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BST Nerf - SpinShark Weighs InFollow

#127 Dec 15 2005 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
160 posts
hahaha! I get it! You spelled SE with a dollar sign, because they are money-hungry. Comedy gold, my friend!
#128 Dec 15 2005 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
I love it, he combines a perfectly viable complaint AND solution with a scathing troll-blast directed at the targets that actually diserve it.

I love it. XD
#129 Dec 15 2005 at 1:08 AM Rating: Good
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
Alaaba wrote:
I also want to add that removing RMT Mpking gilsellers wasnt fixing the problem at all, they just respawn as different characters and have the same accursed playing behaviors of agression and hostility.

It's simple really.

1. Square creates a lvl 57 DRG/WAR

2. DRG/WAR buys gil from IGE

3. Square tracks the transactions IGE's mule makes and locates the characters that keep IGE's gil reserves.

4. Square nukes all of IGE's gil in a few keystrokes.

5 jump to step 1

If SE cannot currently track gil transactions they merely have to impliment software on their servers to do so. It's their servers and their software and it's not really that difficult to impliment.

Edited, Thu Dec 15 01:27:07 2005 by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:

#130 Dec 15 2005 at 1:17 AM Rating: Default
Dance for me, my puppet.

Anyway, if you knew me in real life, you'd love me. You'd be infatuated. I'll bet I could get you to give me a hummer and put out on the first date.

If you could claim a fraction of my real-life accomplishments, you would be one happy child.

Don't feed the...

#131 Dec 15 2005 at 1:53 AM Rating: Good
1,570 posts
Mithsavvy wrote:
Imagine what the Ninjas would say? "OMGZ I can't tank! What am I good for?! /cry"

Then eventually they'd find a slot in DD/Enfeebler or somesuch.

No they wont. No one will invite a weak DD that can cast like 3 enfeebles.

NIN Elemental jutsu + BLM nukes/enfeebles = Useless? Far from it.

Shopee wrote:
So if you don't want to party with us, because we're "ignorant" or "immature" I'm sure you will find it in you and your great wisdom and maturity to make soloing viable once again, and continue in your enjoyment of the game.

You do realize that more likely than not, this is referring to the people who say "zomgwtfbbq u n0t hav3 <insert piece of gear worth somewhere between 3 and 20 million gil>??!?!?!?!?!? /kick", or "lolz u r t3h g1mp for n0t hav3 <insert ridiculously expensive and overrated piece of gear>", not to mention the famous "omg i'm not getting 15K xp/hr?!?!?!?!?? /disband". Hell, *I* hate dealing with people like that, and I'm a Red Mage!

I must say, I've only seen a handful of your threads, spin, and this is a nice, succinct look at the current situation. I really feel for the BSTs, since indeed their job has been made innoperable, though I commend their attempts to find a work-around. I'll reiterate that comparing this to the utsu nerf and the ranged attack nerf simply does not work. Both were intentional as well as a measure to balance NIN and RNG respectively, while this is most definitely a side-effect (as in, unintended) that Squaresoft (I've said it before and I'll say it again, I refuse to call them Square Enix until I see the Enix part in the company, and to date, no game they've released matches/surpasses Chrono Trigger, so...yeah) is trying to pass off as an intentional change.

To add my own counter to the "BST was not meant to solo" arguments, if this had been the case, BST would have never gotten Charm and Leave to begin with. They would have been limited to jug pets and use the pet foods as means to keep said pets alive.

Valtoramir wrote:
Hmmm,perhaps rdm was never meant to be a refresh *****,maybe they will nerf me into a front line melee mage ;-)

Wishful thinking, my friend. Wishful--wait...Self-only Refresh "for the win"! =D
Products of boredom: 1 2 3 4 5
Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
#132 Dec 15 2005 at 3:21 AM Rating: Default
1,970 posts
#133 Dec 15 2005 at 4:17 AM Rating: Good

Will you stop posting "I want to *** inside your **** SpinShark." PLEASE? I'm trying to read the arguments for this matter. And yet your stupid kiss up posts keep popping up, and it is incredibly annoying.

The greatest irony is that when he refers to the retards who post on AllaKazham he is refrring to YOU.

Stop the butt sex posts. Now.
#134 Dec 15 2005 at 4:49 AM Rating: Default
1,970 posts
#135 Dec 15 2005 at 9:17 AM Rating: Excellent
1,021 posts
Nutino wrote:
I don't Know, didn't $E come to this form asking the player base how the could solve the MPK problem. And Im pretty sure a few people suggested the depop thing. Or maybe it was just a dream.

Look at this thread, even though the first post might be a lil retarded, further down they make some good points.

So I should be happy they chose the most brain-dead solution from a sea frothing with good ideas?

Edit: spelling

Edited, Thu Dec 15 13:37:50 2005 by RedHobbit
#136 Dec 15 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
4,592 posts
SpinShark wrote:
I did not do this, as the arguments presented were fundamentally the same as they were when spouted by the original moron.

This is a half-truth. A dictionary is well and good to look up what words mean, but a straw man is a logical fallacy that requires a little bit more than a one-liner. I prefer Wikipedia's entry, personally, but since we're talking about what's probably the most popular fallacy, you can find your own favorite wherever you like on the interweb.
Wikipedia wrote:
As a rhetorical term, "straw man" describes a point of view that was created in order to be easily defeated in argument; the creator of a "straw man" argument does not accurately reflect the best arguments of his or her opponents, but instead sidesteps or mischaracterizes them so as to make the opposing view appear weak or ridiculous.

