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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#252 Nov 03 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
This guy has some good ideas. If I could rate up I could. I hope you take his and my ideas into consideration. ^_^

"Okay, most of the big issues have already been pointed out.

1) BSTs using Leave with Aggressive pets has always cause problems.

2) The Binding of mobs has also proven a pain, though it can be much more easily avoided if you're actually paying attention to your surroundings.

3) Out-of-party AoE seems rather silly, as Bombs self-destructing or goblins dropping their bombs as been to known to take out passer-bys all too often.

4) While /blockaid can help prevent spike hate issues, people need to remember to turn it on. Thus, somewhere in the options this should become a permanet toggle like /anon. Furthermore, this should be split a subsequent /blockinvite so party/alliance invites can still be accepted while refusing outside aid.

5) Charmed party members should only be targetable by your party/alliance. Much as I enjoy killing Gil Sellers at Pallas, they won't hesitate to do the same.

6) Rework the aggro/link system.

6a) At present, a single aggressive mob will decide to attack a full alliance even if it's 10 levels below everyone. This speaks bounds about the lack of AI amongst the mob pool.

6b) Other factors such as the amount of mobs within its same family are around and the strength of what that alliance might be fighting should be taken into consideration. Nidhogg is a big nasty dragon. Why would the spiders want to be anywhere around it if trained?

6c) Intimidation relationships should be considered. Vermin are intimidated by lizards. Aggressive vermin should not attack a group while they are fighting lizard(s), if anything they should help the party for engaging their natural enemy, but for balance purposes, becoming non-aggressive works.

6d) Enhance or outright implement a "give up chase" system. Sound aggro mobs tend to express this trait the most amongst the current system, particularly crabs or crawlers after running over water. Create a "leash" based on the scale of the level difference between the mob and the player and a lack of activity by the player toward the mob in reference to the mob's spawn point. If the player's level is greater, the mob won't chase it as far. If the player's level is weaker, the mob will go a bit more out of its way, but will inevitably give up.

6e) Make sure mobs forget you if they do give up chase or can't act upon you after 5 minutes. I've abandoned worms in Kuftal Tunnel, only to run by them 45 minutes later and get aggroed (they're non-aggro, but I'd been picking on them for archery skill up).

6f) Sound aggro is presently the most dangerous type of aggro as it is based on a radius. I suggest this aggro be split further into two types: mobs with eyes and mobs without. Those with eyes, instead of immediately running for you, will turn to make visual verification. This range could be slightly shorter than the sound range itself, lending the chance of escape. Pure sound aggro, however, will adopt a form of "hot or cold" mentality. If you continue moving, they will give chase as you are constantly giving them a "hot" signal. Remain still, and you will go "cold". This system would nullify once the mob makes physical contact and the aforementioned "chase" or "leash" system would then come into play if the mob is not killed.

7) Add an option for a player to disable Call For Help entirely. This isn't quite MPK related, but it can lead to accidents due to lag instituted by more extreme MPK tactics.

8) Make scent mean something. Deodorizers are more or less NPC fodder for Alchemists. With an enhanced scent system, a player could give themselves an affect to smell like a particular mob family. This could either reduce aggro based on detection type, or eliminate linking altogether.

..and I think that about covers my ideas for the moment."

Edit: It didn't accept my quote so I have to edit it like this >.> He is the last post on the first page...

Edited, Thu Nov 3 21:08:17 2005 by CBytor
#253 Nov 03 2005 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,362 posts
I say we just let it be. It makes things interesting^^
#254 Nov 03 2005 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
636 posts
Anything strong enough to kill a regular mob in a zone shouldnt be strong enough to kill a player prepared to fight an HNM in that zone. ><

I don't foresee Alliances dropping from a 50hp/tick AoE. If they do, you should consider camping JeJ instead. ><

#255 Nov 03 2005 at 8:54 PM Rating: Good
43 posts

******Disclaimer: I have horendus spelling so pleaze bear with me. Also I have not read 100% of the posts so pleaze bear with me*****

I dont know if this has been said or not but I think I have a few good ideas. (5 pages of posts so far O.o)

Sugestion: Make all mobs pulled / linked / or any action that gains hate on a player('s) and then the player('s) loose all hate (I.E. K.O. / warp / disconect / zone) that mobs waits the standerd pop time of no action then de-spawns (I.E. dissapears) then reapears at his "Pop" location.

