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BST Nerf - SpinShark Weighs InFollow

#27 Dec 13 2005 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
Well put SpinShark, and very much appreciated.
#28 Dec 13 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
3,769 posts
BST don't want to be in parties. We want to solo. So it doesn't matter if Se wants us to party. We won't, because we don't like to.

I can only hope they fix it, it was a stupid method anyway.

Look, make monsters that are zoned depop, and respawn. That's a good idea. If monsters are zoned, they will continue to be zoned, making entering the zone impossible for long periods of time.

But when a monster's target dies, or a BST uses leave, the monster should not depop. If it's a BST, he's going to want the monster again in a minute or 2. If it's a plyer MPKing someone, then, really whoever is being MPK'ed really ought to have a way to defend themselves anyway. I was under the impression links and aggroes were implemented was to add challenge. Sleep the links, kill the links, something. (Heck, here's a great Idea, invite a BST to your HNMLS. Someone trains stuf on you? He can charm one, retrain them, pull them away and dispose of them himself!)

If a BST uses Leave, the monster should enter the non aggroing, non linking state that all monsters are in when they spawn. they should walk back to their spawn points in a non aggro state until they reach said point. Then they can resume their adventurer eating duties.

It solves MPK'ing. It solves the BST Leave problem. It would take all of 2 hours to implement, as all the code is already in the game. And hell, I've already sent SE an E-mail about it! Do this and you won't **** anyone off.

Remember, third strike and you're out. You angered a lot of people by altering RNG, SE. If you leave this in effect, you have angered a lot of people a second time. Sure not many will quit now, but if you anger them yet again, I bet a whole lot of people will quit. If you fix your mistake now, you're still just on strike one.

EDIT: okay so a serious conversation is probably a bad place to find out what the buttons on top of the post box that you've never used before do.

Edited, Tue Dec 13 18:29:45 2005 by louispv

Edited, Tue Dec 13 18:31:42 2005 by louispv
#29 Dec 13 2005 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Wow just wow, at $quare-€nix. So are $ony and Luca$ in on the bst nerf too? How about Micro$oft?
#30 Dec 13 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
So why give them more money?
#31 Dec 13 2005 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
the antithesis to wit and sarcasm wrote:
Wow just wow, at $quare-€nix.

Indeed. It adds character to the boring old "SE" lettering I see all the time. It looks better too. Plus, it puts the transparent motive for everything they do right out in the open. It's a three for one deal, you really can't go wrong.

a moron wrote:
It is...badly written

the same moron wrote:
I don't cares about your contents :P I take these type of post you say write as entertainment.

the same moron again wrote:
Edited for Clearity

I see, so you're judging the quality of my writing when you're illiterate and can barely speak English. Gotcha.
#32 Dec 13 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Default
SpinShark wrote:
the antithesis to wit and sarcasm wrote:
Wow just wow, at $quare-€nix.

Indeed. It adds character to the boring old "SE" lettering I see all the time. It looks better too. Plus, it puts the transparent motive for everything they do right out in the open. It's a three for one deal, you really can't go wrong.

a moron wrote:
It is...badly written

the same moron wrote:
I don't cares about your contents :P I take these type of post you say write as entertainment.

the same moron again wrote:
Edited for Clearity

I see, so you're judging the quality of my writing when you're illiterate and can barely speak English. Gotcha.

LMFAO. You are awesome SpinShark. lol @ Clearity
#33 Dec 13 2005 at 7:14 PM Rating: Good
1,342 posts
Amazing! A decent post by Spinshark! Wow!


Why is it that people feel the need to heap praise upon this? "Great post!" "110% accurate," "I agree 100%." Sure, it raises some good points. It makes sense. But it's nothing that hasn't been said before, with a touch of organization, a splash of color, and the usual, predictable ******* of insults.

Subject: Spinshark
History: Well known for a general distaste towards FFXI, the company that runs it, the people who play it, and the very boards where the post is located. Frequently expresses said distaste. Always descriptive, occasionally humorous.
Context: Major update has an entire job up in arms. Numerous new findings, complaints and possible solutions are all discussed.
Product: Summarization of well-known facts, laced with signature abuse. Conclusions drawn that have already been mentioned dozens of times.
Reactions: Primarily assent, combined either with praise or humorous disbelief. Indifference and/or dissapointment.

