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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#352 Nov 04 2005 at 3:42 AM Rating: Decent
421 posts
A couple of thoughts from a professional game designer who loves playing FF11

1) Make it so that linked/claimed mobs by other parties don't aggro any alliance fighting NMs and HNMs until they have returned to thier original spawn position after becoming unclaimed.

2) Any initial attack on an unclaimed monster from a person or party other then the one to last attacked it will cause all previous hate to be erased. (checking last attacker is to make sure that a party doesn't disengage and re-engage to erase hate)

3) AOE moves from all none HNM monsters should affect only the party that is fighting it.

4) Bound monsters should not attack any players unless they have sufficient hate
#353 Nov 04 2005 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
470 posts
I know as a smn i've near MPK'd ppl because of several unfixed bugs smn would love to have fixed. 1 involves when youre soloing and your avatar dies, the game not recognizing it so you have to run and hope to be far enough away when the game realizes your pet is dead to let you resummon. This usually ends up dragging some potentially aggro mobs, or a train if unlucky to follow you across the zone and then kill others on the way back. The 2nd is similar, if a smn is lagging at all the game thinks theyre are at spot a, the screen shows them at spot b and if you start to summon a pet the game catches up and you fail the cast resulting in a similar scenario to the first one. Easy fix. If you have a move-fail as smn make it happen immediately instead of 15 sec later when all thats left to you is to run and endanger anyone nearby. 3rd has been mentioned, smn usually solo bombs, and innocents can get caught in self destruct. If a bomb is claimed its self -destruct or hypothermic combustion shouldnt damage anyone but the claimer or their party.

Another nice bug I've gotten at least 3 times is having NO options under Pet Commands menu when I have an avatar summoned. can't attack or release it. very annoying. Again as you've said, your only option is to run and endanger others, or take a dirt-nap to keep others safe.
#354 Nov 04 2005 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
Suggestion: Fix the cause for MPK.

How bout a new catagory for items.



You can posses one and sell it or trade it or whatever. Then if you get it again, it is automatically Rare/ex and you can never get another one that can be traded or sold.

People will still be able to farm drops for NMs. But only one at a time. Don't worry about legitamate campers, there are so many NM's out there that no legitamate player could possibly attain all the drops twice (one sellable and one limited) and if they do come accross one they want to sell, the prices will be high due to lower supply so they will make more gil.

Obviously not all NM drops need this, but anything that people want for their character should. Maybe just start with the drops gilsellers and HNM shells alike are monopolizing and work from their. Stuff nobody camps doesn't need protection from over camping.

To code this, maybe make a key item associated with every NM drop. Say I get kraken club. I get a key item "kraken club certificate." next time I get one, it's rare/ex. I know how you guys like to use key items for things like counters.

Maybe consider a variation on this like "Unique." Unique items can only be possesed one time ever. If you sell it or trade it you can never hold another one.

Edited, Thu Nov 10 09:01:05 2005 by President
#355 Nov 04 2005 at 3:52 AM Rating: Decent
my experiance of mpk is v limited, ie ive only seen it done, or someone has tried to mpk my party and failed. I agree with making it so monsters only aggro/attack once they have returned to their start point, or if they are attacked on the way back, makes sense.

On a different note, whilst i have the opertunity to talk direct to someone from SE, how about un-gimping dragoons!! i love the dragoon job to bits, but since the jobs attributes where changed, its now stuck at 45, and people leave when i try and form a party and no invites!!! and by stuck i mean like that for 5 weeks trying to exp, in diff locations!! it sucks!! im going to lvl Samurai as it has been suggested by other players, and in forums. dont get me wrong, i dont want u to lvl my jobs for me, my RDM is currently 52, but i feel i shouldnt have to go quest, complete, and lvl another advanced job, just to do enough dmg for ppl to think about letting me into a pty!!

ty for your time


AKA Gwuryn
Asura Server
#356 Nov 04 2005 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
my experiance of mpk is v limited, ie ive only seen it done, or someone has tried to mpk my party and failed. I agree with making it so monsters only aggro/attack once they have returned to their start point, or if they are attacked on the way back, makes sense.

