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Funny Noob Sayings. ^_^Follow

#127 May 03 2004 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
I was so glad I said something in LS first cuz I was about to accuse the BLM and tell him to watch his targeting. I caught some grief from my LS a few days after that. I got a few "Hey Aldrick any more of those BLM's aggro you lately?" type messages.


I used to think they could.. until Tried playing one. I know what you mean.. ^^
#128 May 03 2004 at 3:43 AM Rating: Decent
Haha, got this one yesterday

I'm level 15 WHM running through the highlands after a few hours in the dunes and I hear a /shout I NEED HELP PLEASE SOMEONE HELP

so to save time I just shout back "I can come where are you"

no reply and I'm running to the center just so I can get anywhere else I need to a little quicker. then again the shout "PLEASE HELP I'm ASLEEP AND DYING"

So this time I send a tell. "I can come cure you where are you"

Like 3 seconds later a shout "to that guy who just said he could come I'm in the K. highlands (he typed it all out)

So I send another tell " I know you are i need your position"

and he shouts again "I said K. Highlands"

I'm crying now from laughing so hard so I send a tell "look around you the highlands a re big place send me your position"

so then he shouts "why won't anyone help me who knows where the highlands are"

then another shout "You suck I'm dead"

so I: /t "meet me in the bastok markets I'll cure you there

Like 3 minutes later there is the guy standing next to the HP and I run up cast cure 2 on a perfectly healthy level 9 WAR and /T "glad I could help, it's much easier when I know where you are:)"

It was a riot.
#129 May 03 2004 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
Earlier today there was a lv 1 noob in Windurst Woods asking for someone to take him to Castle Oztroja. Had to have been someone's mule looking for a laugh.
#130 May 03 2004 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Some of these posts were hillarious. Anyways I had a couple that I thought were pretty funny. The first one was told to me by a friend. He was in Bastok market when he saw a war shouting asking people where to buy provoke.
A few days ago I was in San d'Oria running through North San d'Oria heading to go logging at Ghelsba when I see someone shouting asking how to get a Ballista license. Being the kind soul that I am I told him who to talk to and where he was. A few minutes later I get a tell from this person saying that he can't get the license from the npc. I then tell him that he has to be at least rank 3 to be able to get the license. He replies that he's well past rank 3... that he's actually rank 9. I check him and find out he's a lvl 9 WAR, rank 1. I tell him he's only rank 1 and that he's lvl 9. He kept insisting that he was rank 9 and that I didn't know what I was talking about. I just told him whatevers and I'll let him know how ballista is.
The last one I had was while I was in the dunes. Someone was shouting asking if anyone had maps they could sell him.
#131 May 03 2004 at 4:26 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
I was always too shy to ask questions when I first started. So I can't remember saying anything "noobish".

I do remember that when I first started playing my inventory would fill up so fast that I was dropping stuff (crystals and items) left and right. This was when FFXI was first released in NA. The lack of gil and the expense of weapons and armor frustrated me so I went back to EQ in September '03

It wasn't until I came back maybe 2-3 months later (too many idiots playing EQ) that I discovered something REALLY cool!!!! I can STACK these items.

<---not real bright. ^^
#132 May 03 2004 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
158 posts
In response to Elflord's post about the newb that didn't know the "pos" function... I was soloing in the dunes at around level 24 (helping LS members get subjob items) when this guy who I've seen /sh'ing before appears shouting again his some ol' plea:
And he does this ... over and over again... spamming the chat like crazy. I finally break down and begin to ask where he's at. After 5 or 6 more of his "help" shouts, he finally sends his position. Now, the problem with FFXI (probably one of the few in my opinion) is that it's map system is beyond horrible (take a look at Yhoator/Yuhtunga why don't ya?)... He shouts out his pos and sure enough, I can't find him there. I kept asking where he was... raking through the coordinate like a madman, trying to help him out... Sure enough, second later, his pos changed to about 3 squares east of where I was. And then out of nowhere, we notice his pleas die off. And then there's
"I HATE YOU PEOPLE!!! >.< So many people out here and no one was able to heal me!!"

