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#377 Mar 12 2006 at 9:34 AM Rating: Default
3,825 posts
Dragutin wrote:
I'm sure MyPony knows that he wasn't asking for how, he was simply stating how he was pissed off that someone would waste a perfectly good question asking that, because it's obvious that whoever asked it had the IQ of a 12 year old

Yes... except IQ of a 4 yr. old or attention span of a flea

these 2 questioners must be of relation to the afore mentioned

Q – Will it be made easier for Ninja to level from 1 to 37?
A – No.

Q – Samurai was presumably meant to be a tank, but Ninja ended up overshadowing it. Are there plans to make Samurai more of a tank?
A – Samurai was never intended as tank.

(This one is slightly forgivable, but not the NIN or the Galka question)

Edited, Sun Mar 12 09:39:57 2006 by MyPonyRocks
#378 Mar 12 2006 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
I have to agree that I was dissapointed in many of the questions... Smiley: lol Right up there with the 'How do Galka reproduce?' question was the 'Are there any Galka females?' question. Smiley: tongue
#379 Mar 12 2006 at 11:06 AM Rating: Default
Did you upload the cosplay pictures? Some of them looked really cool!
#380 Mar 12 2006 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
Not yet. If everone can wait a little longer, I will upload them when I get back home this evening. My connection here at the hotel is slow and uploading the images is painful. Smiley: lol
#381 Mar 12 2006 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
Did you take a video of the Puppetmaster in Action? I really wanted to see that >.<
#382 Mar 12 2006 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
Ok, I will upload pictures of the three winners.

Third Place: Goblin
Second Place: Yagudo
First Place: Dragoon

Edit: As to a video of the Puppetmaster, I was unable to get one. The puppet really just sat back and ranged Ajido-morido in the BC fight though, we were hoping to see more, up until the puppet died. Smiley: lol

Edit 2: I am about to check out of my hotel, but when I get home tonight I will log in and check for questions. Some of the earlier ones, I appologize for not getting to you. If no one else answered, feel free to repeat them and I will try to answer them all at once.

Edited, Sun Mar 12 11:29:56 2006 by Sarlos
#383 Mar 12 2006 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
3,825 posts
Sarlos, Defender of Justice wrote:
Second Place: Yagudo

Now normally I dont make fun of cos-players since I do the whole Renfaire thing..... but um that yagudos "mithra" friend, would have done a lot better had she dressed up as a galka... Also I just wanted to say that some of the other pics I've seen on the net from this event had much better dressed participants than the winners. I'm hoping they judged all out fits? Or was it only people who entered?
#384 Mar 12 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
The future of the update gave me joy, but now not only an invasion of beastmen but of 360 players.
*waves goodbye to the once good vanadiel, where nobody screamed or yelled for no good reason and just played calmly*
#385 Mar 12 2006 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
1,651 posts
The future of the update gave me joy, but now not only an invasion of beastmen but of 360 players.
*waves goodbye to the once good vanadiel, where nobody screamed or yelled for no good reason and just played calmly*

Seriously, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Most of that type of people won't be on when they have to pay. They will even tell you as much.

As for the ones that do make it over... we already have some pretty big ******** in the game, what's a few more?
#386 Mar 12 2006 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
MyPonyRocks the Braindead wrote:
Sarlos, Defender of Justice wrote:
Second Place: Yagudo

Now normally I dont make fun of cos-players since I do the whole Renfaire thing..... but um that yagudos "mithra" friend, would have done a lot better had she dressed up as a galka... Also I just wanted to say that some of the other pics I've seen on the net from this event had much better dressed participants than the winners. I'm hoping they judged all out fits? Or was it only people who entered?

Actually, the main reason she was sticking with him was he could not see very well with his costume on. She was more or less guiding him around... Smiley: lol I am not sure what the criteria were for the judging, but also remember that pictures do not necessarily do the costumes justice. I really expected one of the Bards to place though, both Bard costumes were incredible. The Ranger one was quite good as well.

Edit: I know I said I was not going to post anymore, but it turns out I found a wireless hotspot at the airport. I figured I would check the forums, but I have to go soon so no new pictures right now. Sorry. ^^;

Edited, Sun Mar 12 14:10:50 2006 by Sarlos
#387 Mar 12 2006 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
912 posts
just be happy u guys didn't see the one dressing as a Mandy...

over hyper and over size Mandy is all i can say... ^^;;

the costume was pretty good actually, but the cosplayer herself is a little over hyper and not really acting all that Mandy-ly. ^^;
#388 Mar 12 2006 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
220 posts
As far as the Star Onions go, you can get their album off iTunes. I had the shadowlord theme on my pc for the past 3 months. Very good track and I reccomend it for a listen.
#389 Mar 12 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
282 posts
I want to thank everyone who supplied us with info ^^

#390 Mar 12 2006 at 3:08 PM Rating: Excellent
98 posts
Now normally I dont make fun of cos-players since I do the whole Renfaire thing..... but um that yagudos "mithra" friend, would have done a lot better had she dressed up as a galka... Also I just wanted to say that some of the other pics I've seen on the net from this event had much better dressed participants than the winners. I'm hoping they judged all out fits? Or was it only people who entered?