Why: This will alow people to to Never get hate from a Monster put on them from some one elese doing. you could tweak the system for abusers by making links going after PT members even if they did not generate hate (I.E. warp pulling so a Person could pull then get as many links as wanted then warp while PT hits one of them). I also believe this will keep the ballence of the game in check with links and adds because normal parties could not easaly get killed from others missdoings. This would also give time for other people to claim a mob off people that died. but their death would be their own doing.

Sugestion: Make all "Normal" monsters AoE's only effect people in the alliance of the people having hate to the monster. But, all "Nutorious" monsters have all AoE's hit any one near them.

Why: AoE's kill people too much even if they are not in the PT. (I.E. I am BST 63. I kill Maze lizards in Crawler's nest for money using Crawler Hunters. *some times* my charm effect wears off and he has 100% TP and dose Wild Stomp and kills 2-3 PTs that were in the vecenity of him while I dont. If the AoE affected me only I would not have to worry about this situation. I did rasie them though and I helped when ever they got a link to try to repay >.<) Notorious Monsters are special. They are Different from "Normal" monsters and are more powerful than the ones in that zone. That being the case it is justified that their AoE should hit every one in range. this would also make people shun from taking HNMs by getting near.

I whole Heartedly agree with fixing bind. it should be fixed with upmost speed.

Also if you agree with me please PM me. i would like to know if any one agrees or wants a better clarification
#256 Nov 03 2005 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
951 posts
All of these except #5 are not my ideas, I just posted the others just because I agree and my reasons behind it


SUGGESTION: Zoned mobs should not link/aggro untill they're back to their original spawn point

REASON: Gil Sellers and other players usually train coffer mobs @ Serket and this gets out of control and very annoying to any level 30 camping in the citadel. Players that zone Corses for Tiamat also is a porblem, since I hate running in just to get aggro by these freaks.


SUGGESTION: Bound mobs should not aggro anyone without hate.

REASON: Makes no sense to me why a mob would do this in the first place, as well as an easy shot for anyone with Shadowbind/Bind to MPK @ HNMs as well as gain links


SUGGESTION: If a mob becomes unclaimed, then claimed by another person it should loose all hate on the first person and go after the other person.

REASON: Gil sellers use this tatic a lot, they'll just voke it or w/e and wait for whoever got claim first to wipe.


SUGGESTION: Make HNMs forced pops

REASON: HNMs are a major issue, at first the 21-24 hour spawn was okay due to the low amount of players that actually could fight them, but now with more and more people 75 it doesn't work out for many reasons: drama, fights, mpk, hate, etc. are caused by most Linkshells due to this, I do have an idea on a different system, but won't get into details on this topic.


SUGGESTION: AoE/Beath attacks should only affect those in the party/allinace and those with hate.

REASON: Gil sellers use this to their advantage to MPK others for a mob, needs to be fixed.

(NOTE: I'm not sure how GMs do things, but these are my suggestions)

SUGGESTION: Calls need to be recorded on players that are being complained about and who made the call

REASON: Back in the summer, there was a gil seller LS on my server by the name "Flying" which were some of the biggest threats ever, due to them MPKing EXP PTs for a camp spot and HNMs, this went on for about 2-3 months before the GMs finally took action against them. So to me the best idea is to have GMs keep records on these people and if they get enough complaints about this person (depending on how serious the offense is) they'll be monitored and if keep going, suspension, and then after that, account removed.

Hope these ideas help

Edited, Thu Nov 3 21:14:39 2005 by Corrderio
#257 Nov 03 2005 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
241 posts
Suggestion: Place a new NPC in Jeuno where players can report others for MPK. When a player has enough unique reports(by playonline ID, not character), it becomes open season on said player for a given length of time. In dungoens, fields, towns, anywhere... others may attack said MPKer and he may not attack back. No exp will be lost, but raise will not work on this player. Only option is to zone back to home point.

