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Funny Noob Sayings. ^_^Follow

#327 May 20 2004 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
180 posts
ok not a saying but I had my first Noob moment last night. I was about to hit 18 war. well I was in the dunes and it was going slow and good prts were slim so I went back to sandy to lvl my thef up just to get redy and needy to check on my AH stuff any way.so I swich to thf and was lvling it just fine then I was fighting a forest hair and an oric agroed me and kiled me fast well needles to say I forgot to reset my home point to sandy.
so I am in the dunes with a lvl 3 thf.. well I run all the way back to west rofon all by my self and I can see sandy and an oric got me agen...
so back to the dunes as I did not set home point at out post or at the entrens to la theen so I started to run to sablina to see if I culd get an escort well I maid it 5 feet and I was dead...
so I home point and start /sh need escort back to sandy
and luckuly acuple of guy were heading back thar anyways and added me to thar prty well we were going good got almost to the west rofoun entrens and a gob agroed me and killed me one shot well they got me a rise and thar was like a croud of peeps around at that point to see the spectial...

luculy thay were prity cool about it. only a few jokes about a lvl 3 thf out in the dunes being prity brave and all thru this trip even befor I got escort in the dunes had peeps cheking me cus I am runing thrue the dunes and lathen with just my humme armor on
so I get back to sandy and thank my escort go set my home point lvl my thf up to 5 then go back to my war and go out and masicer all the oric and gobs I seen in west rofone and
/s Vengens is mine hahahahaha and /s kill me will you now you will die

this was on the Valfor server I am not ashamed of Noobieness we all have them moments from time to time.
#328 May 20 2004 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
This is the funniest thing I have read in quite a while. Before I make my addition I will add the following disclaimer....

This event did not "directly" involve me....I was just a witness. I don't intend to make fun of anyone so I won't use any names. Should the person described in this post actually read this.....I hope you see the humor. Anyway.....here goes....

I recently decided I would go ahead and level my subjob to 37 so I wouldn't have to worry about it later. So I change to warrior and head out to Eastern Altepa Desert. I found a party, and we were doing quite well until our white mage had to go afk. So we're all standing around waiting for him to return and I see this monk run by and attack a Giant Spider solo. I have a lot of chat filters turned on so I couldn't really see how the fight was going, but this monk starts using his macros for job abilities like Boost. His macros included various /emotes for which I did not have a filter for. So my chat log read like this....

Anonymous is untouchable!
Anonymous can't miss!
Anonymous is all POWERED UP!!
Anonymous was defeated by the Giant Spider.

Just watching all that unfold was funny enough, but to make matters worse I had been making fun of him in party chat the whole time. -.-; Just as he died I had typed "Anonymous was defeated by the Giant Spider." as a joke. So our party chat read like this....

(Effie) Anonymous is untouchable!
(Effie) Anonymous can't miss!
(Monk) So I've heard.
(Effie) Anonymous was defeated by the Giant Spider.
*Anonymous dies*
*stunned silence*
(Effie) omg; i was just kidding; i didnt think he was really gonna die lmao
(White Mage) {just returning from being afk} Who died?!!
(Monk) Anonymous the Untouchable....that's who.

I laughed SO hard, and I have never been able to forget those macros. Again, not trying to make anyone mad just had to share that story.
#329 May 20 2004 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
The other week, I was levelling in Yhoatar Jungle - mid battle spam and I get a tell asking for a raise, not that unusual, sometimes WHM die there - and its easier to grab a raise than run back. So i reply' Mid battle a sec,where do you need the raise?'
'(I-6)' comes the reply. Well i looked at the map, didnt seem all that far..until he said 'La Theine'
This made me smile for a moment i will admit..
Party is now on a rest break after a chain, so gave me chance to reply.
'Sorry m'dear I'm in Yhoatar Jungle at the moment in a party'
'Its ok' says he 'I can wait'
Hmm .. I thought.. ok, I'll try to explain a bit better..
'I'm on a different continent, no where near you I would have to leave the party,run across 2 zones,get an airship,get a chocobo,and get across 4 more zones..I'm really sorry'
'Take your time' he replied.
Well..marks for persistance, I will give him that..
'Hon, I'm sorry, It would take far to long to get to you..I am levelling and I really can't' Says me.
Brief pause before the next reply..
'So are you coming then?'
I replied no I really couldnt, and i probably wouldnt make it in time to raise him anyway if I did..
'So you are not coming then?'

lol :)

