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Funny Noob Sayings. ^_^Follow

#452 May 30 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
The ultimate classic.....
"Why would I use provoke? I don't want the monster to attack me, I might die!"
#453 May 30 2004 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
.......... ok, maybe its funny in some cases, but how on earth does a war get to lvl 25 without knowing what a Skillchain is??

This reminds me of partying in Crawler's Nest last night. We had a WAR with a GAX, a MNK with H2H, blah blah blah. So anyway we set up a Distortion Skill Chain, and the DRK is supposed to go second with Slice.... keep in mind this is at level 36. So the MNK goes with something or other (shoulder tackle if I'm not mistaken) and the DRK just stands there.... the fight ends, and I'm like, "Dude, you didn't even go" and so he goes "???" and I reply, "The skillchain, you were supposed to use Slice after Shoulder Tackle" and he goes "We got a skillchain, #2 for 165 XP......"
That was a big o.0 moment for me.....
#454 May 31 2004 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
Another noob moment (mine, and very recently):

Was doing my subjob quest in Valkurm. The NPC asked for a Damselfly worm, so I trot out and find a bunch by the gate that leads from Selbina. I attack one, which happened to be nearby a dude who was healing. Now, at my level of 18, these flies are tough matches, so I naturally miss a few punches, while the fly lands some really good ones on me. The dude who had been healing casts Cure II on me, which gives me a ton of HPs, but the fly aggros on him instead. I try desperately (or desperately hope) to connect with the fly, but no luck, the fly keeps hitting him. I finally connect a few punches and the fly turns towards me, and soon enough my HP is low. The guy who had healed me before, and then who had been my unofficial tank casts another Cure II on me, and needless to say the fly aggros him again.

Now the guy is annoyed.

Finally I manage to kill the fly (no worm). It hits me then that I should have tried to pull the fly away from him, but I stood there like a lump of coal.

The next fly I attack, I forget to check and it's doing me some serious damage (I find out later it's IT). I manage to do hundred fists and a combo to take the fly out and get the worm. The annoyed guy, no longer annoyed, casts a few Cure IIs and a protect as I heal afterwards. I thank him profusely.

Still working on the quest (thoss aprons and skulls are hard to get).

Edit: edited for clarity.

Edited, Mon May 31 02:32:47 2004 by kerbor
#455 May 31 2004 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
General newbie story:
I got down off my choco one day to help cure a newbie in La Theine, and after the monster's untimely death:

Me: It's no problem. ^^
Newbie: But getting a chocobo costs 3000 gil!
Me: ...Today they only cost 90 gil. :D

Then I told him that the chickens don't really cost 3000 gil. :P

Angry newbie story:
I decided to start leveling SMN, and I went out into South
Gustaberg and summoned up Carby. I sent her after.. something(Bee? Vulture? I forget. x.x) A newbie came up behind me with his weapon drawn, so I turned around to apologise because I didn't see him going after the monster. Before I could do this, though, I got spammed with tells:

Newbie: YOU !%@#$^ @!$^#! THAT WAS MY MONSTER!
Me: I didn't see you, I'm sorry. x.x
Newbie: %&!@#$ YOU!

I tried to tell him again that I didn't see him. He kept cursing me out. Now I was irritated, because I had apologised to him already and explained. So I told him to get used to it and try pulling in Kazham.

He cursed me out some more and left. :D

Cute newbie story:
Was chickening through Konschtat Highlands and I saw a little(almost dead) newbie get petrified by a lizard. I dismounted and cured him til the petrification wore off. He thanked me and offered me money for a new chocobo. ^^ I told my LS-mates and they were amazed that anyone actually tried to reimburse me. O.o;

People probably thought I was a newbie story:
I was bored, so I got on my level 1 WHM mithra and ran to Selbina to ride the boat back and forth, looking for the Sea Horror. Many boat rides later, I was about to run up to deck and I saw someone poke it. I thought they were bsing, so I ran out and opened the door. There it was. Sea Horror. I /wave'd to it and ran up to him(I wanted to see how much damage it did to a level 1 >.>;;). It ************ me to the floor. I got my wish. :D A nice WHM tractors me into the cabin and raises me. I'm resting inside the cabin and someone opens the door to flee with the Sea Horror right behind her. It kills her, and I try to stand up to get down into the hold before it eats me again, but alas, my reflexes were too slow. Chew chew swallow. There I go again. WHM raises me again and I go into the hold for the rest of the trip. (I would've gone out and gotten killed again, but I didn't want the WHM to either waste more mp on me or get angry that I kept dying. XD)

Me = newbie story:
I couldn't figure out how to access the menu for the first 3 levels or so. XD My brother informed me of that helpful "-" key.

