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wife/girlfriend aggroFollow

#1 Nov 18 2004 at 9:14 AM Rating: Excellent
215 posts
do any of you get aggro from your girlfriend/wife? (or for you girls do you get aggro from you boyfriend/husband?)

you know what i mean, they get too close, they sense you're playing FFXI, and they attack!.. (want you to help them with something, take out the garbage, get something down off a shelf, or whatever else). LOL

please share your stories of spousal aggro!

#2 Nov 18 2004 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
638 posts
Husband aggro... I know it well.

Most of the time it's him walking past, looking at me and rolling his eyes. Maybe thrown in a nerd comment or two. He is the anti-gamer and there is no chance of converting him.

My *cough*29th*cough* birthday was last week and I told him all I want is a few hours undisturbed and unnagged on the computer. About 6 hours later the nagging began to get off my butt and finish wallpapering the kitchen. /sigh And I just got into a kick butt party.
Server: Fairy (RIP)->Sylph

FFXIV - Noob
#3 Nov 18 2004 at 9:23 AM Rating: Excellent
155 posts
My problem is when my wife starts talking in the middle of a fight and/or linkshell conversation, I nod along and listen as best as I can, which equates to not listening at all. She gets mad sometimes but I tell her she has "Bad Timing". Oh well, I need to learn to focus my attention away from the screen ; ;
#4 Nov 18 2004 at 9:24 AM Rating: Excellent
861 posts
Wife aggro...
It is like Murphy's Law - Altana style:
If you have been searching for a pt for 2+ hours (totally undisturbed) it is a guarantee that your wife/gf/husband/bf will want help, want to talk, want you to do something approximately 10 minutes into a pt that you have waited 2+ hours to get.
Buteo - Making a comback to FFXI?
#5 Nov 18 2004 at 9:33 AM Rating: Excellent
1,506 posts
Courtelise wrote:
My *cough*29th*cough* birthday was last week and I told him all I want is a few hours undisturbed and unnagged on the computer. About 6 hours later the nagging began to get off my butt and finish wallpapering the kitchen. /sigh And I just got into a kick butt party.

I did the same on my last birthday too....didn't work out very well :P

My problem is when my wife starts talking in the middle of a fight and/or linkshell conversation, I nod along and listen as best as I can, which equates to not listening at all.

I do the same too....and here is the twist. Whenever she is watching TV she doesn't like me to talk to her....Don't understand why it can't work the other way around :P

It is like Murphy's Law - Altana style:
If you have been searching for a pt for 2+ hours (totally undisturbed) it is a guarantee that your wife/gf/husband/bf will want help, want to talk, want you to do something approximately 10 minutes into a pt that you have waited 2+ hours to get.

It never fails.............

#6 Nov 18 2004 at 9:40 AM Rating: Excellent
OMG I am so glad I am not the only one with massive GF aggroe.

It is so bad that if I am talking to her on the phone and have the TV muted, she can still sense its on >< Invisible doesn't work sneak doesn't work, man deoderize doesn't work.

Any of you guys out there know what counters GF aggroe?
#7 Nov 18 2004 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
610 posts
I get BF aggro all of the time!

My bf and I used to play together but he had his internet shut off so now I play alone. And he calls me all the time wanting to talk and just can't seem to understand why I have nothing to say to him. Hmm, perhaps because I am so caught up in Vanadiel that the real world isn't my priority. ^^
#8 Nov 18 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Excellent
1,506 posts
Any of you guys out there know what counters GF aggroe?

I don't know.....even the noobiest of the noobs learn how to avoid aggro from those annoying gobs eventually, a lot of us still catch aggro from gf/wife/bf/husband etc.....

I think one thing that helps a little is to lay down the game a few times a week. I've been doing that, and I don't catch as much aggro as I used to.
#9 Nov 18 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Excellent
861 posts
You must complete a BCNM battle - Jewelry Store
Equip credit card in your main slot
Cast haste on yourself
Duke it out with the monster called "Cashier"
The drop is guaranteed which is good, but it is a race/gender specific item, and is only popular in a small group of people.
Will sell well on the AH if you find you do not need it anymore

Edited, Thu Nov 18 09:48:18 2004 by buteo
Buteo - Making a comback to FFXI?
#10 Nov 18 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Excellent
185 posts
Yes!!! I hear that Familar grunt, (the one you hear right as a mob aggs you)and there she is... Can you get me this? Can you get me that? Did you do this? Do you still love me? Are you busy? No dear, not busy... just tanking this IT++ mob that will kill my whole party if I dont keep hate. Wife agg... rather stick to the gobs
#11 Nov 18 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
3,255 posts
My husband and I both play so the only aggro we get is that damned real life aggro. ^^
#12 Nov 18 2004 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
510 posts
I've had a whole YEAR of no fiance! She's off 1500 miles away taking care of an internship! But yet.. Somehow I still manage to get aggro over the phone ;-(

Perhaps its partially due to my inability to multitask. God forbid she actually wanted me to take part in a conversation while I'm playing.. cause that will NEVER happen.

