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Funny Noob Sayings. ^_^Follow

#277 May 17 2004 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
2,796 posts
Last time I did this, I heard about 5 "Flees" go off at once followed by, "Dude, that was sooo not funny."----------------------------

HAHA ROFL. Thanks for the laugh. :)

Edited, Mon May 17 05:28:40 2004 by Reaperttk
#278 May 17 2004 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
I was running out to Ghelsba as my relatively new char the other day when I see this poor Taru getting schooled by six bunnies -_- it was just kind of sad. So, being the lvl 8 WAR I am I proceeded to take five of those bunnies off of his hands. Not but a second later does he come up to me, after finishing his own bunny, (at maybe 1/10 of his HP) and he starts to yell at me! He said that he could take care of them, blah blah blah, so I just walked away to killed some orcs. Well, this guy (lvl 1, mind you) followed me to the outpost...let's just say he didn't start liking me any more because this time I failed to save him.
#279 May 17 2004 at 10:01 PM Rating: Default
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
guess playing beta had its advantages, i didnt have any of these problems.. also the fact that i memorized half the manual that came with bea, can't remember it now tho.. lol. But man.. i saw this shout in bastok just after the ps2 release.

(after a couple people telling some newbs the answers to things)
newb: How do you all know so much? this games only been out for 2 days!

lol i was laughing so hard.
another one.

Newb: /sh help i don't know what to do!
50+pld: Your walking, thats better then me on my first day.


Mnk running by asks a pld

Newbmnk: How do i go about getting a tank? i'd really love to drive one!!!
(then the pld explaiend the concept of tank to him)
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#280 May 17 2004 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
um im a lvl 26war/13mnk with a few other jobs lvled up a bit
and i still dont know how to manually unstack items
please respond to this it will be greatly appriciated
#281 May 17 2004 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
this is the funniest newb thing i have ever seen but i havent seen much

i was walking in west ron. and i saw some dude fighting a orc, but he was running around it trying to avoid hits
i told him that running around it wont help yet he kept doing it.
#282 May 17 2004 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
When I first started, I'll be damned if I could tell the difference between able and unable. This nice player saw that I had just started and gave me 500 gil. I go to the AH to buy some helmit. I bid 100 gil, then I see something that looks like unable. I proceed to do this 4 more times, until I see that I'm outta gil.

Since I had no gil left for AH fees, I had to NPC 4 of them.
#283 May 17 2004 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
4 things they always say:

1- IM not a ps2 noob
2- I have a lvl 50mnk and it rocks ^^
3- This is just a game!

2 ThinGs they always do:

1- you are lvl 40 and they r lvl 4 and invite u to their party ^^ <<<<<<dudes thats pokemon>>>>>
2- Can i have 10'000.000 gil?

i know we all where noobs one day!!!! but is just ps2 noobs are diferent.... pc ppl are hardcore.. ps2 ppl are... just.... diferent
#284 May 17 2004 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
well here its goes... btw this thread is hillarious!!

ok one of the first times out, around lvl 7 - 10ish (can't remeber) I was in a party with just me and one other friend just lvln' in East Saru. This "other" noob comes up and asked to party with us. We where like sure man np. ok here's the kicker. after every battle this guy would get diconnected. Me and my friend where like what the...? Being nice we kept letting him back into the party. then he asked us the "QUESTION"

noob /p hey guys how do you heal without logging out...?


The guy was using the /logout command to try and heal affter every battle. Ofcourse we explained his problem to him, but man did we have some good /tell's going back and forth.
this is a link to one of the LS i'm in with some pic's

Edited, Tue May 18 00:32:41 2004 by Gorufu
#285 May 18 2004 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,511 posts
um im a lvl 26war/13mnk with a few other jobs lvled up a bit
and i still dont know how to manually unstack items
please respond to this it will be greatly appriciated

hehe... Go into you items, press + for sort, and select manual, select the stack you want to split, and it'll take one off the stack for you...
#286 May 18 2004 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
462 posts
DeadMeatJewce wrote:
let's see:
last night as 14NIN/WAR:
dead guy: "hey, can you raise?"
deadmeat (me): "what do the 2 katanas on my belt say?"
deadmeat: "hold on, i'll look for a raiser"

in sandy:
guy: "how do you get to Norg? I want to become a SAM."
nub: "why don't you get to lvl 20 first?"
guy: "i just want to know how to get to Norg."
nub: "you can't be a SAM until 20, so what's the point."
me: "you can't be SAM until 30."
nub: "no, it's 20."
me: "you're in for a shock if you go to Norg at 20 thinking you can get the quest."
nub: "i was told it's 20."
me: "trust me, all advanced jobs are 30."
nub: "but i was told it's 20."
about 5 30+ ppl at the same time: "it's 30 now stfu"

LOL!!!!! great 1 there man I can imagine the newbie shrinking in size as 5 of these 30+ level guys shout at him ^.^
#287 May 18 2004 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
462 posts
Grimmers wrote:
Dont really have any funny noobish saying since I have shout and say filters turned on. The only thing I can add is this.

