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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#402 Nov 04 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Suggestion: Well... I think the GM camping out HNM pops to see who mpks and who doesn't is good, but I doubt they have quite enough GMs to spare... So what if they had players offer to the conditions could just be strict examples: look at your playtime, number of times a GM report was made on you or about you, how many GM calls you've made, what level you are, your rank. These could all be used to determin if the player was able to be counted on and then maybe there could be something the GM uses for that player to setup to know when the HNM will pop and give them an item to go there? Of course this could be used as an advantage as you could say to your ls "Hey guess what! King behemoths window will be up in two hours!" But the GMs could still be able to check up if you're abusing this, and as long as you had the items/keyitems you weren't able to claim this mob then you could watch what goes on whenever you have time and just get a bunch of players with some spare time to check out pops once in awhile it would help some and I know some would abuse this but they would hopefuly be cought soon and it's not like it's hard to find out KBs window... /sea all behemoths dominion... if there's 200 people in then there you go. ;) Also KB isn't the best example but it was just the first to pop into my head :P Aspid or fafnir might be better examples. I know the idea needs work... But in the end I think we could make it work it wouldn't be that every time he's gonna pop you have to rush down but you would have the option to and report what happens to the GMs like I said needs some work still imo but just a thought. :)

I mean I know this would be alot of work for some... But for how fast some have replied to this topic and for how many of us want it stopped we should have to work for it some as well not just the GMs. Also start on small scale stuff take in 3 or 4 people per server, have them take some major HNM/NM spots (protected of course like any GM would be but even so must meet requirements) see how it works see if gilsellers and mpkers get cought this way see how many people report honestly etc.

Edited, Fri Nov 4 11:04:51 2005 by arkangelthalos

Edited, Thu Nov 10 10:16:45 2005 by arkangelthalos
#403 Nov 04 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
272 posts
Welcome to the forums. You can see by my rating I'm not much of a veteran on these boards. I do however, despise MPK. And that is tied directly in with GilSelling and Opportunism.

Suggestion: Hire me as a GM. Give me the responsibility to root out MPK'ers whether gil sellers or opportunistic players trying to clear out an area. Let me be the executioner. Let me have enhanced GM powers... i.e. Pull out my trusty sword/bow/axe/dagger, whatever and dole out damage to the offending party. Damage which, based on level of damage done, determines the fate of the offender.. jail time to ban.. (I'm just under 6 figures in income, so you'll have to pay well)

Suggestion: Keep the aoe as is. There are other zones to pt in besides the ones being most predominantly complained about. The problems are no where near as bad in those alternate locations. For low to mid levels anyway.

Suggestion: Leave the BST job alone. If the GM's do their job, and are provided the tools to do their job adequately, MPK'ing Bst's can be gotten rid of.

Suggestion: When a train hits the zone, all mobs within a certain radius of the zone, (the one's closest to the actual zone point) get warped back to their spawn point. The remaining stragglers get to walk back, and cause a little excitement on the way. NO aggro for like 2 min's, but then, anyone who saw the train go by would be ready for them.

Suggestion: (I have been MPK'd twice. Once by an unnamed BST, who no longer plays and once by a KNOWN Gilseller and his cronies. I was MPK'd because I was (with my pt) close to where an HNM pops. He and his cronies went in, grabbed every skele and other mob they could, trained them past us, and throughout the low end of the zone. GM was called. Nada. Nuttin. Zip. Zilch.) []So, either get the useless GM's to do their job, eradicate Gil sellers, which will eradicate a BUNCH of MPK'ing, or see Suggestion #1 above[/][]So, either get the useless GM's to do their job, eradicate Gil sellers, which will eradicate a BUNCH of MPK'ing, or see Suggestion #1 above[/].

Thanks for coming in.. Hope to hear more from the developers!!

Titan - Dilligaf - Hume - Sandy
Flikted - Elvaan - Sandy - 37war Retired
Retardaru - Taru - Sandy - 37blm Retired (maybe)
#404 Nov 04 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
272 posts
Sooooooooooooooo Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry SSSoooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrryy
for the above Overly Large letters in my previous post.. Didn't realize it would be that big.... Apologies to all...