Anyways..now levelling bard in dunes..and having a laugh. A friend from our LS came to help us by healing outside group, due to the *special* nature of the group we had /cry! He came after hearing about this :
Warrior turned up with no weapon, we asked him 'Where is your weapon?' he replied that he was using hand to hand and it counted, as he was saving for a great sword. Well ok we thought, no other tanks seeking, as long as he provokes we should be ok. He decides he wants to be main puller. Fine, gives him something to do - the other war in party had been designated main tank. The weaponless guy never once read party chat i swear it, he pulled continually, when people were in the red, when the whm and smn had no mp, when we asked in caps DONT PULL PLEASE! He pulled. We were all level 11, so we said stick to lizzies, goblins are a bit tough at this level.(and we wanted to make sure we would get into a rythmn before trying those!) Next pull : Provoking Goblin Gambler. Oh dear. SMN and I said RUN TO ZONE NOW to the group..RUN NOW..and they all beat on it and many died, 3 of us got out. We explained that Gamblers and Leechers and Muggers are a lot higher level..so to leave those alone.
We decided to move to a new spot, where there were more mobs as highlands side was packed with groups. Just past the tunnel 'Provoking Goblin Leecher' Ohdeargod. its wasnt even agro, we were sneaking behind it. At this point, luckily, our WHM friend turned up. i call for help as we arent even denting the thing, he kills leecher, raises our monk. War then decides we have help so he goes and pulls immediately. 3 lizzies came. War dies just as he reaches group. By this time we are in stitches :)' Why did I die?' he says. One of the group members responds 'Because 3 lizards hit you' hehe. Anyways, whm takes us to the spot he wants us to fight in, we tell the war to stay with group (so he didnt hurt himself) and let the other war pull with boomerang. WHM explains to the party that if he gets agro (he is over 50) to let the agro stay on him and save his mp, while we kill it. Weaponless war proceeds to provoke agro off him all the time, we explain again and again not to..our LS whm is now in hysterics :) Weaponless war also pulled the same time as our new designated puller on a fair few occasions!
Quite honestly my stomach hurt from laughing :) I always group with my hubby..and we never have yet left a group no matter how bad - its just not polite! (So speaks the Brit!) At the end of the day, we had a laugh, we met some cool people who also didnt abandon us when things were at their worst, and levelled :) If nothing else it made us play to the full of our capabilities! (even with WHM help!)
#330 May 20 2004 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
Here's a couple more from me.

1) For the first few levels as a RDM, my friend (same I talked about earlier) used only hand-to-hand to fight. This was not on purpose. He had no idea how to equip his sword.

2) This happened tonight as I was levelling a (gasp!) mule. I get invited to a party in the Dunes. We are all low level, 10 -12 and are successfully hunting lizards. Our Whm, one of the best I have seen in the Dunes, informs us that he is going to leave soon and he will find a replacement. No problem. Then, just as he says this, as if by fate, a Taru WHM begins shout spamming that he is looking for a group.
I pray to everything holy that this will not be our replacement. As usual, my prayers are ignored and we have him in our party. I pull a lizard from a long ways away and am getting beat down pretty good. I near camp with my health in the red. The FIRST thing the new Whm does is cast Banish on the Lizard. The SECOND thing he does is pull out his staff. I am screaming for a voke or a cure or something. Nothing. I die quickly.

(This is almost verbatum)
<Me> : The first thing you do is Banish? What the hell?
<WHM> : omg, i am so sry! plz 4give me
<ME> Dammit to hell (I was so pissed because this was a pretty good group)
<WHM> plz 4give me!!!! my comp wz stuck

Ok, I'm thinking that he cast Banish and then hit Attack. That excuse is just not going to fly with me.

<ME> : It's past my bedtime, I gotta go.

And of course the rest of the party sits there, saying nothing until the MNK says "Umm, we have 3 Wars. Someone should have voked it off him."

3 vokers, 1 healer and I barely made it to camp alive. Huzzah for the Dunes!

Oh, people who type like that should be strung up by their toes.


#331 May 20 2004 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,507 posts
Fun time in the dunes. Just gotten in from another day of farming, went out to visit a friend in selbina. Swap some items, swap some gil. Decided to spend the rest of the night campin the gate, peeling goblins and the likes for meager exp and entertainment.

The later at night it gets, the less people there are online screaming into zone with goblins trying to remove their organs through their asses. Bored, I solo a damselfly or two.

Now.. Next to me, on the other side of the gate, near the wall, is a bunch of players that had been resting. I checked all of them while I was medding and found them to be level fourteen. Warriors mostly, a white mage and a black mage. Two had sub jobs, the rest did not.

