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Discussion - Linkshell Community BetaFollow

#1 Jun 09 2006 at 2:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
Please use this thread to discuss the upcoming beta release of PlayOnline's Linkshell Community!

From Sage Sundi, Global Online Producer:

Beta service for the new "Linkshell Community" community tool will be launching soon. Detailed information can be found on the FINAL FANTASY XI official website, but I thought I'd explain some additional points which we would like our community to understand.

We believe that most community activities in FINAL FANTASY XI are based on linkshells. However, for various reasons, there's currently no way in PlayOnline or FINAL FANTASY XI for these communities to "leave footprints." The community management team feels that we're lacking a place to record these live experiences.

Generally speaking, for MMO games, there are two main methods to record live, in-game activities. The first way is to use blogs or forums outside of the service, and the second way, though currently the minority, is by using officially provided methods.

The FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community doesn't favor one or the other. While its aim is to encourage communication between different linkshell communities, ideally we would like it to coexist with existing sites, such as general information sites which don't belong to any particular linkshell or world, premiere sites, and other major sites and forums.

We're aiming to build systems like the following to create synergy between our communities:

o Premier sites: Premier planning, main discussion
o Community sites: Information sites & forums
o Linkshell Community: Communication between linkshells, linking to outside blogs

There's one more important point for us in the FINAL FANTASY XI community. Linkshell Community gives moderation authority (management of information written on the site and message boards) to the linkshell owners. Thus, all text or images posted on Linkshell Community website will be moderated by the linkshell owner and up to 2 moderators which are named by the linkshell owner. Any reports about site content will also be sent to these moderators.

This is because we think it should be left to each community's moderation policy to determine what do about borderline issues that don't fall under official user agreements and policies. This will be different from an official forum moderated by the community management team. We believe that creating rules and communication for linkshells will encourage self-regulation which results in good community functions for all players.

However, in cases where moderation hasn't been done properly or the moderators cannot be contacted for a while, Game Masters may take appropriate action, such as temporarily suspending that Linkshell Community site. Also, because the Linkshell Community is strongly linked to in-game worlds, some penalties may apply to PlayOnline accounts if severe violations are detected. This should not affect communication, but in case of problems caused by non-real-time communication, each linkshell owner's moderation is needed for the Linkshell Community to run smoothly. We're hoping that lots of players and linkshells will use the Linkshell Community beta service while taking this into account.

During the beta test, some data is already linked to the in-game world, but we believe you will come up with various ideas while using the Linkshell Community. We're looking forward to seeing interesting discussions and hearing your suggestions for the service.

Finally, the beta service and future official service will be free to use and open to every player who is a linkshell member regardless of their region. Also, after the beta ends, unless any problems prevent us from doing so, we're planning to carry over all the data as-is to the official service.

Edited, Jun 9th 2006 at 2:46am EST by Pikko

Edited, Jun 9th 2006 at 3:03am EST by Pikko

Edited, Jun 10th 2006 at 12:59am EST by Pikko
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#2 Jun 09 2006 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
Looks good to me, the only thing I can see being a problem is that one will not be able to view the Forums for their LS while playing the game. This could be a problem if there is information that you need to acces while camping an HNM or something. I don't think it will be too bad, just something that popped into my head.
#3 Jun 09 2006 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
Most LSs that do activities alreadyhave sites though.
#4 Jun 09 2006 at 3:08 AM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
Alporhan wrote:
Looks good to me, the only thing I can see being a problem is that one will not be able to view the Forums for their LS while playing the game. This could be a problem if there is information that you need to acces while camping an HNM or something. I don't think it will be too bad, just something that popped into my head.

Well, as it stands now, you TECHNICALLY aren't supposed to be able to look at your LS forums while in game anyways... Unless you have an extra PC handy (if you play on the PC) or have a PC near your TV (if you play on 360/PS2) that is. However, lets try not to turn this into another thread about how "legal" windower is or whether SE can detect it...
#5 Jun 09 2006 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
Tomec the Wise wrote:
Alporhan wrote:

Looks good to me, the only thing I can see being a problem is that one will not be able to view the Forums for their LS while playing the game. This could be a problem if there is information that you need to acces while camping an HNM or something. I don't think it will be too bad, just something that popped into my head.