I saved the best for last:

My friend as a newbie story:
Well, actually my friend A(name changed to protect the innocent)and my brother's story. I was watching my brother party with A in Palborough. They get to a dead end where you can see across the river, right to a couple Copper Beetles. A gets the brilliant idea to cast stone on one. It runs off, another beetle linking with it as it leaves our sight. So everyone just sits there and waits for the beetle to show up. Waiting... waiting... waiting... my brother sees the beetle come around the corner and someone in the party line says "Oh, it's here!" It quickly became apparent that the beetle had many friends, because they all came around the corner soon after. A, being the one who first cast on the beetles, got ANNIHILATED. Everyone panicked: "ATTACK ATTACK JKDFGHKDFJKDFJD" A couple party members go down, and my brother decided "the hell with this!", disengaged, and ran off. All the beetles followed him. XD He, being a newbie himself, got lost trying to find the exit. Eventually he ran into a dead end, and with 3 hp, went /cry before the beetles ate him. The demon beetles proceeded to run back and kill the remaining member of the party. XD Lasted all of 5 minutes, bloody HILARIOUS. I still tease A about it.

Edit: I wanted to add another "people probably thought I was a newbie" story ^^;

Took my level 1 midget from Windy to San D'oria. The long way. As in Sarutabaruta > Tahrongi > Meriphtaud > Sauromugue > Rolanberry(sort of, I was only there for 30 seconds) > Batallia > Jugner > La Theine > Ronfaure. I suggest that no one EVER try to run through Sauromugue as a level 1(not that many people would have reason to, I was just bored. @_@;;) Everything aggros. XD I think 4 out of 5 deaths was there. People kept stopping and asking if I was lost.

Me: No. ^^
Them: Uh.. okay...

Edited, Mon May 31 04:52:47 2004 by Laele
#456 May 31 2004 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
2,801 posts
My friend as a newbie story:
Well, actually my friend A(name changed to protect the innocent)and my brother's story. I was watching my brother party with A in Palborough. They get to a dead end where you can see across the river, right to a couple Copper Beetles. A gets the brilliant idea to cast stone on one. It runs off, another beetle linking with it as it leaves our sight. So everyone just sits there and waits for the beetle to show up. Waiting... waiting... waiting... my brother sees the beetle come around the corner and someone in the party line says "Oh, it's here!" It quickly became apparent that the beetle had many friends, because they all came around the corner soon after. A, being the one who first cast on the beetles, got ANNIHILATED. Everyone panicked: "ATTACK ATTACK JKDFGHKDFJKDFJD" A couple party members go down, and my brother decided "the hell with this!", disengaged, and ran off. All the beetles followed him. XD He, being a newbie himself, got lost trying to find the exit. Eventually he ran into a dead end, and with 3 hp, went /cry before the beetles ate him. The demon beetles proceeded to run back and kill the remaining member of the party. XD Lasted all of 5 minutes, bloody HILARIOUS. I still tease A about it.

I did almost the exact same thing. I forget the details, but I used a ranged attack to pull a quadav from a place that I *thought* it couldn't get me. Well, it turns red and runs off. So, I go back to do whatever I was doing, when all the sudden this horde of 8-12 Quadavs show up. They proceed to smack me into next Thursday.

Good times.
#457 May 31 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
xxx:Can someone lend me 10k?I need it to buy a Monster Signa...