And don't even TRY to tell me something that I'm supposed to remember, because anything you tell me while I'm playing the game, doesn't even go "in one ear, out the other".. it just flat out isn't allowed in at all ^^

In the past however, I have managed to avoid SOME confrontations, by getting her hooked on games like The Sims. Hopefully this tactic will continue to work for ohh.. the rest of my lifetime?

¥ Drogier ¥
#13 Nov 18 2004 at 9:52 AM Rating: Excellent
294 posts
Yeah, you can't expect to spam FFXI-ga out there and not expect to get hate. I have pretty much constant aggro, except when the g/f is slept. Usually, it's just some annoying 1 or 2 hp damage every few minutes--nothing Chakra can't handle--but sometimes she uses her "Hysterical Rage" special attack.

#14 Nov 18 2004 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
353 posts
So you want to avoid SO aggro (And I say SO b.c apparently it works both ways):

If you live together:
1) Before you start what could turn into a lengthy session, ask you SO if there's anything coming up that will need to be done (like chores around the house) or if anything has been planned for the time you're on the computer. Explain to them that you want to play for a while and would like to take care of anything around the house that should be done before getting involved.

2) Explain to them game dynamics. Granted, this will not work if the person absolutely refuses to respect your hobby. However, a lot of people are used to simply understanding a game as being you and the program and that's it. While you're fighting a mob in a party, invite your SO in and explain to them exactly what's going on. Make them understand that there are five other people in that party depending on you. If you give the game a more personal face, your SO might understand why you can't always just hit pause, or why you ask if you can have Saturday night free to help your LS.

If you live seperately:
1) See 2 above. This could help you if they ever decide to just drop by randomly and you have to explain that you can't just leave.

2) Preplan dates and 'hang-out' time if possible. I tend to do this a few days in advance. When scheduling set party times (in which my boyfriend is actually our tank), I try to see what's already planned or wanted for the weekend. Try to keep a night free on the weekend, at least, to spend with your SO if that's the stage you're at. Planning is everything.

3) If you know your SO is coming over in the next hour or so, don't start or join a pt. If it's a kick *** pt, you'll be more reluctant to leave and you don't want that to darken your mood.

Rules for All of the Above:

1) Sometimes seeming to leave the game just for your SO seems like a good idea to make sure they know they are more important than the game. However, it can be counterproductive. While they are indeed more important than the game, I strongly suggest that they learn this via other methods. If they are secure in the relationship, then you're less likely to see this SO aggro.

I hope this helps. If you've got any other questions, feel free to ask^^

Edited, Thu Nov 18 09:54:53 2004 by Raynedrop
#15 Nov 18 2004 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Nope, don't have that problem.

My bf and I both play (only nagging I get is "Stop leveling---let me catch up to you" <I've managed to get to 55, and rank 7>). I don't really consider that nagging; I just take it as a hint to go level thf and war til he catches up.
#16 Nov 18 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
117 posts
I got my wife hooked on FFXI, now we both play. But here's the bad part. I still get aggro from playing, because she wants to play.

/sigh Looks like I'm gonna have to go buy a 2nd copy of FFXI for PC so we can both play together. Only problem is, I called SE and they won't transfer one of our characters over to the new account :(
#17 Nov 18 2004 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
RFOLMAO!! I'm so glad I'm not alone in this boat!! For my birthday back in August, I asked for half the day to myself to play undisturbed and un-nagged, too!

Yes, my wife considers this game the 'other woman' and tends to get quite jealous if I spend too much of *her* waking time on it. But what's even worse than spousal aggro??? I'll tell you:


That's right!! Just when I use my RL 2-hour (yes, that trite, pathetic attempt to yell the 'Dammit, I'm the man of the house leave me be, woman!' Speech) and I think victory is at hand, the wife leaves the room -- only to hit below the belt and use her 2-hour!

A few minutes later, the door will crack open and in comes running my irresistably cute baby girl carrying two 'bawh-kuhs' (markers to you and me) and her 'buk' (coloring book)... "Da-dee draw??"


Toddler scores a critical hit!! Daddy is hit for 1,451,270 damage!!
Daddy falls with no desire to play anymore among the absolute adorableness.