Well, as it stands now, you TECHNICALLY aren't supposed to be able to look at your LS forums while in game anyways... Unless you have an extra PC handy (if you play on the PC) or have a PC near your TV (if you play on 360/PS2) that is. However, lets try not to turn this into another thread about how "legal" windower is or whether SE can detect it...

My PS2 and TV are on one side of my desk and my PC is on the other, most people I know have set-ups like this or use a Laptop. And even though you aren't supposed to ba able to check while you play, it doesn't mean people do it, and therefore cause problems.

Edit: Spelling.

Edited, Jun 9th 2006 at 3:27am EST by Alporhan
#6 Jun 09 2006 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
Posting from the computer I use for internet surfing and other games while playing FFXI.

This feature sounds like it would be really nice, but am I understanding it correctly that you can't be logged onto the game and be on these "Official" message boards at the same time?

If that's the case... that sucks.

Edited, Jun 9th 2006 at 3:41am EST by Mikhalia
#7 Jun 09 2006 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
2,207 posts
It's definitely an interesting idea, and I'll certainly be giving it a look see. Would be much nicer to find your info and such with it being integrated.
#8 Jun 09 2006 at 3:55 AM Rating: Good
983 posts
Let's not stray from the topic at hand, this is not about the legality of Windowers or having an extra PC for internet access during gameplay.

As it stands, this is a great idea, Square is finally giving something that the Linkshell, an integral part of the FFXI community, can get something out of. Linkshells of all sizes and varieties will be able to make use of this feature, whether you are part of a newbie shell, a social/chat shell, or an end-game HNM or Dynamis shell.

While it is true, most activity-oriented linkshells have their own websites and forums, maintaining these sites can be alot of work, and many linkshells don't have the luxury of a computer-savvy website admin to create an original look for the site, or create an original forum system. Even some end-game linkshells use the average run-of-the-mill 3rd party BBS systems. This gives every linkshell, big and small, to have their own place on the web, regardless of having members with web design talent.

Also, this feature self-maintains itself by updating member information on a regular basis. Site admins will no longer have to manually update member information every time they level up or start a new job, and sackholders will be able to keep track of how many linkpearls exist so as to seperate inactive players who never tossed their pearl from members who are in the shell almost every day.

Finally, this feature allows players to search for linkshells based on their individual needs. The server forums will no longer require an Active Linkshell thread, and recruitment for new linkshells will be easier than ever before. This could particularly help end-game linkshells find new players as needed to have decent attendence at scheduled events.

I honestly think this is one of the most revolutionary ideas that Square has churned out for this MMO, and I certainly hope it works out. After all, FFXI is all about community, you cannot get very far on your own, but by banding together with other players, you can achieve anything in this game.
#9 Jun 09 2006 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
335 posts

rate up for S_E XD
#10 Jun 09 2006 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
the question is... it seems like this service is already active (in beta), how can you start to test this beta?
#11 Jun 09 2006 at 5:55 AM Rating: Decent
In the post from SE it says it'll be available soon.

This sounds very cool. If they do pull through and it does the things it says it can I'll definately be saying {Goodbye} to Guildportal.
#12 Jun 09 2006 at 6:53 AM Rating: Default
"However, in cases where moderation hasn't been done properly or the moderators cannot be contacted for a while, Game Masters may take appropriate action, such as temporarily suspending that Linkshell Community site. Also, because the Linkshell Community is strongly linked to in-game worlds, some penalties may apply to PlayOnline accounts if severe violations are detected. This should not affect communication, but in case of problems caused by non-real-time communication, each linkshell owner's moderation is needed for the Linkshell Community to run smoothly. We're hoping that lots of players and linkshells will use the Linkshell Community beta service while taking this into account."