On a different note, whilst i have the opertunity to talk direct to someone from SE, how about un-gimping dragoons!! i love the dragoon job to bits, but since the jobs attributes where changed, its now stuck at 45, and people leave when i try and form a party and no invites!!! and by stuck i mean like that for 5 weeks trying to exp, in diff locations!! it sucks!! im going to lvl Samurai as it has been suggested by other players, and in forums. dont get me wrong, i dont want u to lvl my jobs for me, my RDM is currently 52, but i feel i shouldnt have to go quest, complete, and lvl another advanced job, just to do enough dmg for ppl to think about letting me into a pty!!

ty for your time


AKA Gwuryn
Asura Server
#357 Nov 04 2005 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
While I've yet to actually be purposely MPK'd by another player, I do recognize it as a problem that must be addressed. After all, people play this game to have fun, not to lose exp (in other words, hours of their lives that they spent garnering that exp lost) because some dolt decided it would be funny to bring an angry critter back with them.

Most of the time a mob aggroing my pt's is a result of an accidental train-that being, some poor newbie who is desperately trying to make it back to the zone before he's whiped out, and picks up even more mobs on the way TO the zone. This is especially a problem whenever I have a low level job going through Garliage Citadel, as that place's layout is just BEGGING for multiple links of bats, and/or beetles. A pull gone wrong often results in 3 or 4 bats, which don't aggro in the upper part but can, if they take a wrong turn, pick up the aggressive types of bats.

Even so...it's a constant nuisance in Garliage in particular, and a few other places with setups that just spell out link. I think that the mob not becoming aggressive once it's lost/killed it's prey until it's reached it's original starting point is a very good idea. Nothing more irritating than walking out of crawlers nest with a level 35 job only to meet 6 Soldier Crawlers waiting for you at the entrance that somebody trained there.

Biggest problem I see really isn't MPK'ing but people monopolizing mob spawns for hours, even days, taking turns, so that nobody can get the drop but them unless they're extremely fast and lucky. I realize actions against this have been taken, but people are still camping rare/ex drops and SELLING the rights to lot on them-still finding loopholes. I propose that once a person kills a notorious monster, they (or the party members who killed it) should have to wait at least until the monster has spawned again and have to pass that one up until they can claim it again. This would prevent those ever-annoying gil-sellers who sit there for 20 hours straight claiming every spawn point from anyone who would like a chance at it.

Also...more items should be rare/ex to prevent gil-selling and AH price monopolization.

Anyway...best solution to MPK'ing would be simply to make it so that the mob ONLY attacks the player who caught it's attention in the first place and/or anyone helping/taking part in fighting it...NOT those who are just bystanders. Once that person zones, it should go back to it's spawn point...and only then become aggressive again. Problem would definitely be solved then. :)
#359 Nov 04 2005 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
4,400 posts
Dont take our way of battling gilsellers away... Or get your useless GMS to ban these people. I will find a way to MPK rmt no matter what you do. I will not let these sub human animals take over our game.

Spoken from the horse's mouth.

Have you learned NOTHING from your former incarnation on this forum?

Edited, Fri Nov 4 04:56:09 2005 by Erawyn
#360 Nov 04 2005 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
suggestion: I think maybe that every area should have a bounty-hunter guild. this giuld would be set solely for the purpose of hunting down those people doing the MPKing. Any MPK reported to GM would register to the guild in the area of where the MPK is taking place. adventurers that register with the guild would get a report (like when maintance take place,In purple).Developlers can make a scroll that locksout the MKPer till a GM comes to retrieve the player. Scroll for any job,race,or lvl. Scroll can only be obtained through the guild and would be rare/ex. Lockout scroll keeps MPKer in place where he/she was caught,mobs can't aggro him/her. GM can base a gil reward on offender base on the number of GM calls he/she gets for MPKing, The higher the number of calls the higher the reward.

I know some will says what about the MPKers getting the LockOut scroll? I have thought about that. GM's prolly have an on going list of reported ppl, If they use this idea; once they install the guilds the list of MPK ppl currently on hand it can be set up in the guilds. Hence more any current MPKer that goes to register with Bounty-Hunter guild will be caught right there once they try to register.