It's like the BCNM that has a 2-hr to counter yours! Damn you women and your ability to win even when we think we won!! ><

Seriously, I think we should all remember the people that we sometimes delusionally think of as distractions from a FFXI are really the most precious rare/ex gift we can ever have! I mean, how many other cutie-pie 23 year old hottie blondes would not only tolerate my not only playing 2-3 hours most nights, but talking her ear off about my ls buddies at dinner?


Nice thread idea. Rate up ^^
#18 Nov 18 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
261 posts
Awww...the above poster is sooo sweet! (had to edit to say that)

Yep, I get it.../sigh

He gets on the computer as soon as he gets home from work. I am not alloud to talk to him, bother him etc...the minute I get done cooking, cleaning, and puting the babies to bed I sprint for the computer.

By this time he's been on for a good 3 hours and is doing something that doesn't require much concentration such as browsing the AH. So I finally get that killer pt after an hour wait.

Not 2 seconds later "Mommmmy!!! I want water". Jump up and run for the kitchen. When I get back the pt has warped, teled etc without me. And is now sending me /tells where are you, whats taking so long....

So I get back to the game. Then the husband aggro, "Honey can I have a drink? I'm busy playing" Grrrrrrr!!!! He later proceeds to ream me about how I'm never gonna catch up to his lvl (3 lvls above me because he gets to play non-stop on the weekends and I have our kids to take care of), and how I need to hurry up. >< I can't catch up if you don't let me have 2 seconds to play without asking for something!!

oops...guess I kinda went off there. Touchy subject. /blush

Edited, Thu Nov 18 10:07:13 2004 by MangoMage
#19 Nov 18 2004 at 10:13 AM Rating: Excellent
215 posts
I am happy that I am not alone in my aggro.

the person that mentioned the Murphy's Law Altana style is sooo right. Wait 2 hours for a party to finally get going... SO Aggro!

I do some of the same things, and make it a point to clean up the kitchen first after dinner, I clean her stuff and my stuff, empty the dishwasher, load the dishwasher, bring my laundry downstairs, start some laundry, whatever i can think of.

It does help a little, but aggro will still come, especially Altana's Law style.

The other night, i finally got a party. first battle begins, we're fighting a nest beetle in crawler's nest, and BAM, aggro... "honey, you have to help me with Dante(her/our cat)" cat's got asthma and needed it's medicine. one of us needs to hold the cat down while other squirts syringe into cats mouth. the cat just loves it *sarcasm*. anyway, the party took forever to kill that nest beetle. (i'm red mage, i was doing my job, their melee sucked though) so i wasn't all that bummed.
#20 Nov 18 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Excellent
119 posts
Hubby and I have worked things out - I don't nag him while he plays GTA: SA (even thou it takes up my FFXI time), and he doesn't nag me while I play FFXI.
#21 Nov 18 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Excellent
215 posts
Are you busy? No dear, not busy... just tanking this IT++ mob that will kill my whole party if I dont keep hate.

That kills me! Rate up!! That's exactly what I'm thinking when i get the aggro. honestly laughing out loud!
#22 Nov 18 2004 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
UpOurs wrote:
Any of you guys out there know what counters GF aggroe?

[quote]I don't know.....even the noobiest of the noobs learn how to avoid aggro from those annoying gobs eventually, a lot of us still catch aggro from gf/wife/bf/husband etc....

Yeah, I have tried to avoid aggroe " *cough* I don't feel good honey, or can we do something another night, or even, What would you rather I be out drinking?" Smiley: chug

Needless to say that was a noob thing to say ><

/ma "protect"
Smiley: eek
#23 Nov 18 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
63 posts
My boyfriend aggros, but he {/check} {Easy Prey} to me and I would defeat him in a few hits. I like it when I turn the tables on him and start nagging at him when he ignores me when he plays his games or when he works on his car. It tends to shut him up immediately. :>
#24 Nov 18 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
192 posts
Lol cute post.. I have no aggro because I dont have a gf ^^;

*is very very lonely* XD
#25 Nov 18 2004 at 10:26 AM Rating: Excellent
215 posts
I have no aggro because I dont have a gf ^^;

count your blessings my friend!

i sometimes imagine my life without aggro, and it's a wonderful little daydream.

but when it boils down to it, they wouldn't aggro if they didn't care! awwwww. :)
#26 Nov 18 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Excellent
153 posts
Girlfriend stays at my place 4 times a week because it's close to her school. She'll let my play, but often casts /ma "Guilt 3" on me, so I end up logging for the night.

But I found a secret. Take a nap, wake up right before she comes over...spend a few hours and then let her go to bed. Then I get 3-5 hours of uninterupted playtime. Though if she wakes up and finds that I'm up...it usually leads to a de-level. /sigh They just don't uderstand.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 10:46:39 2004 by Brasstown
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