Probably stupid and not well thought-out, but just an idea
#258 Nov 03 2005 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
Many have pointed out the root causes of many MPK situations is gil/item demand. By making HNM's all poped/instanced this would greatly help the situation..

Simply add a time limit on HNM's like that for re-entering dynamis.

Additionally I see no reason for sneak or invisible to drop when entering a zone. By allowing sneak to pass through to a new zone, crawlers nest, garliage citatel and the like would become safe for entry.

I also see no reason for sneak or deoderize to disappear when attacking a mob or being attacked by one. This would allow people engaged in combat to sucessfully flee from a dangerous situation when escape/teleport is not available.

Additionaly sneak/deoderize/invisible should allow for immidiate hate loss. If engaged with a gob for example a player could simply use a deoderizer, prism powder to lose hate. The same would apply to sneak and sound aggro mobs.
#259 Nov 03 2005 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Stationing a GM at NM spawn points? SE better have an awful lot of GMs. MPKing happens everywhere, not just at NM spawn points.
A Character or bst can train mobs to any camp and release or warp. Just think many camps in Vulkrum alone. This seems very impractical for SE.

The idea of Mobs trained to zone becoming non aggresive for a short time sounds reasonable.

GMs should give BST some slack. They are often accused of MPK when they are only leveling. I was accused of MPK in GC by some clown that ran up to me fighting a bomb that exploded. Parties stealing pets kill alot more bst than the other way around.

I've never had a bound mob attack me so... no opinion.

AOE hitting non party members? no change please.


#260 Nov 03 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
Released BST pets shouldn't aggro other people!

I completely agree with this. My suggestion is to remove the aggro/link activity for all players aside from the BST until the mob

  • regains full HP

  • and/or

  • returns to its original spawn point.

  • The aggro-pet problem is a MAJOR cause of grief between BSTs and other players in the game. As a BST, I'm often viewed with hostility and suspicion just for being around a party with an aggro pet, and I'm concerned that BSTs may be accused of MPK unjustly too often. It's easy to accidentally cause a major problem with a party by leaving a pet in the wrong spot, completely without malice. It's easy to get tired and accidentally kill someone.

    Implementing an aggro modification on BST pets will benefit non-BSTs, BSTS, and GMs (time saved responding to calls about it).

    Other suggestions:

  • If a player suddenly leaves the area (Warp, Escape, zone), or dies, all engaged mobs should behave as per a released BST pet, above. Until they return to original spawn points or regain full HP, they won't aggro/link.
  • Working on the claim system (i.e. mobs going yellow) may decrease the tendency for MPK. When a group or player 'steals' the claim of another group or player, the hate is not reset, and sometimes players wind up being pounded on by a purple mob. I've had this happen to me personally when a single Quadav in Beadeaux I had slept was Dia'ed, and every mob in the zone linked to it and killed me.There's also a greater incentive to MPK for the wronged party in the case of NMs or 'farmed' mobs.
    The claim system has been a complaint of players for some time now, and while I'm sure there's a good reason why it's difficult to address, advances in that area may clear up some MPK problems. Players in a group who have just lost millions of gil due to a claim issue are likely to have a huge incentive for MPK, having no other recourse.
  • Notorious monsters shouldn't link. Conditions for snagging Cactrot Rapido might have to change, but it might decrease the lizard trains on Amemet.
  • #261 Nov 03 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
    Make it so monsters trained to the zone do not aggro until they've walked back to their original starting point!"

    While many people have valid points I think this is the one thing that would effect most players. Not all players are at an endgame stage camping these highly sought after NMs. While something does need to be done about those, lets not forget the little people.

    I read an article somewhere, IGN I believe, it was an interview with a high up SE developer or something of the sort. He was taking some questions and giving out some information on changes that might be upcoming, and a few things we could look forward to in the new expansion. When someone mentioned the idea of mobs walking back to their original point the developer said it was something they are considering but wanted to be unique of other MMORPG's that use that system. Clearly here the players don't care what other games use that system, we just want something like this in place to lessen the MPK occurences.

