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Funny Noob Sayings. ^_^Follow

#1 Apr 28 2004 at 1:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,070 posts
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Now, we've all been there before, and maybe some of us can even bring up things we did then that are funny to us NOW. ^^ Anyways, what are the funniest things youve been asked, heard or said?


By a 01THF/ :

/sh Can I get a heal?
<me>/t are you poisoned?
/sh No
<me>/t well, you can heal yourself in that case
/sh No I can't. I'm a THF.


(We all know this one. ^^)

/t Can I have some gil?


While standing just inside Leviathan's Gate in Woods:

/sh How do i get outside?


By someone who couldnt have been over 12 Y/O:

"Hehehe, im not wearing n e pantz"


By a level 2 ??? in West Sarutabaruta just outside Leviathan's gate (with a dead buddy close at hand):

"Can my friend have a raise?"


"What is that 'M'"


"Why do I have a '?'"


By a MNK just outside Leviathan's Gate directly after PS2 release (and as i recall, level 4):

"Ha! I'm going to level my MNK without any weapons until level 30!"

<me>/t You're going to have a hard time finding a party

/t I'm not gonna party either!


And, my overall favorite:

While running through Windurst leveling my new BRD (BTW, without any pants or shoes b/c 1 def is a waste of my money IMHO), a player with a "?" next to his name /checks me, then runs by and /checks me again. Then i see this on my screen:

/t You know, you should buy some pants because the monsters in this area hit you really low on the body.


so, whats your favorite noob saying? and dont be afraid to list one from your own past... even if youre too embarrassed to admit its you. ^^;

Edited, Aug 19th 2006 at 4:57pm EDT by Kaolian
#2 Apr 28 2004 at 1:32 AM Rating: Good
970 posts
Do you have like a journal by the computer?? or just an amazing memory? Either way, I like the THF one the best...poor guy...he's just a Thf, whatever will he do!?!
#3 Apr 28 2004 at 1:33 AM Rating: Good
Living on a Prayer
30,114 posts
after i get home i check my chat log on my bazaar
for a while there used to always be

new player>> hey wanna party?
new player invites you to join his party
new player>> hey what's that bag next your name mean?
new player>> hey talk to me
new player>> fine then be a $#% #$%@ @#$%
new player>> #%$^ you $%^#$ #$%^ #$%^

even better
when i was a new player i was trying to figure out what to do with my adv coupon, and i kept asking people and they would say "figure it out" and i was like "sorry, i'm new" and someone else was like "duh, we're all new" (it was the first day of the NA release)
#4 Apr 28 2004 at 3:09 AM Rating: Good
I ran into the middle of this conversation yesterday and thought it was hilarious since I myself am a 2 week noob. The names have been blanked to protect the innocent :)

xxxx "How could you not know that? what are you a noob?"

YYYY "I am not a noob I have a level 50 monk"

<Me> (after seeing he was indeed a level 50 monk "what's the problem?"

YYYY "I sold some stuff at the auction house over there and don't have the stuff and don't have any money either"

xxxx "ROTFLOL"

<me> "If you put it up for auction you'll get the gil delivered to your mog house AFTER it is bought"

YYYY "What's a mog house?"

XXXX "ROTFLMAO this guy can't be real"

<me> "How did you make it to level 50 without learning about your mog house or how to use the auction house"

YYYY "I've only been playing for an hour"

<me> "Is this your character"

YYYY "Of course it is I'm no thief"

XXXX "I'm Lost"

<me> "How did you to make it to level 50 in an hour?"

YYYY "easy I bought this character from my next door neighbor"

XXXX "Oh GREAT a dangerous noob"

<me> spent the next half hour explaining to him how important basics are and how to read his game manual (I'm sure to no avail) all the while he's telling me he's level 50 now and shouldn't have to do any of this stuff...

I laughed alot that half hour which is why I think the two of us stuck around just to help the poor misguided level 50 noob out:)
#5 Apr 28 2004 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
Living on a Prayer
30,114 posts
people buying chars that someone else made
a lv 50 who has never played the game ><
ug i'd almost say that you should report that guy to Square-Enix, but i prolly wouldnt do it myself.

Edited, Wed Apr 28 04:13:00 2004 by UsagichanUNICORN
#6 Apr 28 2004 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
That guy was obviously kidding to try and get some laughs out of people -.-
#7 Apr 28 2004 at 3:20 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
XXX /shout"Looking for Party" once every 5 seconds 5 min

Bhodi /t spamming that your looking for party will only scare parties off

XXX /t Thanks for advice

XXX /shout "Looking for Party" every 20 seconds for 5 min

Bhodi /t i thought we talked about the spamming?"

XXX /t I cut it down to 20 seconds between shouts what more do you want me to do?

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#8 Apr 28 2004 at 3:24 AM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts

Your robot-saw avatar cracked me up, but this one is even better.

"The colors children, the colors!"

/end hi-jack
#9 Apr 28 2004 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
twas a good episode, i especially like the old man and the paddle and moes sensitivity about his ears :)

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#10 Apr 28 2004 at 4:18 AM Rating: Good
136 posts
I dont care if these are true or not. They made me laugh out loud at 4:19 am and thats saying something.

Funny Post.
#12 Apr 28 2004 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
136 posts
Just thinking about this I do recall when I first started playing back in December I got killed over in Ronf by the entrance to the Kings tomb. At that time I thought all Tarus were magic users and could raise me. I stayed there for 30 minutes hoping one would come and bring me back from the dead. Everytime one would walk by I would scream at my monitor thinkgs like "ooh come on!! raise me! raise me!!". I remember thinking that players were a bunch of asses and just didnt raise me cause they were a$$holes.

