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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#302 Nov 03 2005 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
355 posts
Perhaps make guard NPCs that would spawn and kill trained mobs after an alotted time has passed without anyone attacking the trained mob.
#303 Nov 03 2005 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
Repeating some of the earlier suggestions (this thread is growing faster than I can type), but anyways:

1. Suggestion: fix the *cause* of the MPK. Most people don't MPK on a whim; they do so with a specific goal in mind. Beating a dead horse, but 99% of all MPK is due to HNM competition and/or RMT (people being MPK'd by RMT, or MPK'ing RMT out of vigilante justice since the GMs do nothing).

2. Suggestion: player immunity to aggro and AoE damage for a short period on zoning into an area... say, 15 seconds? Just make it enough time for the person to realize, "Omg someone just zoned a mob!" and either zone out or cast Sneak/Invis, or at least run to a safe point. Alternatively, just make a narrow band of 'no aggro' land at the zone line (that only protects people who have just zoned, otherwise it's too easy to just dance in-and-out while shooting the mob with a ranged attack).

3. Suggestion: Non-NM AoE does not affect anyone not on the hate list or in the party/alliance that claimed it. If you are standing by an undead that uses Blood Saber and you're not in the party that claimed it, you will not be drained unless you do something to gain hate, such as Curing someone fighting, UNLESS the mob is an NM (in which case it affects everyone nearby).

4. Suggestion: A monster that is Bound (whether via spell, job ability, WS, or whatever) does *not* attack the nearest target, but rather sticks to its hate list.

5. Suggestion: The moment a mob is claimed (state goes from unclaimed to claimed), it sheds all previous hate, including any gained from linking, and *does not link* until it is unclaimed (and is ready to link again; see 6. below). Furthermore, it does not aggro to things like Magic, Low HP, or resting from people outside of the claiming party and not on its hate list (so you can safely cast Invisible on yourself by a claimed Bomb, for example, or /heal by an Undead, as long as you aren't in the claiming party and don't do something like Cure the people fighting it. Once you Cure someone fighting it, however, you're considered 'an ally' and thus fair game, and get hate if you Cast/heal/whatever).

6. Suggestion: A monster enters a temporary "no aggro, no link" state if its hate list is cleared (ie. the claiming party zones or logs out, or a Bst Releases it). This state will last a decent period; *at least* 30 seconds, maybe a minute or so (but is broken if a player attacks the mob directly, of course). Perhaps increase the duration of this state in areas like Yhoator and Yuhtunga, to give the mob more time to move back to starting location. Implications of this:
a: if someone trains to zone, the mobs will move back to their original positions aggro-free for at least 30+ seconds after the trainer zones,
b: if someone trains to aggro/link range of a party, Sleeps, and then zones/logs (or a Bst Releases a mob within aggro/link range of a party), the mobs will move back towards their original location (ignoring normal aggro/link behavior), and the party has some time to move out of the way before the mob 'comes to its senses'.

7. Suggestion: Force-popped NMs (such as the Whm AF1 NM) automatically pop claimed, if not actually aggressive - and stay perma-claimed - by the party that spawned them, and de-pop if the party is all dead/zoned for a period of time (a minute? Give enough time for the party to Reraise if needed). Furthermore, change these NMs so they *do not* aggro! Simple fix. If the Whm AF1 NM does not aggro, that means that even if someone trains him to zone, he *will not* attack the newbies unless they poke him personally.

8. Suggestion: make a mob attacked by an alliance, Claimed by the entire alliance. No more swapping between Red and Purple depending on who hit it last. If the alliance breaks up, the mob remains claimed by the party that held the alliance leader. Thus, all these other points regarding "party with Claim" apply equally to "alliance with Claim".

9. Suggestion: Have Charming mobs only use the Charm ability if you are in a party. If you solo it, it doesn't try to Charm you. If you are in a party, then it will only attempt to Charm a party member, and both the NM and the Charmed player remain claimed by the remaining party members.

10. Suggestion: If someone claims a HNM, have it send an automated priority (bumped to the head of the queue) GM call, to get a GM to show up on the scene and watch. That way, you don't have to have a GM waste time watching a HNM spot all the time.

11. Suggestion: When a Bst has one mob claimed and fails to charm a secondary mob, have the Bst continue to have the first mob claimed (rather than shift focus to the second Charmee mob).
#304 Nov 03 2005 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
212 posts
I think it's a fantastic thing that SE is asking for feedback. I think there are some wonderfully suggestions in this thread already for reducing MPK potentials.

