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Banned for RMT?Follow

#77REDACTED, Posted: Jul 07 2009 at 7:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you guys had 15+ mules all doing gardening, you were OBVIOUSLY abusing the system. and you deserve to be banned for it. Stop and think if it is something square intended for you to do that.
#78 Jul 07 2009 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
532 posts
Invisi wrote:
If you guys had 15+ mules all doing gardening, you were OBVIOUSLY abusing the system. and you deserve to be banned for it. Stop and think if it is something square intended for you to do that.

The reason they gave me for being banned was RMT. How exactly is gardening with mules, be it 1 or 15, RMT? I did not trade any real money for game money other than paying for the mules. But, following that logic, everyone would be an RMT because they pay for their main's Content ID and acquire gil on it also.

I think you should be banned because youre OBVIOUSLY abusing the system by acquiring gil and gear on a character you pay SE to play. Doesn't make so much sense now, does it?
#79 Jul 07 2009 at 8:11 AM Rating: Good
16 posts
If you guys had 15+ mules all doing gardening, you were OBVIOUSLY abusing the system. and you deserve to be banned for it. Stop and think if it is something square intended for you to do that.

Nothing in the TOS even remotely suggests this. There is nothing nefarious going on here, no bug being exploited, as there was with the Salvage duping. People already routinely purchase multiple content ID's for the purpose of using characters as storage mules. Given that there is nothing in the game, written or implied, that prevents such characters from being used as gardening mules as well, why would a reasonable person not try to use these characters to make a little gil on the side? That's how I got started in gardening on multiple mules. I imagine it's similar for most people. I certainly haven't heard any complaints from S/E about the extra $12 a month I'm paying them.

If it were really Square/Enix's intent to limit the amount of gardening one could do on an account, there are any number of very easy countermeasures they could apply to prevent it. A minimum level before one is able to garden would be one very easy countermeasure to put in place. If Square/Enix were to release a notice saying that mass gardening was not allowed, I would glady cancel my content ID's. My profits from gardening might not even be that adversely affected, as no doubt the price of the platinum nuggets I grow would rise significantly in accordance with the crippled supply.

Regardless, so-called "abuse" of the gardening system is not the reason that these players are being given as to why they were banned. They are being told their activities are RMT-related, which is plainly not true, and this is the discrepancy which the affected players are taking issue with.
#80 Jul 07 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,056 posts
If they dont want us to garden and npc the harvest then dont let us npc them. I am ok with that. Disappointed but ok with it.
It is not RMTing.
I have never been an RMT and never will be even if reinstated. I detest cheating. RMT is cheating.
#81 Jul 07 2009 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
2,056 posts
I have been told by a friend that since I use walmart visa gift cards for the game that might be another red flag. arggggg.
#82 Jul 07 2009 at 8:42 AM Rating: Default
3,530 posts
xariol wrote:
Who didn't see this coming? I mean really.

They came for the gil sellers
The botters
The dupers etc....

First they came for the gil-sellers,
And I said nothing, for I was not a gil-seller.
Then they came for the botters,
And I...
#83 Jul 07 2009 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Invisi wrote:
If you guys had 15+ mules all doing gardening, you were OBVIOUSLY abusing the system. and you deserve to be banned for it. Stop and think if it is something square intended for you to do that.

******. Smiley: rolleyes
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#84 Jul 07 2009 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
7,451 posts
KaneKitty wrote:
xariol wrote:
Who didn't see this coming? I mean really.

They came for the gil sellers
The botters
The dupers etc....

First they came for the gil-sellers,
And I said nothing, for I was not a gil-seller.
Then they came for the botters,
And I...

I believe this is where we invoke Godwin's Law. Pretty sure Pastor Martin Niemöller would agree with me.


Now, speaking as someone who has, at one point in time, gardened wityh 26 total mules, I can agree with the idea that perhaps this is not what SE intended to happen with the Gardening system.

However, given the real-money financial investment, time investment, and gil investment in this system, it's hardly an exploit of the game. The only justafiable "issue" with multiple-mule gardening is simply that the amount of activity required to give results is disproportionate to typical results. Gardening is a part-time activity.

Ultimately, if this issue is hinging on Gardening as a whole, and not simply the abuse by RMT and Wildgrass and trial accounts, then I'd like to see SE quote the section of the ToS where this applies. I have my own idea of where it would go, but I'm not SE, and I'm not banning people.

The disparity to me is in the fact that Gardeners were banned regardless of the seeds they used. That's where this is not making sense to me.
#85REDACTED, Posted: Jul 07 2009 at 9:06 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You have to use common sense...just because you can do something doesn't mean you are supposed to
#86 Jul 07 2009 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
7,451 posts
Invisi wrote:
You have to use common sense...just because you can do something doesn't mean you are supposed to

Common sense doesn't apply in the business world. How can a player be expected to use "common sense" when there is not a definition of "common sense" in the Terms of Service?