<me> /t xxx>>How much gil do you have?
xxx 1k
<me> please dont spam people will think your a n00b and also you need more gil
xxx>>Shutup you &^%%^& ^&%^^&hole! dont ever say im a *&()*^% n00b!!
<me> /sh XXX is a n00b!!
xxx> i told you not to say it %^&^$
<me> I didnt say it I shouted it
/blist add xxx
didnt hear from him again hehehhe
#458 May 31 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
437 posts
Chocodude> well you have to catch them but there really fast. but here ill let you try and catch mine.
the noob then lines up to chase it and and when the guy gets off the choco the choco runs away with the noob following it all across la thine.

lol, when you dismount the choco dissapears, its like he runs into thin air. I have seen this going on alot, and i have to say it never gets old lol "where can i get a chicken?"

On a side note I have a noob story that is similar in essence. I did choco quest not too long ago. This gained me title of chocobo trainer. I was running through westron yesterday and not 1 but 3 people send me /tells after checking me. This is the golden question that they asked.....

"Hey can you train a chocobo for me?"
#459 May 31 2004 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
I went to Bastok to get a map, and I asked where they were
sold. "J-10" or whatever I was told. Um, "I don't have a
map" I said. "J-10!!!!" shouted at me by person. Sigh.

Worst thing to hear by new party member: "Where are you guys?"

#460 May 31 2004 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
868 posts
This has to be the funniest one. My first day on live reminds me of much of these...

specifically running after a charmed bunny cuz i thought it was attacking someone, i ran all the way to windy trying to pull it and got frustrated when none of my skills worked. Finally when he reached windy gates and entered, i provoked it thinking finally... and it laid waste to me.

also not learning how to heal for a good hour into the game. I thought the only way to get hp back was either leveling with a healer or dieing... so i died aftr every few fights and ran back outside for more.

we all have our moments... im just glad i didnt have to many.[/quote]

"...and ran back outside for more" ....This little story is so funny that when I was laughing at it i nearly started crying. I called my son to tell him on the phone and he kept saying "What's wrong Ma" while I was trying to talk. Oh my god that is so cute ... well, Im glad you kept running outside for more lol lol
#461 May 31 2004 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
643 posts
Well, here's a "they probably thought I was a n00b" moment.

I have a WHM mule, and sometimes out of boredom I go out into East or West Sarutabaruta and level her, kind of. So anyhow, I went out to try to kill something, engaged a Tiny Mandragora, and realized I left my weapon in the Mog. Oh well, I think, I'll just see how a H2H WHM does. Even though she's Elvaan, she did horribly. I barely hit the mandy, and having spent all of my MP, I was moving quickly down the road to death when some guy cured me. The mandy went after him, of course, and I had no way of pulling it back to me. Then I got an idea...What is it that a WHM can do that is guaranteed to get the attention of every mob in the vicinity? So, I cast Benediction, just for kicks. Me, a lvl 2 WHM casting Bene for a Tiny Mandragora. Haha. I got the mob back, and sent the guy a /tell thanking him for his help, and explaining myself, and he laughed and took off. The Mandy cast Sleep on me, and then prompty took off after him. I watched as it ran over the hills and disappeared. When I "woke up" I decided my fun was over, and went back inside. ^^;;
#462 May 31 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
He he he,

here's four mob related funny stories.

Having learned the woes of hitting a bat in the Maze of Shakrami my party and I were struggling to find worms against the competition. Anyways suddenly I see a guy run by with a bat on his tail.

"Poor soul" I say and my party agrees. We have seen many a poor adventurer fall to the anger of the bat clan. So I walk up to the main cavern looking for a worm. My party aggros a bat (stupoid black mage with stonega). As we're running for the exit I almost have a heart attack.

I see a swarm of bats heading my way! I sigh in relief as someone else runs past me with the bat. I later found out it was a hi leveler fooling around.

Next: I'm in East Sarutabaruta fooling around with one of my jobs. I see a guy running around with a pack of rarabs, crawlers, bees, yagudo, goblins, and mandragoras. I /em peers at <t> curiously.
The guy laughs and says "How do you like my traveling zoo?"
I laughed.

Next: My lvl 52 taru pally friend and I (a lvl 41 whm at the time) are doing quests in the maze. He decides to run bats through the low levels. We also train goblins and crawlers. People stared at us in amazement. Did we need help?
No, thanks, we say. We all 80 gazillion mobs were dead we got plenty of claps and cheers.