*walking through a random zone anon*

PlayerX invites you to join PT
PlayerX invites you to join PT
PlayerX>> WTF join my party!!1111oneoneone

Ok ok I just can't resist posting to this one I was on my way back to Windy from Teleport-Mea and was just about to get on a chocobo (I was on Anon), then I got an invite
so I did a /sea xxxx for him he was a lvl 11 Warrior.
So I rejected him, and he invited again, and I rejected him again.
He then proceeded to send a /tell to me

Here was how it went

(It's was 3 am in the morning and my mood wasn't exactly good.)
So me: - "Oh please forgive me, please invite again"
I joined the party and went to them.

In party chat,
The newbie went "WTF!!! Why is you life so much???"
(I'm a lvl 50 PLD :P)
Me "huh? My life is only 180.What do you mean by so much?"
Rude Newbie " It shows 880+" over here
Me"O.o? Must be a bug"
Rude Newbie"Hmmm. Ok"

As I approached I took off all my armor so that he has no clue what lvl I was.

At this point another char actually messaged me in /tell

Newbie II"You're a high lvl aren't you?"
Me "Not really I'm only lvl 50, this guy was bloody rude just want to teach him a lesson ^.^"
Newbie II " -.-" ok I'll keep quiet"

So the rude newbie went "Hey you newcomer go pull"
Me "Huh? What's pull?"
Rude newbie"Noob!" and he went off pulling.

After he left I switch back to my full armor and went on to tank the mob and after killing it everyone got 0 xp

Rude Newbie"WTF!!!! Why there isn't any XP at all?"
I did a /anon to remove Anon
Me" hey check my level out please"
Rude Newbie "WTF!!! Why did you join my party!!!!"
Me "Well since you were so insistent with me joining your party"
Me "and btw I think it isn't too cool to scold people when they don't want to join your party. They normally have a reason"
I promptly disbanded from the party and wave to Newbie II and went back to the Crag to get my chocobo :P

I didn't hear the rest of the abbuses that came my way (If there were any) I filtered /sh ^.^

All these happened 2 days ago so it's still way fresh in my head in case anyone is wondering how I remember all these.

#288 May 18 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
1,070 posts
^^;;;; i forgot one of my own noob moments....

when i first started i thought that running around a monster made him hit me less... so id run round and round till it was time for me to hit him, then id stop til i wacked him once, and keep running round and round...

some JP people prolly got a really good laugh out of the noob NA running around the bunnies in saruta... ^^;
#289 May 18 2004 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, that's cool, where can I get one of those chicken-horses??
#290 May 18 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
146 posts
This isn't so much a n00b moment, but it cracked me up. I'm walking by the AH when I see the following shout:

XXX: Bat chips 500 gil in bazaar.

I'm thinking wtf? Bat chips? Someone must be ripping off new players or something. After a few seconds I see this shout:

XXX: Sorry. No such thing. Don't know where I pulled that out of. I've had a long day.
XXX: Fire crystals 500 gil in bazaar.

#291 May 18 2004 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
707 posts
Actually, I had a situation recently, and I still consider myself a newbie (not nOOb). I was a level 17 RDM, just RDM ... hadn't completed the subjob quest yet (let alone reach 18 ... but moving on)

I get this tell from a guy:

/tell "Will you help me powerlevel."
<me> "What level are you?"
/tell "4"

So, I don't profess to know everything, but I do know that it is impossible to "powerlevel" in this game, so I assume he new to the game and I try to explain that you can't powerlevel in this game like in Neverwinter Nights ... the only other online game I have played. But I begin my message with a polite, "You must me new ... fyi ..."

/tell "I'm not a newb. I'm 4XXX/2XXX"
/tell "I probably know more than you do!"
<me> "Well then you know you can't powerlevel in this game."
/tell "Yeah you can"
<me> "How then"
/tell "I'll hunt tough monsters while you heal me, but we won't be in a party."
<me> ....
<me> "What possessed you to think that I would actually want waste my time and do that?"
/tell "%#$%@$#^@"
#292 May 18 2004 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
lol, this is a good thread.

"Am i a good player?"

(a macro the same player set for protectra)

noob: "Can i get a teleport"
me: "No sorry my home point is in jeuno"
noob: "So, i just want to go to dem"
me: "Yeah but my HP is in jeuno and i have stuff to do in bastok"
noob: "its ok, you don't have to go with me"
me: "lol NOOB!"