I think this might be a way to keep some of our high lvl people in-game once they lvl 75. Devepolers might even concider this another way ppl can increase fame as well. Make ppl fear Bounty-Hunters. Reduce number of ppl thinking of MPKing.

That's My suggestion for the MPK problem.
<Dardraco> RedMage/Warrior Fairy Server
#361 Nov 04 2005 at 4:23 AM Rating: Decent
I'd just like to say {thankyou} SE ^^

I was losing faith in SE as a company. So many companies nowadays have a representative to communicate with on big forums, and SE always seemed so distant in the past.

Nice one SE ^_^

I have nothing to add to the MPK issue, but knowing that you guys are taking issues seriously like MPK, etc restores my faith.

#362 Nov 04 2005 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
II am like most people here glad to see feedback i only have 2 ideas worth considering

1. Make all NM HNM items rare/ex ..that puts a big stop on rmt also make the spawns happen more offen since its a rare/ex people who really want the item can get it hell make it a quest only pop or something you can only do once anything to make it where everyone can go at it and not try to kill everyone around its 1 of the main reasons i don't even bother with NM hunting

2. as far as mpk's go policeing is needed i would love to see a wondering GM come in and just smite the mpk'er i think it would be great if the lack of GM's exist then imploy the players as you will read most ppl just want action from the GM's some sign that they exsist...

thats all i's gots to say and i ain't gonna say's no more
#363 Nov 04 2005 at 4:48 AM Rating: Good
58 posts
Thanks so much for taking an interest in our thoughts.^^ It's much appreciated.

Suggestion: After a person/party/alliance dies to a mob, make the mob confused (and docile) for a few (and random) moments. After the confusion ends, it can aggro like usual. This will 1) keep people paying attention to what's going on around them, 2) reduce the ability for MPK since it will give anyone nearby the opportunity to get away before they are insta-killed.

Suggestion: Raise the insecurities of MPKers by having GMs become a bit more visible on the server randomly. Have them pop in occasionally when there is a lot of people in various places outside of town and just watch for a few minutes. People are a lot less likely to MPK if they are worried they might get caught.
#364 Nov 04 2005 at 4:49 AM Rating: Decent

Those are some good ideas, but lets not forget the reason why so many MPK. they simply do not get to claim the monster. now if its a timed spawn, such as the HNMs, its really not fair to MPK someone simply because they claimed it. but if Player A has been killing placeholders in a lottery spawn for 5 hours and Player B comes and 5 minutes later after B arrives the notorius monster spawns and B. claims him... well, player A is gonna be super pissed and is more likely to MPK B. for comeing and getting so lucky and taking something A has been working so hard to spawn.
One way to deal with this would be to maybe have notorious monsters leave a ??? target after the NM has died, and based on how many placeholders for that NM youve killed before it died, you might get a slight chance of finding the items. so if player A has killed say... 200 placeholders in those 5 hours, then he might get a 10% chance of finding each of the items the NM spawns. of course, the person who killed the NM wouldnt be able to get anything. also, you would also have to have killed actual placeholders, not some random mobs. also, it would have to reset after every time, so some player doesnt spend all day killing placeholders, then waiting for someone to kill the NM then having a 100% chance of getting the item. of course, you could modify the % increase per placeholder killed, but if implemented, you would reduce a lot of players emnity to others when they get lucky. in fact, this happened to me with Dame Blance in Korrokola tunnel today, i camped for over 2 hours, then a ninja comes in 5 minutes and walks away with the prize.
apologize for the long post, and great to hear a SE representative! ^^b

Edited, Fri Nov 4 05:00:26 2005 by Dunechild
#365 Nov 04 2005 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,411 posts
Suggestion:When you are 50+ Easy Prey mobs should not aggro. The monster should see you as a threat right?

Suggestion:why not give back exp when someone is obviously a victim of MPK? you could have a flat rate 500 exp back when there's an obvious MPK, i.e. the person said "I am going to MPK you" and then does. Why not penalize those who do MPK as well? You could also give the exp back lsot and take it from the person who MPKd.