Conclusion: It's a very good example of what Spinny's best at; getting noticed. Attention whoring, if you must. It's playing to the sympathies of the whole to evoke a certain reaction, while retaining the persistant arrogance and condescension.

Hell, I agree with most of what he's saying too. Beastmasters got a swift, unexpected kick in the nether regions, and as usual, we're all left to speculate about the inner workings of the minds that run the game, while the player base struggles to find a way to cope. But seeing so many leap at the chance to praise and acknowledge this post is rather amusing.

Ah well. I'll admit, it has it's high points, but I guess I just don't consider regurgitated information wrapped in tired sarcasm to be particularly noteworthy, regardless of where it came from. Of course, that's just me.
#34 Dec 13 2005 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Complaining about a company being 'evil' is the last refuge of the no self-esteemed victimisation-revelling fool.

"Waaaah, why aren't they making what I want?" - so because they don't respect your random arbitrary 'rules' of fairness, nor follow your uninformed bedroom corporate commentary - they somehow go beyond being stupid or lazy, and actually have a truly demonic aspect to them.

$€ h8s the fans!
#35 Dec 13 2005 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default
It's playing to the sympathies of the whole to evoke a certain reaction

This is nonsense. I'm not playing to anybody's sympathies but my own. If anything, this board seems to be more for the change than against. From what I've seen, posts rallying against this nerf have been rated to oblivion more than posts for it.

Summarization of well-known facts, laced with signature abuse. Conclusions drawn that have already been mentioned dozens of times

If these facts and conclusions are so well-known, why am I getting praised for bringing them up in the first place then? Why am I getting PMs from people telling me I hit points they haven't thought of before? You're engaging in the logical fallacy I see so many others on this board fall into, and that is "world revolves around me" syndrome. In other words, you've "seen" these arguments and points, therefore everyone has.

Keep in mind there's dozens of threads about this nerf on the front page, and I know I personally haven't read anywhere near all of them. All kinds of arguments are lost and dispersed among the plethora of threads. The OP organizes, rebuts, and defends arguments.

Sure, there's a chance some of these points were made by others, but there's also plenty of material in my OP that I haven't seen brought up anywhere else, mixed in with my own personal analysis, invective, and fact-checking.

In addition, there's only so many conclusions one can draw from this change's impact on BSTs. There's not much room for divergence here.

This post lets people know which points are valid, and which are not.

regurgitated information

Nothing I wrote is "regurgitated," as I didn't get it from anyone else. This is my own conclusion, analysis, etc.

It's a very good example of what Spinny's best at; getting noticed.

You know why I get noticed? Because I'm right, and because I say what others won't say because they fear getting rated down. My writing style also contributes to this, and weak-minded people that feel I'm jeopardizing their viewpoints want to lash out at me, yet they can't do so effectively because they lack the synapses to keep up. There are also those who "get it" and wish to say something positive. I possess more intellectual dexterity than anyone else that posts in this forum, and once people notice it, they feel compelled to respond.

Edited, Tue Dec 13 23:01:19 2005 by SpinShark
#36 Dec 13 2005 at 10:45 PM Rating: Default
Iggystar wrote:
"Waaaah, why aren't they making what I want?" - so because they don't respect your random arbitrary 'rules' of fairness, nor follow your uninformed bedroom corporate commentary - they somehow go beyond being stupid or lazy, and actually have a truly demonic aspect to them.

Ok, how would you like it if SE, or a GM, had responded to your complaints of MPK with "Get over it, Waaaah!".

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't appreciate that. So you can understand my frustration when you say the same thing to me, or another poster.
#37 Dec 13 2005 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
233 posts
I sympathise with you guys. It's a shock, becuase the update change came out of no where.

...now has your {Stun} effect worn off? Good.

If you want to "stay the @@#$ away from the ignorant community", by all means do so. I gues we are all really ignorant compared to you.