Now for a noobish thing I did (cuz it's only fair).
I don't think this constitutes to noobism.. just stupidity and/or ignorance. I had just hit rank 2 and I was allowed into the big castle in Sandy (the one with the name no one can pronounce).. I was walking around in it when I hit the dungeons. There was a guy next to the entrance to the dungeon below Sandy, and after stocking up on some brand new level 14 armor (WOW!), I decided to check it out... I hit the ground and saw the big 240 pop up right above my name.. a second passed and onther 272 popped over my name and I was dead... and it slowly crept by me... this huge slime looking thing... and I was petrified after that. I'm now a level 33RDM and I still won't go down there.

Oh.. and would someone please explain what these are: U.U , YY and others???? I like the good ol' days of =) and ^^
#133 May 04 2004 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
lol Dramanue >.< thanx for the warning I was going to go down there at lvl 18 once. ^.^ Soo glad I didn't now. I think those 2 smiley faces you had are u.u <-- Closed eyes and T.T <-- Crying.
#134 May 04 2004 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
Me too!!! Did it for 5hrs.... Almost didn't want to play anymore!!
#135 May 04 2004 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Saw this one posted before...

Galka in Windurst goes out to East Saru... Starts running north and then the galka noticed someone was following him. He turns around and sees a little cute taru hiding in the bushes. Galka keeps running ignoring the taru, but the taru still follows him. After a while, galka wonder why the taru keeps following, so galka turns around, and taru hides again. Galka asks the taru, "Why are you hiding?". Taru, "You are going to eat me!"

Back in October, I got the game, set windurst as nation, go through all the cutscenes, etc. So, there I am, wondering why the hell I can't move. I have played quite a few mmorpgs and other games and you usually move with ASDW or arrows. So after 20 minutes of trying to figure out how to move, I get fed up and start hitting my keyboard... IT MOVED!!!... My character moved! FINALLY!!! So after that, I start hitting all the possible buttons such as IJKL and YGHJ then I realized you moved using the keypad... So after being able to move, I start running around lost of course. I didn't know where to go, nor I had the slighest idea on how to use the menu. One of my friends comes and helps me, so I followed her, but I got lost again, so my friend spends quite some time trying to find me as she didn't know about <pos> at that time, but she knew the map better than I did. Anyways, after playing for a few hours, I decided it was time to log out... So like any other game, I press ESC to get the EXIT window, nothing happens. I'm like weird, so I noticed you could use commands, so I started typing all the combinations I could think:


After trying for 10 minutes, I gave up and ALT+F4. This happened for at least 1 week, until one of my friends told me about /logout...

#136 May 04 2004 at 4:37 AM Rating: Good
22 posts
lol, one day there was this noob shouting out for a world pass, does anyone have a world pass I could buy???

<me> Yes xxxxxx i do have a world pass you can buy ^^ please come to la rude gardens. My name is jesse it is nice to meet you!
<him>yes thank you soooo much for helping me ive been looking for one all day!
<me> yes xxxxxx i do sell them and i am standing at the castle entrance. you shall see my name in blue. (though extremely far-fetched i continued on) i am a new ai npc designed to sell the world pass to adventurers who need them.
<me> well thank you xxxxxx im so glad you are having fun here.
~he arrives~
<him> so how do i buy them?
<me> im not sure if i know how to respond, please ask in a different way
~brief pause~
<me> wait maybe i do.... /slap <t> <repeat numerous times...

took a while for him to get it but he was utterly blown away. he just sat there laughing and sending <ill get you back for that with something of my own> i couldnt help but laugh all the way to bastok...hehe...some people.... ^^
#137 May 04 2004 at 4:39 AM Rating: Good
Heh, i was in a party in the valkurum dunes, fighting snippers at Siren Sands. After we won each battle, we took a rest. Then a little tarutaru, with the party flag up, lvl 13. Goes fishing.
Ok, so we pulled a crab killed it and took a rest again. Then we noticed the dead tarutaru there, near the water. We think, huh? So our brave tank (war) walks to her, and asks: want me to look for a raise?

Then it suddenly it happen, one of the pugils just went aggresive and hit the war for huge dmg, so the war comes to us and we tried to fight it, without thinking of zoning to selbina.

Our whm was smart enough to run for it, leaving us 5 dead behind. He asked for a raise to a lvl 30 whm, and he came.