Another time I'm farming in the Horototo ruins but actually I was guiding a friend to the infamous cat burgular hideout. I said wanna see something funny. I diaga'd some bats, gobs and beetles. Dragged them out to some poor soul. The guy panicked for a moment, dancing cutely as a tarutaru. Then he checked me and sighed in relief as my banishga2 obliterated them all.

What can I say, I'm quite the prankster... I've done stuff like that a few times. But at least I don't teleport leaving the mobs for the hapless soul. I like to help people and have my fun too.

Lord knows I've had quite a few heartattacks.
random person /emote doom scorpian approaches silfana.

Does this sword come in Pink?

#463 May 31 2004 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
I was just helping a ls member with DRG quest. While I was waiting for him to get to the hut in Ghelsba a hume in leather armour looks at my AF and asks "WHOA HOW MUCH DID THAT ARMOUR COST?".

I told her it was free and that it must be quested for, she then asked what the name of the quest was seeming determined to get the armour herself. I couldnt help but laugh.
#464 May 31 2004 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
This one is good, i was lvling my WHM at Taronghi Canyon with a noob WAR

<me>: Ok Provoke when ready
<n00b>: Alright but if i get low on health you finish it
<me>: ... No, i will heal so you can kill it
<n00b>: but its too strong it will kill me!!
<me>: It wont, i will be healing you
<n00b>: What if you cant heal me fast enough?
<me>: Then i'll use my 2h ability
<n00b>: Your wat?
<me>: Its a job ability which can be used once every 2 hours, so if i use it it will heal all your hp. You have one also
<n00b>: Cool i found it. Ok Provoking!
n00b Provokes Goblin Ambusher
<me>: Provoke it again!!! its coming to me
<n00b>: Dont worry ill use my 2h to heal you if your low on hp!! :D
#465 May 31 2004 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
I just started a Whm about a week ago and have currenly made it to the hell that is the Dunes. I am looking for a party and get a tell and then an invite from a seemingly sane blackmage. I ask how many in the party. He says 4. I can handle that, so I join up to find that I am the 4th. Odd, but not a big deal.

Then he grabs another Blm who is running from the Highlands. The new Blm sends a party message asknig where in the Dunes we are meeting. The leader and another member tell him to use map/markers to find them. Hard to do when in the Highlands. The new Blm gets mad and tells them that he is in the Highlands and can't check the Dunes map. Arguments begin and the Blm leaves, taking a War with him. I get that familiar feeling that this is not a group I want to be in and bow out as well.

The party is down to two as I leave, and the Blm begins /sh 14 blm and 17 whm lfg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over and over and over, no breaks. He gets various shouts back to shut up and I send him a /tell saying, quite politely, to please be quiet and stop spamming. This conversation ensues (for Blm replace "you" with "u" etc):

<Blm>: Don't tell me to be quiet!
<Me>: It's usually easier to look for a party through the menu, rather than being annoying and shouting constantly.
<Blm>: You can't tell me what to do, the first amendment says I can say whatever I want.
<Me>: First off, this is a game. The TOS explicitly says what you can and cannot do. Second, shut up.
<Blm>: I know my rights.
<Me>: Well then you know I have the right to tell you to shut up, as well.
-Blm continues his shout spam.
<Me>: You are the first member of my blacklist, congratulations.

So all is quiet thanks to blist. Then I get in a party, and the leader invites Mr. Blm after I am in the party. I tell the leader, through tells and in no uncertain terms, that I will not party with him and I will leave if he stays. The leader was a nice guy, and understood. Blm got booted without a word. I can only imagine what he was shouting after that...

~Sphera and Sphero

Bahamut Server
#466 May 31 2004 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
Hi, My name is Banrion and I REALLY feel like a N00B right now.