First off, you my dear friend are the biggest idiot in the world. I am that "mithra Galka", I do post here, and so does the Yagudo.

That's you, you look like a damn cromagnum man, with a dumb muff on your face/wannabe Fred Durst. It's also funny that the file name is "goodcloseup".

I wasn't planning on winning, I knew I wouldn't because there were alot of people dressed up that had really cool costumes. Yes, I was guiding my Fiance because he could not see very well.
You should think twice before making fun of people.
#391 Mar 12 2006 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
First off, you my dear friend are the biggest idiot in the world. I am that "mithra Galka", I do post here, and so does the Yagudo.

That's you, you look like a damn cromagnum man, with a dumb muff on your face/wannabe Fred Durst. It's also funny that the file name is "goodcloseup".

I wasn't planning on winning, I knew I wouldn't because there were alot of people dressed up that had really cool costumes. Yes, I was guiding my Fiance because he could not see very well.
You should think twice before making fun of people.

Oh snap son, ******* OWNED. XD

I honestly thought the yagudo looked much cooler then the dragoon, but congrats to all 3 winners anyways. :D

Edited, Sun Mar 12 15:39:29 2006 by KamakazeKat
#392 Mar 12 2006 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
Ichigopankeiki wrote:
Now normally I dont make fun of cos-players since I do the whole Renfaire thing..... but um that yagudos "mithra" friend, would have done a lot better had she dressed up as a galka... Also I just wanted to say that some of the other pics I've seen on the net from this event had much better dressed participants than the winners. I'm hoping they judged all out fits? Or was it only people who entered?

First off, you my dear friend are the biggest idiot in the world. I am that "mithra Galka", I do post here, and so does the Yagudo.

That's you, you look like a damn cromagnum man, with a dumb muff on your face/wannabe Fred Durst. It's also funny that the file name is "goodcloseup".

I wasn't planning on winning, I knew I wouldn't because there were alot of people dressed up that had really cool costumes. Yes, I was guiding my Fiance because he could not see very well.
You should think twice before making fun of people.

Karma's a ***** eh? What goes around, comes around. That's why I keep my mouth shut...
#393 Mar 12 2006 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
1,651 posts
Hey, if I can be a Taru for Halloween (I'm 7' 360lbs), then she can make a damn fine Mithra.

I think the Yag is the best looking one I've seen so far.
#394 Mar 12 2006 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
2,084 posts
The DRG armor was pretty impressive.


That's you, you look like a damn cromagnum man, with a dumb muff on your face/wannabe Fred Durst. It's also funny that the file name is "goodcloseup".


Edited, Sun Mar 12 15:58:02 2006 by Kirbster
#395 Mar 12 2006 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
3,493 posts
A few more pictures from me.

I'm sure most of the pople already saw versions of this from other people.
Long Live Windurst! ( ^∀^)
Maat is a big bully! マート、大っ嫌い!( ⊃д⊂ )
Windurst Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Bastok Rank 10
Zombies are delicious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH_9GzaUW40
#396 Mar 12 2006 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
My uncle does fantastic things with scrap metal...I'm gonna ask for some PLD AF gear for christmas so I can pwn the contest next year *just gotta send him the specs*
#397 Mar 12 2006 at 4:14 PM Rating: Excellent
892 posts
Now normally I dont make fun of cos-players since I do the whole Renfaire thing..... but um that yagudos "mithra" friend, would have done a lot better had she dressed up as a galka...

An idiot like you could only dream of hooking up with a girl who's not only cute and Japanese, but also rocks an hourglass figure with DD's. Think twice before you "break stride" and decide to cut someone down like that on a forum they might be watching. Also, being compared to Fred Durst is NOT a compliment, so don't start getting a hard needle over it.

just be happy u guys didn't see the one dressing as a Mandy...

over hyper and over size Mandy is all i can say... ^^;;

the costume was pretty good actually, but the cosplayer herself is a little over hyper and not really acting all that Mandy-ly. ^^;

As for the Mandy... showing up in a tight bodysuit with her figure might have been the best idea, because some morons will be insulting her as if they've NEVER seen someone with a pear-shaped figure before... get the f*ck over it, people come in all shapes and sizes. I give her major props for having the guts and the attitude for doing it. She did have a really good attitude and a lot of pep, I would definitely encourage that lady to show up to future events in costume to liven things up like she did.

I really expected one of the Bards to place though, both Bard costumes were incredible. The Ranger one was quite good as well.

