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Funny Noob Sayings. ^_^Follow

#227 May 11 2004 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
Awhile back my roomie was lvling his BRD in Khazam and had a decent party going except for one member, a perma-n00b (someone with the permanant status of n00b) SAM who was a decent lvl, but obviously had NO idea what he was doing. This person's name was Doober. After the pt had zoned from trains one too many times, my roomie stood up and yelled "DAMN THIS N00B!" and then proceeded to call him a stupid, stupid, stupid n00b. The guy responded with the usual "I'm not a n00b, stfu" to which I said "Hey Sean, tell him he is the n00biest n00b that ever was n00b-like, and he must have spawned from the corner of the universe in which all things n00b are born!" which had Sean laughing his head off. So, he tells him, the party gets a kick out of it and Doober leaves the pt. Not one second later does my friend /sh Don't let Doober there join your pt, he is a perma-n00b. This time Doober responded with a /sh I AM NOT A N00B, STFU!. At this point the entire pt my roomie was in (including himself) shouted "Yes you are, stupid Noober!". We had the whole zone calling him Noober and laughing it up, we ended up ruining his rep (which wasn't much). We saw just him just the other day as a BST in Ghelsba, logging. We waved and he ran away.

Edit: And is it just me, or do almost all ps2 n00bs have the worst names possible? I've come across people like Gluestick, IAMTHEMONKEY, and Mithraslut! It's horrid. The only people with ps2 names I've seen that were any good were two friends of mine who took their Soul Calibur 2 aliases and made them their names, ChosenSonofPong and Cabby. The rest though....terrible.

Edited, Wed May 12 00:48:13 2004 by KneeCapper

Edited, Wed May 12 01:14:12 2004 by KneeCapper
#228 May 12 2004 at 4:43 AM Rating: Decent
One day in fine Bastok Market i hear the following shout...

Galka MNK:
/sh Crap, im not going to make it =/

(nobody cares or seem to reply, i go to my moghouse and see the dead galka right before the entrance to moghouse) XD
#229 May 12 2004 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
My god, i just finished reading this entire thread and I cant believe some of this stuff! Its great. I have a few as well.

I dont have but one of my own really, i read the manual and didnt bug too many ppl. I will share mine first though. Me and a friend had been partying together with our first jobs for the better part of the game, the only time we didnt party was when we were getting pcs for the sub job, otherwise we found places to lvl with just the two of us. Anyway we reach lvl 23 or so and decide its time to get rank three and kill the dragon. We hear its a tough fight and you need a pt of lvl 20+. This was still very close to the NA release so not alot of ppl knew what to do. Well we get to windy and cant find anyone to pt so we decide that we have been doing well on our own, if some lvl 20s can take it, we can prob do it no prob. Im a war hes a blm we figure i can tank and he can nuke it. Needless to say we learned a new lesson in pain.

THis one involves me and my same friend. I had been in a pt with a person in the dunes to get subjob and pt'd with a certain person. This person was the jump the gun warrior type that always insisted we pull ITs only and refused to voke or wait for mages to get hp. I admit that we were doing okay when we were doing good but he kept pulling when we still werent healed. I wound up dying 4 times and when i left he was like "Wtf is your problem?" I kindly explain i dont like dying and leave. A few weeks later Im watchin my friend play and hes pt'd in batallia. I notice that the same person is in his pt. I warn him "Dont pt with him you will die alot" He says hes been okay so far and has been a decent war. So they continue to play and im like, okay but dont say i didnt warn you. Later i find out that the player got tired of waiting on puller and brought back an IT, meanwhile the puller was on his way with an IT. Everyone died except the jerk who didnt voke and then zoned, leaving the party with the two ITs.

Once in yuhtunga we had a noob war. I joined the pt and he was already in. I noticed he was 28 war/7 thf. I thought okay, pickings are slim tonight, lets see how he does. Of course he has no clue what hes doing. Doesnt voke until the thf readies sneak attack, causing the thf to miss with it and causing our thf to eventually leave. Rdm asks why the drk(me) is tanking and thf replies because "our war is a ******" The war is like, "You couldnt afford good gear either huh?" Now my gear isnt nice looking, but its good stuff, just looks like low level stuff, Steam Scale, Republic Subligar, Kingdom boots and Gloves etc. So i check him and all the slots that dont pysically show armor are empty and hes wearing lvl 1 bronze boots and leather pants! Turns out his def was lower than the mages. so we booted him cuz he wouldnt listen and kept begging when we told him his stuff sucked.