But if we're ignorant, and manage to adapt to alot of things (several nerfs), what about you? Admittedly the rest of the community hasn't had it as bad, but if we're ignorant compared to you, you should be able to deal with issues of higher magnitude.

So if you don't want to party with us, because we're "ignorant" or "immature" I'm sure you will find it in you and your great wisdom and maturity to make soloing viable once again, and continue in your enjoyment of the game.

Either that or you can come to the forums and tell the "ignorant" and "immature" community how sucky you got it.

Edited, Tue Dec 13 22:58:41 2005 by Shopee
#38 Dec 13 2005 at 11:15 PM Rating: Good
584 posts
But if we're ignorant, and manage to adapt to alot of things (several nerfs)

Admittedly the rest of the community hasn't had it as bad,

If it is acknowledged that the beastmaster nerf is of a different caliber then previous nerfs, then it is fallacious to make the assumption that it can be satisfactory overcome like other nerfs.
#39 Dec 13 2005 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
i have never encoutered spinshark before on these boards seeing as how i dont frequent any forum but the server forum most of the time. so i cant say whether hes an attention ***** or not. what i can say is his OP is utterly fantastic and while being a little more abrasive than im used to, he was completely correct. bst is now officially ****** and i for one agree that the old "if it aint broke, dont fix it" line applies here. /cheer spin and id rate you up if i could
#40 Dec 13 2005 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
233 posts
"If it is acknowledged that the beastmaster nerf is of a different caliber then previous nerfs, then it is fallacious to make the assumption that it can be satisfactory overcome like other nerfs."

Unless you post this game philosophy in your sig:

"We want to stay the @@#$ away from the ignorant community and just enjoy this game alone in peace while advancing in our job."

And consider yourself better than the rest of the community. I have seen alot of Beastmasters claim the reason they dislike partying is because of immaturity and ignorance. This implies they are more mature and less ignorant. Therefore they should be capable of dealing with a higher caliber nerf.
#41 Dec 13 2005 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
there is a bit of a difference between nerfing a job and completely destroying the way it works. rngs actually having to move when they fight stopped all of them from standing up against monsters and spamming slug shot. THAT was a nerf and now causes rngs to actually play with more skill. this situation causes bst to *ALMOST* become impossible to play with any degree of efficiency in a solo situation.
#42 Dec 13 2005 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,978 posts

I can just say this, you have explained beautifully to non-BSTs, and non-solo BSTs our point of view on this issue.

My opinion is 100% the same as yours this time. And, this is about the 5th or 6th time it has been this way. Oh, to think I had a very bad argument with you a year ago over some nonsense. Oh, I remember now, I was being a jerk to you that time, funny how someone's point of view changes over time.
#43 Dec 13 2005 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
584 posts
And consider yourself better than the rest of the community. I have seen alot of Beastmasters claim the reason they dislike partying is because of immaturity and ignorance. This implies they are more mature and less ignorant. Therefore they should be capable of dealing with a higher caliber nerf.

If it is acknowledged that the beastmaster nerf is of a different caliber then previous nerfs, then it is fallacious to make the assumption that it can be satisfactory overcome like other nerfs.

There is no correlation between "maturity/lack of ignorance" and overcoming game code.

If many posters dislike the manner in which the bst community response to this nerf initially (which was a completely understandable reaction by us for all the reasons shark provided) that is one thing. To say that this was not a completely unnecessary, easily avoidable, and uncalled for action on SE's part is something else.

This entire anti-mpk update was poorly planned and implemented by SE and attacked a job unnecessarily.

Shark is 100% correct.
#44 Dec 13 2005 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
1,061 posts
I wasn't around back when Spinshark started up, but I must say this.

Even though Spinshark presents his ideals in an abrasive manner, the reality is he's usually pretty much right when it comes down to it. He makes broad generalizations, is extremely sarcastic and illmannered, and comes off as an attention *****.