This is what you did, cherry-picking the most ridiculous arguments from the dumbest people. While you didn't make them, you did present them in a delibrate way.

I hate analogies because they are always imperfect, but you're familiar with RDM, so here's one for you. Imagine if I made a thread like this one, only it was advocating RDM melee. I include a series of "real arguments" like "it sez red MAGE so dont melee u noooob!" that are easily defeatable. While they represent the views of actual idiots, they don't represent the best arguments of anti-meleers in general -- and they are my real opponents.

I don't see how you could misunderstand my viewpoint on the "straw man" subject at this point, because I've made it abundantly clear. So, if you still disagree with my interpretation, my retort will be that we'll have to agree to disagree on this point (just saving both of us some typing).
SpinShark wrote:
Either quote one example so I can address it, or don't make the claim. This is debate 101 here.

Your assertion that SE won't deal with RMT because they are afraid of killing the cash cow. This is not the most likely explanation. It's actually pretty out in left field, imo. No, don't tell me: you don't think it's wacky. I know.

SpinShark wrote:
The assertion I often see made claiming that GMs don't ban MPKers simply because it's "always [or usually] hard to tell" or some other variation of the above quote is specious.

It does sound odd, I've seen Serket/Amemet shenanigans like everyone else (sometimes I couldn't tell who did it even when I was there, though... it can get confusing).

But we don't have the whole story. It's easy to fire-and-brimstone MPK'ers when you don't have to deal with the consequences of false positives, but SE doesn't have that luxury if they want to stay in business. I don't know if you've ever played DAoC, but back in the day they had a very, very thorough system of banning cheaters, with a published appeal process, and wouldn't banstick anyone until it was obvious to the point of absurdity that they weren't innocent.

Some might think that's a dumb way to do things, but considering how much time people put into their characters and how "final" a ban is, I think it's appropriate. If I camped NMs on a day-to-day basis, I wouldn't want to get "framed" by some groups of putzes that didn't like me, and have a GM swing the banstick on incomplete information just because it's their word against mine. The RMT people are already willing to TRAIN MOBS AND KILL ME, how much of a stretch is it for someone (well, I guess you'd need to speak English) to abuse a fiercely-enforced TOS to frame/ban people they don't like?

Yes, I agree that the GMs would be able to just show up 15 minutes prior to Serket's pop (assuming that's a known value on the server side, would kinda suck if it's random and they have to camp the whole window) and warn/ban people that don't play nice. I suspect that becomes a manpower issue, though, because there's an asston of potential MPKs at any given time and a limited number of GMs. It's extremely easy to fall through the cracks in that kind of situation.

I don't want to give the impression I think this is a good thing. I think it's stupid. But I also think there's a grain of truth in their excuse.

SpinShark wrote:
What irony? Explain. I'm not sure what "truth or untruth" you think is left standing on its own merit at this point.

That you're guilty of some of the same shenangians that you insult people for. It's just an observation, nothing more. Never mind the rest, it went over your head and it's offtopic anyway.
SpinShark wrote:
The RMT MPKers are a part of the disease which causes MPK, not the symptom. To say that they are a symptom of the RMT money-machine would be accurate, however.

Emphasis mine, this was my point. You accuse people of missing the mark, treating the symptoms, but you fall into the same trap. How much MPK would exist were there not highly contested 24hr NMs, or a secondary market for the items they drop and the gil to buy them? Are you maybe suggesting that there's a certain cut-off point where it's not worth trying? That it's better to settle for stopping MPK and banning offenders, because it's easier than removing the reasons to MPK in the first place?

The "rotten structure of the empire" as you put it is another discussion, but at the same time, it's the heart of this one.
SpinShark wrote:
The "standard of proof" was quite frankly absurd. You practically had to know the phone number of the MPKer, have a log of them deliberately saying "I MPKED YOU, IT'S A-OK TO BAN ME SE," and then be required to contact them for a reasonable time in which SE could give them a call and talk things over.

Well, you're exaggerating, but see my anecdote above about DAoC. With MMOs, there's a lot at stake if you lose your character/gear, so the requirements for a ban have to necessarily be high. False positives are unacceptable in this environment.
SpinShark wrote:
I think it's safe to say that the fusion of the two, as implemented by SE at this point, has left much to be desired, no?

Can't argue with that. They have a lot of work to do.

Edited, Thu Dec 15 13:47:22 2005 by MargavineLiselle
#137 Dec 15 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
4,592 posts
heapheap wrote:
No it isn't. Let's hear it. I'm curious now.

Sorry, it's not on topic, so learn to live with disappointment.
SpinShark wrote:
Except you haven't shown where I'm only "partially" correct. Let's just make clear that what you believe I'm "incorrect" about is your opinion only. It doesn't mesh with the facts.

What, do I have to spell it out for you? Here's a bullet-point list of a few places where we agree, in whole or in part:
  • ******** over BST solo was a ham-fisted move that didn't even solve what it was supposed to (sort of, it did remove the worst of it).
    [li]the new party-friendly BST juggies are not a replacement for BST solo (however, BST in a party is now very nice: juggies are better than people give them cerdit for).
    [li]people that don't even have "Leave" ought to keep their mouths shut (not much to say here).
  • etc, you can probably find more. Why is this important?
    #138 Dec 15 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
    1,970 posts
    #139 Dec 15 2005 at 11:11 PM Rating: Default
    Around and around we go liselle. You’re not making any headway here. You gotta love circular argument.

