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April 12th Update PicsFollow

#1 Apr 12 2006 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
397 posts
As per my usual, I'll upload pictures as I find them and then upload the lists after I've sorted through everything. However, today I have to go to work in a few hours, so I expect that others will find alot of it before I do.

Here's the album that i'll be sticking all the images in that I find before I leave for work.

Anywho, I'll start us off with what looks to possibly be the sign changer for the new boat to the Aht Urhgan region.
Side 1 - Side 2 - In the actual model, for his animation, it shows him flipping the sign around.
Puppetmasters Puppet
Also added (but not pictured) a couple goblins and moblins and 2 bugards for who knows what reason.

Alright, found some fun looking weapons, i can probably get the name's of 'em from that Famitsu info, but for now just the pictures.
New GreatAxe
Two Pronged GreatSword
Four Prong Polearm
New Dagger
New Club
Mamool Ja Sword
New Shield
Troll Shield
New H2H
New Bow&Arrow

When I get off work
Puppet Master AF, Blue Mage AF, Corsair AF, and 3 other sets
I'm pretty sure the other 3 sets are the ones from the famitsu article that says you'll be able to wear the NPC armor from Beseiged. Anywho, I'm sure there'll be pictures already before I'm able to post them.

More coming as I find it, keep an eye on this post

Edited, Wed Apr 12 16:42:27 2006 by Phabin
Edited, Wed Apr 12 17:47:31 2006 by Phabin

Edited, Wed Apr 12 17:55:42 2006 by Phabin
#2 Apr 12 2006 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
1,683 posts
Phabin wrote:
Here's the album that i'll be sticking all the images in that I find before I leave for work

Corrected the link to make work.
#3 Apr 12 2006 at 3:42 PM Rating: Excellent
397 posts
thanks, I wasn't even paying attention to it.
Puppetmasters puppet added.

Edited, Wed Apr 12 16:45:48 2006 by Phabin
#4 Apr 12 2006 at 3:47 PM Rating: Default
10,297 posts
Update your lists while you're at it >_>
#5 Apr 12 2006 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,405 posts
165/16.DAT - Corsair JA of some kind
165/17-22.DAT - Corsair Card JA
164/45-61.DAT - Another Corsair Card JA

164/88-94.DAT - Pulls out a gun and fires through a card with an elemental effect.

88 = Dark
89 = Fire
90 = Ice
91 = Wind
92 = Earth
93 = Thunder
94 = Water

Edited, Wed Apr 12 17:04:41 2006 by Quinsisdos
#6 Apr 12 2006 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
2,746 posts
New Staff:

New Rod (despite the old model... Yay for reusing models!)

Junk Dagger:

Junk H2H:

Junk Club? Not sure:

edit: Apparently javelin and axe aren't new, sorry ^^; But the rod isn't in MV, so I believe it's new, and the staff isn't there for sure...

edit II: Bah, my tools must be broken, as I'm only getting the older models! Not even the puppetmaster AF (been posted on BG forums, so I know it's in the dats...)

Edited, Wed Apr 12 17:20:49 2006 by Kalainen

Edited, Wed Apr 12 17:23:12 2006 by Kalainen

Edited, Wed Apr 12 17:30:02 2006 by Kalainen

Edited, Wed Apr 12 17:32:55 2006 by Kalainen
#7 Apr 12 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
397 posts
Adding weapons now

Feba wrote:
Update your lists while you're at it >_>

Well technically I am, I just plan on waiting until I get done with them before uploading them.

Quinsisdos, thanks, I'll make sure they get where they need to go

Kalainen wrote:
Throwing axe and javelin (thrown polearm) have been found:

(Note: Know they're thrown from them being in the ranged section of these weapons... And dat numbers are on the pics!)

Throwing Axe

Those aren't new... I've known about them for awhile, I don't remember what my reasoning was for not adding them in yet...

[edit for Kalainen's edit]
Kalainen's edit wrote:
New Staff:

New Rod (despite the old model... Yay for reusing models!)

edit: Apparently javelin and axe aren't new, sorry ^^; But the rod isn't in MV, so I believe it's new, and the staff isn't there for sure...