Those I think are humorous newb stories but here are a some quotes from a newb that made me laugh for hours:

thf newb: why are you letting it hit you without fighting back?
whm newb: If you keep letting it hit you, you get more exp when you kill it!

and same newb a few mins later in S.Gusta:

Whm newb: OMG!!!! That poor taru is being chased by a DRAGON!!!

It was really a friend of mine practicing his new job, Dragoon, heading back to town. :p
#230 May 12 2004 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
this is one that happened to me as a lvl 10 WAR, after finding out abou macros and playing with the default ones given

me: *Ctrl + 8*
me: *checks higer level player*
me: whoa you have 2 jobs!!
him: yea its a subjob
me: oh well im better ;)
him: *checks me*
him: dude you have level 7 armor and a onion sword leave me alone
me: your just jealous my name is blue and yours isnt
him: it jsut means i cant see what level you are
him: *goes anon*
me: oh...im sorry please dont blacklist me!
him: lol its ok here
him: *gives me a level 1 scythe*

hes the reason im a DRK now!!
#231 May 12 2004 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
another by involves no text but before ever looking at the manual, i started the game and considered quitting because no matter what i did i couldnt move. then felt like an *** after reading the manual for 2 mins
#232 May 12 2004 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
935 posts
I was fishing on the boat between Mhaura and Selbina a number of days ago, when I noticed a Sea Horror, and promptly decided to move on down to the lower deck. I was /anon at the time, and a level 8 warrior asked me if I was interested in partying up to defeat the Sea Horror. I told him that I valued my life, and he replied that I just didn't want him to get any loot. At any rate, after I thoroughly reccomended he not engage the thing, he ignores me, and...well I'm sure everyone knows what hapenned. At any rate, after that, I got another one of my favorite sayings "RAISE PLZZZZZZZZ", although I am explained to him I am a THF, he continued to spam that wondeful little message. At any rate, nothing like a massive pile of death in Mhaura, I have some *excellent* pictures.
#233 May 12 2004 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
546 posts
dont we all love those boat trips ;)

Here is one i had some time ago, lvl'ing my monk in Khazam:
me: ok, lets make a renkei. I have combo, shoulder tackle, one inch punch
pld: I have fast blade, red lotus blade...blabla
war: huh? what is a renkei?
me: oh sorry, a renkei is a skillchain
war: ah, thank you. And where is that option?
me: o_0... a skillchain is a chain of weapon skills
war: really? that sounds cool! how does it work?
em: /kicks war

.......... ok, maybe its funny in some cases, but how on earth does a war get to lvl 25 without knowing what a Skillchain is??
#234 May 12 2004 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,640 posts
(upon noob examining the astral ring in my bazaar)

noob: I'll give you 2k for that ring
me: I payed 165k for it
noob: I don't have that much, can we trade something?

i then examined him and he was a lvl 6 taru blm with no subjob, i told him he didn't need the ring, he was a tarutaru and that those rings are best for fat galka's like me.
#235 May 12 2004 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
567 posts
Here are a few gems from last nights pt in (where else?) the dunes.

1. Mnk/Rdm: I'm using a staff because my RDM subjob prevents me from using blades. (I honestly had no idea how to respond to that. I was speechless for several minutes)

2. Puller: It's OK, we can camp here. Ghouls don't aggro. Smiley: yikes
#236 May 12 2004 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
( i was lvl 8 at the time of this incident)

<xxxx> hey you look good, can i buy your character?

<me> um...no

<xxxx> why

<me> Cause i have enough patience ot level up to level 8!

<xxxx> oh, how long did that take?

<me> about 12-15 hours

<xxxx> oh, one more thing, why don't i have all the spells that are listed in my strategy guide?

<me> omg...

(i checked his level, he was level one, nothing equiped)

after i finished laughing i left this poor person alone. now that i think about it, it was kinda sad...
#237 May 12 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
219 posts
Last night, i was typing for my 11 yr.old son while he played his charecter. He is level 8 and decided it was time to party up. They had a full party and decided that since they were getting crappy exp. in N. Gustaberg they were headed for the Highlands. So the BLM says "Hey one thing, abot Gobs. "When they get ready to do the bomb toss thing, hit their arm and make them drop it. It hurts them but not the party." I was kind of struck dumb so it took a second to reply. Finally, after laughing, I say "You can't just target the arm, that isn't how it works." His reply was "Yeah, dude just trust me."
I left it at that, explained to my son how it really works.
So then, i decided to share the story with his linkshell. I get done tellin them and some noob in the linkshell says "Yeah, Im pretty sure thats how it works"
As others in the ls are saying where do people come up with this crap.
It was a good night, cant wait to see what the noobs say tonight while i monitor his playing experiance
#238 May 12 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
Here is one-

<him> what are you doing?
<me> Oh, just a bit of farming
<him> really?
<me> yup
<him> where?
<me> the canyon
<him> can I farm?
<me> sure if you want
<him> how do I build a farm?
<me> /sigh
#239 May 12 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
707 posts
I love this thread!!!

