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New Menu of Vana'diel: Tasty FOOD Effects List - Dec Patch!Follow

#27 Dec 09 2004 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
Great Thread! The food changes should really help everyone. Esp. Cooks.

As everyone knows, in the past only a few foods were ever worth using. However, with foods changing effectiveness with the level of the jobs, a lot more foods are going to be made and should make cooking a much more enjoyable and useful craft.

NPC useful for testing:
BTW, some people may find the new Tarutaru NPC in Lower Jeuno [next to the steps before you go down them on the left side as you walk towards Zone]. This NPC will remove your current Food Affect by trading a Gysahl Green to him. Keep in mind this won't help with measuring durations, but they seem to be largely well defined. This NPC will also be useful if you are suffering a Food affect due to last another 2 hours and you decided to switch jobs. ^^
#28 Dec 09 2004 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
damn, once you think about it, there a lot of foods that improved! as a 75 ranger, im not especialy happy about the miths/cheifs changing, but in the low levels, a lot of this food is really appealing. well, gotta start leveling my level 1 rdm.
#29 Dec 09 2004 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
502 posts
just noticed you've made a mistake on figuring +attack %, especially for when you tested with a level 1 charcter: every 2 points of str adds 1 attack, so before dividing you need to add half the str bonus to the starting attack. (btw my characters strength was an even number so only figure 1 more attack for +3 str foods)
#30 Dec 09 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Excellent
83 posts
Thanks everyone for the great additional info! Together we can find more and more helpful and tasty new foods to use! (^_^) I need some clarifications from the current info submitted:

1. Baked Apple is stackable. But is the Sweet Baked Apple? (Alla lists the Sweet Baked Apple as Unstackable, but this seems weird since the Normal version stacks. Please confirm (or I'll check later tonight)).

2. All Sushi: Wanderingsamurai, thanks for the info! If you (or anyone else) can double-check those #'s. Some things seem very nice (or insane :) -

* Sole Sushi: Wow! If these new #'s are correct, this is some really nice Uber Food! STR +5, DEX +6 sounds a bit insane (^_^;)

* All the Sushi types used to give HP Bonuses as well. Can anyone confirm if they still do?

3. Wanderingsamurai: If you have time, please try and confirm whether you gain HP Bonuses on some of your foods you posted (viz., Seafood Stew and Sushi). Thanks! :)

I will continue to update periodically. Remember to be as specific as possible: Note your Job, Level, HP Total, MP Total, All your Base Stats and Attack and Defense #'s. It's a bit of a pain, but it will be grately appreciated by all! (^_^) Thanks.
#31 Dec 09 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Default
If I could give you a rating of 6 I would. This is awesome. Someone tell the Bards to shut up plz! j/k
#32 Dec 09 2004 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
502 posts
Sweet baked apples are indead stackable, just likely stacks of them haven't sold on most ah ever. Also, remember a lot of foods give hp and mp regen bonuses while resting (even more often on hq versions.) when you test a food it is easy to test for this if you have some equipment that gives +hp and +mp (rse works well for this). Just unequip and equip the equipment so you are below max hp/mp, then rest one tick to see how much you get back (remember normal is 10 hp, 12 mp per tick, and +3 mp for each clear mind trait level, but don't add clear mind bonuses twice if from both job and subjob). Also, I hope someone can take the time to test the sushi for amount of accuracy bonuses using the method I stated, as it has been stated they have them.
#33 Dec 09 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
83 posts
just noticed you've made a mistake on figuring +attack %, especially for when you tested with a level 1 charcter: every 2 points of str adds 1 attack, so before dividing you need to add half the str bonus to the starting attack. (btw my characters strength was an even number so only figure 1 more attack for +3 str foods)


Good point. The question is more of how we want to view the final #'s. On the one hand, if we just want to see the final results (i.e., "What is my ultimate STR Boost?" "What is my ultimate Attack Boost?" etc.) then these #'s are accurate - that is the % increase that Attack or Defense rose when eating this food. It's not like you can eat a Mithkabob and not gain its STR bonus (in addition to its Attack bonus).

On the other hand, you're right in that if we want to find out a "pure" Attack # without the STR bonus, we'd subtract (STR/2 from Attack). But if we're just after final results, wouldn't it be simpler and easier for others to understand by going w/ the final values? (current calculations)
#34 Dec 09 2004 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
502 posts
That would be true, except even for two characters of the same job and level they probably have different attack because of equipment, race, and weapon skill, as well as whatever job abilities are currently in effect (such as berserk). Thus if you just do the observed percent increase, it won't be giving accurate information to the reader as thier resulting percentage will be slightly different (and will even change upon activating attack boosting job abilities). Thus to find the definative stats (before hitting the limits imposed by job and level at high levels), it makes more sense to factor in the str bonus before calculating percent change (and include the actual observed attack increase in case some foods (I think some may do so) that give a fixed numerical increase to attack, or if it is discovered there is a fixed numerical limit to the percentage change).
#35 Dec 09 2004 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Thank You Thank You Thank You!