    This is a half-truth. A dictionary is well and good to look up what words mean, but a straw man is a logical fallacy that requires a little bit more than a one-liner.

    There is no “half-truth” here. I’ll post a couple more definitions below:

    Merriam-Webster Online wrote:
    1 : a weak or imaginary opposition (as an argument or adversary) set up only to be easily confuted

    nizkor.org wrote:
    Description of Straw Man
    The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of "reasoning" has the following pattern:
    1. Person A has position X.
    2. Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).
    3. Person B attacks position Y.
    4. Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.
    This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because attacking a distorted version of a position simply does not constitute an attack on the position itself. One might as well expect an attack on a poor drawing of a person to hurt the person.

    A straw man is either:

    A) An argument created for the purpose of being easily refutable.

    B) An existing argument that has been distorted/misrepresented into something easy to knock down.

    The arguments posted in my OP were none of these things. You lost on this point; just concede it and move on.

    I prefer Wikipedia’s entry

    For the record, anytime you cite Wikipedia as a credible source for anything and as a basis for your definition of a term, you automatically fail.

    In case you don’t know, anyone can edit Wikipedia. Whatever Wikipedia has listed for its definition means approximately jack sh[/i]it. I could C/P a whole other definition of a straw man on your link, and anyone who hasn’t viewed it before would have no idea it was edited. It’s just not evidence of fact for anything.

    Sure, there is some legitimate stuff on wikipedia, but you don’t know if it’s been edited, how much or what was edited, where it came from, if it’s even legitimate at all, etc.

    Even so, in the link you cited:

    As a rhetorical term, "straw man" describes a point of view that was created in order to be easily defeated in argument; the creator of a "straw man" argument does not accurately reflect the best arguments of his or her opponents, but instead sidesteps or mischaracterizes them so as to make the opposing view appear weak or ridiculous.

    Note the bold.

    It seems you could’ve misinterpreted what this blurb is saying.

    You contend that because I displayed the “most ridiculous arguments from the dumbest people,” I have engaged in the beating of a straw-man. However, this quote could be interpreted as saying that in order to beat a straw-man, this would require you to“not accurately” reflect your opponent’s best argument (best in this case could mean whatever argument is currently being morphed into a straw-man). Merely dismissing good arguments and showing only accurate poor ones isn't grounds for straw-man beating if the above is interpreted in this way. It heavily emphasizes "mischaracterization" and "sidestepping" as straw-man abuse. On the contrary, deliberate omission of accurate "good" arguments for accurate "weak" arguments (which I did not do, but you accuse me of) is not stated nor implied as being a straw-man perpetration.

    None of this matters though, since this particular point of yours is moot anyway since this is wikipedia and because of what I explain below your next quote.

    This is what you did, cherry-picking the most ridiculous arguments from the dumbest people. While you didn't make them, you did present them in a delibrate way.

    I didn’t “cherry-pick” anything, sweet cheeks. These were the best and most prolific arguments I’ve seen on both KI and Alla. I hadn’t seen a decent rebuttal, so I provided one for them. Sure, it’s not all of them, just the ones I’ve seen over and over again. There was no picking and choosing on my part.

    It's easy to fire-and-brimstone MPK'ers when you don't have to deal with the consequences of false positives, but SE doesn't have that luxury if they want to stay in business.

    Sure, nobody wants to see innocent people get banned. When the same group of RMT MPKers do their deeds at serket camp for literally a week straight, I think it’s safe to say there’s little possibility that banning them will turn out to be a false-positive, wouldn’t you agree?

    Your assertion that SE won't deal with RMT because they are afraid of killing the cash cow. This is not the most likely explanation. It's actually pretty out in left field, imo. No, don't tell me: you don't think it's wacky. I know.

    Finally you give an example. See, was that so hard?

    Now, let me explain.

    It stands to reason that a company like SE wishes to make a profit from this game, and if they can find a “solution” (*cough*) that doesn’t involve having to eliminate a bunch of paying accounts, it will likely employ this method.

    I'm not saying that SE is not banning RMT accounts in a conspiratorial attempt to keep RMT in the game. I, nor anyone else would be able to prove or disprove this either way. I'm also not saying that they're working to preserve some sort of sacred "RMT cash cow." Again, nobody can prove/disprove this either way.

    What I am saying, is that if SE had decided to whip out the ban axe, the majority of accounts that would’ve been on the chopping block would be RMT accounts, since they commit the majority of MPK. That’s a lot of accounts. When I say that SE wishes to "preserve its RMT account cashflow," I mean that through these changes, SE will not have to ban said accounts and thus lose money, since their capacity to MPK is (supposedly) eliminated.

    In addition, the pressure is (temporarily) off of them. In this case, the action “happens” to preserve a disproportionate number of RMT accounts to actual player accounts.

    If this doesn’t sound plausible to you, then I’m afraid you’re the one wearing a tin-foil hat.

    In theory, it's a win-win situation for SE. Thing is, because RMT still can MPK, and they’re still in the game to monopolize things and do all of their enjoyable RMT deeds, the playerbase still suffers.