I especially love the one about the n00b on the boat ... wow, it did like 600+ damage to that guy ... n00b provokes ... n00b dies ... I almost fell off my seat laughing.

And Diablos ... you are just evil to your wife ...

I can't say I've done any nOOb things yet, but I spend all my time reading all these posts specifically so I don't look like an idiot nOOb ever. 'Cause I can sure as heck tell you, there are some things in this thread that I didn't know about, but do now ... n00b disaster avoided.

But I'm just waiting for that day when I pull the blunder of all blunders and just get nailed. It is going to happen, and I'm going to have my n00b moment. I fear that day.

I swear, if it wasn't for this site ...

Edited, Wed May 12 13:25:04 2004 by Rolks

Edited, Wed May 12 13:26:05 2004 by Rolks
#240 May 12 2004 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
602 posts
man this is a wonderful thread.

ive got a couple to share. one is personal and 2 are other people.

1) happened 2 nights ago in quicksands (yes...with a lvl 48 PT). so we had a taru thief who thought he was the be-all end-all god of thfs (he did have nice equip). anywhoo, im playing drk/war so im doing first voke so he can SATA onto the pld. cool...only problem is that his SATA hits for such incredibly little damage that it cant put any hate on the PLD. prob #1. #2 is that he wants the PLD to switch to GSD for SC (even though SCY and viper bite chain and my GSD isnt fully lvled (yes i know i know...)) so the PLD cant hold hate effectivly without shield. Im like ok i just need to be more careful with pulling too much hate. well the thf gives me ***** about not knowing how to deal with a thf and asking "do i have to teach you...". needless to say i /blisted him mid PT :) and it gets better. so normally im fine voking midfight so the thf can set up each SATA but not when the PLD cant hold hate cuz he cant use sheild and ESPECIALLY not when the thf keeps SATAing onto me....im not a bloody DRG! well after a while i got angry with him stealing all the hate fromthe PLD and not realizing it so he SATAed and i moved right as he struck. Thf gets hit for 226, PLD vokes. The PLD /telled me laughing :)

2)going key hunting in ghelsba on my 30 WAR for a friend. heading to yughott and see a lvl 9 WAR (no sub) killing an orc which another about to link but shes doing ok. the link adds on and im waiting to see if i should voke it off her until she beats the first orc and lvls. so i decided shes perfectly fine and /cheer her. then she gives me ***** about how i must be so sad i didint get to watch her die. i tried to explain how i was watching to make sure she could take it and was about to voke till she lvld. well needless to say she was warmly welcomed to my /blist

3)ahhh this one was fun. i was lvling drk outside windy and hit lvl 8-9ish i think. a friend /telled me to see if i wanted some fun. apparently a couple people were putting together a full alliance to go PT together and hunt in the Maze (and we all know what an alliance will do to EXP). well i decided to go for a laugh since i dont care if i die much...well we go and everyong is psyched how awesome this is gonna be (my friend and i are laughing in /tells). well were about to start fighting a worm (i think) and someone gets too close to a gob. so we all try running for zone....noone makes it. ever see a fully n00b alliance panic and try to zone? oh my its funny. well 18 corpses littered the entrance to the Maze. the absolute best part though was peoples reactions as they zoned in. yould see them running in then solw down and stop and just ask in /say "what in the wolrd did this omg" then /sh Raises needed at entrance...a lot of them. i was in tears for like a half hour.

so thats me. i didint have too many self experiences since my boyfriend was lvl30 something on his RDM when i joined. but i must say i now realize i musta been the worst WAR when i started...thank god i switched to DRK and am a better player :) Im trying to remeber some choise PS2 n00b moments but cant. but i gotta say my LS has the only good PS2 players on CaitSith....the dunes now is a nightmare! (instead of just a terrible dream)
#241 May 12 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
This is me many many moons ago when I first started...was maybe a 12 WAR with no subjob at the time talking to my friend:

me: I'm going to try some of the quests. I fished up some kewl fishes and I'm going to bait this kewl boss monster and kill it!
buddy: uh...okay...
me: Now where do I bait this stupid monster? It said on the guide...back of lighthouse.
buddy: uhm...tried that switch?
me: How do we activate this elevator?