    In a game such as World of Warcraft its fairly simple to tell when a mob has turned around running back to its area. There would need to be something to show that a mob is returning to its spawn area to distinguish it from a mob already hanging around its spawn zone, otherwise players would be confused whether the mob walking toward them is going to aggro them or walk by. To distinguish this the mob could return to its area at a slightly faster speed than that mob normally moves at. For example, Ghost type mobs are notoriously slow to return to their spots. When one or more Haunts are zoned in Kuftal that will halt a lot of action for at least a half an hour if any parties are camped by zone and the Haunt is not killed. Because everyones luck is so bad its usually continually rezoned wasting even more time.

    So to sum it up here's how I feel the system should work, it is slightly different than other systems as well. When the mob initially aggros someone it will chase them till either the player dies, mob dies or the player zones as things usually are. For a short period of time when the mob is no longer chasing anyone it should still have a period where it can aggro people, but if it doesn't aggro anyone in that short time it will begin its trek back to its spawn area..but at an accelerated moving speed and not aggroing anyone along the way. What this does is give any parties in the area time to move to a safe spot, it also protects any parties or players from the mob on its way back to spawn point.
    #262 Nov 03 2005 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
    122 posts
    I know that this has been mentioned a few times, but...

    Suggestion: Bind/Shadowbind. A monster that is being bound and/or shadowbound should not be allowed to attack who ever is standing the closest if the said person has done nothing to generate hate.

    I say this as a RDM who has solo'd Ose many a time. I have to constantally appologize to exp parties for being in the way, because the only safe spot for one to solo Ose is in the main camp.

    Also, it's a great sight to see a SquareEnix representative here on the forums, where a decent player base post at, for suggestions from the consumers.

    *edit* for spelling/grammer

    Edited, Thu Nov 3 21:35:03 2005 by crimmie
    #263 Nov 03 2005 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent

    Let the players deal with other unsavoury players.

    If a player is consistently reported by many different people, from differing linkshells, for the same sorts of offences, they are marked and declared 'Eta' for a specified length of time. Just how many offences and of what type is upto GM disgression.

    Eta are 'non-persons', lost to thier world. They have lost thier purpose and drive, thier weapons stay in thier scabbards, arrows quivered. Even the monsters can instinctively see that an Eta is no threat to them, even they do not attack them. They no longer care for thier world, themselves or thier friends, thier previous actions arev testament to that.

    Removing the prose for a moment, 'Eta' status removes any chance that an MPKer can operate. They can attend to thier gardens, keep thier AH in order, bazzar, but they can't participate or instigate any sort of fight, nor alliance with those whom are, but not destroy the gaming experience for others.

    I'd suggest that a player that is reported for malicious behaviour more than 10 times, by 10 separate players, from atleast 5 differing linkshells, within an Earth week, is a candidate for Eta status.

    To contain habitual or overzealous vigilantes, I also suggest that you can only make one report per earth week. Te reporting system needs to be 'Eagle Eye Shot' sort of thing, a weapon of justice which is precious in itself. The other way to prevent 'karma bombing' is to attach a horrendous price to it, (which could be compliementary to the previous way). Only someone whom is genuinely and supremely pissed off will part with a big wad of gil to report a scumbag for abhorrent behaviour.

    Eta status is for a period of 24 earth hours for the first offence. Second offence is 3 earth days. Third offence is a week.
    Fourth, account suspension. Fifth, permaban.

    Implementing the above does a few things :

    1) Labels a criminal, which is punishment in itself for all but the most hardened A$$hat.

    2) Solves the MPK problem unequivocably.

    3) Destroys the reason for malicious MPKing in the first place. Not being able to engage a mob means there is no point in trying to steal it.

    4) May indeed also curb the gilsellers activities in general.


    The hard part is formulating the justice system. A populist conviction system is about the only forseeable way in which to deal with crime. it has to be dealt with one way or another, or the game will suffer and in turn SE's bottom line.

    I welcome some refinement to the above system or more suggestions, but I do believe that there HAS to be some sort of in-game democratic feedback system to regulate the unsavoury elements of the digital society to which we belong.

