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wife/girlfriend aggroFollow

#27 Nov 18 2004 at 10:31 AM Rating: Excellent
1,506 posts
KuroiOokami wrote:
Lol cute post.. I have no aggro because I dont have a gf ^^;

*is very very lonely* XD

heh...but to be honest...as much as my gf aggro...I love to have her around =) I guess I'm asking for it =D
#28 Nov 18 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
725 posts
Epoc wrote:
Any of you guys out there know what counters GF aggroe?

Have you tried getting her to play FFXI (or even another game)? My wife plays The Sims while I play FFXI; everyone is happy.

Another good way to avoid wife/girlfriend aggro is to put down the game and spend an evening with her at least once a week. Candlelit warm bath + sloshy fun = happy you and her. =]

Plan in advance to yourself what night you decide not to play; it will seem "more spontaneous" to her when you don't pick up the controller/keyboard and devote your attention to her.

Had to edit to add this:
JiveTurkey wrote:
Damn you women and your ability to win even when we think we won!! ><

Is there anything more true in the entire world than this?!

Edited, Thu Nov 18 10:41:46 2004 by Toxik
#29 Nov 18 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
I've tried to get her to play FFXI but she hates games with a passion. I feel like a three legged cat tryin to bury **** on ice.

Smiley: banghead
The thing is, she HAS to do somthing with me EVERY night, and if I don't, here comes her 2hr.

If she only knew all the fun i miss out on to be with her.
Smiley: inlove
#30 Nov 18 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Excellent
937 posts
I feel like a three legged cat tryin to bury **** on ice.

LMAO. rate up.
#31 Nov 18 2004 at 11:09 AM Rating: Excellent
725 posts
Epoc wrote:
I've tried to get her to play FFXI but she hates games with a passion.

Wow, that's too bad. I don't know if I could be with someone who does not or will not support my hobbies. I don't know the specifics of your arrangement, but I hope you have a lot more in common or you're destined for a potentially miserable relationship.
#32 Nov 18 2004 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
81 posts
I definately catch some GF aggro.

She's watching t.v. and I'm messing around on the computer... I look towards the couch to see if she's still there... but no, then I sense evil intentions behind me... akk SATA Hug! I struggle but the cheek kisses enfeeble me.

I lick my wounds (so to speak) and sulk to the couch to watch t.v.

I generally lose these scrimmages, but one day... I'll win :D

Tho' losing isn't so bad ;>

(She's definately NIN/THF -_-")

/ma Guilt3
Damn, our gfs must be sharing tips... She's mastered that one.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 11:26:47 2004 by AzumaSasuke
#33 Nov 18 2004 at 11:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,497 posts
Hey No aggro from Mrs. Chef! Just a little spell spamming is what you need. It goes kind of like this.

/ma Sneak <me>.

/ma Invisible <me>.

Chefsakai casts Charm.

Mrs. Chef is Charmed.

/em casts Flowers.

/em casts Restaurant.

Mrs. Chef takes 666 damage.

Chefsakai defeats Mrs. Chef.

You find 4 hours of uninterrupted gaming on Mrs. Chef.

Chefsakai receives 4 hours of uninterrupted gaming.


Edited, Thu Nov 18 11:19:25 2004 by darkladuke
#34 Nov 18 2004 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
500 posts
I do get, sometimes, but fortunately it is my him who usually bathers our daughter and puts her to bed, so I get that time for me.

One of the reasons I'm entitled to playing a lot is that it was my patner who *made* me buy this game, 'cause I was playing a fake MMORPG in my ps2 (.hack) and loved it - he tried to clean or adjust something in the ps2, and next thing i knew it had some cable cut somewhere...

My one major problem now is that he uses a second ID in my account, so I just can't play when he is. Bu t i do stay up until very late (my favourite pt mates have some time difference with me) and he plays pen n paper RPGs all Friday nights. So i do get some time for me lol


#35 Nov 18 2004 at 11:35 AM Rating: Excellent
801 posts
I constantly get Hubby agro...

Though what is funny is I even used to get it when HE was logged into FF sitting right next to me.

Now that he is leaving for WoW.. it is almost constant agro!!

My LS just started really doing "get togethers" for AF, Coffers, Missions and such. Hehe i think it upsets my husband more I spend more time talking to my LS at night than I do him....

Hey we have been together 12+ yrs.. only so many random things one can talk about ^^

I also get Son aggro alot. Probably most don't have this problem, but its worse than hubby aggro!! Either my 6 yr old wanting to play my mule char... or my 3 yr old wanting me to help him play one of his games.....

Someday i just wish i would be able to lock them all in one room together... give them a TV and food and play lol. Until then.. i am stuck with little/no sleep just so i can have some fun/me time. /cry
#36 Nov 18 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,440 posts
I used to have Father Aggro, then I got the old TV (which died and got a new TV) in my room and moved my PS2 there (back when I played EQOA on the tv and UO on the computer). He'd come in and kick me off so he could watch the weather or the news ... but usually to play Medal of Honor: Frontline.

At least it was for a good cause :(
#37 Nov 18 2004 at 12:11 PM Rating: Excellent
If you missed it, my thread on how to camp HNM's does deal a little bit with the topic of ditching aggro... ^^ (hint, click the link in my signature).
#38 Nov 18 2004 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
1,854 posts
I get aggro no matter what I'm doing. My hubby could be playing FFXI on the PS2 while I'm watching my horror flicks on the computer and he'll constantly bug me to get me help him get to some place I haven't been yet or ask what food he needs for what job or what weapon should he bring to his next party... *breathes deeply* Then there's the aggro when I'm playing. He'll want to snuggle, or talk about something that has nothing to do with me at all. On his days off, when he's playing, I don't bother him, I do other stuff. But when his aggro gets too annoying, I just mash down on my Gender Ability macro which goes...