Sadly, I think MPK is nearly a non-issue in the game compared to other issues that desperately need attention. For instance, one of the best things about FFXI is the need to group in order to progress. It's also one of the worst things because it's so hard to put together a group. No, adding solo'ing ability is exactly the wrong fix. The right fix is to improve /search dramatically. The problem is finding people. So, help folks find each other. Let people flag up specific job combinations regardless of whether they're actually on those or not -- or whether they're already grouped or not. Peeps that might leap at the chance for an xp or other productive group often go group with friends just to group and help out while killing time. You can't be found if you can't advertise. Let folks flag up while offline -- saying when they'll be online. Improve the autogroup mechanism: tie it to friends list. No one will auto-group with a stranger. A known person is different. If you could setup groups in advance by schedule using a game tool, that would help immensely.

After the /search issue, the main problem is provoke-racing. Get rid of it. Lots of ways to do it, but this is one of the primary reasons people are driven to using scripting tools. It's because sitting in game mashing a key for hours on end is not only not fun -- it doesn't work because there's always someone running a voke-bot there that will beat you. Give everyone an auto-claim AE-effect JA that you tap once and it keeps claiming things forever inside it's raidus or change every single NM to ???-spawned or .. well, do something to fix it. It's the single most unpleasant aspect of the game.

After fixing those issues, maybe it would be time to move on to other things. Perhaps MPK, but imho, I'd do other UI improvements first. The UI is in bad shape. Then maybe think about MPK.
#305 Nov 03 2005 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
This is just an idea Please don't flame me! I'm not saying it's a good idea or a bad idea, just something a few people I know had brought up a while ago, and the topic went cold after about a day. What if SE implemented a gil cap? That is to say, no one player could acquire more than "x" amount of gil on any server. So instead of RMT and higher eschelon LSes jacking prices six to ten-fold, the price could only reach so high. For example, if the maximum amount of gil allowed per one player was 2 million, than items such as the Kraken Club and Speed Belt could only be listed for 2 million gil tops?

Of course the idea is very raw and jagged at base, and those who have acquired hundreds of millions of gil, let alone tens of millions, would have an ultimate gripe with such a decision, those who find it hard to make gil might favor such a cap.

Like I said, I'm not an advocate, nor am I opposed to the idea. I am, however, opposed to synthesis monopolies going on, as well as RMT inflating the market, and at times having to spend more time making gil than actually leveling up the many different jobs I'd like to.

I don't really have an issue making gil, other than the fact that with NMs, especially KS99 fights, it can be so touch and go that certain NMs or burning circle fights just go cold. As well, it's frustrating to have mage type jobs lot on melee type items with the sole intent of selling it to make a profit, when the melee might actually just desire to item to better his or her performance as a melee class, and visa versa.

Perhaps those who have gil above the set cap could retain all of their money, but would only spend the maximum permitted at one time? So if I have 140 million gil, but the cap is now 2 million, I get to keep my earnings, but don't have to worry about inflation sucking my funds dry, even though 140 million gil is a gross exageration in most players' cases.

The idea of turning certain items R/E has worked out fairly well, as now mostly only the people who actually need the changed items hunt for them. Who knows. I'm just throwing ideas out there. I agree, however, that to fully stop MPK, you have to attack the problem at its base, which is why MPK occurs to begin with.
#306 Nov 04 2005 at 12:03 AM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
Probably pointed out before, but I saw alot of posts about BST's and leaving pets what come back to aggro other parties. I think that would fall under the whole "returning to the spawn point" rule.

Basically I think the first few suggestings made my the Rep are probably the best ones to go with. Alot of the other suggestions seem to be asking for the games mechanics to be dumbed down. Seriously if your puller can't pull safely or your mage can't sleep successfully, get rid of them. Links shouldn't happen but when they do, you should be prepared.

Oh and I'm so for a 2 min recast on Tame.

Suggestion: If you claim a mob that is Yellow and that mob kills someone (not in your party), then there should be a log of this kill. It would help GM's tracking down MPK events.
#307 Nov 04 2005 at 12:06 AM Rating: Good
355 posts
Making NM drops ex/rare won't solve much, unless the NM actually drops the said item. Sure it would get the RMT out of the equation, but I haven't only been MPKed by RMT, but by my fellow gamers as well. All because of a NM situation. Make the NM drop more often, maybe even ex/rare certain items. Get all the greediness and eagerness out of the equation. Lessen the illness people feel at NM camps.