    Bad luck SE... unfortunately you have created an online community... full of good citizens and bad ones. You can't have the sweet idealised Nirvarna you always wanted any more than anyone else.
    #264 Nov 03 2005 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
    37 posts
    Thx for listening our suggestions.
    But i strongly feel that doing any of such changes will unbalanced the game dynamics.

    So far i'm quite happy with the changes in the game etc like the new claiming NMs with provoke and such.

    I feel that the only way to solve this is to set up harsher FFXI "jail" time for MPKers. Gilsellers mpkers need to be online to make gils, so suspending them for a longer period of time will greatly cutdown their profit-making. I felt that by doing this way will make them play fairly.

    thank you.
    #265 Nov 03 2005 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
    On this I say that the Monster that is claimed and then the person that holds hate or the people that have hate are gone that the monster wont arggo for like 30 seconds or something like that give like a grace time before the monster will attack.
    Another is that when hate holders are gone that the monster moves more quickly back to its spot instead of sitting there for 5-10 seconds before moving. that will help.
    One more is that if the monster was a BST pet and it is let go via BST abillity that it wont arggo till it is fully recovered and can be killed for exp. because many time I've had a party that killed a BST pet that was released so we didn't get any exp for it.
    #266 Nov 03 2005 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
    Chopin wrote:
    Thx for listening our suggestions.
    But i strongly feel that doing any of such changes will unbalanced the game dynamics.

    So far i'm quite happy with the changes in the game etc like the new claiming NMs with provoke and such.

    I feel that the only way to solve this is to set up harsher FFXI "jail" time for MPKers. Gilsellers mpkers need to be online to make gils, so suspending them for a longer period of time will greatly cutdown their profit-making. I felt that by doing this way will make them play fairly.

    thank you.

    I strongly agree with you Chopin that if the Gilsellers are not there to make the money it would help cut down the cost in AH. And a FFXI jail doesn't sound to bad maybe make a zone the looks like the jail in sandy and place them in cell and maybe let players go and see them. because if its knowed that they act/do that stuff people will not want to party with or help them making them want to change there ways and say sorry to the ones they hurt.
    #267 Nov 03 2005 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
    43 posts
    ok well if it has been stated im sorry, im not reading all the posts but the biggest thing is
    Suggestion: BAN THE GIL SELLERS!!! They are a main reason of MPK in the first place!! Also, people being caught purposfully(sp?) MPKing should suffer consequences!!! The "Mob Returning to Spawn Point" or w/e is an ok idea but not at the same time... They should have to go to a relativly close spot because it would be plain easy for travelers... Lastly bind needs to be fixed as previously stated... Other than that great idea posting on Alla. forms, keep it up with other contriversial subjects... like legalizing gay marrages in ffxi mabey?
    #268 Nov 03 2005 at 9:41 PM Rating: Good
    39 posts
    I am sorry if any of these points have already been brought out.


    First of all... I fully agree with everybody in the Bind=> aggro issue. Monster that are bound should only aggro the person who has claimed it and not attack anybody who is next to it at random.
    How to fix this? My suggestion is to make it so if the person who has casted bind/shadowbind walks away from the Monster xxx distance, bind/shadowbind would become useless and resisted if casted a second time. Oh.. don't forget to make it so that the monster viciously hunts down however casted bind/shadowbind on it if and only if he/she has walked out of that xxx distance.

    Second, have SE GM / developers research and check on the most camped HNMs. To be sincere in most of the normal NMs... much MPK doesn't occur. After drawing a line in which HNMs are the most camped make it so 1 GM, dedicated solely to this task, will randomly select to visit one of these HNMs when it pops.