/p ***** mode launching now.
/ga "Instant Mood Swing" <me>
*Hubby was defeated by wife.
*Hubby delevels and bloodports to bed.
#39 Nov 18 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Excellent
869 posts
ROFL... Jewelry Store. Very nice.

My GF seems to have a 6th sense that tells her to call me from work ONLY when I'm in a PT (Imma WHM, so its not as if I can go on Auto-Attack and walk off), and at the EXACT moment the puller announces an incoming mob.

Its like she has UBER Widescan, with a range of several zones and the ability to tell exactly what I'm doing.

Oh yeah, and the phone is across the room from my PS2.

But... it gets thrown back from time to time. Evenings when we're both home, sitting next to each other on the couch, she starts reading the chat log and asking what everything means... you know how aggrivating it is to have someone read over your shoulder while youre typing something? Well this is the same kindof thing. Drives me up a wall.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 14:53:15 2004 by soobooboo
#40 Nov 18 2004 at 1:14 PM Rating: Excellent
4,148 posts
My GF seems to have a 6th sense that tells her to call me from work ONLY when I'm in a PT (Imma WHM, so its not as if I can go on Auto-Attack and walk off), and at the EXACT moment the puller announces an incoming mob.

GF>>Honey are you listening?
Me>>Yea, sure (darnit, voke timer not up!)
GF>>Then this girl at work did this and she bought out all the winter sweaters and then .... Honey are you there? .....
Me>>Sure, of course! (omg, can you double attack me any more, wtf!)
GF>>*Random bantering for another 15min* ... isn't that funny?
Me>>lol yea! (kinda sad too that silly thief missed TA at the start)
GF>>I had a great time last night!
ME>>Me too! (mission 6-1 woot!)

I'm really not into gossip so ...


<Run away!>
#41 Nov 18 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Excellent
At least she's showing interest sooboo.

My wife just hates the game.

She also doesn't seem to have a hobby of her own - she has to do stuff with me or she's bored. :( Didn't notice that back when I had less time consuming hobbies, but now it's painfully obvious.

#42 Nov 18 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Excellent
211 posts
I have yet to catch some S.O. aggro, but im workin on it. ;^P Been w/o for 2 years, need to get back into the dating game. ; ; Kinda tough.

/check "Dating Game"
"Dating Game seems Tough, high defense and embareassment.

/attack "Dating Game"

/post "Wish me good luck!"
#43 Nov 18 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Oh yes, I almost forgot my all time favorite provoke.


Haha she love's to use that one.
#44 Nov 18 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Excellent
687 posts
i usually send her out on a rank mission with friends on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I may static/level sub.

seriously though, don't let the game over time you. i did for about 2 weeks and i missed out on a lot of time with my loved one. :(
#45 Nov 18 2004 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
28 posts
This should really belong in "You know you have been playing FF XI when..." thread LMAO

Well my hubby and I both play and we share a PS2. Well my husband came up with this brillant plan that to get me to play with him and well stop nagging him for how much time he devotes to the game to get me my own PS2 so I could play. Well my hubby forgot to do his research and after three days I had to discover that with the way we are set-up two PS2's can not play together unless we get a second line and a second internet connection. To say the least I nixed that expensive idea!

So now our solution is that we are going to buy a PC that can play WOW so that when we are both home I play my online game and he plays his online game. When hes at work I get to play FF XI.

I have to say this one of the funniest threads I have seen in awhile.
#46 Nov 18 2004 at 1:26 PM Rating: Excellent
28 posts
This should really belong in "You know you have been playing FF XI to long when..." thread LMAO

Well my hubby and I both play and we share a PS2. Well my husband came up with this brillant plan that to get me to play with him and well stop nagging him for how much time he devotes to the game to get me my own PS2 so I could play. Well my hubby forgot to do his research and after three days I had to discover that with the way we are set-up two PS2's can not play together unless we get a second line and a second internet connection. To say the least I nixed that expensive idea!

So now our solution is that we are going to buy a PC that can play WOW so that when we are both home I play my online game and he plays his online game. When hes at work I get to play FF XI.

I have to say this one of the funniest threads I have seen in awhile.
#47 Nov 18 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Why not get a router? 0_o
#48 Nov 18 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Excellent
332 posts
I get some pretty scary sister agro, when she wants to use the PC and I'm on she can go absolutely crazy, coming very close to throwing things at me.
#49 Nov 18 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
91 posts
Wife is Impossible To Guage when aggro'd. If I don't do the dishes when she askes (usually in the middle of a PT), she'll one-hit-kill me.

She plays Animal Crossing for hours on end and soon Hello Kitty World (no joke, really!). So it helps that she's a gamer.
#50 Nov 18 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
I read every one to this point, and WOW, this is one of the most entertaining threads I have read in a looooooong time.

Here's to the game that has consumed our lives!

"Unfortunately many game companies are learning that if they can just keep you busy, you might not realize how bored you are." - Kachi
"Pride in your character will amount to nothing more than the level of intimacy I have when I order a burger from McDonald's" - Warfox07
"I find comfort food always helps when I feel like killing myself." - Papashan (FFXIV)
#51 Nov 18 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Excellent
237 posts
Well no b/f here. Atleast I haven't started calling him that yet. :P But I usually get aggro from him since he has lost he internet and hasn't been able to play FFXi for a while. It's always something like.. "You are always on that d@mn game!", "Don't you have a conscious?", "You're addicted to that game!", "I've tried calling you 18 time!", "Get DSL already!".

Ok so maybe the last one there is a good one.. but jeeze! Let me play my game, feed my addiction, and escape the real world in peace please! ; ; Or maybe I should stay single.. >.>;
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