I am a lvl 38 RDM/WHM and tonight I was partying in Crawler's Nest. Not being used to areas as crowded as CN I have always used F8 to target the mob we were fighting. Well as I am sure many of you know Maze Lizards like to get close and watch the pretty fireworks the mages set off. So inevitably I mistarget a Maze Lizard. I'm dead party forced to zone. I apologize profusely and we get going again. All is well for another 2 hours or so and I do it again. This time I immediately run to zone and get murdered by a train of Soldier Crawlers someone else had just zoned. So the WHM comes and brings me back to life. As I am waiting for rez sickness to wear off the BLM says to me "Why dont you use <bt> on your macros?" I dont know how I made it to level 38 without knowing that there was such a command as <bt> to prevent such mistargets. I have read the strat guides and frequent many forums and never knew about <bt>. That is the first time I have really felt like a N00B. I have changed all of my macros to BT and am a much wiser player for it.
#467 May 31 2004 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
As a soloer, I really appreciate mages who take time to cast cure and protects on me while I fight or while I heal. Particularly I appreciate the ones who find me from inch of death and cure/protect me completely. So I made a macro that says:

/em expresses his gratitutde to <t> for his generosity.
/em bow <t>

And the macro is mapped so that I press R2 on my netplay controller, and I use the d-pad to scroll over and press x to select (it may work better if I just hit ctrl-6, but I'm a ps2 player; I do things the hard way).

So this mage cures/protects me from 2hp all the way to max hp. I use the macro to express my thanks and trot off to the next mob. Now, I use another macro to check the mob before I attack, which is mapped also to R2 button. So imagine the hilarity:

Guemabond expresses his gratitude to Orchish Neckchopper for his generosity.
Guemabond bows courteously to Orchish Neckchopper.


Edited, Mon May 31 23:14:45 2004 by kerbor
#468 Jun 01 2004 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
657 posts
It was sort of a while ago, but I can more or less remember how it went. I was leveling my Thief at the time, and we had just gotten a new White Mage into our LS, so I figure, I'd invite him out to the Dunes to party a little, being around level 13 or so. He said, "Alright, but I want to bring a friend along."

A minute later, I recieved an invite from some random MNK, the WHM tells me to take it, that's his friend. I go ahead and do so, and then I begin suggesting a few others to add to the group, so we'd have a well-rounded party. I was a THF/WAR, the other two were a MNK and WHM, neither with a sub.

I mentioned, find a WAR or PLD, so we have a decent Tank.

His response?

"ur subbing WAR, u can tank" (Maybe he actually typed it properly, I don't remember, but I'm inclined to portray idiots as I remember 'em.)

Me: "Um, I'm a Thief. Thieves don't tank. I'd just get killed."

Him: "u should have picked a different sub, now u have to tank!"

Oh, for the love of...

Me: "Sorry, that's not how it works."

Him: "u tank or leave pt, i am leader, u do what i say!"

Me: "***** off, you're an idiot. You can't listen to someone who knows better than you, you're not worth my time."

I immediately disbanded.

Him: /em flips Lansiron (me) the bird

/think motion (Hume male 'think' emote does bear a certain resemblance to said obscene gesture)
/em flips one right back, dumbass.

Him: ?! STFU!

The White Mage didn't stop apologizing for that idiot for about an hour. I simply told him, if he keeps that attitude, he'll never get anywhere. According to that WHM, though, he's always been stubborn.

Poor *******. Hope he enjoys sitting on his ***, from what I've seen, he still does a lot of it.

Edited, Tue Jun 1 05:15:46 2004 by Aseran
#469 Jun 01 2004 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
643 posts
The only real one the comes to mind is the time I was sitting on the boat from Selbina, boat hadn't left yet I had just sit down to heal after sneaking when someone says 'Can someone heal me please' Well I am a WHM so I got up and did a TAB to find him to heal him when I see 'XXX falls to the ground'. It happened approximantly 10 seconds after he asked, for some reason we all found this highly funny, and then raised him.

I've done a lot of noob things, but I convienantly forget them quite quickly.

#470 Jun 01 2004 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
643 posts

How did this make it to the fourth page?
#471 Jun 02 2004 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
111 posts
While I was in Ghelsba as a lv10 THF, I stand next to a guy fighting an orc and he looks like he's in trouble so I say: "call for help if you need it". He doesn't and dies, and after I kill the orc:

/t "Can you raise me?"
#472 Jun 02 2004 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,507 posts
Nin> ... Why are you in the dunes? Shouldnt you be in Kazam?
Rdm> Qufim gave me nightmares. I'm not going to Kazam.
#473 Jun 02 2004 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,824 posts
I find it funny when the people that are well past the noob stage say stupid things. Here's a couple from 2 different rdm's.