    That you're guilty of some of the same shenangians that you insult people for. It's just an observation, nothing more. Never mind the rest, it went over your head and it's offtopic anyway.

    Sparky, nothing you’ve ever said to me in this thread or anywhere else has ever been over my head.

    If anything, I’m going over your head in this case. Let me clear it up for you.

    I’ve been deliberately trying to goad you into citing something “ironic,” because chances are you’ll just cite something stupid. Just show me the “irony” and quit with the lame excuses already.

    Who cares if it’s off-topic? This is a board where a bunch of FFXI cretins reside, not a serious board where staying on-topic is actually worthwhile.

    If you want to get into a completely focused debate with me, pass the Mensa test (if you can) and come join that board with some actual talented debaters.

    Emphasis mine, this was my point. You accuse people of missing the mark, treating the symptoms, but you fall into the same trap.

    No. AGAIN, finding a solution to MPK in this game is a separate discussion entirely from trying to eradicate the roots of RMT in this game. This thread is only about the botching of the MPK issue by SE and the subsequent nerfing of beastmasters, not an in-depth discussion about possible ways to get rid of RMT roots. Take that sh[i]
    it to another thread and quit bringing it up; it’s irrelevant. The only relevance that the RMT enterprise has in this are the MPKing RMT farmers. That’s it.
    If SE had simply enforced their TOS and banned these people, then their entire involvement in theMPK issue (you know, the topic relevant to this thread) would have been eliminated. It’s that simple.

    Symptom: MPK

    Disease: Perpetrators of MPK

    Clear enough?

    The "rotten structure of the empire" as you put it is another discussion, but at the same time, it's the heart of this one.

    I actually meant to put “enterprise” in place of “empire,” but that’s what I get for being forced to repeat myself over and over and getting no sleep for a week prior. It actually does have a nifty melodramatic ring to it though.

    Oh, and no it isn’t.

    Well, you're exaggerating

    No way?! You mean SE doesn’t actually require you to have the home phone number of the strangers you report?!

    When people tell you that they’re “starving,” do you take them at face value and out how they’re “exaggerating” too?

    you must say to them, “well, I’m sure you’re quite hungry, but I feel that you’re not actually in an emaciated state, and in reality you’re merely having hunger pangs as a result of not consuming your total allotted calories as recommended by the Food and Drug Administration.”

    Anyway, I’m getting tired of this half-a[/i]ss “debate.” If you have nothing new to add, then just don’t respond.

    [i]Edited, Fri Dec 16 01:12:15 2005 by SpinShark
    #140 Dec 16 2005 at 12:41 AM Rating: Default
    #141 Dec 16 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
    4,592 posts
    SpinShark wrote:
    You lost on this point; just concede it and move on.

    I should say the same thing to you. The point that keeps sailing over your head is that the "arguments" are not straw-men in a void (you're correct on this point, because you didn't significantly alter the meaning of the people who said them), but they ARE straw-men in the frame of your thread.

    Put another way: it's one thing to refute bad arguments. It's something else entirely when you present only those lemons as the rebuttal to your position. See my RDM example again: it's one thing to trash the "it says MAGE doofus" people, it's something else entirely when I use only their easily-defeatable arguments to make my own.

    Is this clear now? By the way, regarding Wiki: that's why I invited you to look elsewhere, if you so chose. Even if it weren't publically-editable, it's still not a primary source because it's an encyclopedia. I just find it pretty convenient to use.
    I didn’t “cherry-pick” anything [...] These were the best and most prolific arguments I’ve seen on both KI and Alla. I hadn’t seen a decent rebuttal, so I provided one for them. Sure, it’s not all of them, just the ones I’ve seen over and over again. There was no picking and choosing on my part.

    It's accurate to call them prolific, but saying that the arguments in the OP are the "the best" doesn't say much about your judgement. I've seen much more solid arguments here and elsewhere. The only conclusions I can draw is that you are either a fool (which I don't beleive), or that you are just a skilled selective reader (which I find very likely).
    Sure, nobody wants to see innocent people get banned. When the same group of RMT MPKers do their deeds at serket camp for literally a week straight, I think it’s safe to say there’s little possibility that banning them will turn out to be a false-positive, wouldn’t you agree?

    You and I, absent of any accountability, can say this. We also don't have any manpower problems, and are able to check out the Serket spawn every day and see it with our own eyes.

    Like I said, it may be dumb that they can't get GMs to babysit spawns, but if the GM is not there to verify the veracity of everyone's claims, I can understand their reluctance to swing to banstick. Especially if there's a lot of red-tape and the GMs are min-wage cluebies, and I imagine there is with the finality of a ban (see previous example about DAoC).

    Finally you give an example. See, was that so hard?

    I blame myself, for over-estimating your reasoning abilities.

    Your explanation is plausible. The language in the OP does suggest a conspiracy, though, especially with your "clever" way of writing "SE". Not to mention your other rants, the one about POL-whatever errors and downtime comes to mind.
    ...nothing you’ve ever said to me in this thread or anywhere else has ever been over my head.

    I beg to differ. You're smart enough to figure it out though, I think, so perhaps the stumbling block is ego-releated. That's acceptable, I didn't post here with any intentions of changing your mind.
    I’ve been deliberately trying to goad you into citing something “ironic,” because chances are you’ll just cite something stupid. Just show me the “irony” and quit with the lame excuses already.