I'd also give you a 6 if I could.

I read somewhere (I've read to many rumors to remember exactly where) that the food effect would be different on different races. I will test a few tongiht as 61 elvan monk. I have a hume and taru mule I can look at but they are both lv 1.

Anyone else know about this?

Thanks again for a great post!!!

#36 Dec 09 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
In a previous thread, someone gave some raw numbers about the increases for Grilled Hare. Based on what I could tell, the Attack bonus was +15, plus one for the Str bonus, not a percentage. If someone would like to test that, please do. I'm at work right now, and I won't be able to try for 6 hours.

This is a good work in progress, rate up.
#37 Dec 09 2004 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
Mainly improve attributes such as DEX and accuracy.
There are also some types of sushi that improve ranged accuracy.
Example: Carp sushi

taken from: http://www.playonline.com/updateus/041209we8yu0.html

make note of the ACCURACY part!!

according to ffxi.cannotlinkto sushi gives +14 acc!!!

sushi blows mithkabobs away
#38 Dec 09 2004 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
290 posts
Dhalmel Steak (single-shot):
Galka MNK 24/WAR 12:
Nakie: Atk 097 STR 31 -> Atk +24(26) STR+4 - ~25%
Equip: Atk 110 STR 42 -> Atk +28(30) STR+4 - ~25%

The JBBS post orangfoodie had a while ago (dig for it) had Dhalmel Steak at +25% Atk, max 45 or so. I think that may be right.
#39 Dec 09 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
83 posts
wc, interesting. Naturally I did all my tests with no other boosts (no Berserk, no other JA or spells active). I also did a straight differential between Before and After #'s (so even if I did have different equipment on, that wasn't factored in).

If we were going to look at subtracting STR bonus (or other relavent Stat bonus) first, how do we factor in the odd # increases? For example, STR +3 bonus would naturally be "1.5 to Attack" based on existing proof (2 STR = 1 Attack). But since we don't see any decimals, how do we know that SE is or isn't calculating "1.5" (vs. "1" that is visible)? Do we have conclusive proof that the decimal (the 0.5) is or isn't being cut-off? We don't know for sure. So, e.g., on a base Level 1 Monk, I ate a Roast Mutton: My Attack started at 11 and went up to 16. It also gave a +3 STR bonus. But honestly do we know (or not know) if SE is secretly saving decimals? How do we know if that Level 1 Monk's Attack isn't "11.5" (but it doesn't show) and when I ate the Roast Mutton it actually gave a total of 4.5 to boost it to 16 (or that it's at 16.5)? Or that it grants a true 1.5 bonus to Odd # Base Stats? Does SE round down on Odd # Base Stat bonuses? (so we only get +1 (vs. +1.5) from a +3 STR bonus?) We don't know for sure.

Sorry for the long exposition (^_^;), but unless we have that proof, subtracting "-1" from a +3 STR bonus food (or even "-1.5") for recalculating Attack %'s isn't 100% accurate either. To keep things simple, let's try to include the total Numerical Increase as well as Percentage Increase then (and let everyone decide if that food is helpful?) :)
#40 Dec 09 2004 at 8:37 PM Rating: Excellent
1,145 posts
Oh, my bad, I forgot about the 1 defense added by the 2 VIT of the fish mithkabob...taking that into account, here are my results with percentages recalculated:

Fish Mithkabob / RNG44/NIN22
Before: Attack 86, Defense 83
After: Attack 86, Defense 105 (25% +/- 1.3%)

Fish Mithkabob / WAR37/MNK18
Before: Attack 102, Defense 83
After: Attack 102, Defense 105 (25% +/- 1.3%)
Before with Berserk: Attack 127, Defense 62
After with Berserk: Attack 127, Defense 78 (23.8% +/- 1.8%)
Before with Defender: Attack 76, Defense 103
After with Defender: Attack 76, Defense 131 (24.8% +/- 1.1%)
#41 Dec 09 2004 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
502 posts
Well we should be able to find if they save the decimal before multiplying the percent by seeing if anyone can get increasing the str from an even number to an odd number while under a food with a high % bonus can cause attack to go up a point sometime. But as is, testing with an extremely low level character with that formula will consistently produce anomolus results with high attack % which can not be compared between two different characters to see which one gives more %.
Edit: and I'm sure there are precise verifiable formulas that are used for the limits for higher level characters which will not be accurately found without taking into account the attack granted by the str increase.