Not really a funny /tell story but still funny to look back and realize that I had some misconceptions as well.

We all start somewhere.
#13 Apr 28 2004 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
1 day of joining FFXI, went outside windhurst. Saw one taru running around with a blue colour nick. I thought blue means a NPC, but I still approach him and ask "/t party with me?" After some time no reply, so I reply again "/t oh well, I dont think you are smart enough to reply"

Now everytime I thought of that, I smile.
#14 Apr 28 2004 at 4:57 AM Rating: Good
Living on a Prayer
30,114 posts
yeah i've caught a couple of ppl trying to talk to NPCs before
"hey, why is your name green" etc

not that i've ever done that in an MMORPG...
#15 Apr 28 2004 at 5:55 AM Rating: Excellent
The very first time I ever logged on in Windurst (no research before I started) these little guys were talking to me. So of course I was talking back. I remember them saying "You look new" or something along those lines, I was responding with yes, this is the first time I logged on, that update took a long time. Luckily, I had a friend on the phone that told me to stop chatting with the NPCs. I got the game after the NA release in February. I wish I would have gotten it a little bit sooner 8(.
#16 Apr 28 2004 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
401 posts
Looking back, I get a kick out of saying this when I was about level 8 or so:

"When I get to level 30, I'm going to be a Summoner!"


Guess it's not as far-fetched anymore with the new solo battles^^
#17 Apr 28 2004 at 7:17 AM Rating: Good
843 posts
Not exactly speech, but, yeah...

I was new to the game, and one of my friends was with me.
I was a male Elvaan at the time, first character and all. I bought some Bronze Subligars, put them on, and then was immediately embaressed. My friend laughed at me in my bronze subligar and we went out to hunt.
The day after, we met up again, and he asked why I suddenly had new armor... Can't remember what, but it wasn't a subligar.

I think I said something like: "I accidentally bought female equipment..."

I bought it from the armor shop as well, not the AH, so it costed heaps. XD
#18 Apr 28 2004 at 8:05 AM Rating: Good
94 posts

<me> Just keep curing the warrior RDM!
rdm14 Whats cure?

15 minutes after...

rdm14 Oh, this is cure?
rdm14 casts Cure.

#19 Apr 28 2004 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
4,575 posts

armors are unisex but yea the subligars do look better on female.

i think UO is where i first played mmorpg and could not really tell who the PC and NPC were, esp b/c in UO was when people used normal-sounding names too...times have changed.

in FFXI i had no problem.

well i cant remember anything funny that was said, but i do this one sometimes when i want to see the reaction, esp around a crowded place like the AH:

"where are all the experience points i keep getting after each fight? i dont see it in my inventory"

#20 Apr 28 2004 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
385 posts
me: Dude, you are a warrior, you have to provoke it!
newb: Huh? oh, ok [provokes the mob] What the?? I'm not provoking it, that causes me to get hit!
#21 Apr 28 2004 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
lol..the people talking to NPC posts are cracking me up.
#22 Apr 28 2004 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
4,221 posts
let's see:
last night as 14NIN/WAR:
dead guy: "hey, can you raise?"
deadmeat (me): "what do the 2 katanas on my belt say?"
deadmeat: "hold on, i'll look for a raiser"

in sandy:
guy: "how do you get to Norg? I want to become a SAM."
nub: "why don't you get to lvl 20 first?"
guy: "i just want to know how to get to Norg."
nub: "you can't be a SAM until 20, so what's the point."
me: "you can't be SAM until 30."
nub: "no, it's 20."
me: "you're in for a shock if you go to Norg at 20 thinking you can get the quest."
nub: "i was told it's 20."
me: "trust me, all advanced jobs are 30."
nub: "but i was told it's 20."
about 5 30+ ppl at the same time: "it's 30 now stfu"

#23 Apr 28 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
noob war: hey can u plvl me.
me (lvl 54 drg): i cant man im not a mage. im a DRAGOON
noob war: dude i'll pay u 1k, all u have to do is tank it and heal me if i get hit.
me (lvl 54 drg): it cant work that way man u wont get any exp, i cant cure u anyway im a DRAGOON.
noob war: why are u being a ****! im gonna pay u!
me (lvl 54 drg): /em points and laughs at <t>
noob war: why are u guys so mean to the new players!
me (lvl 54 drg): im no being mean, im just tellin u i dont have the capabilities to power lvl u. please read the manaul or look up some guides online to see what different jobs do. what you are lookin for are whms or rdms or even blms with whm sub
noob war: u are just lying to me! u stupid ****

hahaha and he goes off in a fit of rage.
#24 Apr 28 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
498 posts
ok.. lets see... last night while lvling my bard at lvl 7 i got a request from a lvl 8 war for a raise... In East Saruta just outside the gate!
(and NO i was not anon at the time)

after that i went to bastok for something or another and almost died laughing when i saw a shout in bastok market:
"Since when do lizzy's Link?"
#25 Apr 28 2004 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
803 posts
Started in Windurst and got totally lost, after some mapreading (grabbed manual while thinking there must be a map of this damn place) I figured out the layout abit. Then I found a little taru that offered to warp me...voila..got totally lost again ^^

Luckily even the more experienced players still get lost in Windurst ^^
#26 Apr 28 2004 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
Dont really have any funny noobish saying since I have shout and say filters turned on. The only thing I can add is this.

*walking through a random zone anon*

PlayerX invites you to join PT
PlayerX invites you to join PT
PlayerX>> WTF join my party!!1111oneoneone
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