    Negative, you'll have to puzzle it out on your own. I find it ironic when you slip into the behavior that you make fun of other people for, and that's the extent of my assistance to you. It's not a point to be debated, just something I find amusing and wanted to share. If I was angling to paint you as a hypocrite I'd pursue it, but I don't beleive being a hypocrite is relevant in this discussion (fair game in a thread about your integrity, though).

    Besides, I'm a hypocrite sometimes, too, and if I gave you grief for it, the compounded irony would probably unravel time itself.
    No. AGAIN, finding a solution to MPK in this game is a separate discussion entirely from trying to eradicate the roots of RMT in this game. This thread is only about the botching of the MPK issue by SE and the subsequent nerfing of beastmasters, not an in-depth discussion about possible ways to get rid of RMT roots.

    Sorry if I hit a nerve, there. If a large part of MPK is from RMT, as you've said, then eliminating RMT could have an impact on MPK. That makes it fair game for discussion, especially when you wag your finger and talk about symptoms and diseases.

    That's an interesting discussion style, though, banning certain topics that make your key argument look like a waste of time.
    When people tell you that they’re “starving,” do you take them at face value and out how they’re “exaggerating” too?

    Bad analogy, you should be above things like this. We're talking about the standard of proof required to get someone banned. It's important to be as precise as possible.
    Anyway, I’m getting tired of this half-*** “debate.” If you have nothing new to add, then just don’t respond.

    Please feel free to pull the ripcord any time you please. I don't have enough respect for you to be offended by it. I'll entertain this thread until I get bored of it, and you're entitled to do the same, no hard feelings. Deal?
    #142 Dec 16 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent

    Edited, Fri Dec 16 15:45:48 2005 by heapheap
    #143 Dec 16 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
    I should say the same thing to you

    No you shouldn’t, because your assertion doesn’t hold up to the definition of a “straw-man,” while mine does. I’ve backed mine up with legitimate sources, have you?

    By the way, regarding Wiki: that's why I invited you to look elsewhere, if you so chose. Even if it weren't publically-editable, it's still not a primary source because it's an encyclopedia. I just find it pretty convenient to use.

    Some people like to use facts when backing up arguments like myself, and others like to half-*** it and not cite anything worthwhile.

    That’s ok though, I’ll chalk it up to different “debate” styles. Sadly, only one of them would hold up in a court of law.

    is this clear now

    Yes it’s clear now. You’re a mediocre debater with no concept of backing anything you say up, and you constantly repeat yourself even though it’s been shown to have no merit.

    The point that keeps sailing over your head…

    Here you go with this again, Sparky. When I don’t accept what you say without back-up as “fact” - in this case it’s your wacky definition of what you believe to be a “straw-man”- it isn’t me “not getting it.” Rather, it’s you being dense. You don’t have the synapses to go over my head. Keep saying it though; someone has to believe you eventually, right?

    I’m saying I didn’t use straw men period (with proof), while you’re still grasping at straws and making up your own definition of what a straw man is.

    It doesn’t matter what the “frame” or context of my thread is, they simply were NOT straw men. Get that through your thick skull and get off the topic already.

    Hey look, I got to repeat myself again.

    Put another way: it's one thing to refute bad arguments. It's something else entirely when you present only those lemons as the rebuttal to your position

    I’m not going to hunt down every single argument to appease idiotic cun[/i]ts like you. The fact that these are the most common arguments is enough reason to post just them.

    Again, the fact is that I haven’t seen anything better because all of the arguments I’ve had the displeasure of reading that were for the change are just as stupid, if not stupider. I’m not going to take the time to read every little “counter-argument” blurb that every D[i]
    ick and Jane have said in an attempt to find a decent argument.

    saying that the arguments in the OP are the "the best" doesn't say much about your judgement

    I didn’t say that they were the best arguments, I said that they were the best arguments that I’ve seen.

    Like I said, it may be dumb that they can't get GMs to babysit spawns, but if the GM is not there to verify the veracity of everyone's claims, I can understand their reluctance to swing to banstick

    Well, if people are making 15+ GM calls a day for a week straight, and still they don’t get someone down there even if they have “manpower issues” for what is obviously a large problem, I’m going to bash them for it. If manpower is really the issue (which I’m not buying at this point), then SE, as a major game company providing a global service, has the responsibility of keeping an adequate number of people hired to maintain the game servers and properly deal with problems like this. If SE “needs” to be at an MPK attempt as proof, then they’d better be prepared to have enough people to babysit MPK hotspots, otherwise they’ll just have to start believing the complaints of the playerbase, going over server logs, and being prepared to make a few mistakes in the process.

    Or you know, we could just let these MPK attempts go unhindered like they have been, and just not make a decision to do something either way.

    I blame myself, for over-estimating your reasoning abilities.

    I assume because I actually make you back up what you say, rather than simply taking your word for it and/or making your argument for you because you say it’s “obvious.”

    Welcome to debating!

    Sure, I had an idea of what you’d post in this case, but I’m still going to make you come out and commit to something anyway.

    For the record, I’ve never made the mistake of over-estimating you or your reasoning. It turns out that was wise indeed.

    I beg to differ. You're smart enough to figure it out though, I think, so perhaps the stumbling block is ego-releated

    You know what I’m going to say here, don’t you? Have you guessed yet?

    Cite/give an example of something, or don’t spew.