We wandered around the stupid building for at least a good twenty minutes poking everything. Finally some nice JP player came along and pointed out the "???".

me: Okay, now I'm going to bait the monster.
buddy: Go! (sits on the sideline to watch)
me: OMG! I just ate my fish! What the hell!!?
me: It's okay, I've got one more Quus. Let's try again.
buddy: (after another 5 min) Go on, why are you standing there?
me: I don't know, I keep trying to eat the fish, but it says I'm full now. I got this cool little burger icon too.

By the time I finally got Bubbly Bernie out, I had five people cheering me on and explaining all the various "Trade" mechanics to me...the JP player that pointed out the "???" to me had to ask another friend of his to come over and explain things to me because he couldn't speak much English. I'd like to think I've come a long way since. ^^

What comes around goes around, I was out there fishing with my 30PLD when a group of newbies wandered up to the building and tried to "work the elevator" too. ^^ I gave them some Quus for bait and taught them how to activate the monsters, then healed them during the battle.
#242 May 12 2004 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
please see >>


#243 May 12 2004 at 9:47 PM Rating: Default
lol once i saw a mithra and /say: man why the heck am i a girl!!!
#244 May 12 2004 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
newplayer>>>how do you get a chicken-horse thing
me>>> . . .

That was probably the funniest FFXI related post i've ever read. rate +.

Edited, Wed May 12 23:26:39 2004 by fond

Edited, Wed May 12 23:26:19 2004 by fond
#245 May 13 2004 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
Now for the greatest thing I've ever done (no n00b involved here, unfortunately, but it's still sort of on topic) - this was yesterday, in fact.

I'm sitting at the entrance to Selbina, thinking a bit, and see a couple of people out there first do Arcane Circle, then Holy Circle.

My response?

/em uses Internet Circle.
/em gains resistance to noobs.

One person wanted to know who the noob was so they could point and laugh at them; I had to explain "no, it was just for a laugh". Everyone else realized it was a joke and thought it was funny.

If there was a GM job quest (like someone's sig mentions), Internet Circle would have to be a job ability for it. :->

(OT: Who says you can't solo overland your way to Jeuno earlier than around lv30? I did it earlier today at lv20. Kind of fun, aside from trying to get through Batallia Downs - I don't want to try that again. Just make sure you know the fine art of aggro avoidance [and don't take the Pashhow/Rolanberry route - it's got the most aggressive stuff on it]. At least I can 'bo my way back soon enough...)
#246 May 13 2004 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
99 posts
Me again, and another tale from my newbie LS.
Ok 2 people are looking for help to do Mission 6 dragon in Wind. I'm in dunes in a PT I need to get out of so I say sure I also happened to be PTed with a friend from my regular LS so I ask her if she wants to come (Which is a really stupid question I think she plays to only kill that dragon lol!)
So we in PT say we have to go and start to walk to bastok to change jobs. Mean while in the LS they keep asking where to meet I say we'll meet in Wind (I think I had to tell them this 3 times)
Eventally we all get to Wind by this time I'm on my regular LS and got our 5th member who is in Jeuno and waiting for the airship. I go to the AH to kill time the friend who came with me goes afk and that is when it happens.

newbie1:I wonder what I can steal from the dragon.

Now I have helped many people do this quest and I don't know what made me do it but I did.

Me:Hear you can steal Dragon Armor.
newbie2:What lv is it?
Me: Hard to do though.
newbie1:Wonder how much I can sell it for. Can you check at AH
Me: It's rare/ex so you'll never see it at AH.

At this point my friend is back and I tell her to read up in PT chat she starts laughing her **** off in LS chat as do I. The other member whos in Jeuno just tells me I'm being mean.
newbie1: What jobs is it for.

My Friend: DRG
My Friend: no wait and WHM
Me: Lv 25 armor
Newbie's 1&2: Cool!! (or something to that effect)

We are both in LS chat laughing our **** off as well as all the LS members who are on since we repeat what we say to them

Me: Def 50
My Friend: HP+60 STR+6 DEX+6
Newbie's: Sweet

Anyway our other LS buddy gets here the one who I said thought I was being mean comes and joins in the game lol.
So we go kill the dragon
I have a newbie moment and cast sleep on the dragon then accedintly cast fire on the dragon waking it up so I cast sleep on the dragon again >.<
So it goes kinda badly and I feel like hell but we kill it and they miss their chance to steal due to the trouble but say that they plan to try again and again.
So I may have been mean, but think of all the people they are gonna help killing the dragon and trying to steal the 'dragon armor' LV 25 DRG/WHM Def 50 HP+60 STR+6 DEX+6 ^.^ (No we never told them we were kidding)

Edited, Thu May 13 01:50:21 2004 by SakuraX

Edited, Thu May 13 01:52:36 2004 by SakuraX

Edited, Thu May 13 01:54:47 2004 by SakuraX
#247 May 13 2004 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
Doesn´t make sens for a dragon dropping armor, you see a dragon wear a scale armor? no? Maybe dragon scales, but armor wtf o.O
#248 May 13 2004 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
OMG, i went with my thief in a party to kill the dragon and i really stole the armor!!!

here is link: http://gallery.cybertarp.com/displayimage.php?pos=-201057
It even has more extre stats then you mentioned!