Use at your own risk everyone. Anything stated here is reviewable by SE and applicable to the end user agreement. Thus, you write it & they say it violates, your history.
#13 Jun 09 2006 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
146 posts
Hey, I think it's a pretty savvy idea. My LS wants to start a guild site and this just seems like good timing. From the screenies it looks pretty good so far. I can't wait to really dig in and explore all the features this will have to offer.
And granted, yes, many linkshells already have websites.. But they also take a lot of time and hard work, and I'm willing to bet some of these cost them money. To each their own, but this looks like a viable solution for those who can't exactly afford to shell out the money for a site.
Only way to really find out, though, is to wait and see!
#14 Jun 09 2006 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
196 posts

Use at your own risk everyone. Anything stated here is reviewable by SE and applicable to the end user agreement. Thus, you write it & they say it violates, your history.

Exactly, so any talk about "windower" or "how i mpk those gillsellers" may result in bainings.

Another problem is ToD and all HNM strategies or inside LS drama and other stuff that linkshells want to keet secret. If anybody can acces linkshell forum and read it, then such website will not be used by biggest linkshells.

But SE made step in right direction, I hope they allow outside websites to query their database or some kind of xml feed, something that allow us all to have automaticaly updated profiles and acces to ls info from outside of that community website. But I doubt, that's SE. they had many great ideas that always were realised in strange way or stopped half way.

#15 Jun 09 2006 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, I assume, much like the Chocobo Thread that this is a thread that may be reviewed for ideas, so, here's what I'd like to see:

Connect this to the current POL Website Friends Plus system. That system has great ideas, but is low on actual usage and applicability. It falls short. Combining the two may get both sets of features used more often.

Additionally, if you would like us to bump around on the Offical Community Site more, give us things only you, SE, can give. I would like to log onto Friends Plus/LS Forum and have a set-up where I can view who is in game on my LS and perhaps even talk on LS chat.

Me> "Hey Guys, what's going on? I'm just about to head home from the university."
Lsmatea> "Hey Me, You going to be in-game later?"
Me> "I can be, why?"
Lsmateb> "We are trying to get a Promy run together for 5 o'clock. Can you bring SMN?"
Me> "Glad you asked. I'll be sure to grab food on my way home then so I don't have to leave half-way through. I'll be there"

Another feature that only SE can give us? Let us check the Jeuno AH price histories for a 'Wishlist' of items (limit of 5 or 10 different Items) on our server from the Community Site, and let us choose whether or not to let others in the Community, or LS see that Wishlist, as some people could use that to give gifts to LS Friends, or give hand-me-downs.

I love the idea of the Self-updating Game-data Profile. It's great for putting together groups. Now, let us beable to do a search within our own LS of who all has jobs between Lv40 and Lv45 for that Lv 43~ish static I want to put together.

What do you think?
#16 Jun 09 2006 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
Kalyoth wrote:
Use at your own risk everyone. Anything stated here is reviewable by SE and applicable to the end user agreement. Thus, you write it & they say it violates, your history.

You are right...if there is gilseller LS's out there, that register, SE could essentially use this as a better policing method. No?

Sure, the LS's like this would have to register, but if they do, they are cutting themselves off at the knees. But, wouldn't that be great?
#17 Jun 09 2006 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
211 posts
Additionally, if you would like us to bump around on the Offical Community Site more, give us things only you, SE, can give. I would like to log onto Friends Plus/LS Forum and have a set-up where I can view who is in game on my LS and perhaps even talk on LS chat.

I like that idea, so even if you don't play like in a week because of rl issues you still keep in touch, nothing worst then being forgotten cause you've been gone so long. Events can be better planned or you don't miss that one funny Quip that was said.

Another feature that only SE can give us? Let us check the Jeuno AH price histories for a 'Wishlist' of items (limit of 5 or 10 different Items) on our server from the Community Site, and let us choose whether or not to let others in the Community, or LS see that Wishlist, as some people could use that to give gifts to LS Friends, or give hand-me-downs.