But the Pugil aggrod the lvl 30 whm!! And was hitting him pretty much, and he zoned to selbina.
After waiting for a while, we just respawned and were back in selbina again. Went to the zone area to go to the dunes. Where we saw like 25 people standing there o.O

Ok, i go outside, screen loads, i see the dunes... then the pugil, it aggrod and killed me again =/

Finally a lvl 69 whm killed the pugil, took her long enough o.O
And we went back to our old camp spot, noticing the dead tarutaru still lying there near the water lol!
#138 May 04 2004 at 4:47 AM Rating: Good
lol priceless!! all of it. i laughed especially hard at this one :
My first experience watching a BST in action turned me into a total newbie. Was trying to attack this wild rabbit that was charmed for like 10 min all while the BST who owned it was /laughing at me. I finally broke down and asked him what was going on and he, wishing to further his enjoyment, told me that animals with green names are harder to engage and to just keep trying. Yeah, i can laugh about it now but i was pretty frustrated for a while there. :p

beautiful. i havent had this hard a laugh in awhile.

i dont really have my own stories :/ ....i read the whole book b4 i even got on the computer :) sorry. but theres always other people that are newbs. like this one guy in my ls. wow....talk about pathetic. well it went like this...

<new ls player> hey Goaste!!! whats up!!!
<me> uhh.....hi O_o...do i know u?
<new ls player> Can u do me a hugggggge favor! i need to borrow some money from you please :)
<me> (trien to be nice) umm....uhh do i even know u?
<new ls player> oh im sorry im -------
<new ls player> so can i have some money now :)
<me> -_-' ... how much do u need man? (i check the ls list and hes lvl 15)
<other ls members> lol
<new ls player> oh not much....just like 200k....
<me>(being nice failed) WTF!
<new ls player> you have that right? ur a thf....thf's get tons of dough dont they?
<me> WHO THE **** ARE U?!
<new ls player> i just told u -------
<other ls members> haha this is great
<me> what the hell could u possibly need 200k for at lvl 15!
<new ls player> well these earrings are like 50k and i need them bad :*(
<me> ..... ...no u cant have 200k
<new ls player> do u have 100k i can have then??
<me> (telling the ls leader) u pick the best ones man :/
<new ls player> so can i?
<me> go away

after that he went on to the next victim.
ahh....the youth. at least there good for one thing..... laughing at them.

Edited, Tue May 4 08:13:37 2004 by goaste
#139 May 04 2004 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
My roomate and I were heading to Valkum to go level. Now, I've only been playing since Febuary, and I'm only a level 16 WHM cause I stopped to level THF and generally don't have time to play and my roomate is a level 16 WAR. We pick up this friend he made while leveling earlier on who is also a level 16 WAR. We're making out way out to the Dunes to go party and on our way through La Thiene we get to talking, and they're wanting to pick off some random stuff along the way for some quick XP. I figure what the heck, free XP, and I don't have to do anything. So, we're running along and one of the two WAR's decides we need to fight something harder.Bet you'll never guess..... Yep he said: "Hey lets try and kill a Battering Ram." My response: "DEAR GOD NO." I then have to proceed to relay everyone's stories from these forums about getting one shotted by the rams. We get to the Dunes and are partying and the same guy decides we need something harder for better experience there. Naturally he and my roomate want to try a Bogy. There line of reasoning being "Hey, we're doing fine, they can't be that tough." After about 10 minutes of us argueing, me and the other healer in the group flat out say no, and if they pull one we're zoning without asking or healing. I swear. Sometimes I wonder why people can't just stop and listen sometimes.
#140 May 04 2004 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
oo oo i remember another one :)
not so much a newb point but still funny

during the easter quest w/ the eggs and the anarchy of 100 people, the usual shouts of "have Q,R,P need B,C,D and F" and so on. well during all the commotion this one guy just flat out shouts "[please help me] [incredibly tough] [rod] in [trousers] [please check it]" like 20 times.

rofl i was laughin so hard i thought i was gona bust a lung.

boxier> k. how do u fight ppl?
me> uh, what, u mean monsters?
boxier> no, like the other ppl. like how can i go and jump that guy standing over there?