And apparrently their puller not only failed to do a Check on me (I'm wearing a lvl 15 robe at the moment. People shold not base levels off looks), he failed to do a Check on the Damsel fly he decided to smack up side the head.

Three minutes later, I was out of MP and dipping into the red as I'd drawnt he hate from a mob I couldnt hit. Four of the six man party dropped dead, all one right after another. I managed to accidentally keep the poor puller alive, as well as one of the tanks.

I felt bad enough for them that I called in some raisers. Then plonked down and just had a good laugh when they all got around to checking me and realised I was ten levels higher than them ^^;
#332 May 20 2004 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
321 posts
DJGroove: yah tay shuld :P

Edited, Thu May 20 08:10:59 2004 by Raikov
#333 May 20 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Default
437 posts
I am new to the forum so forgive me...this was just sad...try not to cry while reading it

I was in a pt of 4 just leveling my sub in ghelsba. We picked up a war because we needed a tank. I was blm, we also had a whm, thf, and tank was war ofcourse. I think we were around level 9. Anyway this is about how it went when we fought an orc and another aggroed us:

<me>: go ahead and pull that fodder to see how the pt handles it
<war>: I want to pull a grappler, they are better exp
<whm>: no they aren't, besides, that orc is in camp and they will link if you go get that one
<war>: look I need exp, i am the puller so dont tell me how to do my job
<thf> oh jesus I will go pull the fodder, XXX shut up and tank
<war>: tank? i dont have that weapon skill yet
<me> LOL how do you have a sub job and not know how to tank??
<whm> Tank means to take the damage while I heal you and our blm and thf will deal damage.
<war> oh ok
**Thf pulls fodder***
<me> why aren't you hitting it???
<war> you said to just take all the damage
<thf> omg lol
<me> atleast voke it off the thief!
***we kill fodder***
<whm> dude wtf are you doing?
<war> dammit you guys told me to just take the damge
<thf> well you wont take any damage if you dont voke the damn thing
<me> next time hit the damn thing and use voke on it
<thf> yeah that would be nice
***war goes off and pulls grappler and gets aggro by another grappler*** ><
***at the same time thf is pulling another fodder***
<thf> dammit why are you pulling???
<war> I cant run I just keep backing up
<me> thats because your weapon is drawn, disengage and come back....dammit
***3 orcs beating on us and war still has no weapon drawn***
<whm> wtf are you doing???? hit it!
<war> im trying everytime I click it just says chat and when i click it it just says /tell vasilios
<me> you are clicking me you jackass!
<war> oh
*** war finally draws weapon thf getting hit still***
<thf> voke them off me dammit!
<war> what the hell is voke????
<whm> provoke in your job abilities!
<war> oh sorry never saw that before
***war provokes finally***
<me> how the hell did you get to level 10 not knowing what voke is??? are you kidding me?
<whm> I think I am going to die im laughing so hard
<thf> I was too busy getting my *** beat to laugh

Needless to say after that we went closer to zone and explained to a war with a level 10 how to voke. He said he saw people do it before and complained that he didnt want an ability that made the monsters kill him O_O

#334 May 20 2004 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
<whm> provoke in your job abilities!
<war> oh sorry never saw that before

#335 May 20 2004 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
961 posts
About a week after the PS2 release, I get bored, so I mosey on over to the AH. I believe I have Rdm/Thief (Ghetto warping job) on at the time, in South Sandy. Am shuffling through the AH to see if I can buy anything and sell it to merchants, like I sometimes to, and pop into the potions section.

Hmm... poison potion... I drop about 800 gil, run over to the chocobo stable and use it. I run back out to situate myself infront of the AH and let my HP count down. At about 5 HP I /say "Goodbye, cruel, cruel world!" and die. Half the population of south Sandy cracks up.

And then this new guy comes up to me and pokes me.

"Um... what's going on? Are you dead?"
I decide to play along. "Nah, I just like the view from down here."
"How do you do that? Lie on the ground?"
"I'm not lying on the ground... I'm using a special ability."
"Wut ability?"
"Well, you see, this is a very high-level thief ability. You basically play possum and pretend you're dead so the monsters lose your attention. It's a really great ability to use if you're fighting something way too strong for you."
"Wow, that's so cool... I'm going to go be a thief now."

And the poor, poor boy runs off... Remember, I'm a level 1 RDM with thief subbed at the time.

I had such a ball. ^^ Even if I am bad at telling stories.
#336 May 20 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,824 posts
Here's a few dumb noobish things some non-noobs have said:

A level 30+ Warrior from my ls:
"Does the mog house heal you when you go in?"

Another guy in my ls while leveling his drk in Kazham:
"What does it mean when it says goblin smithy by my compas?"