Another great idea, maybe that may even help out the economy in-game a little. I would love to be able to see whats in stock and whats not. but i don't know how feasabile this would be for SE, they would need to list the AH for each individual server or else just have it set up as an average accumalation of all the servers. It would be an estimate but at least it would be less complicated. we can still have a wish list but maybe we don't have to link it to the AH, seeing that some items that we may want cannot be purshased or traded. they could supply an organized list off all items in the game that we can select from with pictures and descriptions.

Another problem is ToD and all HNM strategies or inside LS drama and other stuff that linkshells want to keet secret. If anybody can acces linkshell forum and read it, then such website will not be used by biggest linkshells.

I hope that access to the particlar linkshell's forum will not be viewable unless your a member of that linkshell. and if it doesn't so what, if the linkshell has secrets reserve it for ingame chat and not the forum. We will just have to really watch what were saying in the forums.

Another question is do we have to register our linkshells or will they be automatically added to the Link Shell Community?

Also i hope that we will have the option of customizing our forums.
#18 Jun 09 2006 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
242 posts
I haven't be able to betatest a new community service by Square Enix, but I have some ideas and suggestions:

Linkshell ranking
There should be some kind of a rating board (like there's already one in Fishing Guild - fishing contest). Linkshells could compete with each other in several categories like:

Craft - total number of synths made by linkshell, the higher the synth the more points linkshell gets in Craft category, combined with total number of crafting levels of linkshell members

Battle - total number of experience points earned, and again - higher number of high level members, more points earned for the linkshell

Adventure - total number of quests and missions completed by linkshell members

Of course there could be subcategories like in craft (Leathercraft, Bonecraft, Fishing etc), experience (exp parties, ENMs, Assault). The point is to find the BEST Linkshells on YOUR server and compete with each other to get to higher place. Every week/month there could be some in-game awards for certain linkshell members (like some upgraded "Empress Hairpin" items - with more experience points earned traits, or temporary items for winning linkshell members which could improve crafting results etc)

Information about linkshell rankings should be available to all that wish to compare their results.

Event planning
Not much to write here - just check www.guildportal.com. Linkshell members add their profiles, sign up to events, you can manage pre-event setup, post event drops, distrubution, attendance points etc.

Edited, Jun 9th 2006 at 8:52am EST by huckster
#19 Jun 09 2006 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
Elsherann wrote:
Ok, I assume, much like the Chocobo Thread that this is a thread that may be reviewed for ideas, so, here's what I'd like to see:

Connect this to the current POL Website Friends Plus system. That system has great ideas, but is low on actual usage and applicability. It falls short. Combining the two may get both sets of features used more often.

Additionally, if you would like us to bump around on the Offical Community Site more, give us things only you, SE, can give. I would like to log onto Friends Plus/LS Forum and have a set-up where I can view who is in game on my LS and perhaps even talk on LS chat.

Me> "Hey Guys, what's going on? I'm just about to head home from the university."
Lsmatea> "Hey Me, You going to be in-game later?"
Me> "I can be, why?"
Lsmateb> "We are trying to get a Promy run together for 5 o'clock. Can you bring SMN?"
Me> "Glad you asked. I'll be sure to grab food on my way home then so I don't have to leave half-way through. I'll be there"

Another feature that only SE can give us? Let us check the Jeuno AH price histories for a 'Wishlist' of items (limit of 5 or 10 different Items) on our server from the Community Site, and let us choose whether or not to let others in the Community, or LS see that Wishlist, as some people could use that to give gifts to LS Friends, or give hand-me-downs.

I love the idea of the Self-updating Game-data Profile. It's great for putting together groups. Now, let us beable to do a search within our own LS of who all has jobs between Lv40 and Lv45 for that Lv 43~ish static I want to put together.

What do you think?

