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Funny Noob Sayings. ^_^Follow

#552 Jun 11 2004 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,824 posts
"Pld/Smn looking for exp!"

Got you beat, 18 mnk/blm looking for party in the dunes for about 2 hours. He was same level as the job I was leveling at the time, so every time we lost a member he showed up in the search, still looking for a group.
#553 Jun 11 2004 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,497 posts
My own two nOOb stories:

For about the first 2 hours I played the game, I didn't know how to heal. I would logout because it seemed my HP went up a little bit while I knelt. I asked a friend of mine how to heal myself and after he got off the floor from laughing he patiently explained it to me.

Also when I first started out I was selling off all this stuff I had been getting at the AH and wondering why my funds kept going down. Just by chance, several days later I clicked on my "Delivery Box" at the Mog house just to see what it was. In there was about 35,000 gil.

Another noob story involving someone else:

Wandering around Kazham on the Kujata server is a lvl 28 WAR with NO SUBJOB. Go figure that one.

Ah well, everyone's a newbie once. =^.^=

Edited, Fri Jun 11 09:06:51 2004 by darkladuke
#554 Jun 11 2004 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
Bad Jobs/Sub.. WAR24/BLM9 The only other job he had leveled was blm, so he used it as a sub for the hit points.....
Little to say by the time our party had broken up we had convinced him to level up another job.

(Save the world from newbies, at least the ones who will listen)
#555 Jun 11 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Thats funny. I, unfortunity have done something similar, and not at as new player. I was out in Rolanberry(sp) soloing and farming with my RDM/THF. When I solo, I change my macro's to use the area spell's, but did not change the name. Well, I get a invite to a party in Crawlers Nest. I except and find the party. They have a WHM, but no BLM, so they ask me to Enfeeb, Nuke and back-up heal. No problem. So we are fighting Crawlers with Maze Lizards running around all around us. A Crawler is pulled. I hit my macro for Dia II, forgetting that I had changed it to Diaga. The entire party get's killed, by Maze Lizards. The party is confused, as well as I, and nobody confesses to any mistake. Lot's chat "Who agroed the Lizards?", "Not me", "What happened?", "That was wierd." Anyway, we all get raise's, wait till curse is gone and heal up. We then pull another Crawler. I lock on and hit "Stone 2", forgetting I had Stonega assinged to the macro. Right when I see the spell hit I realized, "oh s__t, I did not change my macro's. I start shouting "ZONE", "ZONE". It's no good, everyone die's again. I start appologizing to the party and confessing my mistake. I confessed to the Stonega and confessed to the Diaga. I explained my mistake and begged for forgiveness. No use. They booted my butt quicker than snot and called me all kind's of "colorful" names, including "NOOB B_tthe_d", ect.

Lesson learned. Always check your macros.
#556 Jun 11 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
How the hell does a rdm/thf have Stonega? :-)
#557 Jun 11 2004 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
2,259 posts
Came across one of these people the other day, while headed for the dunes. Myself and another friend stood there for several minutes, trying to talk to the person, help them out, and watching them glitch and spin around in one spot.We're just about to call a GM when suddenly she announces "I wake now", walks through a wall and continues on her merry way.

Though the end of that story is funny, and inexplicable, did you know that you can deliberately go down into those La Theine caverns? You have to for a few different missions, hunting Tumbling Truffle, and going into Ordelle's Caves. ^^
#558 Jun 12 2004 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,507 posts
Collection from four days in the dunes:

Them: "What the hell is Tachi?"

Me (Jokingly): "What do you mean you cant blink any more? Did your eyelids fall off?"

Them: "What map?"

Them: "Where are you guys?"

Them: "What's that black thing?"

Them: "What's this button do?"

Me: "... Gentle pelvic thrust? What the hell are you guys doing back there?"

Them: "Scavenge? Dude, find me gil!"

Them: "Pulling |Goblin Leecher|!"
Me: "For the love of god, I have no MP!"
Them: "No no, we have a whm, bring it back!"
Me: "The WHM has no MP!"

Them: "Dude, I gotta ****, its poking out of my-"

Them: "Where did the WHM go?"
Me: "I zoned, goblins."
(Zoning back into the dunes)
Them: "He died!"
Me: "... No, I ZONED. God, what are you, new?"
/check party list
Me: "Oh dear god you are.."

I have nothing against bastok as a country. But gods, I cant wait until I get my subjob out of the dunes. /cry

Theres MORe actually, but thats all the convo that was in my logs and thinking about dunes chatter makes my head hurt.
#559 Jun 12 2004 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,507 posts
RazMasters wrote:
Though the end of that story is funny, and inexplicable, did you know that you can deliberately go down into those La Theine caverns? You have to for a few different missions, hunting Tumbling Truffle, and going into Ordelle's Caves. ^^

I've actually been considering a few suicidal leaps lately to check out what would happen by falling into the various chasms. They dont call me the curious cat for nothing (nevermind how many times it's killed me). However, I wasnt sure about what kind of monsters could spawn down there so I've been waiting until I have 'decent' armor. Haha. ^^;

In other news: Running backf rom thedunes two nights ago, I cam across this guy standing on a chocobo. Dead silent, half health. Just as I pass him he /tell's me "WAIT!". I figure maybe he wants some of my bait or somethign and run back, looking up at him.