Thing is...He's RIGHT.The truth hurts, people. The way to make FFXI or any other thing fun or enjoyable is to mask its faults, and we get pissed when that veil is torn from our eyes.But sometimes, if we see and know the truth about something, we can change some of the faults that inhabit said object.
#45 Dec 14 2005 at 12:38 AM Rating: Good
Personally I think that they should've left BST alone. I get all the other nerfs, rng doing too much damage, nin tanks being accepted over pld... all invite related I guess. Other DD's didn't really stand a chance against rng, or so I hear. Some of the nerfs didn't make a whole lot of sense like RDM losing Flash oh so long ago, but this BST nerf doesn't make any sense at all. BST, sense it's release has been known as the only soloable Job in FFXI, and due to the stragity guide and ignorance was kicked out of parties a very long time ago. To make it so they pretty much have to party now is kinda ... well late? BST's are given a bad rep for "MPK's" and taking "exp mobs" as pets and realeasing them... and whatever. But I don't see anyone yelling about RNG or THF pulling links and zoneing them and killing people. I think the nerf wasn't made to make BST's party but were targeted due to many of the people claiming BST's doing a greater share of the MPK'ing.
I think the people cheering this nerf should really look at the jobs that do most of the MPK'ing, for those of you claiming it's BST's. And for other reasons such as "this game isn't a soloable game" ... Well I would guess that's why you don't level BST. And for the last part about EXP mobs and what~knot, If one BST can ***** your party EXP that badly, I'd say you had a bad one. Give respect where it is due, EXP may have been easy for a BST in later levels... but it's still easier when you have 6 people slaughtering one mob. Also I don't believe anyone can really match a BST's death count save for PLD. Solo'ing is the only single challenge one can do. If your not a good BST you won't level, if you suck as a whm... you'll still get a party. BST has had a bad rep from the get-go but managed to survive it's bashings all along the way, I hope in someway to see it survive this. Though I'm sure after this nerf, people will hate you more if you win. Due to more mobs being taken for exp.
#46 Dec 14 2005 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
And consider yourself better than the rest of the community. I have seen alot of Beastmasters claim the reason they dislike partying is because of immaturity and ignorance. This implies they are more mature and less ignorant. Therefore they should be capable of dealing with a higher caliber nerf.

If it is acknowledged that the beastmaster nerf is of a different caliber then previous nerfs, then it is fallacious to make the assumption that it can be satisfactory overcome like other nerfs.

There is no correlation between "maturity/lack of ignorance" and overcoming game code.

Except that, even now on Beastmaster forums people are looking for ways to continue.

This is called maturity and perserverance.

If you're going to be arrogant and refuse to associate yourselves with others, please back up your toffey-nosed attitude. I have seen more immaturity from Beastmasters in the past 24 hours than I think I've seen in my life.

I have also seen alot of maturity. I have alot of respect for the ones that keep on chugging and trying instead of trying to scream bloody murder about it. That is how maturity is relevant to game code. If you excuse it as being hopeless, you'll never really try will you?

Edited, Wed Dec 14 00:50:02 2005 by Shopee
#47 Dec 14 2005 at 12:51 AM Rating: Excellent
584 posts
Though I'm sure after this nerf, people will hate you more if you win. Due to more mobs being taken for exp.

aye, I think that’s what people have yet to fully understand.

We will survive this, but our ability to solo efficiently has been hurt badly.

In the absence of traditionally efficient solo methods, what remains are the more inefficient methods we have scorned for a long time.

While this nerf has hurt us badly, it will hurt you too. Every job class has a vested interest in assisting beastmasters in encouraging SE to implement a more reasonable method for pets that beastmasters leave.
#48 Dec 14 2005 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
Even Rush Limbaugh or Michael Moore are right somtimes, not often, but somtimes.
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:

#49 Dec 14 2005 at 1:02 AM Rating: Default
233 posts
"Even Rush Limbaugh or Michael Moore are right somtimes, not often, but somtimes."


Michael Moore is never right.

Not sure how any of this relates. SpinShark isn't
a political mascot.

Edited, Wed Dec 14 01:05:45 2005 by Shopee

Edited, Wed Dec 14 01:05:51 2005 by Shopee
#50 Dec 14 2005 at 1:03 AM Rating: Default
michael moore is a government hating douchebag
#51 Dec 14 2005 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
Naw, he's just an attention *****...

OH! So that's how this relates...
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