Suggestion:Sleep AoE hits only PT members fighting the mob!! Please please please! It's such a pain! People will camp nadragora or sheep or sprouts near or around you and sleep hits your healers or your whole PT. No more running by a party in the jungle on chocobo and falling asleep or fighting a gob next to a party with a mandy and being hit.
#366 Nov 04 2005 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,411 posts
Suggestion:When you are 50+ Easy Prey mobs should not aggro. The monster should see you as a threat right?

Suggestion:why not give back exp when someone is obviously a victim of MPK? you could have a flat rate 500 exp back when there's an obvious MPK, i.e. the person said "I am going to MPK you" and then does. Why not penalize those who do MPK as well? You could also give the exp back lsot and take it from the person who MPKd.

Suggestion:Sleep AoE hits only PT members fighting the mob!! Please please please! It's such a pain! People will camp nadragora or sheep or sprouts near or around you and sleep hits your healers or your whole PT. No more running by a party in the jungle on chocobo and falling asleep or fighting a gob next to a party with a mandy and being hit.
#367 Nov 04 2005 at 5:14 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Suggestion: The Bind meaning attack the closest living thing has got to go. Took a Eagle Eye shot from Eastern that way ><

Suggestion: Dont Change anything on Mobs aggroing going back to HP or such. Just make it so GMs pay more attention and be able to do something when MPKing is happening.

Suggestion: People caught MPKing should be put in a room for 4 hours all by them selfs with unlimited Re-raise 1 on that activates 5 minutes after they die so they know what its like to lose alot of EXP and fill the room with Undead lvl 90 mobs.
::Make sure the people are in there small little room ALONE::

Suggestion: Make it so mobs dont go unclaimed When people are fighting em unless people havent swung or casted on it in 5 minutes. Cause making that no matter what would have it so people are holding PHs for NMs all day long.
#368 Nov 04 2005 at 5:57 AM Rating: Default
......after all this years u "think" for "Suggestions for changing the MPK system"

i all the time say that GM is an *** HOLE~
ther is alot of thing in FFXI need to be changed.....
wake up ><
everyone know that GM is useless~~~~
alot of ppl leave FFXI and /follow WoW
why....??? why....?
play WoW and u will know.....
u will know that SE dont care... and the GM only a gay that dont do anything...
just think...

#369 Nov 04 2005 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
......after all this years u "think" for "Suggestions for changing the MPK system"

i all the time say that GM is an *** HOLE~
ther is alot of thing in FFXI need to be changed.....
wake up ><
everyone know that GM is useless~~~~
alot of ppl leave FFXI and /follow WoW
why....??? why....?
play WoW and u will know.....
u will know that SE dont care... and the GM only a gay that dont do anything...
just think...



<|English|> <|Do you need any help?|>
#370 Nov 04 2005 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,684 posts
The most ridiculas tool in the game system atm is the Bind/Shadowbind system.
What was going through peoples mind when they decided it would attack the nearest person is beyond me, this should definatley be rectified.

AoE attacks from mobs, I believe should really effect everyone whos near it, some people think the complete oposite but I think its fitting that AoE damage hits all people in range.
For 1. its stops people Setting up Camps ontop of each other.
2. Adds a little more danger into the game

BST are currently the job that can MPK the easiest, A great Idea would be to male there released pet return to it starting position before being able to Agro.

On topic but along a different route, the way you talk about the "MPK system" makes it sound like this system was actually implemented and was expected to be used O.O


#371 Nov 04 2005 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
915 posts

Without destroying the whole linking system there will always be aspects of it that will alow people to MPK. Here is my idea to tweak this.

I will use the dunes as an example just because I feel like it and rely hate that place at the moment.

OK, Zonable mobs that are commonaly zoned, Flys, Lizards, Goblins, Bogys and that WHM NM (I have seen it zoned at kon highlands).

Of those goblins and bogys are standard agro mobs, so as they walk past they will reagro, it doesnt realy stop people walking the other way now does it.


