SpinShark
#2 Dec 13 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
#3 Dec 13 2005 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
162 posts

Very well writin SpinShark.

I toss you the winning cookie ^^
#4 Dec 13 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm...I do believe I agree with you...


OMG!!! NOOO!!!

/em face starts melting.

#5 Dec 13 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent

nice work with the arguements, especially the PT ones.
#6REDACTED, Posted: Dec 13 2005 at 4:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) BST gets old anyways... like the rest of ffxi
#7 Dec 13 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
I could've sworn BST duos were affected as negatively by this update as those who solo, so why the alienation?
#8 Dec 13 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
even while he insults us, hes still right lol
#9REDACTED, Posted: Dec 13 2005 at 4:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It's a sad say when Spinshark posts a crappy thread. I usually enjoy them :(
#10 Dec 13 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
Lol @ all the cocksuckers who agree with him only when he shares the same point of view.

Choke and die.
#11 Dec 13 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
Bodomous wrote:
even while he insults us, hes still right lol

It's a given that he's right when he insults you. You are stupid and deserve to be insulted.
#12 Dec 13 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
619 posts

Edited, Tue Dec 13 17:01:56 2005 by FeydDiabolos
#13 Dec 13 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
408 posts
Wow, he has legit arguements once again!
#14REDACTED, Posted: Dec 13 2005 at 4:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i wonder whenever i open spinsharks threads i feel like maddox's background changed to blue, but then i noticed i was in allakhazam then i clicked my maddox bookmark lolbifrons.
#15 Dec 13 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
1,046 posts
There was no nerf: The same methods and strategies must be changed. That haven't changed the fundmental stats/abilities/equipment of the job. BSTs will have to try new things and in some cases, new areas. They can do it, BSTs are above all, the true survivors of FFXI, because they took the "community" and turn it into a solo-experience. Perseverance FTW.


First off, I need to get something out in the open here. If you haven't taken BST to 35 and have no experience soloing with the "Leave" ability, you are unqualified to give an opinion. If you do, you fail; it's as simple as that.

I'll take a 64 and an opinion then be shut off completely. kthnxbai.
#16 Dec 13 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,742 posts
Such a good start with the HNML post >.<

now this T.T Oh well.
#17 Dec 13 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
233 posts
The Leave nerf destroys a BST's ability to make exp at a somewhat decent rate. In other words, it changes the face of the job and destroys it.


As if the game wasn't group-focused enough, we need to homogenize it completely.


Also, many BSTs play the one job that allows them to get away from the party scene. In other words, quite a few of them don't want to party with you.

Agreed, let me add a few things. It was never that we we're worthless to PTs (I've PT'd several times and rival or outdamage many other DDs). Quite the contrary, we never wanted in PTs. I was close to quitting this game as a level 71 THF because it had become bland and time consuming, until I discovered BST. Not only was I able to play at my own pace, but I could avoid all the wasted time involved in "normal" XP PTs.

Another thing I consider very important that hasn't been mentioned much is that when you solo, you can wear whatever gear you want and use whatever SJ you want. If you're going to PT, PTs are going to expect you to have a melee SJ and "uber" gear. Many BSTs probably don't have another SJ besides WHM. So now they're expected to take WAR to 37, farm for Sniper Rings and still have enough money for Jug Pets, Pet Food, Silent Oil, Prism Powder and Sushi?

I've been playing RPGs since I was a kid, and whenever I got bored of one, I moved onto the next. Granted I need to play test this a little more, but I was checking out http://www.vanguardsoh.com/ for awhile today...
#18 Dec 13 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
I could've sworn BST duos were affected as negatively by this update as those who solo, so why the alienation

That comment was directed at the duo+/party only BSTs who downplay the nerf, and attack solo BSTs who acknowledge its damage. If you're duo/party only and still agree with me, then you're ok in my book.

I clarified this in the OP.

And to all of you morons who are "disappointed" in this post simply because my viewpoint differs from yours in this case, unlike the HNM thread or some other one where you agreed with me, feel free to go fu[i][/i]ck yourselves.

I never asked for, nor wanted your "support." I state the reality of things, regardless if it's popular opinion or not. Whether or not the majority of people are going to agree with me is never factored into the making of my threads. You people should know that by now.
#19 Dec 13 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,863 posts
Change is the nature of life - adapt or die.

(Or go elsewhere.)
#20 Dec 13 2005 at 5:28 PM Rating: Default
2,742 posts
SpinShark wrote:
And to all of you morons who are "disappointed" in this post simply because my viewpoint differs from yours in this case, unlike the HNM thread or some other one where you agreed with me, feel free to go **** yourselves.

I never asked for, nor wanted your "support." I state the reality of things, regardless if it's popular opinion or not. Whether or not the majority of people are going to agree with me is never factored into the making of my threads. You people should know that by now.
If you don't care why are you saying it? :)

Get over it. Not everyone will agree with you.

I liked your HNMLS because at least its valid.

This thread is disappointed because it is pointlessly insulting, badly written, and lacks the witty sarcasm the HNMLS Post has.

It is pretty much quality that is disappointing (to me). I don't cares about your contents :P I take these type of post you say write as entertainment. This one is not very entertaining.

Edited for Clearity

Edited, Tue Dec 13 17:33:25 2005 by JamesX
#21 Dec 13 2005 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
So now they're expected to take WAR to 37, farm for Sniper Rings and still have enough money for Jug Pets, Pet Food, Silent Oil, Prism Powder and Sushi?

welcome to ninja, replacing jugs with inflated ninjutsu costs (hojo tools at 34k/stack? {Sweets})
#22 Dec 13 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Excellent
317 posts
some of the higher level jugs on my server are 200k for one. 200k for 15 minutes of xp
#23 Dec 13 2005 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
584 posts
Thank you, I agree 100%, I too am tired of rereading the same few fallacious arguments posted by non-bsts

Edited, Tue Dec 13 17:55:14 2005 by StoneSkin
#24 Dec 13 2005 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,996 posts
First off, I need to get something out in the open here. If you haven't taken BST to 35 and have no experience soloing with the "Leave" ability, you are unqualified to give an opinion. If you do, you fail; it's as simple as that.

Something tells me you didn't hold your opinion back during the ranger nerf even though you didn't have a 74-75 rng/nin who had the capibilities of :Ni. Do I not have the right to voice an opinion on the Iraq war even though I've never served in the military?
#25 Dec 13 2005 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
Imo it's impossible to make BST a PT job. The people I know playing BST just simply wont buy in. This leaves 3 options for most former BST's-

1. take the gimp and use regen biscuits. see how it goes

2. return back to other jobs you were lvling before BST or move onto the next planned job.

3. quit ffxi, nothing fun left to work for w/e

BST will never be a PT job, not with this generation of beastmasters.
#26 Dec 13 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
Excellent post Spinshark

110% accurate

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