#405 Nov 04 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
I think it's awesome that you guys are asking for feedback.. and I know some people have commented on this before, but I'm going to pipe in and ditto it. Instead of changing the game, how about actually enforcing the rules? If people knew MPKs would have consequences, they wouldn't do it. As is, I am a fairly law abiding citizen, but if someone pissed me off, I wouldn't think twice about MPKing them - because I know there would be no repercussions. If you guys actually enforced the rules you set forth, it wouldn't be nearly the problem it is now.

For the record... the same applies to gilselling. If you didn't allow it, it wouldn't be a problem. (and yes, it IS a problem!)
#406 Nov 04 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
2,793 posts
The only thing wrong with the "MPK system", and I love how we're formally recognizing MPK now, is the Bind trick.

Super-trains, linked monsters, and monsters that attack when they pass by someone on their way home is all realistic, and logical. Doing anything to fix those three would just be nerfing monsters.

Now, a monster lashing out at someone who did nothing against him, just because he's there, even with appropiate stealth up? That makes no sense. The monster shouldn't even be able to detect him if he's sound-based, and the person has sneak on. I don't know why this was implemented, but it could use to be removed.

There's already the Release delay on pets, which gives ample time for someone to get away from a train. I don't see a need to give any more to the player then already is given.

AoE is a minor thing in the MPK system. Only a few mobs, and often not the ones near the people you want to MPK, are capable of damaging a party significantly enough to warrant fixing this system.

Edit:This thread is highly-informative. Can't believe it took me this long to realize I could Charm-Bind MPK RMT who like to run around from my trains. Thanks!

Edited, Fri Nov 4 11:05:10 2005 by Warne
#407 Nov 04 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
I have not posted to this site in a very very long time, that beening said on the topic of MPK. To me the problem is not the fact of MPK, basically why do people MPK because it potential can be a short cut to making them gil. User will try to "steal" a mob from a player to get the drop and sell it. So this is a gil based problem, and usually applies to NM/HNM situations. The link/aggro system is pretty much fine the way it is (its part of the game); but how players abuse this system, and why they abuse it is at the heart of the problem. GM monitoring great idea, most likely not 100% in SE best interests (labor and cost). As of late the decision for SE to make certain items Rare/Exe has reduced/cured the problem with those particual items (i.e. Archer rings, Peacock charm, Emperor's Hairpin). I would concede this is not a viable solution for all, but may be a solution for many. So to me the problem is really not the MPK but is the gil system and rewards system. BCNM fights are great solutions, isolated battle fields, and access to these areas requiring unlocking quests to get access are also nice ideas to me.

In reference to trains, that is a decision on the person pulling the train, and the party that puller is pulling for. "Do I drag all these things back to the zone to save my skin and possible K.O. others or just take a K.O.". It is unfortunate but most players think save my own skin (keep going with the xp)and drop the beasties on others to deal with. Leveling areas with a high density of parties and linking mobs this becomes a real issue (i.e. Garlaige Citadel,Yuhtunga Jungle). There are good pullers and very bad pullers, by changing the aggro system that will be taking out some of the stratagy of the party dynamics(that is my opinion).

My final note on this is my pure hatered for RMTs and people who buy gil on-line. Of the 2 the later irrates me more, because it is they who allow the RMTs to have a business. I have hours of venom on this, but I will keep that out of this thread.

I expect some flames for this post, so let em fly.

Edit* The Shadowbind "trick" should be a reason for banning the player. (I assume SE has logs to verify these types of actions and could take action after the incident).

player: Tadooi and Tadooii
Server: Slyph

Edited, Fri Nov 4 11:08:03 2005 by Tadooi
#408 Nov 04 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts

A mob trained to zone and then returning to it's spawn point before agroing again is a great idea. But in retrospect, several posters have stated that then a thf can aggro, flee, and train all mobs to a zone, allowing others in the party to walk safely through. I would love to see this idea implemented, but in order for it to work, all issues related with it must be addressed.

idea 1: the Mob won't agro anyone in the area while returning to it's original starting point, unless that person happens to be in the same party as the thief.