Really, think about it. The players follow a set of rules as they are interpreted by the governing bodies over FFXI. Where your "common sense" falls short is that the governing bodies do not always apply the same standard to rulings.

SE doesn't ban players for "lack of common sense".

In fact, I'll argue that, if SE allows me to garden with 10 pots on a single character, and SE allows me to have up to 16 characters on a single account, then SE must approve of the fact that I can garden with 10 pots on 16 characters of a single account.

Somehow I think my logic in this situation holds up a little more than someone else's "common sense".
#87 Jul 07 2009 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
16 posts
You have to use common sense...just because you can do something doesn't mean you are supposed to

"Common sense" says to me that the limitation of 10 flowerpots per character, and 16 characters per account, means that S/E obviously approves of having 160 flowerpots, actively gardening, per account. Indeed it seems to me to be an obvious incentive to purchase multiple content ID's, which S/E has "common sense" reasons to approve of (it means more $$ in their pocket).

And again, the reason that S/E is giving for the bannings is not because they see multiple gardening mules as an abuse of the system but because they are apparently unable to distinguish between those who garden for their own profit and those who garden for the purposes of RMT. It is not reasonable to expect that the STF, whose primary purpose is to track down and ban RMT, would be unable to make this distinction.
#88 Jul 07 2009 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
2,825 posts
KaneKitty wrote:
xariol wrote:
Who didn't see this coming? I mean really.

They came for the gil sellers
The botters
The dupers etc....

First they came for the gil-sellers,
And I said nothing, for I was not a gil-seller.
Then they came for the botters,
And I...

Hmmm suppose to be reflecting off of this by chance?


"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then... they came for me... And by that time there was no one left to speak up."


So are you trying to say botters and gilsellers should be an acceptable part of this game and shame if square should go against those..?
#89REDACTED, Posted: Jul 07 2009 at 9:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Just like how you can get in trouble in WoW for going to unfinished places like Dancing Troll Village. just cause you can do it doesn't mean you are supposed to do it.
#90 Jul 07 2009 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,056 posts
This not wow and gardening is not unfinished.
Your reference to wow is certainly enlightening though. Perhaps it is more to your style. :D
#91 Jul 07 2009 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
2,825 posts
Invisi wrote:
Just like how you can get in trouble in WoW for going to unfinished places like Dancing Troll Village. just cause you can do it doesn't mean you are supposed to do it.

If it is accessable by normal route and not weird workarounds, thats kind of retarded.

Please explain to me how strategically using a mule is abuse? If they were to ban for abuse that would be one thing all together.

But last I checked, having mules to garden is just like gardening on two separate accounts all together, or flat out something as off as using a second char of pling yourself. PLing yourself via secondary account can be considered that if you were to stretch it to gardening, and that is the reason why most people have multiple chars I'd say.

Are you also suggesting people who made mules and used them in bonanza were abusing square's intended systems?
#92 Jul 07 2009 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
16 posts
Just like how you can get in trouble in WoW for going to unfinished places like Dancing Troll Village. just cause you can do it doesn't mean you are supposed to do it.

Whatever. From my perspective it's positively ludicrous to say that S/E didn't absolutely expect, and intend, players to be utilizing multiple mules for the purposes of gardening.

If by some miracle you are right and they really didn't intend for players to be doing this, it is even more ludicrous to suggest that the appropriate response to those who took advantage of this is to ban them. As has been repeatedly stated by those victimized by the banning, if they had ever been given any sort of indication that their gardening was somehow a violation of the rules, they would have gladly stopped. Something tells me that that won't be S/E's position, though - particularly as it would instantly result in a huge number of content ID's being canceled.

It seems fitting that in your post you reference Dancing Troll Village.

Edited, Jul 7th 2009 1:30pm by MagicideAsura
#93 Jul 07 2009 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
It sucks for people who do this for legitimate reasons that they got banned with the rest of the RMT.

Hopefully the SE STF will learn from the data they gather from this. To differentiate legitimate accounts from RMT ones.

If not then... well you could see this as an opportunity to break away from FFXI and get another vice :)
#94 Jul 07 2009 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
2,056 posts
I don't want to break away from ffxi. Its quite enough vice for me. :D
Has anyone been reinstated? Hoping to hear some good news on this thing.

Edited, Jul 7th 2009 11:37am by susaninthegarden
#95 Jul 07 2009 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
Invisi wrote:
You have to use common sense...just because you can do something doesn't mean you are supposed to

SE allows us to make storage and crafting mules. They made a vana'diel tribune article about it if I remember correctly. They also know we do it for bonanza marbles. They mentioned it in the most recent census. When nearly 15% of the character population is level 5, obviously there's a lot of people, and a lot of mules, doing this. Were extra characters on accounts meant for this? Who knows? But SE obviously approves of it as they've brought both up and I've never heard of anyone getting banned for either.