    Third, in regards of the huge train zoning, which I have been victim to.. or the "I die on your party or you with a monster and expect it to kill you or your party.". If the mob just walks to its spawn point without aggroing, how many people would aggro everything and zone back in to finish xxx quest or fight? Too lazy.
    Why not take only 1 part of this solution?
    Make it so the mob will walk away some certain distance without being an aggro mob. If I bring a monster and die on a party, make so the monster will walk away from the party until the party is out of its aggro range and after that it will become again an aggro mob. Same system to be implemented on the zones. How would this help?
    Well... as an example, people train crawlers out to the zone of Crawler nest, if it walks away just enough so the zone in area isnt in its aggro range, it would give the player the chance to cast sneak or invisible as needed. Meaning, the prepared player will survive and those who are not... are simply doomed.

    #269 Nov 03 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
    Why not just have mobs 'pop' back to their starting point after the target zones out, that way you have no walking back of the mob and bumping into other players nearby who can then take on their own challenges without interuption.

    I consider players who lead packs of agressive mobs into lower level partys low-life that have no interest in the FFXi concept whatsoever. In Quetzalcoatl I've observed the same clown in Valkrum Dune's leading pissed off Goblins towards the northern entry point, I think if a player generates enough complaints from various other players about his poor conduct in the game he should have his Playonline profile suspended.

    On the subject of gilsellers since they seem to make most of their profit of NM drops why not make NM item drops unique rares (EX?)that only the player capturing it can use, then you have no ability to sell it for profit and players wont be staking out spots collecting ten Travelers Mantles or Silk Mist Capes to sell for 100K each. This way everyone would have a chance to get their own unique item.

    #270 Nov 03 2005 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
    636 posts
    - Reset hate on claim, i.e. Not getting thrashed by a mob you can't fight back against.

    I agree with this just because that's how it should be in the first place.

    - Bst pets shouldn't aggro til full health or return to spawn area.


    -Zoned mobs should behave as above (Left pets)

    Three different situations need to be addressed with this:

    1. An xp party gets links/adds and escapes from the dungeon.
    2. Someone zones with a train of mobs.
    3. Someone binds a mob next to a player and then warps away.

    A hate reset and no aggro til return solves these problems, IF the mobs in a zoned train will not link if aggroed. Otherwise, the zone is kind of held hostage waiting for those mobs to get back to their spawn points.

    I hate to see mob behavior changed, but unless there's another way to prevent the bind/warp mpk tactic, it seems necessary.

    #271 Nov 03 2005 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
    137 posts
    I think MPK system is fine. I only read the first post so this will be short.

    I'm healing out of party, and I don't want aggro!

    Whats deoderize for?
    #272 Nov 03 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
    304 posts
    Title of post > Suggestions for changing the MPK system

    So your saying, when making the game, you(SE) made a system to MPK people? I cant say that was very smart ^^;;

    Maybe a better title would of "Suggestion for preventing MPK" >.>

    Other then that, i have very little to add

    when i played DAOC the monsters would return to their spawns before they would attack anyone, the one problem with this is that someone could technically take alot of the zone and train it to the begining.
    #273 Nov 03 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
    My only concern is that release date players, have dealt with bs from the beginning. Now it seems that SE are trying to fix many things that have been so wrong in the beginning. I do believe that MPK is a horrible thing, that takes to much out of peoples lives(yes its a never ending game)with death regaining xp and weakness time. Serket has mpk'ed my pts many times over and over with its aoe, sometimes it came right out of the blue. Now with items like empress band, it pacifies new players or people trying to finally cap there main job, or subs and other types of secondary jobs. Their continues to be a struggle to make this a fair game, and the only way is thru player feed back, and it disapoints me that SE has taken so long to trust the real testers of this game, the everyday 10-24 hour a day players or the players that only get 2 hours a week to play because of busy work and family schedules, and then get shafted by server problems. Do those players get some special benefit?

    -A big FF fan since NES.
    #274 Nov 03 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
    Hi SE representative, thanks for valunig our opinions. This was a nice gesture. The community really needed SE to support their game by being more attentive to what players need/want.

    Suggestion: GMs should just take a more active role in the FFXI. Police roam the streets in real life. Sometimes they aren't right there at the scene of the crime as it happens but they'll be there asap. I would feel a lot more safe if a GM were there for the spawn and duration of a fight of certain HNM.

    Suggestion: I also wish that SE took more of a stance against MPK. I know more people getting suspsnded or banned because of something trivial as cussing in public or using windower than someone deliberately MPK.