I think you have some good ideas.
I remember about a month ago, I sent a message to SE though POL that they should come up with a way, 'in-game' though was my suggestion, to view all the current LS holders, so that you can view who's active or not. This would also increase the community feel for a LS, and reduce the incidence of people just up and leaving because they don't feel like they are part of that LS's community.
Anyway, the ideas you expressed here are really good. I would like to see them. I would even go so far as to suggest that you send a message to SE thorugh POL about this.
I'm not sure if this would work like the once used MPK thread that an SE rep. started and was looking for input...so sending a direct message might be good.

I say, keep it up SE...you are making me feel that even my small LS is an intergral part of the FFXI community as a whole!
#20 Jun 09 2006 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,059 posts
The bigest problem I can forsee is FF's horrible interface. I don't know if you've noticed but most of the Playonline/FFXI stuff outside the game itself is horribly slow. If this service has the same slow interface as the login sequence to ffxi or such (you know, that playonline clunky stuff we need to wade thru to get to ffxi) I'll be avoiding it like the plague. For those who have no internet access (PS2 and XBOX users), it might prove useful. For the rest of us who are used to the internet's ability to respond to queries and the speed of even the slowest forums, it might prove horribly unusable.


SE need to pound that into POL's head. With a military hammer.
#21 Jun 09 2006 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
196 posts

I really hope that SE makes all that user database info accesible from outside their websie. Ie. for making auto updated signatures for other websites or making ls rooster on non SE website and so. If they restrict all that stuff to SE onry and add possibility to investigate forums there or GM useing it as proof of mpk or whatever then ***** SE I stay on my LS website without all those whistles but without risk of getting banned for windower.

#22 Jun 09 2006 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
94 posts
Kudos SE, I do believe your on to something here!

Elsherann wrote:
Another feature that only SE can give us? Let us check the Jeuno AH price histories for a 'Wishlist' of items (limit of 5 or 10 different Items) on our server from the Community Site, and let us choose whether or not to let others in the Community, or LS see that Wishlist, as some people could use that to give gifts to LS Friends, or give hand-me-downs.

I don't usually reply to these threads, or post on the main forum much for that matter, but I had to make an exception for this, I think this is an excellent idea!
#23 Jun 09 2006 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
267 posts
From a web designer: 2 Years too late SE.
#24 Jun 09 2006 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
737 posts
Connect this to the current POL Website Friends Plus system. That system has great ideas, but is low on actual usage and applicability. It falls short. Combining the two may get both sets of features used more often.

Additionally, if you would like us to bump around on the Offical Community Site more, give us things only you, SE, can give. I would like to log onto Friends Plus/LS Forum and have a set-up where I can view who is in game on my LS and perhaps even talk on LS chat.

Me> "Hey Guys, what's going on? I'm just about to head home from the university."
Lsmatea> "Hey Me, You going to be in-game later?"
Me> "I can be, why?"
Lsmateb> "We are trying to get a Promy run together for 5 o'clock. Can you bring SMN?"
Me> "Glad you asked. I'll be sure to grab food on my way home then so I don't have to leave half-way through. I'll be there"

Another feature that only SE can give us? Let us check the Jeuno AH price histories for a 'Wishlist' of items (limit of 5 or 10 different Items) on our server from the Community Site, and let us choose whether or not to let others in the Community, or LS see that Wishlist, as some people could use that to give gifts to LS Friends, or give hand-me-downs.

I love the idea of the Self-updating Game-data Profile. It's great for putting together groups. Now, let us beable to do a search within our own LS of who all has jobs between Lv40 and Lv45 for that Lv 43~ish static I want to put together.

What do you think?

#25 Jun 09 2006 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
Pikko's Av is so damn cute! I MUST get one of those shirts^^
#26 Jun 09 2006 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
if there was an option to talk on guild chat while not being logged in to ffxi it would be amazing. Otherwise, my guild already has forums that we've been using for 2 years, I doubt we'll be changing over anytime soon.
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