The judging was based solely on audience applause. All of the finalists had perfect costumes, but the Dragoon was a Dragoon. That fact alone gaurenteed her a winning spot over any other job costume because of huge support from the large DRG fanbase. Her costume was really great, but then again so were the excellently sewn and extremely accurate BRD, RNG, and WHM finalists' costumes; they just didn't have the same support from the audience. I think the gob's costume could have been a little better (I've seen a Japanese cosplayer with an astounding goblin costume), but it was still really good, I'd say he beat out the others on showmanship. He had been entertaining people throughout the event with his antics, a lot of people had fun with him around, and so a lot of people wanted him to win (and rightly so) because he was unique and had personality. He even threw a Bomb Toss into the audience during the contest... someone threw it back and the MC said "There's a BLU in the audience!" Yeah, the gob was a cool guy, really connected with the fans, and so he deserves credit for that. That's something the pics don't tell you.

I was the Yagudo, so me and the Goblin posed for a lot of pics together. Not just for fans either, the SE staff had us pose a LOT and for a LONG time. By that time, both of us were really sore from posing and bearing the weight of our costumes throughout the day. So, if you look at the later pics you might notice us half-assing our poses. Or at least I was. Oh, and I'm sorry to anyone that wanted a pic with me after the contest and didn't get to. A lot of people wanted to take pics with me and I was happy to oblige. But, by that time, I really needed to get out of that damn costume, I'd been in it too long. Our test-run of the costume was out here in the desert, so it's much more dry, and there were no problems at all with vision (aside from not having periphreal). I hadn't thought about the humidity and how that would affect my vision, but it did in a huge way. =

Oh, and here's a fun Fan Festival story. There's a restaurant right next to Rusty's Surf Ranch. One of the Live Quests involved collecting various items like "holy Water," "Crying mustard," "Shumayo salt," etc. We went in this restaurant on Friday to eat (not in costume), and my fiance also grabbed a salt packet and some pepper before we ordered. The guy working there goes "Hey that's not nice, you come in here and take my salt. That's not nice," getting all upset at us for taking ONE tiny salt packet out of 100's. Also, there was a sign that said "Please don't ask for mustard." So obviously a bunch of people from the event went there to acquire condiments for the quest and not buying any food there, and he was fed up and was being rude to them. So, we ended up leaving without ordering anything because he wasn't being hospitible in any way. Right before we leave he goes "Hey! Aren't you going to order?!" and we shout back "No! You're being rude!" So, we just went to the next restaurant on the pier, and he lost a sale.

... The next day, we're waiting in line in costume, and that same rude guy comes out of his restaurant, runs up to us, and asks to take our picture. WTF? And yes, we let him snap a picture.
#398 Mar 12 2006 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
98 posts
just be happy u guys didn't see the one dressing as a Mandy...

over hyper and over size Mandy is all i can say... ^^;;

the costume was pretty good actually, but the cosplayer herself is a little over hyper and not really acting all that Mandy-ly. ^^;


As for the Mandy... showing up in a tight bodysuit with her figure might have been the best idea, because some morons will be insulting her as if they've NEVER seen someone with a pear-shaped figure before... get the f*ck over it, people come in all shapes and sizes. I give her major props for having the guts and the attitude for doing it. She did have a really good attitude and a lot of pep, I would definitely encourage that lady to show up to future events in costume to liven things up like she did.

I agree, I loved the mandy and her tonberry friend was cool too.

She had such great spirit, and she was having fun, which is all that matters. She had the mandy actions down to a T!

The yagudo wasn't the only one guided around, the Tonberry had a hard time too.
#399 Mar 12 2006 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,015 posts
Now normally I dont make fun of cos-players since I do the whole Renfaire thing..... but um that yagudos "mithra" friend, would have done a lot better had she dressed up as a galka... Also I just wanted to say that some of the other pics I've seen on the net from this event had much better dressed participants than the winners. I'm hoping they judged all out fits? Or was it only people who entered?

First off, you my dear friend are the biggest idiot in the world. I am that "mithra Galka", I do post here, and so does the Yagudo.

That's you, you look like a damn cromagnum man, with a dumb muff on your face/wannabe Fred Durst. It's also funny that the file name is "goodcloseup".

I wasn't planning on winning, I knew I wouldn't because there were alot of people dressed up that had really cool costumes. Yes, I was guiding my Fiance because he could not see very well.
You should think twice before making fun of people.

In the venacular, PWND!!!1!

In all seriousness, I think your costume looked rather nice ^^, I'm glad your Fiance got 2nd place in the contest... it looked like a lotta work.
#400 Mar 12 2006 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,651 posts
I'm curious... has there been any kind of estimate on attendance numbers?

Could any of you that attended hazard a guess?

It looked very fun and I'm hopeful they will do another one so I can try to go.
#401 Mar 12 2006 at 4:39 PM Rating: Excellent
98 posts
I'm curious... has there been any kind of estimate on attendance numbers?

Could any of you that attended hazard a guess?

It looked very fun and I'm hopeful they will do another one so I can try to go.

I believe it was over 1,000 that were registered, not too sure how many actually showed. It was a huge tent, and they didn't use those heat lamps even once! It was really freezing cold! They press from Japan, Europe and USA were all there.
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