I have ex/rare emp pin and ex/rare leaping boots. I love them just as much, but I still had to out claim someone, and I still have been talked to like a dog all because I wanted to camp a NM that they happened to be camping as well. I hate camping NMs, seriously, I ,.. hate ,.. it. The worse thing in this game.

Astral Signa, {Where?} {How?} {When?} {Impossible to Gauge}

I recently talked to someone I did not know well, that was camping for theif knife. He is 0/96. Every time I /sea all his name, he is there, camping this NM. Every day, every night, for the last 2 months. Could you imagine the time this ONE PERSON HAS WAISTED IN HIS LIFETIME OVER A VIDEO GAME DROP? Its a really cool dagger for theives, but how many people can actually say they have one on each server? And, what good does it actually do when you have one? I'm lucky to be best friends with a thf that has one, but in all honesty, I haven't noticed an increase on rare drops at all. Honestly, we never get the drop we are seeking camping NM. Its a very rare day for said item to drop.

My friend with the thf knife, changed jobs to nin, and guess what, two raise II drop back to back, after we've been messing around trying to get a few of those scrolls for the last few days with him as thf with no luck what so ever. I almost suggested to him to throw away that pointless thf knife, he seemed to have better luck with no treasure hunter at all. And yes, I'm being serious.

Edited, Fri Nov 4 00:35:31 2005 by Linuac
#308 Nov 04 2005 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
3,777 posts
Suggestion: If you claim a mob that is Yellow and that mob kills someone (not in your party), then there should be a log of this kill. It would help GM's tracking down MPK events.

NAH. I can't see this working. Imagine how many innocent MPK's this would flag. Yuhtunga Jungle, Garliage citadel, Crawlers nest, Boydaha Tree?? They're usually because the person wants to live themselves, not because they wanna kill others. But they happen in mass numbers nonetheless. IMHO that would just lag the servers drastically and make 100,000,000 long ques.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
#309 Nov 04 2005 at 12:22 AM Rating: Good
30 posts
i think there should be a faster, more definate response from GMs. be it for mpk or other things. you either wait for ever or get no resolution. i know i have quit calling GMs and so have some friends because nothing was ever done.

also trying to stop some AoE attacks would be nice. all too often i have been running by parties fighting (both on foot and on chocobo) and been hit with the attack. it is very frustrating to be on a choco and get hit with a sleep AoE and being stuck.

that's going to be my 2 cents because everything else seems to have covered everything
#310 Nov 04 2005 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
3,777 posts
Oh, and as a final comment for the night. On the topic of making all HNM's instanced via a ???. I don't like that idea. Whenever I see a ??? You can be damned sure i'm gonna check it out to see what it is. I'd rather not be lvl 11 experiencing in Konshtant Highlands when this happens and suddenly find myself face to face with Steelfleece Bauldaritch ..... ewwwwww. I like being able to see HNM's because if I'm too low lvl to face them i can steer the hell away from em. [death] [thank's for the offer but i'll have to pass].

I also CANNOT agree with making every NM and HNM drop rare/ex. That would completely nullify the point of having the Auction House because all that would be left would be crafted gear and such. HNM drops are a necessity for purchase. Having them purchaseable isn't the issue. Stoping the MPK around the mobs IS. ALSO: if the ONLY way to obtain such gears would be to kill the HNM or NM, then that would INCREASE MPK by the sites because of the extremely low supply and high demand. Nobody would be able to obtain them.

Example. It's already way way too overcrowded at leaping lizzy site now even with the rare/ex versions. The AH prices have gone up on non rare-ex. If the only way to get the boots from now on were to kill Lizzy then there would be almost no new lizzy boots being introdiced. The supply is simply too low compared to the demand. AGAIN: I state that the purchase of NM gear is a necessity, but we have to focus on stopping MPK at the sites themselves.

If you had to camp for every single non crafted item you have now.... how many items WOULD you have now???? Camp every NM in game?? And don't even TALK about camping every HNM in game >.<

I also CANNOT agree with limiting the maximum amount of gil. There is such a variety of wealth in the game that doing so would destroy some players and make others increadibly wealthy. I could see so many people quitting forever over this....
Bessides, what happens when 4 of your items on AH reach the maximum number of gil in game..... and then the other 3 sell??? Does the gil disappear? LOL.