    Suggestion: If party/player/alliance has claim on a monster and wipes out, the monster should regen to 100% HP before anyone else can claim it.

    Yes, using 3rd party programs and openly cussing at someone are things that players should not be doing but the focus of SE seems to be elsewhere when it comes to MPK.

    I'm going to say no to the non-active monsters after zoning. If you zone mobs and those mobs turn around to kill someone. That is MPK, intentional or unintentional, and should be dealt with. This goes back to my point on SE having more of a zero-tolerance MPK policy.

    If you are fighting Fafnir and PlayerA "accidentally" zones spiders and your alliance dies and the LS of PlayerA takes claim of Fafnir, is that really accidental?

    The MPK issue is largely revolved around the HNM scene. Being MPK in exp party is not as severe as being MPK while having Fafnir at like 10%.
    #275 Nov 03 2005 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
    I think there's some people who don't understand what MPK is. One person actually stated "Make it so no monster can link with one being fought or one being pulled.". That's not MPK. That virtually removes all linking. That would nerf monsters considerably and unbalance the game.

    The Bind MPK is a big one. The biggest issue is that the monster is purple (claimed) and attacking someone who had nothing to do with the mob.

    There is another one though, that's all too commonly used against Beastmasters. Also a purplemobbing MPK technique where a low level throwing item such as a pebble, or a spell like Dia is used to claim a mob in pet switch.

    The problem is:
    If a Beastmaster releases a pet and switches to a new pet, the battle target becomes unclaimed unless the new pet is a jug pet. This allows others to claim it, turn it purple, however it will continue to attack the beastmaster who can't send their new pet to attack the claimed mob. Of course, this results in death in higher level areas unless you are wearing Powder Boots.

    The solution:
    Make it so that a SUCCESSFUL Charm does not unclaim the battle target. I totally understand a mischarm unclaiming the battle target and claiming your new pet as a battle target because you are claiming two mobs at once, but a Successful charm should NOT be a battle target claim that unclaims your actual target. I also think that if the Beastmaster follows up with a successful tame on a mischarm, they should STILL NOT LOSE CLAIM on their original battle target.

    Otherwise this is PURE MPK and can only be used to MPK people. There's no reason not to fix this.

    Instill auto-jailing. Certain behaviour shouldn't require a GM. For example, code the game that moving beyond the speed the game allows (speed hacking, XYZ warping) should AUTOMATICALLY put you in jail and flag you for an investigation. This should also be done with certain VERY OBVIOUS MPK attempts such as a calculation that takes into consideration the level a person, the level of the mob or mobs they have claimed and what vicinity these mobs are when they attempt to bind or warp near another set of people who's levels will also be calculated. IE Level 50 player, Level 20 mobs, warps away in aggressive radius of Level 30 or less, automatic jail. this might be too far fetched, but the speedhacking is definitely something that could be prevented. Installing these flags on the serverside software would make people AFRAID to cheat or MPK. I learned about this through similar programs for online first person shooter games that had hack guards on the servers that detected specific obvious cheating behaviour.

    Anywho, that's my suggestion ^^
    #276 Nov 03 2005 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
    I didn't read through the whole forum to see if these ideas already have come up:

    1: A mob shouldn't be able to attack someone outside of the party attacking it. One reason is that if a mob is purple to someone outside the party that has hate, the mob is able to attack that person, while he can't attack back. Another is that if a party has a powerleveler, the mob will attack the PL from the hate from cures. This would seem like a good thing since the mob does less damage to a high level PL, but it also means that as a tank, I get less skill ups for shield/parry. Also makes it so that noobs level up too easily and ruin parties at higher levels. Part of the charm of this game is that it's challenging. Most newer games can't say that. (I guess that's another issue besides MPKing, but I thought I'd mention it)

    2: I know AoE has been mentioned, but I want to say that specifically the mandragoras sleep attack shouldn't affect parties outside of the one it's fighting. Places in Yhoator and Yhutunga are overcrowded, and getting slept is tough enough when it's just one mandy doing it.
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