I've seen those as well, (anything not in the 162-166 folders isn't new from this patch), once again, I don't recall the exact reason those aren't included in the model viewer.

Edited, Wed Apr 12 17:25:19 2006 by Phabin
#8 Apr 12 2006 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
i proably dont have it anymore but what program is it to view the dats? not model viewer
#9 Apr 12 2006 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
2,746 posts
FFXITool, tool 4.

edit: Phabin's site for info on it

Edited, Wed Apr 12 17:23:33 2006 by Kalainen
#10 Apr 12 2006 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
do you know a english version?
#11 Apr 12 2006 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
2,746 posts
Unfortunately not... But it's not like there's TOO much Japanese to read, atleast when looking for models ;p
#12 Apr 12 2006 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
2,405 posts
164/62.DAT - The Light Card that goes with the others above.
#13 Apr 12 2006 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
when i try loading any of the tools from extracting i get nothing but a pop up then another showing the program but only a yellow backround nothing else
#14 Apr 12 2006 at 4:53 PM Rating: Excellent
397 posts
I have to leave for work now, from what I can tell, I have these pictures left to upload.

Puppet Master AF, Blue Mage AF, Corsair AF, and 3 other sets
I'm pretty sure the other 3 sets are the ones from the famitsu article that says you'll be able to wear the NPC armor from Beseiged.
Anywho, I'm sure there'll be pictures already before I'm able to post them. So feel free to post anything that I didn't post while Im at work.

in approximatly 6 hours (when i get off work) I'll be compiling the list files up.
#15 Apr 12 2006 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
is Happy on Friday!
12,448 posts
that new h2h is like a chakram, anyone who's played sunsiangxian (sp?) on dynasty warriors knows what i mean,

-drool +1-
Theytak, Siren Server, FFXI [Retired]
Amerida Baker, Balmung Server, FFXIV

Reiterpallasch wrote:
Glitterhands wrote:
Am I the only one who clicked on this thread expecting actual baby photos [of Jinte]? o.O

Except if it were baby photos, it would be like looking at before and afters of Michael Jackson. Only instead of turning into a white guy, he changes into a chick!
#16 Apr 12 2006 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent

Can someone explain how to pull up images into the model viewer that aren't already selectable in the drop down menus.
#17 Apr 12 2006 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
2,746 posts
Go to lists in the modelviewer folder. There, add the dat to the list.

It goes like this:

164-28,Bluemage AF Weapon

That means in ROM/164/28.DAT, the Bluemage AF Weapon can be found.

edit: Working on unofficial lists until Phabin can work on them, and omg, I am going to stab whoever organized these dats!

Edited, Wed Apr 12 19:15:05 2006 by Kalainen
#18 Apr 12 2006 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
People need to use other hosting site than photobucket/image shack. T_T Both are blocked here at work (and I don't get to go home for 3 more hours...)
#19 Apr 12 2006 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
2,258 posts
I have a site up for my ffxi screenshots if anyone wants to use my server for hosting these new ones, they can :)

#20 Apr 12 2006 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
2,258 posts
I updated my page with his images for those that can't access his site.

Anyone that has more images they would like to upload, send me a PM ^^
#21 Apr 12 2006 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
2,746 posts
I'll just start posting my finds for those who want to edit their lists to include these dats for MV.

First, instructions for editting lists:
1) Go to your modelviewer folder (you can get MV at http://www.folye.net), and look in the Lists folder.
2) There, open up the race and gender's respective file (as in elvaan f's "main" file for editting main hand weapon, or elvaan f bd file for editting body lists) using notepad (if you doubleclick the file and it asks what to use, select from a list, notepad, check the thingy at the bottom, and then OK)
3) Copy and paste that respective line of text into the file.
4) Save, close notepad, and go into MV to view the dat! :D

Anyway, here is what I have so far:

Bluemage AF Weapon Main

(Hume Male)
163-0,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword

(Hume Female)
163-16,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword

(Elvaan Male)
163-32,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword

163-63,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword

163-79,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword

163-85,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword

(Elvaan Female)
162-101,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword

Bluemage AF Weapon Offhand

164-42,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword Offhand

164-39,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword Offhand

(Tarutaru [Unisex])
164-36,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword Offhand

(Elvaan Male)
164-31,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword Offhand

(Hume Female)
164-28,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword Offhand

(Hume Male)
164-25,Sword: Bluemage AF Sword Offhand



163-43,Corsair Head
163-44,Puppetmaster Head
163-45,Purple Besieged Head
163-46,Brown Besieged Head


163-47,Corsair Body
163-48,Puppetmaster Body
163-49,Purple Besieged Body
163-50,Brown Besieged Body


163-51,Brown Besieged Hands
163-52,Puppetmaster Hands
163-53,Purple Besieged Hands
163-54,Brown Besieged Hands


163-55,Brown Besieged Legs
163-56,Puppetmaster Legs
163-57,Purple Besieged Legs
163-58,Brown Besieged Legs


163-59,Corsair Feet
163-60,Puppetmaster Feet
163-61,Purple Besieged Feet
163-62,Brown Besieged Feet



163-64,BLU Head
163-65,Purple Besieged Head
163-66,Brown Besieged Head


163-67,BLU Body
163-68,Purple Besieged Body
163-69,Brown Besieged Body


163-70,BLU Hands
163-71,Purple Besieged Hands
163-72,Brown Besieged Hands


163-73,BLU Legs
163-74,Purple Besieged Legs
163-75,Brown Besieged Legs


163-76,BLU Feet
163-77,Purple Besieged Feet
163-78,Brown Besieged Feet

Hume Female:


163-1,Puppetmaster Head
163-2,Purple Besieged Head
163-3,Brown Besieged Head


163-4,Puppetmaster Body
163-5,Purple Besieged Body
163-6,Brown Besieged Body


163-7,Puppetmaster Hands
163-8,Purple Besieged Hands
163-9,Brown Besieged Hands


163-10,Puppetmaster Legs
163-11,Purple Besieged Legs
163-12,Brown Besieged Legs


163-13,Puppetmaster Feet
163-14,Purple Besieged Feet
163-15,Brown Besieged Feet

I'll update it as I figure out more dats. Don't expect me to be too fast-- this is hard work!
edit: removed elvaan female. Mistook it for some other's af weapon -_- this is annoying.
edit2: BLU AF weapons everywhere. I've already encountered about 3 that I do not know what it's for... I'm gonna try again at BLU AF.
edit3: Thanks to Tidane, the above is now more properly labelled.
edit4: BLU AF main hand in
edit5: Added armor for tarutaru from the 163 folder.
edit6: Added armor for mithra from the 163 folder.
edit7: Added armor for hume female from the 163 folder.

Edited, Wed Apr 12 21:30:40 2006 by Kalainen
#22 Apr 12 2006 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
That last part sounded kinky, but thanks for the info Kal~

#23 Apr 12 2006 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
I may be wrong about this, but I believe your Hume M .DAT for the sword is the offhand sword, not the mainhand.
#24 Apr 12 2006 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
2,746 posts
Guess so, thanks :3 I'll edit my post above.
#25 Apr 12 2006 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
(Hume Female)
163-1,Puppetmaster AF Head
163-4,Puppetmaster AF Body
163-7,Puppetmaster AF Hands
163-10,Puppetmaster AF Legs
163-13,Puppetmaster AF Feet

(Elvaan Male)
163-17,Blue Mage AF Head
163-18,Puppetmaster AF Head
163-19,Unknown Head
163-20,Blue Mage AF Body
163-21,Puppetmaster AF Body
163-22,Unknown Body
163-23,Blue Mage AF Hands
163-24,Puppetmaster AF Hands
163-25,Unknown Hands
163-26,Blue Mage AF Legs
163-27,Puppetmaster AF Legs
163-28,Unknown Legs
163-29,Blue Mage AF Feet
163-30,Puppetmaster AF Feet
163-31,Unknown Feet


Edited, Wed Apr 12 20:19:39 2006 by Tidane
#26 Apr 12 2006 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
I am not sure that SE has updated everthing becouse i was using looking at the date files and the armor hasnt been updated saying what blu can or cant use so i think there is still anouther update coming.
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