And a 12 rng in valkurm asked me (20 bard/rdm at the time) to powerlevel him.
#337 May 20 2004 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,824 posts
ur teh n00b im a lv 75 war tooo

I have gotten a couple of these too.

One from a 13 war no sub saying he had a 55 war on another server. He would chase a mob all the way to the mages while provoking, and pulled a ghoul without letting the 2 noob rdm's and whm know cure hurts undead.

The second was from a 21rdm/underleveled sub in Qufim, saying his other character was a high level drk. He asked me to join his party, I asked if there was room for my 2 friends a blm and drk. He said yes, and there was room for around 30 seconds. The party he had put together was me (21 taru nin/war) a whm, him, and 3 non-provoking melee. I told him I was leveling with my friends and would be destroyed anyway, to which he responded: You have utsusemi, they can't touch you.
#338 May 20 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
a while ago when i was first leveling dragoon in w ron, i was running somewhere and a lvl 5 said "want me to kill that dragon for you?"

I was in san and i shouted "teleport-mea do you have it? 500 gil" a lvl 7 galka war w/o a subjob then responded, i have a level 40 whm just give me the money and i'll go change jobs. I responded, " there is no way you have a 40 whm when you dont even have a subjob." he said "yes i do just give me the money or i'll call a GM" my response "LOL N00B"
#339 May 20 2004 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
I have a couple...some concerning me, some not :D

Recently partying in the dunes, my party picked up a lvl 12 WHM no sub. We pulled a lizzard, and the WHM engaged it and was doing melee along with healing. After I saw this, I sent him a tell.

me: You shouldn't melee the monsters...if you start getting hit you'll die pretty fast.
him: But I want to get exp too!
me: You will, just stand in the back and heal people who need it.
him: then why don't i get exp when I heal other people who are fighting?
me: You have to be in the party
him: I'm not going to get any exp...I'll just keep hitting it.

Now a few tales of my noob moves..

Early on, I didn't have much room left in my inv., and I didn't know I could sell stuff to NPCs or put them on auction. So I started giving stuff away to people. "Hey anyone want these crystals I'm just gunna throw them away anyway" I probably threw/gave away 10k in crystals alone.

I just recently figured out how to manually unstack items in my inv.

I soloed my WAR up to lvl 16 before learning about the benefits and joy of parties. I spent so much money on potions to heal myself when fighting it was rediculous.

I saw the reccommended macros for jobs in the guide and they confused me, so I refused to use them until around lvl 20.

If I think of any more of my bonehead moves I'll reply later. :D

Edited, Thu May 20 17:37:52 2004 by NoNameForJohn
#340 May 20 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
1,506 posts
This one is for myself

After reaching lvl 35 as thf, I went back to dunes to lvl my lvl 17 war. I went to meet the group at the northeast corner of the map to kill some gobs. Half way there I walk straight to a goblin =D Got aggro and try to run back to selbina. I almost made it by I got kill instead and delvl =P

party member: What the hell?
me: I walk right into a gob :(
party member 2: Why did you went right into it?
me: I forgot I'm a lvl 17 war not a lvl 35 thf :P

I ran back with a blushed red face and got slap a few tims...and got my lvl back =D

Edited, Thu May 20 17:57:14 2004 by UpOurs
#341 May 20 2004 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,507 posts
Qufim Island.

Party: 4 RDMs, one THF, one WAR.
The target of this story is the Theif. Myself and another RDM had WHM subbed, the others had War or RDM. No problem. Theif had Samuri subbed. Hey, looked like a great party.

Pugils werent so hot, and downtime was major bad, couldnt pull a chain and 120 EXP a pop just wasnt good enough in my mind. Talked them into chaining clips and the entire party improved immediatly. Except the Thf.

THF "Pulling clipper!"
Healers: Okay!
Battle enues, healers have 3/4th MP left.
THF "Pulling clipper!"
Healers: Okay!
Battle ensues. Healers left with half MP.
THF "Pulling Clipper!"
Healers: Okay! Rest soon!
Battle ensues, healers break out of fight at last fifth of clipper health to restore MP.
THF "Pulling Greater Pugil!"
Healers: WTF?! ****! NO!
TFH "Heal me!"
WAR "Oh yay, I get to die again. Protect the healers!"
Battle ensues. Warrior dies. Twice.
THF "OMG! Mages, why didnt you heal him! Do your F-ing jobs!"

Hmm. Apparrently he missed all the Cure II's we were piling onto the war until we ran out of MP. The fact that the main healer had zero MP and I was forced to Melee because no one else could hit the thing.. Well, suffice to say, the THF is growing a bad record for such a noobish attitude.