Changed link a bit

Edited, Fri May 14 04:59:13 2004 by Dowal
#249 May 13 2004 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
i ran around in s.san with my mnk (Lv. 32) ( omw to moghouse <.< ) and a newbie runs up to me and selects trade, i accept and then wait...
Me:whats up?
Me:.. plz what?
Newbie:give me some items plz plz
Me:why should i? you dont give away items in this game, items is gil and gil takes time to get...
Newbie:give me your stuff now or ill hack your computer !
>closes the trade window and starts walking to my moghouse<
Newbie:GIVE ME YOUR STUFF OR ILL HACK YOUR COMPUTER *****!! ( spamms until i blist him )

sigh .. lol, cant stop laughing, he even followed me to LT until he died by a neckchopper
#250 May 13 2004 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
332 posts
lol! this thread is so funny!
I got some of my own ><

I was in windy lvling up my thf, when i get an invite from a lvl 8 blm. no sub. I'm like watever accept, i can help'em graduate from nOOb to normal player ( i like helping ppl ^^). So i accept and i see 1 blm and a war both with no sub. Conversation went like this:

<xxblm> invites you to party
<me> accept
<me> hi
<xxwar> ( after a long delay) hi
<me> stay where you are, i'm omw
<xxwar> ok. how do you know where we are?
<me> the map markers
* i proceed to show him how to use those *
* I meet up with them *
<xxblm> hi
<xxwar> wats the "M" on ur head?
<me> mentor status
<xxwar> mentor?
<me> its a status you get where you help new players. you can ask me any questions and i'll answer as much as i can.
<xxwar> any?
<me> yup ^^
<xxwar> how does a microwave work?
<me> ...



just died in windy with poison. lyed there for a while just for fun. Then 3 lvl 5 taru's come up to me.

<taru1> ?
<taru2> why's he lying here?
<taru1> dunno
<taru3> how does he lie down?
<taru1> dunno
<taru2> i think hes dead
<taru1> oh yeah...
<taru3> why isnt he responding?
<taru2> yeah. so rude
<taru1> hello! hello!
/t taru 1 >> i'm dead, cant talk while i'm dead
<taru1> whoa! i just got some pink letters on my log
*at this point i'm like, "ahahahah!" and i tell my ls for a good laugh*
<taru2> what did it say?
<taru1> the dead guy said that hes dead and cant talk
<taru3> oooh
*at this point a lvl 30 whm walks by and asks me if i need a raise. I'm like sure why not*
<taru3> whoa!! hes floating! ( something along the lines of taht)
<taru1> !!!
<taru2> !!!
<me> thank you <mage1>! /bow
<mage1> no problem *walks off*
<me> hey little tarus ^^
<taru3> hi
<taru2> sup?
<taru1> how did you die?
<me> *gigles* I got crushed my a dragon
<taru3> whoa
<me> yeah i'm hunting a dragon but it flew down and sat on me. couldn't escape and HP went to 0.
<taru2> !!! scary
<me> its called the Dread Dragon. It flies around windhrust and randomly flies down on a spot and sits on anyone near it.
<taru3> jesus
<taru1> oh my god
<me> you should get outta this area, its not safe
*at this point i'm like ROFLLMAOLOLOL!!*
<randompasserby> /t >>> lol you shouldnt be telling these newbies lies ahahah
<taru3> well we better get outta here
<taru1> yeah so dangerous
<me> /wave cya guys
<taru1> good luck with the dragon
<taru2> you take care too
<me> bye

hehe. was i too cruel? ^^

#251 May 13 2004 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
491 posts
My dumb moment:

On the boat to Mhaura. I bought a cheap rod from someone's bazaar in Selbina and a stack of worms from the boat fishing-guild shop. The stairs have people on them, so I decide to fish off the fore of the ferry instead.

First cast, nothing.
Second cast, a Bastore sardine.
Third cast, line snaps.
Fourth cast, line snaps.
Fifth cast, another Bastore sardine.

Sixth cast, a Sea Monk.

I run, despite all the advice I've heard otherwise.

I bring it down into the cargo hold.

It kills the only other non-fisherman on the boat.
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