    Being intentionally vague and being afraid to commit to something in a “debate” is incredibly weak. I’m not going to bother “figuring out” whatever tooth-fairy abstraction you’ve come up with.

    So, anyway, you have nothing.

    Moving on…

    Negative, you'll have to puzzle it out on your own. I find it ironic when you slip into the behavior that you make fun of other people for, and that's the extent of my assistance to you.

    Surprise, surprise! Here you go again with the cryptic nonsense. You’re still afraid to commit? Lack the intestinal fortitude to come out and say what you mean, lest I make you look like an idiot for doing so?

    I’ve never insulted people who use M$ in place of MS, for instance, so I want to see what “irony” you’ll post.

    Of course, you’re just talking out of your as[/i]s anyway, so I’ll just move on.

    especially with your "clever" way of writing "SE"

    This was an experiment and nothing more. As you should know, it’s not usually how I write out “SE.”

    Notice I’m not using it anymore, but I’ve left it in my OP?

    Oddly enough, I’ve proven my hypothesis correct. Alla's a predictable place.

    Sorry if I hit a nerve, there. If a large part of MPK is from RMT, as you've said, then eliminating RMT could have an impact on MPK. That makes it fair game for discussion, especially when you wag your finger and talk about symptoms and diseases.

    You didn’t hit a nerve, so there’s no need to apologize, honeycakes. As I’ve previously stated, MPK comes from RMT gil-farmers the majority of the time. Sure, if you could eliminate the roots of RMT, you could eliminate a hefty portion of the MPK problem.

    Thing is, simply banning the RMT MPKers would have the same effect, and is much less complicated.

    I don’t see any realistic way of completely eliminating RMT from this game or any other for that matter. There will always be individuals selling characters/items/whatever, and transaction hubs such as IGE in existence. Even on the highly unlikely chance that all forms of RMT were made illegal, it wouldn’t stop it. Downloading software/movies/etc. is illegal too. If you’re familiar at all with the internet, you’ll see how much that has helped.

    In conclusion, pursuing ways to completely eliminate RMT roots is counter-productive in the long run. Banning perpetrators of MPK, which can be realistically done, is a better avenue to take. It has the same effect, with less complication as a bonus.

    Yes, I realize they can keep making accounts. However, it makes their lives difficult by requiring them to do time-consuming activities all over again just to get to the point when they were banned, and not doing anything is even worse. I’m afraid the RMT problem is here to stay, and we have to deal with it the best way possible. Doing nothing because we can’t totally kill them off is asinine.

    Bad analogy, you should be above things like this. We're talking about the standard of proof required to get someone banned. It's important to be as precise as possible.

    Anybody who isn’t a complete idiot can see I was exaggerating to make a point.

    Here, let me put it another way for your benefit: the standard of proof is asinine.

    There, can you understand now, my little automaton? Apparently the concept of “wild exaggeration for effect” is completely lost on you.

    [quote] I don't have enough respect for you to be offended by it. [/quote]

    I can’t tell you how saddened I am by this development. An intellectual midget with the debate skills and reason of a lab rat doesn’t have a high amount of respect for me? This is a sad day indeed.

    Oh wait; you probably don’t understand sarcasm either. Let me put it in a way you can understand:

    I don’t give a dam[i]
    n if you respect me or not. Your respect isn’t worth anything.

    EDIT: quote bug > all. Final quote in bold.

    Edited, Fri Dec 16 17:37:22 2005 by SpinShark
    #144 Dec 16 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
    Sounds like venting anger, not much tought behind what you say.
    for one, SE can't do **** to someone that MPKs unless they can somehow prove it (chat log: i am gonna MPK you mothaf**ker). i have done it many times to RMTs and not once has a GM said anything to me. now as of far i have heard of only 1 real good way to handle most of the MPK problems and that is to make a system like EQ has. makers of EQ state that they DO NOT have a MPK problem on their game, but silly SE just didn't want to copy them.
    well, SE f**ked up again and made it harder for a job to solo (stfu to the people that say bst wasn't ment to solo, because thats what people want to do with it). not everyone want to sit around for days looking for a PT (some people suck at making them so they sit and wait), nor do they have the time to do it as well. BST was the most independant job out and i had plans to become a BST (BST tend to help eachother out more then the rest of the people). well, if SE will not change this new MPK "System" then they should help BST out more by boosting the power of a jug pet as well as give BST reward II (+50% more hp recoved and removes all debuffs) letting a BST hold his pet longer (i would like to see some BST gear giving a call beast your subjobs 2 hour ^^ ::laughs at the crab using benediction::).
    i lost a good friend to this update and hope SE will change it before i lose anymore. so just hang in there all you BST and keep ******** to SE (sends flamming bags of dog **** to the door steps of SE) and hope they do something soon.
    #145 Dec 16 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Good
    4,592 posts
    SpinShark wrote:
    No you shouldn’t, because your assertion doesn’t hold up to the definition of a “straw-man,” while mine does. I’ve backed mine up with legitimate sources, have you?

    My sources are the same as yours. Beyond what I've already done, I can't help you wrap your brain around a moderately complex idea, that's all you.
    I’m not going to hunt down every single argument

    Of course not, it would take the wind out of your sails if you considered reasonable counter-arguments. See earlier comment re: selective reading.
    Well, if people are making 15+ GM calls a day for a week straight, and still they don’t get someone down there even if they have “manpower issues” for what is obviously a large problem, I’m going to bash them for it.