Edited to reply to Fwekles post above:

Hell I've been on my chocobo and been killed by a gobbie bomb. Yes I died ON the bird. Where i'm supposed to be immune from attacks. Bird just left me be and i ate worms. /sigh

Edited, Fri Nov 4 00:33:43 2005 by Melphina

Edited, Fri Nov 4 01:03:29 2005 by Melphina

Edited, Fri Nov 4 01:11:11 2005 by Melphina

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
#311 Nov 04 2005 at 12:33 AM Rating: Good
5,114 posts
I haven't read beyond the original post, but quite frankly I think the "system" as you put it (kind of a funny term since that makes it sound like MPK was implemented on purpose as an aspect of the gameplay) is just fine as it is (though this may be due to the fact that I have not yet experienced all of the endgame drama where MPK supposedly runs rampant. The only thing I don't understand about it is why mobs attack the nearest target when bound. I think that is the only complaint I have, based on my year and a halfs worth of game time.
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#312 Nov 04 2005 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
444 posts
I find it hard to believe that this will actually get to Square Enix, but I think maybe I should put my few cents in.

There has to be a middle ground of Limiting MPKing, and keeping the reality of a linking system in play. Althought I might get alot of upset players lashing out at me, I dont think that changing the way Mobs aggro is going to fix anything. Yes, it would be nice to not worry about a mob aggroing you when trained to an enterance of a zone if you just zone in, however that would make things too easy. I dont think BST's should suffer because of this, because there are alot of beastmasters out there that play by the rules, and dont MPK.

Mobs should Link, case closed. I think its reasonable that mob's AOE effect the surrounding players (although it is annoying, and I wish they wouldnt...it just makes the game a little bit harder, and in a way that is enjoyable).

I dont think its a matter of gameplay, rather I think its a matter of how the situation is adressed. I have seen a bigger change on the Square-Enix side, and I think that is great. Kudos for stepping up and taking action when it comes to the recent MPK problem. I for one had a problem in Delkfutts tower with Gil Sellers on my server, I havent seen him back, and his partner doesnt seem to want to come back to Delkfutts. Great stuff. However, many people have GM horror stories. And that is the suggestion I want to get acrossed.

MPKing usually isnt accidental. If a person purposely brings a mob over and kills others, the penalty should be more severe. You know what...even if it is an accident, it should have some kind of penalty. You see, people run to a zone to escape dying. THe problem is that it hurts others, because usually they die, or they lose XP time.

Do you know how many times i've gotten aggro and trained home? Yea, alot...sadly...but I always try and avoid any deaths. If i know what I pulled is going to kill a whole zone, I die myself, because whats the point of killing everyone else at the cost of 4k of experience of me? Thats why the call for help system is there, so people can get help, and then they can clear the problem. Most people, dont even call for help though.

I believe that there should be some kind of punishment when it comes to training mobs to a zone when others are there, even if its just a small punishment. When people MPK, there should be a big big punishment, im sorry, thats not right. I've never been MPKed, (Partially because they know that they would lose their right to play the game, because I dont let injustices like that go), but i've had friends MPKed, and the GM's just dont do anything, and thats also an injustice.

By all means Ahkore, I dont mean to disrespect, however much of the NA community feel a bias against NA players. From what I've heard, most GM's cant do anything without a Head GM, or a Senior GM's okay, and honestly I dont think this is right. A GM should be addressed to the situation ready to take action, and whatever action is necessary. I dont know the GM situation, so forgive me if I dont have it right, this is just how it seems to me.

When it comes to camping a monster that spawns only one time every few real life days, getting MPK'ed can be a heart breaker. I feel as these things should take place.

All parties involved in MPK should be punished. If it is a party vs a party mpk, those involved with the MPK should get the stiffest penalty. I've seen evidence of GM's having the ability to read party/tell/linkshell chat, so all those who said "aye" to the MPK, should also be punished. The XP that the dead lost should be given back to them, and if it was while they had a NM claimed, they should get an early pop on that NM to give them a second shot. People have lives, no one can waste a whole week waiting for a NM, then get it...and then robbed of it.

