I think it's a great idea.
I'd certainly like to go, except it's in San Francisco, and I'm in Detroit. If it was in, say, Chicago, then maybe I'd be able to scrape together enough funds and enough time to go there. Even if it was in New York or Baltimore I'd try to make it there.
I guess the best suggestion would then be to have more than one party. One for each U.S. coast, one for Europe, one for Oceania, and obviously one for Japan.
The problem, of course, is those of us in the eastern U.S. won't be able to meet our friends from the west. Even so, it'd be nice to have a SE sponsored event closer to home.
Edit: Oh gosh, how could I forget about Canada! They deserve some recognition too! I don't think Japan realizes there's a whole 'nother country north of the U.S. ^_^;
Edited, Mon Oct 25 10:11:21 2004 by Eekiki