Part 1: When a mob loses agro, it has a period of about 10second while it is "confused", basicly it wont agro, it wont link, it will just stay there for a bit. This allows parties to move out of its way before it starts back.

Part 2: However its common for parties to camp in their return paths, or near to them. So while they are on a "return trip" to their patrol zone they have a reduced agro and link range, about 50% range or maybe 70%. This would prevent returns from linking to parties and killing.

Part 3: Party linking, this is a pain, where you do something to get on the other parties mobs hate list, and I dont mean power leveling, I dont know what I mean. Pulling a link and another party takes the link, but for some reason is still decideds to come back and hit you once in a while. No idea how to correct this.

Last Part: if you run off and drag the mob with you, and you zone, even if the distance is the whole zone the mob still makes its way back. I think that the hate levels should decrease more rapidly over distance, so if its 1 whole zone length they vanish off the hate list, if its half a zone it decreases rapidly and so on. basicly so the mob will think to itself "I cant be ***** with them, I want to go home"
#372 Nov 04 2005 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
well I saw a post about BST cool down time on Tame/Charm..that's not too cool for someone trying to level beast trying to get a chain, unfair to those who play BST legit

the mobs not aggroing until they return to spawn point maybe a decent idea, I am against the stop-linking idea, links and such on exp parties add to the game, NM monsters camped at parties own risk..clear the pop area get help etc..also part of the difficulty of claiming and killing the NM

I don't think there is any real way to stop MPKs, most the suggestions I see here would weaken the difficulty of the gameplay..

the only thing I did see that makes sense..WHY is therre MPK? Why? Where and Who?

those problems should be addressed not gameplay tweaking
#373 Nov 04 2005 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
Specifically with the bind issue. If this gets changed so that it wont randomly lash out against PC please leave it so that NPCs can still be attacked. I know that I for one have used the tactic many times on the escort NPC because someone zones in with the quest active, but without the desire to actually do it and ties up that NPC for a long while.
#374 Nov 04 2005 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
Mrkaze, Eater of Souls wrote:
The most ridiculas tool in the game system atm is the Bind/Shadowbind system.
What was going through peoples mind when they decided it would attack the nearest person is beyond me, this should definatley be rectified.

Actually, there's some good use for this feature.
Before the big fishing change, it was my #1 method of killing fish bots... even killed lvl 50 WHMs with that (20 minutes of work to kill 1 bot, but whatever)

It's also a good way to get rid of well-known 24/7 morion worm campers (who interestingly enough always seem to delevel to the same level when killed...).

When a bound mob hits you, it will only agro as long as it's bound. After that, it will return to it's aggressor.

The positive factor in this is, that it ignores all hate for a moment. A WHM can use Benediction, and tanks will have enough time to provoke the mob, as it's focussed on the person in front of it. (Make sure not to attack it though, as that can cancel Bind.)

And for my own suggestion:
Situation: Mob A is being attacked by player A. Mob B decides to join the fight, so player A sleeps it. Player B sees this, claims mob B with Dia. Mob B wakes up, is claimed, cannot be slepted, and still has primary hate on player A. Player A cannot affect mob B though (Bind), since it's still claimed by player B.

Suggestion 1: When a player actively aggroed a mob (cast sleep or bind on it), but loses claim due to changing targets, it will remain unclaimed for ALL players present until one of them manages to draw the hate onto himself (ie, provoke)

Suggestion 2: When a bound mob agros a player not on it's hate list, it will lose claim 5 seconds after shifting attention on that 'neutral' player.
#375 Nov 04 2005 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
Give everyone chainspell + Warp!
#376 Nov 04 2005 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
Doing so that the mobs don't aggro until they are back at their spawning-location is basicly going to solve everything. I liked the pert where AOEs don't hit anyone outside the party/parties that is/are fighting the mob in question. That would also help when a mob has AOE sleep, and they are used for exp parties, and other parties pullers get slept, ruining the exp chain, all the time. (narrow areas like Yhoator Jungle is a prime example.)

If this gets fixed, I'd love to see what the GMs will be concentrating on instead! ^^ Heck, we might even get rid off Gilsellers!
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