Turns out Steelfleece had spawned on the ledge just above him and he was trying to warn people about it. Especially this little lvl 14 white mage he saw barreling up the hills. I told him I'd be fine, thanked him for the warning and climbed up cautiously.

To see ten low level bodies spread around this ram in a circular pattern. Too bad my screencap list was full. Either way, a /sh notifying people of its location and it was shortly slaughtered.

Problems with being whitemage anon: Ten new players begging you for a raise and to kill the nasty sheep thing. Evryone can tell your white mage from apperance. Gah.
#560 Jun 12 2004 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
I actually got this before. Had a party that was doing good until our voker had to log. We found a WAR in the area and brought him in. We started the battle and not to long after the start, the WHM was getting hit and the WAR wasn't doing anything. We won without any casulties, but afterwards, we were all on him about the purpose of a Tank...he just logged on us.
#561 Jun 12 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
I have a funny noob experiences, all with one guy.

So a buddy and I are on the boat from Mhaura to Selbina after collecting some stuff for the Selbina Clay quest. We get on the boat and there seem to be a good amount of people, around 12 I'd say. I usually just stay below deck because of the things that could happen above (Sea Horror flashbacks). After a while, we hear someone hail a Sea Monk. A conversation ensues where an 18RDM with a subjob asks if he takes it will anyone get in his group to help. I knew this was gonna be good so I go above deck to watch. He ended up getting a 22 WHM and a 17 or so MNK to help him. What ensued had me laughing really hard for a long time. We told them that they won't be able to take it and to just call for help so we can gang-bang it, but they didn't. They got it down to about half health when the WHM got aggro...and quickly died. Then the MNK got aggro...also went down in a few hits. So here was an 18 RDM casting and hitting as fast as he can knowing he's gonna die otherwise. He uses his two-hour and gets it down to within a inch of its life. However, he is also on his last couple HP and then it happens...he calls for help (after minutes of /saying "Call for Help")then dies...AND DELEVELS. I quickly finished it off with one swipe. Luckily for all 3 there was a high level WHM on the boat that raised all of them. After that, then the RDM asked for whatever loot the Sea Monk dropped. Of course he Called for Help so the monster will not drop anything and we tell him that but he doesn't believe us. Then after about 10 people said this he believed it. And then the boat ride ended...

We told this story to our LS and they all laughed pretty hard. About a half hour later, our other compadre who had stopped by Windy instead of hopping the boat with us ran across the same RDM in Buburimu face down in the sand. We told her not to raise him because he had to learn at some point. He sent her a tell asking for a raise and when she said no, he asked her to find him a raise. Keep in mind they don't know each other either.

Meh, it would be funnier if you woulda been there.
#562 Jun 12 2004 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
332 posts
This happened just two minutes ago.

I was in quifim and we were fighting giants and I was pulling. I look around and find a giant trapper with its pet gigas leech. I pull it and run back to my party, turn around to face it and see that it has brought an acrophite along for the masacre. We all zone but the whm dies and I leave ashamed :(
#563 Jun 12 2004 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
i was asking how to equip my union sword =P
#564 Jun 12 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
One evening I decided to take my then level 15 SMN/WHM out to the dunes for a little leveling. Things went alright, not very quickly but it is Valkurm after all so I don't have high expectations. On my second party the leader invites a level 15 warrior with level 8 armor. When I pointed it out he just "LoL'ed" it off and said he was going to farm but got a party invite instead. I encourage the party leader to kick him but it doesn't happen.

We get set at camp and for whatever reason this WAR is made puller. Basically I'm just waiting for something bad to happen. So he goes out and reports that he can only find tough mobs. Then in the chat he types something like:

"Hmmm... Only tough. We can kill them easy so I'll pull two!"

Good as his word he get the attention of two gobs. Of course I was already running once I had read that. Afterward he wondered why no one had healed him. He disbands but I took it as a sign that I should break for the day and quit while I'm ahead. ^^
#565 Jun 12 2004 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
This isn't really from In Game, it was an AIM convo, but it relates to FFXI, so I thought I'd share it =)

<friend>: why can FF XI be on GC
<me>: ...
<friend>: so i'd only have to buy the damn modem crap
<me>: <thinks for a moment>
<me>: <Thinks of two responses>
<me>: <Knows one will get his *** kicked.>
<me>: <goes with that one>
<me>: <runs>

Damn nintendo fan boys =(

Ah yes, and on the subject of the Beastmaster and -trying- to attack the mobs, I recently aquired beastmaster, and I've been known to coax newbs that "Its just a harder mob, keep trying to attack it, you'll get it eventually" =)
#566 Jun 12 2004 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
HaHaHa.... This is Hilarious!!