So how does it make sense that we can create as many mules as we want for other purposes, but not gardening? Even if you are correct, and SE shares your thoughts about gardening mules, the bigger issue then would be that we aren't given any warning as to what activities are grounds for a ban. Are we supposed to just guess? Is creating 15 inventory storage mules on one account too much? I'm not sure if SE intended for everyone to have such a large inventory. SE only allows one 100 craft per character, though we can have several with multiple characters. Is having five crafts at 100 due to crafting mules cheating? Who knows what SE really approves of and what they don't?

If SE really has a problem with gardening on mules, they need to come out and say it. "Hey guys, we know you garden on mules but we don't like it. Stop pls, or we'll ban you," would be enough. Some people might be upset to hear this, but not quite as upset as they'd be when they try to log in and get a surprise ban. Guessing what SE approves of and what they don't isn't good enough, and banning people without telling anyone it was a bannable beforehand offense would be ridiculous. The fact that people were banned and not told why, and that community members had to piece this together themselves is ridiculous.

I seriously doubt SE disapproves of gardening mules. The way I see it, this was only a way to try and get rid of RMT, though it sounds like they screwed up and hit a wave of innocent gardners. But if by the off chance you are correct (highly unlikely, especially since everyone is being told they've been banned for RMT activity), there would be a ton of things wrong with intentionally banning legitimate players over this without warning.
#96 Jul 07 2009 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
2,885 posts
susaninthegarden wrote:
I don't want to break away from ffxi. Its quite enough vice for me. :D
Has anyone been reinstated? Hoping to hear some good news on this thing.

Edited, Jul 7th 2009 11:37am by susaninthegarden

Anne I am sorry that this happened to you. I saw you in Windurst [S] I think a few nights ago and now you are gone :(

I think that this is completely unfair for legit players and that this is probably some automated RMT system that scans all trade/transactions and flags particular behavior as RMT. I remember they tested something similar out with speed movement and it auto-jailed innocent players for it. SE is really making it harder for people to want to play FF14 if this is their stance on dealing with RMT's.

Anne, please keep us informed with your dealings with SE.
Tummie - Garuda/Lakshmi (Retired)

Return1 argued with Mellowy and wrote:

Seriously, you won't be @#%^ing happy until SE releases a full sized Bahamut avatar you can @#%^ing ride and use to kill players that annoy you, one shot AV/PW/Shinryuu, and burn the FFXI nations to the @#%^ing ground for fun. All while actually restoring mp used instead of costing any.

#97 Jul 07 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
Invisi wrote:
Just like how you can get in trouble in WoW for going to unfinished places like Dancing Troll Village. just cause you can do it doesn't mean you are supposed to do it.

I'm not familiar with this. If you need hacking programs to enter this village, then I could understand banning for it. If, on the other hand, you can waltz right in through standard methods of travel in game, then I would find banning for it to be ridiculous as well.
#98 Jul 07 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
2,056 posts
ty Tummie. :D Right now I am just waiting by my yahoo mail for any word. Telling myself I am not addicted! lol. Seriously I dont care if I am. I enjoy the game, the people, and the challenges.
#99 Jul 07 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
532 posts
susaninthegarden wrote:
Has anyone been reinstated? Hoping to hear some good news on this thing.

/sigh still bant ; ;
#100 Jul 07 2009 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
2,885 posts
I'm getting tempted to get a prepaid card, start a new account and garden on it for one month while keeping a log of exactly what I do (Livejournal etc) and then if I get banned, I should send the information to all media outlets and let SE try to answer what happened.
Tummie - Garuda/Lakshmi (Retired)

Return1 argued with Mellowy and wrote:

Seriously, you won't be @#%^ing happy until SE releases a full sized Bahamut avatar you can @#%^ing ride and use to kill players that annoy you, one shot AV/PW/Shinryuu, and burn the FFXI nations to the @#%^ing ground for fun. All while actually restoring mp used instead of costing any.

#101 Jul 07 2009 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
You have to use common sense...just because you can do something doesn't mean you are supposed to
So your saying we didn't use common sense by paying SE more money because of a limiting storage space, way to make enough gil to purchase items for our mains. Then your right any logical person would say ok I am done this game is fun but not for that. However obviously we all believed the enjoyment we got out of the game was more than worth it. How were we repaid for this a ban that had no warning, no answer to those caught in the crossfire, and no one to talk to about this. Some have mentioned automation of the STF, if this is the case SE can take a hint from the American Economy when companies used automated means to buy stocks/properties. To Inivis who might not know what happens when you use common sense that machines are infalliable(they have completly failed) Sry for the rant but true common sense would say to listen to the community and have individuals in the community to address such concerns.
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