lmao! i just thought this was hilarious. for some reason i imagined a guy being nonchalant; whistling and slowly coming from behind a completely random player and "WHAM!!" just knocks him over the head! lol
#141 May 04 2004 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
55 posts
Well this party was all noobs. I was a fresh lvl 17 thf and the rest were 16 or 17...full party. We decide to fight snips in Valkurm. Our whm had been fumbling with cures and so someone showed her how to macro. She excitedly created a heal macro for <t> and /smiling and /clapping while she cast cure on each of us with her brand new macro (all of us were full and just standing there waiting) I know she was excited so I didn't say anything...well we started fighting and we fell into a sort of groove, surprisingly well for a noob party now that I think of it. Well the puller can't find any IT's or even VT's after a while so they pull a tough. We get ready...its only a tough gunna be easy right? Well fight gets goin...player 6 in prty list was tank. Player 6 disappears...Disconnected. Our whm <t> cure macro that had been targeting player 6 targets the snipper. No one noticed until about 30 seconds later and I scrolled up the log, Now we must have been in one hell of a groove because she was methodical. Every 20 seconds...just as we had seen her heal the tank, she would heal the snip. We were all shouting WTF WTH STOP HEALING IT, apparently she wasnt watching, kept curing it...till she ran out of mp...noticed she was out, and asked why in the hell we hadnt killed it yet. ... ... ... No one died. Luckily we had rdm to backup. She didn't say anything the rest of the time.

Edited, Tue May 4 08:44:49 2004 by Gungnir
#142 May 04 2004 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
3,640 posts
I'd have to say the biggest noob thing i've done was one time while standing by the crag in konschat highlands i noticed several jp players gathered around a ??? in the ground. I decided to check it out and see what was going on so i ran over and pressed enter on the ??? in the ground. it said "gimme everything you got in your bag" and i'm like "hmm, i wonder what this is, maybe i will get some kind of prize or something" so i gave it a shellbug and instantly a goblin archaeologist spawns from under the ground and proceeds to attack me, i immediately call for help not knowing what was going on. the jp standing by hesitantly saved my life and then did a /sigh after doing so and teleported away. only later did i realize that was an NM and i had stole it from them and then immediately called for help. lol i felt pretty bad after finding that out, but hey, if they weren't too good to talk to an american when i tried to ask them what it was with the translator i wouldn't have done it. instead of them replying with {Notorious Monster} the just ignored me and pretended i wasn't even there when i asked them what it was by doing a /point ??? and then asking them about it. I'm just surprised they decided to save my life.
#143 May 04 2004 at 9:16 AM Rating: Default
339 posts
I dont really know if this is a noob thing but it was kind of funny at the time. It was in dunes, just when I first got Ranger, I didn't engage one battle for some reason, I think cause the dagger was hitting snippers for 0 so there was no point except to unleash flaming/piercing arrow. Blm was my buddy.

<war> Why aren't you attacking?
<me, ranger> Huh?
<blm> ????
<whm> why didn't you engage?
<war> Serious start attacking or we will kick you.
<me> umm ok
me pulls a sniper, I forget to engage again
<war> wtf kick him
<whm> Dude why are you attacking.
Sniper dies
<blm> he is attacking you idiots he's a ranger
<me> You got to be kidding me, check your log
whm,war check their log
<war> Holy crap you hit for alot of damage
<whm> Damn...
<me> can we get back to the killing of the crab thingies now?

Edited, Tue May 4 10:16:41 2004 by Trexek
#144 May 04 2004 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
170 posts
I was on a the ship that runs from Mhaura to Selbina after leveling my BLM sub-job in the Maze of Shakrami. There were about 5 people on board that were obviously WHM cause they had their artifact armor on, but the were /anon. After the ship had left, they all went to the stairs on deck to go fishing, anywaym after a few minutes, the sea pirates came up. The whms continued fishing. I was only a 12blm/06whm at the time, so i went up into the cabin, because as the pirates started summoning crossbones onto the deck, a level 10 warrior had 2 on him, and he ran to the door to go below deck and dragged with him the two crossbones and wiped out the newbs at the bottom, about 8 in all. They were all /sh "OMG Help us!!!!!!!!11111" And they whm had to do about 8 to 10 raises at selbina ^_^

I also was in a newb party when i was leveling my blm subjob in la thienne at level 9 and we had 4 warriors >.> that didn't know how to voke. Once we got to lake ephemere, all 4 of them voked four differant thickshells. ^_^ they tried to zone, but they all died.
So i left and joined a JP PT and leveled twice.
#145 May 04 2004 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
12,735 posts
"What is that 'M'"

I get that alot when I party in the dunes. -.- I normally go on about how the last update brought Dragon Ball Z and FF closer together and how there is a Majin Buu Quest in Norg.