I never had a n00b moment, since my friend told me every single thing about the game. So, it was ez.

I was just thinking, that if you showed this thread to anybody who doesnt know anything about FFXI, what would they be thinking about?
#567 Jun 13 2004 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
325 posts
Wandering around Kazham on the Kujata server is a lvl 28 WAR with NO SUBJOB. Go figure that one.


Yeah, on Fenrir this was my PT in Yhoatar once...

27/13 War/mnk (me)
28 War
27/1 Whm/Blm
28/6 Blm/Whm
28/10 Rdm/Whm
27/9 Mnk/War



Died twice in... 30 minutes... /disband
#568 Jun 13 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
793 posts
I saw a WHM/DRK in Qufim when I used my search...
#569 Jun 13 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
okay this is weird...
my jpn friends told me this story
There was a lvl 50 nin wanting Utsusemi2
and my jpn friend was attacked my /tell everyday
[ninja]lvl50 [utsusemi]2 [can i have it?]
my friend totally ignored this
but then another non-related jpn friend of mine told me the same story...
so this GALKA is a PLAYER with nin 50 WITHOUT utsusemi2...
anyway the second friend acctualy has the utsusemi2 after 40bcnm so she sold it for 2k. not too expensive, my friend didn't need much more money i guess >A<

THEN a few days later.. THE SAME GALKA tells her to give a utsusemi scroll.... like WTF
so my friend says NO i don't have
the the galka says. "n00b"...

to a jpn whos lvl 75 SAM (plz hes always never ANON)
this guy didn't know what n00b actually mean!

And guess what! hes on the JPN B-list website...
good for him!
#570 Jun 13 2004 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
oh the other thing is that when i started this game...

1. I tried to talk to the NPC in the introducing event when u make character... I even added some emotes!

2. Didn't know how to walk, pressed all possible buttons on my keyboard.... - -;;

3. Walked around holding a adventure coupon for the first 2 days, looking for Jack... and shouting "WHERE IS JACK!?"

4. Didn't know how to lvl up, asked a person... hopefully i had a very kind person to watch me while fighting my first fight.

5. Thought moving and running around the monster made it harder to get hits...

6. Thought the AH was like Yahoo Auctions where u bid and compete with others.

7. I lent 5000gil to some one i don't know and never got it back!
stuff i was asked... by peeps who have "?" beside their name
1. Can you bring me to jeuno? (by a lvl 4

2. Can you bring me to Bastok? (by a lvl 1
I really helped this dude... and what i got from it?
Sabiki Rig and a Mithran Rod and whole set of Fishing Gear
with a /t Please be my Fishing Partner!
replied >>WOW THANK YOU ^A^ but i dun have time to fish
<< oh please~? Your so nice to me i noe u wud do it!
>> um... ok but i won't take your items !!!
>> Course you have... now don't spend you gil! you will need it!
<< I spent my REAL money on it!

Comment.... WOW i wud never do that!

3. Can you teleport Mea me? (by a lvl 3 in sand + i was RDM 40

4. Can you please find my father? (by a lvl 15
is this a joke or what!?

Sorry its long ><

#572 Jun 14 2004 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
I've seen worse than a lvl 21 with no sub. I've seen a lvl 28 rdm with no sub before in Yhoater Jungle.
#573 Jun 14 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
Heh, here's one I remember.

One time, I was in dunes and we were fighting something. Can't remember. Anyway, our tank got killed during the fight. The rest of us keep fighting. Some person comes by and raises our tank during the same fight. As soon as he's back on his feet, he goes in and vokes the monster while he only has 8 HP. Died instantly. I just sat there and was laughing in front of my monitor.

After the fight, I had explained to him. "When you only have 8 HP, YOU DON'T VOKE THE MONSTER!"

He replies, "Sorry, had a brain fart."
#574 Jun 14 2004 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
366 posts
Kelyu wrote:

And guess what! hes on the JPN B-list website...
good for him!

can you link this website? I curious

I still trying to remember if I may have pissed off a JP player

Edited, Mon Jun 14 03:38:00 2004 by Fragmentation
#575 Jun 14 2004 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
204 posts
My favorite was when I was in Crawler's Nest. I was partying with
a person named "Yarr" who happened to be a Rank 8 SMN with Fenrir.

I don't know if this is n00b or not.. but when Yarr took out Fenrir, someone shouted... " Put your overgrown Hampster away, there is already enough lag in here. " ; ;

#576 Jun 14 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
I am guilty of advertising my Warp spell, giving /shouts asking if ppl needed to be warped, failing to realize that it was Warp II that was able to teleport other PC's.

Also partying in Qufim:
Tank: Good job with the skillchain! (Liquefaction)
Tank: How much did you MB for?
Other guy: magic burst
Tank: magic burst
me: magic burst
BLM: wuts a magic burst?

the BLM was lvl 20 btw.
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