A rdm that saw himself as the lone healer for the party:
"You want me to use my healing mp casting refresh on the paladin?"

A rdm that sat after every single battle:
rdm: "low mp"
party: "Why not use convert?"
rdm: "I'm saving it for emergencies"
#474 Jun 02 2004 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
3,640 posts
My friend as a newbie story:
Well, actually my friend A(name changed to protect the innocent)and my brother's story. I was watching my brother party with A in Palborough. They get to a dead end where you can see across the river, right to a couple Copper Beetles. A gets the brilliant idea to cast stone on one. It runs off, another beetle linking with it as it leaves our sight. So everyone just sits there and waits for the beetle to show up. Waiting... waiting... waiting... my brother sees the beetle come around the corner and someone in the party line says "Oh, it's here!" It quickly became apparent that the beetle had many friends, because they all came around the corner soon after. A, being the one who first cast on the beetles, got ANNIHILATED. Everyone panicked: "ATTACK ATTACK JKDFGHKDFJKDFJD" A couple party members go down, and my brother decided "the hell with this!", disengaged, and ran off. All the beetles followed him. XD He, being a newbie himself, got lost trying to find the exit. Eventually he ran into a dead end, and with 3 hp, went /cry before the beetles ate him. The demon beetles proceeded to run back and kill the remaining member of the party. XD Lasted all of 5 minutes, bloody HILARIOUS. I still tease A about it.

i did this all the time on purpose , only with the hares in there when i needed hare meat for cooking roast hare, i could usually get a stack within a few minutes, i'd smack one on the other side of the river with a boomerang and wait a min and a whole pack of them would come out on the other side lol.
#475 Jun 02 2004 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
3,640 posts
well these aren't sayings but just some funny noobish mistakes from the past weekend.

the first one was a noob move on my part, in kazham they asked me to tank as monk so i agreed, mnk tanking can work until level 30's just fine with counter and everything it's actually pretty good, but anyways, in between fights i like to keep my boosting up and i accidentally bumped my provoke macro once instead of my boost macro while my arrow happened to be on a white lizard O.o yea the party was wiped out within seconds lol.

the seconds noob experience this past weekend was that of a jp noob, i thought it was pretty funny because it was the first jp noob i'd seen, he was a warrior in kazham and only rank 2 but didn't speak any english, our whm however was jp and bilingual so he did all of the translating for the party, so we're all in yhoator and we called this war from jueno, he however, had never been to yhoator so he attempts to make it on his own without a map, after a bit of time i ask the jp whm where he's at, i see a bit of japanese text going on the screen which looks like gibberish and the whm tells me he's lost so i zoned and looked on the map to see where he was. the guy is clear down in the southwest corner of yuhtunga jungle!!! whats even worse i find out this guy left town without a chocobo! so he's running around way out in the middle of the jungle out nowhere with no chocobo, so i took the whm and we invisibled and ran clear across the jungle to fetch him and bring him back. the guy was surrounded by soldier crawlers and goblin robbers and was in a panic when we got there, i have no frickin clue how that guy managed to make it that far on foot.
#476 Jun 02 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
219 posts
This morning I had a total stranger send me a tell to ask if I was busy. 39whm/18blm.(anon off)
I asked what he needed. A tele-Dem or PL please. I told him I can give him a tele-dem but I wouldn't be PL him, because it sucks.
Noob: No it doesn't I can get the 2300 xp in half an hour instead of 1 1/2 hrs.
Myself: No, it sucks for me.
Noob: I can make it worth your while, how about 3,000 gil per Lvl.
Myself: Im sorry, I only powerlevel my husband because I get nothing out of it
Noob: ?? I said I would pay you 3,000 gil.
Myself: It sucks for me so much, that 3,000 gil. could never compensate
To make matters worse, he expected the tele for nothing. I obliged to get rid of him and hopefully he got the point

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