To sum it all up, i think one of the biggest problems lie with the GM's handling it. GM's shouldnt be customer care to vana'diel, they should be the law. Furthermore, i've always said one of the best way to stop crime should be to put punishment figureheads near the crime scenes. The best way to stop theft in a store is to have your sales people talk to them, to have a camera visible (Even if the thing doesnt even work). Now, its impossible to put a GM in every zone, however I think a few certain times and places under a watchful eye might be a good idea. These areas are places where users are in heavy competition between linkshell to linkshell (HNM's), and very sought after items for money, or rare/ex items. (An Example is Enk. Bracelets in Upper Delkfutts, or Fafnir and King Behemoth).

All in all, become closer to your players. GM's shouldnt be the boss that strikes fear, rather the cool boss that is there for a pat on the shoulder as long as you dont break anyrules and wrong them.

Thanks for reading, if this whole thing is true...hope i shed some light. Have a good one Ahkore. /bows respectfully
#313 Nov 04 2005 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
Ahkore, remember you from stratics, so HI!!

MPK'ing - Top 4 methods

Training Suggestion: When mobs are trained by PCs, and possibly linked into a train, they result in a timed non-aggro effect after original aggro target(s) die/zone/warp. Timed effect should last approximately 1 minute, times should be playtested for flexibility. The non-aggro timer would not prevent aggro from being reaquired by direct actions taken against the mob, but would prevent linking. By making it timer based, it allows time for the MPK target to get a heads up on the MPK attempt, and maybe some time to react to it before it's too late. ALSO, and even more importantly, if you change monsters to non-aggro until they return to starting locations, it will have a MAJOR impact on playstyles, especially especially especially in areas like dynamis.

Binding Suggestion: For the duration of Bind, it should hold stricter aggro on source of Bind spell, theoretically preventing it from aggro'ing intended MPK target(s). Aggro naturally should hold onto source of Bind spell, but in cases when source of Bind dies/zones/warps, then mob would result in the non-aggro timer to be triggered, as mentioned in Training Suggestion.

Releasing Suggestion: Released pets should be treated as though they recently lost aggro on target, thus triggering non-aggro timer. In truth, how released pets act in the game is almost the way they should work. Simply insert the non-aggro timer at point of release.

AOE's Suggestion: Your original suggestion on handling of mob AOE targets strictly based on party list or aggro list sounds accurate.

Of course the counter-point to ALL of this is, some people would rather the current MPK possibilities stay in game.