Edited, Thu Dec 9 20:43:51 2004 by wckowalski
#42 Dec 09 2004 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
609 posts
Not able to test now, but I have an idea to test strength effect.

First, you have to gather enough equipment to give you +10 STR.

Get naked, note your STR and Attack.
Wear the gear, note your STR and Attack.

Remove all gear.
Eat the food, note your STR and Attack.
Wear the gear, note your STR and Attack.

Compare their values respectively (no gear with no gear)

This way you will be able to see if the +5 attack you get from the +10 STR gets boosted or not.

Actually this is best done with +20 STR, as it gives +10 Attack and hence able to detect a boost in Attack as low as 10%.

Edited, Thu Dec 9 20:52:31 2004 by Oogami
#43 Dec 09 2004 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
502 posts
hmm, looking at those results for roast (and juicy which should be a similar percent) and mithkabobs with different characters, it seems that indead the attack bonus has some form of cap for it, which will vary considerably by type of food. Because it looks like the mutton took a small hit when used by a level 45 character instead of a 35, but not a similar hit for mithkabobs, and roast mutton took a much higher hit for the 75 monk compared to the mithkabob (makes some sense since roast mutton is a much lower level recipie). Could some people with really high level jobs post some info on the percent and net attack increase they got from mithkabobs, perhaps it will turn out to be a fixed number increase as the limit?
Edit: it seems to be consistent % increases for lower level characters (discounting the level 1 tests which do not account for the str), so it seems quite reasonable to assume that prior to some certain limit it is a fixed %.

Edited, Thu Dec 9 20:53:24 2004 by wckowalski
#44 Dec 09 2004 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
As a cook, I am excited about this new change. If I ever get the update to work I am going to start cooking some new foods!
#45 Dec 09 2004 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
exilekiss wrote:

* All the Sushi types used to give HP Bonuses as well. Can anyone confirm if they still do?

I can confirm that the carp sushi does not give a HP Bonus. My HP stayed the same before and after eating the sushi. I am going to try to test some others later tonight.
#46 Dec 09 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
219 posts
it seems that indead the attack bonus has some form of cap for it

This is confimed. All food that modifies def or atk has a hard cap. This % mod has ALSO effected how abilities that modifiy atk/def work. Rampart, Warcry, Beserk, Defender effectivness is influenced by the food you use.
#47 Dec 09 2004 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
carp sushi isn't really a 'true' sushi becaues it doesn't require the key item: "Raw Fish Handling" from the guild like the other sushi (squid, sole, tuna, urchin) does. carp doesn't give u any of the huge acc boost that u get with the new sushi
#48 Dec 09 2004 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
Bump because this is more important than people Smiley: cry-ing
#49 Dec 09 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
2,315 posts
well I find this food update stupid...but as a former samurai, I can tell you we seems to have got a little bit maybe out of this. Since our riceballs are now IMO alot better then mtihkabobs.

With the AF gloves +8 DEX, +50 Attack, +32 DEF, +4 VIT +4 CHR +1% Double attack

As an elvaan I'd easily take 8 dex over 5 str.
#50 Dec 09 2004 at 11:01 PM Rating: Excellent
379 posts
The main factor seems to be the attack (which is determined by job and level) As your attack goes up, the % increase lessens.

For the same level, jobs with lower base attack will get a bigger boost

As a 55 DRK/THF (Elvaan) I used a meat mithkabob accidentally, so I decided to experiment
Attack went from 264 to 324
Base - Food
121 - 150 - 23.97% - no equip
136 - 168 - 23.53% - all equip no weapon (my armor adds Attack+13 and STR+4)
264 - 324 - 22.73% - all equip (GS skill 173)

other jobs base vs food stats (THF sub unless indictated otherwise)
30WAR - 82 - 103 - 25.61%
15MNK - 63 - 80 - 26.98%
20PLD - 47 - 61 - 29.79%
20NIN - 65 - 82 - 26.15%
32RNG - 66 - 82 - 24.24%
30THF - 71 - 89 (WAR sub) - 25.35%

so 15MNK, 20NIN, and 32RNG, all pretty much get the same boost

Edited, Thu Dec 9 23:07:01 2004 by xXMalevolentXx
#51 Dec 09 2004 at 11:07 PM Rating: Good
(Level 64 RDM) Marron Glace [Not stackable, lasts 3 hours]
+74MP, +1MP Regen while sitting
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