And yes, he was bumped fromt he party, after all five other players asked the leader to releas him. He came back later and taunted us, claiming we'd die horribly.

Funny, three of us hit lvl 25 immediatly after he left. No more problems.

Augh. -_-
#342 May 20 2004 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
I heard a lvl 10 thf say "how the hell do u heal, i need to stop going to the mog house?" also i heard from a guy in my party that was lvl 20 in quifim without a sub job saying that "i can't get a sub job because he skipped lvl 18 by using a autolvling macro from some website...."
#343 May 20 2004 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,507 posts
[quote=NoNameForJohn]I saw the reccommended macros for jobs in the guide and they confused me, so I refused to use them until around lvl 20./quote]

This may or may not be Noobish, but I still refuse to use Macros, even at level 25. I cant concentrate when I use them and will frequently badly ***** up any party battle when I DO try and activate any macro. Therefor, I continue to work manually ^^;
#344 May 20 2004 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
I went to Valkurm Dunes as a Lv.3 WHM taru...

Healed people for like 2 hours and raised my healing skill massively, but the funnny part was every time I healed somebody I'd be like "Wait right there mister! I'm not done, am I?"

Tons of people tried talking to me, but I just ignored and kept healing out of boredom since I had just finished Lving my WAR to Lv7 in one sitting.
#345 May 21 2004 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
Just brand new to game and I am runnign back to San. from leveling my Rdm in the Dunes and say to my LS: That Whm's Protect sucked, I swear mine was giving more defense.
-Should've heard the laughter from all them...

This was the other day:

{First I must Point out I am Mithra, though in rl I am a guy and my LS knows this}

<person> /em pokes Qaurz in the eye
<Qaurz> /em pours acid in her eyes to kill the germs
<person> /em kicks Qaurz in the nuts
<Qaurz> /l Looks down, "I got nuts??!!"

.....I was so embarrased.....
#346 May 21 2004 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
Has anyone else ever done a death warp (switch to level 1 job, walk outside town, aggro a mob, die) expecting to wake up in your home city, but when you look around you realize that you forgot you had set your home point in Valk dunes?

more than once, runnin around with a galka whm. lol.... i hate the dunes so much...
#347 May 21 2004 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
XXX: Bat chips 500 gil in bazaar.

I'm thinking wtf? Bat chips? Someone must be ripping off new players or something. After a few seconds I see this shout:

XXX: Sorry. No such thing. Don't know where I pulled that out of. I've had a long day.
XXX: Fire crystals 500 gil in bazaar.

LOFL... this really shouldnt be as funny as it is to me, but im almost in tears as my sides are cramping up.
#348 May 21 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
1,506 posts
/bump =D
#349 May 21 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
This is just one of those dumb things I've said when I was still a WHM.

I get a tell asking for a raise. I accept, and find him. I then say something. I only realized the stupidity of it after I actually said it:

"Are you the guy who needed a raise?" >_<;

His response?

"Oh, no, I'm just taking a quick nap..."

Here's your sign...

Edited, Fri May 21 13:30:40 2004 by KenjinTomoe
#350 May 21 2004 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
513 posts

This is the funniest thread ever....hehehe!
#351 May 21 2004 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,507 posts
Another day of LS oddities.

ImmLS> Argh! I hate grouping! We had two WHMs who went AFK in mid battle! We fought an IT! They killed me! That it, Im done!
LSLeader> Sorry to hear that.
ImmLS> Anyone willing to PL me?
LSleader> Nope.
Member1> Nope.
Member2> Busy.
Member3> I'm in kazam.
MeLS> What level are you?
ImmLS> 14
MeLS> Where are you?
ImmLS> Bastok.
MeLS> Nevermind, Im in Valkrum.
ImmLS> Okay, Im coming there!
MeLS> Hey, wait a minute, Im killing damsel flies...
ImmLS> I'm on my way!
MeLS> ...

Despite telling him no several times (And eventually caving in just because he was an Ls mate), pointing out there was a large possibility he'd die (rdm25/whm12 anyone?), and what not to attack.. Suffice to say, I got to spend four hours walking a newb around valkrum, La thine, Ronfaru and Ghelsba.. He died twice.. And decided to tell me suddenly he had NO maps for the places I was showing him around to. I did, however, get to meet a very nice raiser WHM in my level. In echainge for raising him, I showed her around the landscape so I didnt have to pay her gil. It worked out pretty well in the end. And Imm went back to Bastok because he was afraid of touching San Doria and Valkurumwithout me ^^;
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