G'luck in sorting it out. CHEER!!Smiley: boozing
#314 Nov 04 2005 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
ok, i like some of these ideas. but here is a simple salution....band the dam gil sellers. everyone knows who they are, band the gil sellers i bet more then half the mpk calls will stop. then it should be ez to find the rest of the jack asses who like to steal claim to HNM's there are gil sellers on every server who mpk every day and the GM's dont do anything. they say they will take action but then go off and like eat some donuts with their other pal GM's. get off your a$$es and do somthing. its nice that your doing this to get some ideas from the players and i'll give you credit. but its not enough to redeem yourselfs in my opinion. so banned the gil sellers. that will help the mpk issues massivly. get off your a$$es. have a good day =)
#315 Nov 04 2005 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
ok, i like some of these ideas. but here is a simple salution....band the dam gil sellers. everyone knows who they are, band the gil sellers i bet more then half the mpk calls will stop. then it should be ez to find the rest of the jack asses who like to steal claim to HNM's there are gil sellers on every server who mpk every day and the GM's dont do anything. they say they will take action but then go off and like eat some donuts with their other pal GM's. get off your a$$es and do somthing. its nice that your doing this to get some ideas from the players and i'll give you credit. but its not enough to redeem yourselfs in my opinion. so banned the gil sellers. that will help the mpk issues massivly. get off your a$$es. have a good day =)
#316 Nov 04 2005 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
I don't mean if someone is killed then report them for MPK, I mean say if someone consistantly does this, then there will be the log to show it. If someone reports another for MPK and it was a once off the GM can go tsk tsk... bad player, but if an MPK is reported and there's a list a mile long (and somehow they are still able to login) then the GM would have enough evidence to ban their *** back to WoW.
#317 Nov 04 2005 at 12:53 AM Rating: Good
commendable to show us you actually care, seeing its plainly obvious who is gilsellers and who monopolizes NMs. Yrt the ever -so-generic reply "they've done nothing violating the user agreement"
That said,
It would seem to me that SE would have a good grip on when a NM will spawn, after all its your program, have a GM tagged to any MPK-area NMs wherein if a little alarm or light goes off there in GM central , letting the GM know within 10 min the NM will pop, thus they can monitor the zone. This will solve many problems at 1 time. It will allow the people to know there is a "presence" and anything deemed inapropriate beit binding a mob in fromt of someone, training to zone, misuse of call for help options, Stealing claim, which somehow happens even if a mob isnt disenguaged at times, or even hopefully can see if a bot or 3rd party program is being used somehow(if thats possible by mmonitoring). Any of which offences can carry stiff penalties, possibly suspension or deletion.
Hopefully this can get to a place of morality and proper in game ettiquette, which iI think to be your goal.
Removing hate from mobs that have been trained to zone, until they return to thier place of origin, is a good idea reguardless, thinking back to senceless death zoning into crawlers nest, and the 2-3sec before mobs are visible, find myself in a lake of soldier crawlers , w/o time to zone for cover.
TY for actually asking for our suggestions, and making effort to make vanadiel that much more honest.
#318 Nov 04 2005 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
I was in a hnmls for a very short time. It made me ill thinking about the super rare drops that only drop from HQ hnm that pops, what, once every 4-6 days. So, lets say you a dalmatica. Lets say that the abj is not that rare at all. Lets say its 50% of the time on HQ NM (which its obviously not). Thats saying, once every 2 weeks, someone gets a dalmatica abj. Lets say that only 30 people want/need this. Lets say that only those 30 people camp Aspi for 12 days. If you didnt get claim, and you've been camping NM for almost two weeks, 3 hours every single day, wouldn't you be a little ill and want to take your frustration out on something, someone else, or just quit even thinking about ever owning this? I know I have, and now I'm trying my best to not even think about owning certain items in this game. You say you don't want to see peoples' lives suffer from a result of this game, well, the drop rate on hnm and hq hnm makes it where your life would HAVE TO suffer somewhat if you ever desire certain items.

Not everyone wants uber gear, but I bet NO ONE would refuse a super rare item that benefits them if it was given to them free of charge. Lets face it, everyone wants uber items that drop from NMs that only spawn like once a week. How many GM reports have you had to deal with from HNM areas? Too many to count. Why are these people so frustrated? You try camping HQ HNM, you try claiming it, and then you deal with being disappointed when it never drops. Anyone, even priest and pastors would curse this game sometimes.
#319 Nov 04 2005 at 12:57 AM Rating: Good
I believe there's a reason that it's difficult to "Take Action" against people like MPKers/Gilsellers. Because they are run by companies, if they are suspended they have hundreds of other accounts and worst case scenario, they can just cancel one acount and start another one using a different credit card and name.
#320 Nov 04 2005 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
444 posts
A few more suggestions as I read through others, and I would like to restate them...

Some kind of a Karma system would be nice. When a GM takes action against someone, I think there should be a bulletin in major cities (Jeuno/Windurst/Sandoria/and Bastok...well...you can leave bastok out...^___^, i kid), that tells who, what, when, where, why, and how, and what actions are being made to punish him. This way, word of peoples actions will get around. The only problem is it being trunicated, im sure more than 10 happen a day, and I would like to read up on others in the past.

Maybe ever conquest, ya know?

OH OH! Idea. How about an NPC that sells Newspapers. You buy them and you can read about it ever conquest. Then you can dispose of them. You can even have quests involving them because there is a Newspaper building in windurst ::nod nod::. One thing that stinks is when players are blackballed from linkshells because of their behaviors.
#321 Nov 04 2005 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
Well it nice see some concern but what ever you do don’t do any the 3 that you first posted, there would be so many exploit it would not even be funny. Though I think money play a big reason for most the mpking at hnm we wont go there but I think that if the gm would monitor the big hnm more often I think you would help keep down the mpk attempts <some drastic action might be need to make people know you are serious> Also you may catch some the people using bot and 3rd party program more because there are some out there using them and this would help you catch them as well. Right know most of FFxi has given up on se and other exploit you doing nothing to mpkers. You want a solution have gm monitor they game more because you and I both know that you cant do anything if the person is not caught in the act. So make the gm a more visible part of the game have them appear in random zones and places. Take note from you sony brethren everquest gm had a visible role they use to come when people where fighting named mobs like dragon and froglok and other creatures that where need for epic weapons or quest. You would some time catch a glimpse of them in zones, though I would recommend you getting some new armor with armor like that no wonder you don’t come outside. ^^ Maybe even start gm apprentice roles where people can train to be gm similar to what Sony did in everquest. That all I got hope you take suggestion of this tread seriously and don’t make the game to easy by making so mob don’t argo anymore.