Idea 2: Once a Flee is used, the mob chasing that Player, while continuing to give chase along with any mobs agroed prior to flee being activated, will no longer catch aggro.


Make it so that once a mob is aggroed, noone in the area can get on that mob's hate list unless they are in the party/alliance that is fighting that mob.

Reason 1: This will keep claimed mobs from killing other players, i.e. the Shadowbind trick.

Reason 2: This will make it much harder for people to PL other players, because now, their MP has become an issue, and thus there will still be much downtime for said party that is being power level'd. I understand that this also will make it easier for a lvl 65 to PL a lvl 55 pt, however, even those extra few cures aren't a whole lot at those lvl's, in my opinion at least.

Reason 3: If a mob is unable to attack someone outside of the party/alliance, it will prevent that person from coming up, casting a cure IV or cure V on a party member low on health, and then running away with the newly claimed mob. I've had it happen, so we get a new mob to fight, and then the last mob comes back, and now we have 2 mobs on our hands instead of just 1. Just another form of MPK that i haven't seen addressed yet.

Sorry if any of these have already been addressed with these same ideas, however, I didn't want to read 8 pages of reply's to make sure my ideas were valid. If anything, they will just strengthen other people's comments and reply's.

Hope this helps.
#409 Nov 04 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
I see you have alot of replies so im not sure if you'll get around to this but i think the hardest part for you is you should make some clear examples of people known to do this regulary. the most unpsetting thing about camping a HNM for hours only to be MPK'd is the people who do it are in "GM Jail" for 10 minutes then back to thier game. just down right delete their charactor or take away any items they got from the kill. Delete their accounts on them, there all gil sellers anyway. ps everyone on the server finds out who MPK's the hard way im sure GM's know who it is to.
#410 Nov 04 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Thank you for taking the time to seek our thoughts on the matter.

Suggestion: Make all *equippable* NM drops rare/exclusive. There would no longer be RMT attempts to MPK players at most camps. This would not eliminate MPK, but it would remove the worst offenders from 90% of camps. This is how most other MMORPGs have attempted to deal with MPK. Yes, there would still be RMT attempting MPK on mobs that drop Venemous Claws, etc. This would also hit RMT where it hurts.

Suggestion: More instance fights/zones similar to Dynamis/Limbus but possibly add functionality where only people equipping the same linkshell as the person who initiated the instance can enter that instance. This would also eliminate MPK. Obviously a timed delay for re-entering the zone after completion would be required.
#411 Nov 04 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
2,448 posts
Suggestion NM Intimidation: The presence of a NM could intimidate creatures that do not normally reside in the area. For example, if a group is fighting Aquarius (Normally surrounded by Knight Crawlers, Robber Crabs, those Mandragoras), then if another party trains Processionaires onto them and Warps or Escapes, these Processionaires would ignore the group fighting Aquarius and return to their regular spawn area, afraid of drawing the wrath of the NM. This has the advantage of allowing the intended crowd control concerns for NMs that have linking creatures in the area, while preventing some MPK attempts.

I forget who posted that, it was back on page 2 or 3. This is definitely a good idea. This reduces the need to have GMs patrol spawn points (and times) of all Highlvl NMs.

Suggestion Mob Linking System: If mobs are trained by someone (who gathered hate) then that person leaves the dungeon, the mobs return to their original spawns w/o linking. -OR- suggestion 1. on intimidation thing. I like that alot.

And in the end if there are enough GM resources available, or Perhaps they can take up players (after doing 1 on 1 interviews) to sit in on 24hr NM spawns(and all high lvl NMs). These players would have a direct contact method with their Supervising GM to report any MPK and lagging out problems from people fighting ontop of a HNM' alliance' tank, etc. <- this was also suggested somewhere on page 2 or 3, but its a goodie too.
#412 Nov 04 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
487 posts
Since I am retired from the game, please understand that I have nothing to gain or lose from any suggestions or comments. I also hope that my negative suggestions below are not rated down; I make them for the purpose largely of keeping the game highly complex and highly difficult, especially on worlds that have matured and now have a large population of extremely capable and well equipped players.