...depending on how their overall performance in the party is determins if I let them know I'm joking. :-P lol
#146 May 04 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
44 posts
I was invited to a party while leveling my WAR sub at around 23... the WHM of the party was a 23WHM, no sub. Being the inquisitive type, I ask him:

Me: Umm... so WHM, why don't you have your sub yet?
(I don't beat around the bush =P)

WHM: I don't like to do quests, I just want to level.

Party: ...
#147 May 04 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
ok, although I am still new I have one. happened to me at Dunes before I got a subjob and at the time I was a lvl 11 or 12 black mage. I got a /tell that went like this:

XXXXX: Hey wanna PT we need a healer

me: if you need a healer then I'm not the person for you.

XXXXX: ok, but can you Cure

me: no

XXXXX: Why not?

me: becuase I don't have Cure

XXXXX: why don't you have Cure

me: because I can't use it, nor do I have a need for it. I'm a black mage I kill things not Cure them.

XXXXX: ok, but just so you know, you should buy Cure so you won't be gimped.

I felt bad for the people in his group.
#148 May 04 2004 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
325 posts
Me as a real noob

So I was pting with a Drg and another War in Gelshba outpost.
I die, and I can't find my way back lol. So i'm wandering about, and the War gets impatient, and goes deeper to solo. She then says this
"A train raped me"
me, as a noob thought there was a litteral "train" in the Gelshba outpost.
me- "there's a train here? where does it go to? does it cost money?"
the Drg explains about trains...
Me, then was like "oh"

Me now is like, me stupid lol
(that drg prob was thinking i was such a noob, which i was)
#149 May 04 2004 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
Well, here is my story. This happened on May 2, 2004. We had collected a group of 18 people to do the Eco-Warrior quest in Windurst. After much running, and gabbing we arrive in the Maze of Shakrami. A 44 Sam and I (32 Whm) decide to scout the position for the quest. We found it and proceeded to head back. Got the spray, rounded the group up and took off. After repeatedly telling everyone (most of whom were upper 20s to low 30s) not to touch anything and to avoid fights as much as possible, we get to the spot that we scouted. Obviously, we had to fight a few times and we sat to rest. When we sat down, the one person who was lvl 20 with no subjob says..."Hey, what does this ??? do?"


The next two words out of my mouth were "F***" and SLEEEEEEEP!!!!

Let me tell you...you never want to hear the phrase, "What does this button do?" when you are healing for a fight that can easily kill 18 people. :-)
#150 May 05 2004 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
343 posts
so I: /t "meet me in the bastok markets I'll cure you there

Like 3 minutes later there is the guy standing next to the HP and I run up cast cure 2 on a perfectly healthy level 9 WAR and /T "glad I could help, it's much easier when I know where you are:)"

You ran from K.Highlands to Bastok Market in 3 min? That's better than my flee. Even on chocobo thats pretty... fast.
#151 May 05 2004 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
361 posts
Now for a noobish thing I did (cuz it's only fair).
I don't think this constitutes to noobism.. just stupidity and/or ignorance. I had just hit rank 2 and I was allowed into the big castle in Sandy (the one with the name no one can pronounce).. I was walking around in it when I hit the dungeons. There was a guy next to the entrance to the dungeon below Sandy, and after stocking up on some brand new level 14 armor (WOW!), I decided to check it out... I hit the ground and saw the big 240 pop up right above my name.. a second passed and onther 272 popped over my name and I was dead... and it slowly crept by me... this huge slime looking thing... and I was petrified after that. I'm now a level 33RDM and I still won't go down there.

I've been lurking on this thread for sometime, 'cause its freaking hilarious, then I just read this...and about fell off my chair at work laughing, which isn't a good thing with a loaded weapon on fire on your hip!! I got to about 40 I think with my THF, and having BLM at 20, and the fame from gobbie bag quest, I decided I wanted to get Drain, so blah blah to the castle and what not...went wondering, and saw the trap door to the place below...I'm like, meh, I'm 40, what can be down there that I can't kill in a /town/ zone, has to be newbie stuff *thinks of Zerhun Mines back home*...hops down the trap door...looks at slimes, hmm...wonder if they agro/link/drop anything good...oh...looks like one is coming this wa...OW! sh**!! warpy time! OH! no hp >,<;;
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