    Bashing is cool, I think they are being pretty stupid, too. Throwing more people at it, expense aside, would go a long way I think. The difference between us is that I can see the nugget of truth in their excuse.

    You're willing to accept false positives, but SE is not. You can rant about that all you want, but woe be to any MMO that picks up such a policy.
    I assume because I actually make you back up what you say, rather than simply taking your word for it and/or making your argument for you because you say it’s “obvious.”

    I think it's cute that you still think I was making an argument, or a point for debate.
    As I’ve previously stated, MPK comes from RMT gil-farmers the majority of the time. Sure, if you could eliminate the roots of RMT, you could eliminate a hefty portion of the MPK problem. Thing is, simply banning the RMT MPKers would have the same effect, and is much less complicated.

    The same short-term effect. You're signing yourself up for non-stop policing of every contested NM. And again, stopping the majority MPK via the current brain-dead change is less complicated than banning hordes of people, so by your "how hard is this?" measuring stick. There's more to it than just avoiding complication.
    I don’t see any realistic way of completely eliminating RMT from this game or any other for that matter. There will always be individuals selling characters/items/whatever, and transaction hubs such as IGE in existence. Even on the highly unlikely chance that all forms of RMT were made illegal, it wouldn’t stop it. Downloading software/movies/etc. is illegal too. If you’re familiar at all with the internet, you’ll see how much that has helped.

    The only thing you can think of is making it illegal? RMT is already functionally illegal for all intents and purposes, since SE controls the sandbox. And for criminal/civil purposes, RMT is already outside any jurisdiction that SE would be able to leverage.

    You can do a lot of damage to the secondary market by removing the need for it.
    Anybody who isn’t a complete idiot can see I was exaggerating to make a point.

    Right, I know that, but since that's the only part of my post that you jumped on, that's all I had to reply to.
    Here, let me put it another way for your benefit: the standard of proof is asinine.

    Yes it is asinine. Unfortunately, it's also necessary.
    #146 Dec 16 2005 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
    Beyond what I've already done, I can't help you wrap your brain around a moderately complex idea, that's all you

    You’re really a piece of work.

    I understand what you’re saying, and I’m saying you’re wrong.

    the context/frame/whatever of my thread has nothing to do with whether or not my arguments were straw-men

    The only things that determine whether or not an argument is a straw man is whether or not it is a previously existing misrepresented/inaccurate argument, or a completely made-up one designed to be easily refutable.

    Again, whether or not my arguments were made in a “void” or in the “frame” of my thread has no bearing on determining if it’s a straw-man.

    Who exactly is the one that can’t wrap their brain around a “moderately complex” idea here?

    You can call my arguments whatever made-up term you wish to call them according to your “logic,” but straw men they are not.

    Also, the crux of this “point” of yours is that I selectively read and chose these arguments, when in reality I didn’t. Are you going to tell me authoritatively that I did something I did not? You may as well; it wouldn’t affect your credibility much anyway.

    Of course not, it would take the wind out of your sails if you considered reasonable counter-arguments. See earlier comment re: selective reading.

    No, it would be a waste of my time and I would be forced to read a bunch of dipshi[/i]ts' opinions which I do not care about.

    If you have better arguments, post them, or discontinue the spewing.

    The difference between us is that I can see the nugget of truth in their excuse.

    No, the difference between us is that I have weighed the consequences of a few false positives versus letting MPKers go on their merry way, and came to the conclusion that the positives of actually enforcing your own rules with some inevitable mistakes outweighs unchecked, rampant MPK.

    Keep in mind SE has actually banned people, so they will pull out the ban axe on occasion. They just need to do it more often. There’s no reason why RMT griefers are still on the server after consecutive day MPKing people.

    I think it's cute that you still think I was making an argument, or a point for debate.

    Very little of this has even been a “debate.” Most of it is just me repeating myself and getting you to say what you mean.

    It wasn’t an argument or a “debate” point, but it was still a snide little baseless comment. I just called you on it.

    The same short-term effect

    Of course it’s short-term. I even pointed out how I’m aware they’ll likely re-roll their character after a ban. It’s still hard on them and time-consuming to boot. Who knows, maybe if it happens to them enough, they’ll get sick of the time they have to spend leveling up again etc. and move on to greener MMO pastures. Not incredibly likely, but a possibility, and it would just be a bonus anyhow.

    Again, RMT itself is near impossible to completely eradicate in these type of games, short of giving everyone infinite money and items which defeats the purpose anyway.

    SE just has to do something within their means to stop the breaking of their “no MPK” rule, not just say “oh well, we can’t completely eliminate these people, so we’ll just let them MPK to their heart’s content I guess!”


    Yes it is asinine. Unfortunately, it's also necessary.

    A standard of proof is necessary, yes. But, a big chunk of absurdity presently residing in SE’s SOP needs to be cut out, and streamlined to be effective. The current incarnation is a far cry from this.

    [i]Edited, Fri Dec 16 22:27:26 2005 by SpinShark
    #147 Dec 16 2005 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
    SpinShark wrote:

    Again, RMT itself is near impossible to completely eradicate in these type of games, short of giving everyone infinite money and items which defeats the purpose anyway.