#322 Nov 04 2005 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
I was wondering when staff would finally start looking at major fan hang-outs like this one.
As for some of the posters in this thread, I think some of you are getting way too hopeful from this. The system is fine as it is and seems very practical in non-MPK situations. By changing the system to rid MPK they rid natural habits. The linking thing, Your zoning a mob and turn the corner, "Oh shoot theres 50 kagillion others that someone accidentally trained there waiting in front of me." Of course they are going to link, but by setting the link system to restart when ever they hit home, just seems to take the cautiousness away.
Put that in an MPK view though: Your zoning a mob and turn the corner, "Oh shoot theres 50 kagillion others that someone purposely MPKed there for me." Of course they are going to link. (had to make that sound close to get point across) The situation is not all that different. Half the time people accidentaly MPK someone else only because they are trying to save their own skin, but it would be unfair to punish them for it, while someone who purposely MPK'd someone else could use the same excuse. It's all very confusing but I don't see any way to fix it other than ***** with enemy group dynamics.

Try to put the monster in your shoes. One PC getting decimated by a large "Party/alliance" of enemy mobs, or one mob getting decimated by a large Party/alliance of "enemy" PC's. Same situation. You see someone zoning a mob you try to help them kill the mob. The mob sees another mob being zoned or pulled into an ambush, mob is going to try to help the mob kill the party. Weird way of looking at it but it makes sense. I view mobs as other PC's, just a lot stupider and die a lot more.
#323 Nov 04 2005 at 1:01 AM Rating: Good
25 posts
On the way MPK by linking should be handled, i dont wish it is removed, for it would take more off the game than it would add.

Making it so that a mob doesnt aggro till it's back on its original spawn point may be too extreme.

My suggestion is, the mob cannot aggro once it's outside a certain radius from the point where it is spawned, say, it becomes *lost*, it can follow an offending player all the way through a zone, but once it's outside its home region, when it loses it's objective, it can't aggro or link until it makes it back to it's "home", this area could change depending on the mob we're talking about in particular, for example, Crawlers in Crawler's Nest are a hive, the radius for a Soldier Crawler could be huge, half a map away they would still aggro, but the entrance would be outside this radius, so if they are taken all the way there, they wont aggro until they make it back inside, closer to where they spawn. Or mobs that have small movements could have small aggro areas, mobs that roam a lot, like goblins, could have areas that cover 1/4 of the map or more. This areas could be arranged so that zones closer to popular NM's have only a few mobs, or none, that can aggro out of an entire train, if all of the mobs in the area are pulled, only those who are closer will aggro, the rest wont be able to aggro untill they are much closer to their spawn points, but not necesarily on top of them.

Thank you for reading.
#324 Nov 04 2005 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
172 posts
For gods sake, make the 3 kings poppable. You could make the items needed to pop them through rather difficult quests, but 90% of the mpk on my server happens because of competition for the 3 kings.

edit: fyi, 3 kings = nidhogg, aspi and king behemoth.

Edited, Fri Nov 4 01:30:50 2005 by masshu
#325 Nov 04 2005 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
Mpk sometimes player involed in it cant help when aggro happens and most people that do it on purpose no the response time is real bad when you contact a gm for this reason more attention should be giving to it i no from being mpked a few times call gm famous word will look in to it and when they do the person logs off and is questioned for it but its no help to dead people that lose xps from it you work hard for that and lose for people with no respect and then you have the links who will kill them when no high lvl are there to help to solve it is to have gm response improved and players that die from it should get xps back and punisment should be three strikes your out of game thats it fix that and you fix most problems with it
#326 Nov 04 2005 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
Commenting on the AOE damage taken when you're not even fighting... I think i speak for everyone when i say this, Say your doing a synth... and in the middle of it some mob from another party hits you, instantly you lose crystal and all materials. Losing the crystal is no problem, but come on.. some of the synthesis materials are insanely expensive....
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