You can port people without actually porting yourself..... "lol NOOB"
#293 May 18 2004 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
1,305 posts
Zzes wrote:
ps2 noobs are diferent.... pc ppl are hardcore.. ps2 ppl are... just.... diferent[/b]

Don't count on that, I've met level 60+ PC players that didn't have a clue because they were PL'ed up to that level.
#294 May 18 2004 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
#295 May 18 2004 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
in sandy:
guy: "how do you get to Norg? I want to become a SAM."
nub: "why don't you get to lvl 20 first?"
guy: "i just want to know how to get to Norg."
nub: "you can't be a SAM until 20, so what's the point."
me: "you can't be SAM until 30."
nub: "no, it's 20."
me: "you're in for a shock if you go to Norg at 20 thinking you can get the quest."
nub: "i was told it's 20."
me: "trust me, all advanced jobs are 30."
nub: "but i was told it's 20."
about 5 30+ ppl at the same time: "it's 30 now stfu"

Forgot to add this
#296 May 18 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
Noob #1: How do you heal
Noob #2: I dunno try /h
Noob #1: No that doesnt work!
Noob #2: Well I dont know how do heal then
Noob #1: Hmmmmm
*I walk along*
Me: What's wrong?
Noob #1: I dont know how to heal!
Me: Try changing your job to a WHM not a THF -.-

#297 May 18 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
A while back I started a mule called Cutsiepootsie (what can I say, those damn tarus are so cute), and decided to take Cutsie on a little voyage across the seas to Valkrun dunes from Windy.

Yes it was fun to run from Windy as a lvl 1 BLM Taru with nothing but my onion staff and lvl 1 RSE. When I got there, I would yell out "LVL 1 BLM LFG". Needless to say, I found a lvl 1 MNK who was at Selbina O.o!

Turns out that his LS was planning a race and he was trying it out. We talked a little and he had to go.

So I ventured out to the Dunes, after setting my hp at Selbina, and ran around /wave everyone. Everybody was telling me "go back", "its too dangerous", etc. Of course, I would tell them that I could take these monsters here. Whenever I see a stray gob walking around the gate of Selbina, I would attack it and run away to pull it...

It was fun. But there was a nice Galka MNK who was nice enough to see if he could find someone to take me back. I kept on telling him that I didn't need to. He eventually figured out that I wasn't a noob with a "?" next to my name, and I finally gave up my charade. I gave him 1k gil for being nice and took the next ship back to Mhuara :D
#298 May 18 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
even though i am only 32 war, 12 mnk. 1 pld, i have a good one.

was farming in dangruf wadi and i see a level 2 galka monk named greedo with no weapons or armor, still wearing the little question mark over his head. I figured he had gotten lost and was going to help him out. so i send him a tell

me- "are you lost?"
him-"yeah lol"
me-"ok. follow me ill show you out. its dangerous here"
him "im looking for the waterfall"
me "..."
him "i get 2000 gil if i bring back water"
me "you'll never make it there alive"
him "im gonna try anyway"

so i go about my business and then a few minutes later i run into him again, being pounded on by a goblin thug. i voke ity off of him and kill it.

me "see that was the weakest goblin in here and it almost killed you. it only gets worse from here on in"

him "i need the money tho."

he then asks me ho to get over the geyeser, i tell him, and follow out of morbid curiosity

he goes two feet, gets aggroed byt a giant grub, which i voke and kill and then heals up

him "thanks"
me " that was just a worm, there are worse things in here."
him "ill bet, how far is the water fall?"
me " you wont make it. i died up there when i was lvl 25 once i was even with a lvl 2 rdm. the gobs will killa level 2 in one hit"
him " WOW im gonna try anyways"
me "the entrance to it is in the top right of the map."
him "i dont have a map"
me "..."

he then gets up and moves off, again i follow. he gets aggroed by a goblin ambusher from around the corner, like a mile away. once again i kill it

him "the monsters are strong but you're stronger."
me "yes, but im not going to the waterfall."
him "ok thanks anyway"

and he trudges off. a minute or two later i read on the bottom of my screen 'greedo' was defeated by goblin butcher
#299 May 18 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
haha thats greAT!
#300 May 18 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
I am a Tactical Casting White Mage, I didn't buy Cure.

wtf... i'm all for bein different, but that's retarded.
#301 May 18 2004 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
SelahFFXI wrote:
Has anyone else ever done a death warp (switch to level 1 job, walk outside town, aggro a mob, die) expecting to wake up in your home city, but when you look around you realize that you forgot you had set your home point in Valk dunes?

Yes folks, not once, but twice I've had to run to Sandy nekkid and scared s***less.

I'm not using death warps again.

I did it once trying to make a quick jump back to windy. But when the game started loaded and I heard the music, I said "Uh Oh" out load as I zoned into lower Jeuno. :-X
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