    Then I suppose everything would be about quests or PVP and "***** envy" types would hire mercenary sweatshop workers so they could be the "best." lmao

    SpinShark ftw. Thank you for so wonderfully refuting the claims of morons worldwide.
    #148 Dec 17 2005 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
    4,592 posts
    SpinShark wrote:
    the context/frame/whatever of my thread has nothing to do with whether or not my arguments were straw-men

    "I understand what you’re saying, and I’m saying you’re wrong."
    Also, the crux of this “point” of yours is that I selectively read and chose these arguments, when in reality I didn’t. Are you going to tell me authoritatively that I did something I did not?

    You're right of course, I can't know what went on in your head. So, if you aren't guilty of deliberate selective reading, option B is that you're a fool. I'll admit I didn't think this was the case, but you're more than welcome to use it.
    If you have better arguments, post them...

    Better than te ones you lampooned in the OP? I already did. Scroll up, I'm gettin' tired of repeating myself.
    No, the difference between us is that I have weighed the consequences of a few false positives versus letting MPKers go on their merry way, and came to the conclusion that the positives of actually enforcing your own rules with some inevitable mistakes outweighs unchecked, rampant MPK.

    It's always one or the other with you, isn't it? I'm glad you're not in charge of CS.
    Of course it’s short-term. I even pointed out how I’m aware they’ll likely re-roll their character after a ban. It’s still hard on them and time-consuming to boot. Who knows, maybe if it happens to them enough, they’ll get sick of the time they have to spend leveling up again etc. and move on to greener MMO pastures. Not incredibly likely, but a possibility, and it would just be a bonus anyhow.

    It's not a matter of getting sick of it, it's a matter of profit. As long as it's profitable to sell gil/items to people, they will continue to do it. It might drive up the price of gil, if even that.
    A standard of proof is necessary, yes. But, a big chunk of absurdity presently residing in SE’s SOP needs to be cut out, and streamlined to be effective. The current incarnation is a far cry from this.

    I'd like to hear how. With the understanding that they won't accept banning innocents, nothing less than being 100% sure will work. That probably means that a GM is going to have to see it happen, someone goofs up and talks about it in-game, or they design a magic tool that can tell the difference between a normal train and an MPK.
    #149 Dec 17 2005 at 6:29 AM Rating: Default
    "I understand what you’re saying, and I’m saying you’re wrong."


    “I know you are, but what am I?”

    Sadly, you don’t have a leg to stand on, so you fail once again. You have a hard time understanding that made-up, arbitrary addendums to existing definitions don’t count for anything.

    So, if you aren't guilty of deliberate selective reading, option B is that you're a fool.

    You can’t be serious. I’ve explained this to you several times already.

    You’re not even trying to be reasonable at this point.

    I didn’t realize Alla users made gurus out of trolls, but I guess there’s a first time for everything.

    Better than te ones you lampooned in the OP? I already did. Scroll up, I'm gettin' tired of repeating myself.

    Present your “superior” arguments in bullet-point form.


    1. You can’t claim I misinterpreted them.

    2. I’m not going to go back and read your train wreck posts.

    Get it?

    Also, you seem to be forgetting who it is that’s doing the lion’s share of the repetition here. You’ve already shown yourself to be incredibly dense, so I suppose this isn’t really surprising.

    It's not a matter of getting sick of it, it's a matter of profit.

    That’s what is implied.

    If they get banned and are forced to level up again and do other time-consuming, non-money-making activities just to get back to their pre-ban position, they won’t be making profit.

    I figured that would be self-evident, but I forgot who I’m dealing with here.

    Good job stating the obvious.

    Edited, Sat Dec 17 06:55:49 2005 by SpinShark
    #151 Dec 17 2005 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
    4,592 posts
    SpinShark wrote:
    You have a hard time understanding that made-up, arbitrary addendums to existing definitions don’t count for anything.

    If only that's what it was.
    You can’t be serious. I’ve explained this to you several times already.

    Yes, that you can't be bothered to research a topic you're claiming to be the voice of clarity on, and that if the counter-arguments made don't jump right into your lap, then they don't exist. My response to this is that you're either a selective reader (if it was delibrate), or a fool (if it was accidental). You're the only one who knows what's going on in your head, so it's your pick.
    I didn’t realize Alla users made gurus out of trolls, but I guess there’s a first time for everything.

    Don't you already have an opinion on the worthlessness of the karma system? Also, you calling me a troll is very funny.
    Present your “superior” arguments in bullet-point form.

    I made my points already. You brushed them off or ignored that they existed, and the same thing will happen again. I can already see the nature of the reply forming in your head as you read this, whether you post it or not. My posts are too dense to make any sense of, I'm hiding behind fancy words, you're the smartest person ever, add a few well-polished insults to the mix, maybe some "stomp feet and threaten to leave" pepper, bake for 15 minutes, serve.
    MargavineLiselle wrote:
    The same short-term effect. You're signing yourself up for non-stop policing of every contested NM. And again, stopping the majority MPK via the current brain-dead change is less complicated than banning hordes of people, so by your "how hard is this?" measuring stick. There's more to it than just avoiding complication.

    That's the kind of thing I'm talking about, you'll just latch on to the bit that you can most easily trash, and be done with it. In this case, it was running with "short term", and forgetting the rest.

    Anyway, I'll take a page out of your playbook: I'm getting bored, so if you don't have anything new to say, I'll let it stand (no sense repeating myself).
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