I just got back from a disastrous Promyvion-Dem expidition. Apparently there are people who do not know what they're doing. I guess there's a few lessons to be listed out for people
1) Be leveled!
A 30 white mage / 11 black mage is not good. It probably not good that I wasn't leading the setup, because that kind of nonsense is just stupifying. Not only is the mage missing out on four levels of black mage, but it's insulting to anyone in the group that takes the time to be prepared.
2) Be dressed!
In my one party alone, there were three people without a full compliment of gear. I'm not saying that the mages didn't have morion's tathlum or something like that, I mean people missing leg armor, boots, gloves, rings, and wearing santa hats. Our warrior was without a belt. I was foolish enough to get gear for two of the three people (the third left Jeuno before I could get her something). It's not unreasonable to have a full set of clothing for Promyvion. Also, if someone provides gear for you, return it! Only the warrior had the decency to return what I gave out, good thing I didn't get anything of high value. And again, santa hats are not acceptable headgear.
3) Be prepared!
The spire is not the time to find out that you forgot poison potions. If you are a mage and you see two people nearby making pineapple juice as fast as possible, make sure you have juice. For pete's sake this is a hard fight, don't go in like your a level 75 fighting a wild rabbit. Before you leave Jeuno, check that you have food, juice/au laits, potions, medicines.
4) Be practiced!
One of the worst things I heard from people in the group was "I don't usually use this job." I don't accept that as an excuse. It's not an excuse for gear, it's not an excuse for preparedness. Don't bring a job into the party if you don't like to or know how to use it. If you don't like a job, you'd better not bring it into my Promyvion party, I want people to know what they're doing.