I highly commend SE for taking actions taken so far re gil sellers (i.e., the R/Ex status of boots, pin, etc.), and believe that creating an ability to share frustrations regarding other game problems (i.e., this thread) will go a long way towards creating a long-term satisfied customer base -- as long as the customers can see that their suggestions have been considered and even just a few of the suggestions implemented from time to time. Good job!!!

Agree that random GM activity in highly camped spots would be beneficial. Not all spots, not all the time... just random, BUT DO SOMETHING VISIBLE once you have spotted MPK activitiy. This has two effects: a) it creates the "fear factor" ("Jeez, maybe I might get banned if they spot me"), and b) it lets your customers know that you actually are doing something to solve in-game illegal activities. Suggest some manner of posting for public view the names of characters (and LS) who have been caught, sent to jail, temp. banned, etc., if infraction has not reached the "ban the account" stage. Played the game for well over a year and never saw anyone equipped with "Judge" gear.

Do NOT limit the ability to create or pull trains (Dynamic sac pulls, low level blm farming, etc.). Rather, concentrate on what happens with the train after death/zone/log. Many good suggestions made here... perhaps many more than you expected.

Do NOT restrict the ability of a second party to claim/take an NM/HNM if a party fighting it has been wiped (will tend to work in favor of less equipped, lower level parties going for the mob). This is not, IMHO, a cure for the MPK situation. Rather, concentrate on how to restrict activities of the second party that would or could tend to wipe the claiming party (i.e., the essence of MPK).

Do NOT make significant changes to the timed spawns or any major changes to create more forced pop situations for mobs that drop highly valuable gear/weapons/commodities. The game has enough uber (OK, über) equipment/high level characters/100+3 crafters, and in the interest of maintaining a longer-lasting game, letting HNM drops be less difficult to obtain than they currently are would probably not be a good idea.
#413 Nov 04 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
Ahkore wrote:
This is my first time posting in the Allakhazam community, and I hope it won't be my last! I'm here today to talk about MPK.
Welcome to Allakhazam. Thank you for taking the time to come ask the community for input directly, and listening to our suggestions.

I haven't read the entire thread, so my apologies if my suggestions have already been mentioned:

Suggestion: Make it so AOE Attacks will only affect those characters that are on the mob's hate list.

AOE attacks such as Self-Destruct, Goblin Bombs, and the AOE Drain that undead do are often the cause of MPK. It's too easy for someone to claim a mob with a powerful AOE, bring it over to where another party is fighting, and simply wait for the mob's AOE to do its damage. Even a relatively weak AOE can cause major problems if you're fighting a difficult battle of your own, or if many weaker mobs are brought over at once.

By having the AOE affect only those on the mob's hate list, it should eliminate MPK, while still allowing the mob to attack people outside of the party that is fighting it. This is important, because if the mob's AOEs are restricted to only those in the party/alliance that is fighting it, it becomes possible to have an invincible healing team by simply putting all your RDM and WHM outside of your main alliance. Instead, if the restriction is for those on the hate list, healers outside the alliance would still be vulnerable to AOE attacks if they cure anyone in the main alliance.

This shouldn't cause a problem for MPK though, since you would have to physically attack the mob, or cast a spell on the MPKer in order to get on the mob's hate list. If you're silly enough to do that, then you're asking for the MPK anyway, and since you're actually assisting the MPKer, it's not really an MPK. It's your own fault for getting involved.

Suggestion: Add an additional "Recovery" state for monsters that will eliminate Aggressive behaviour, and alter the Link Behaviour.

Currently there are only two states for mobs. Claimed (Red/Purple Name) and Unclaimed (Yellow Name). Similarly, charmed mobs are either Unclaimed (Yellow) or Charmed (Cyan). MPK is possible because when mobs go from Claimed to Unclaimed, or Charmed to Uncharmed, those mobs can link with the mobs that other parties are fighting, or if they are aggressive mobs, they can choose to attack another party.

If an additional "Recovery" state was added, this problem could be eliminated, without affecting the current link/aggro system, which works well when there is no outside interference from other players. I see it working like this:

1) A mob spawns in an Unclaimed state. After a brief inactivity period, it becomes active, and will link and aggro. It will link with Claimed Mobs, and mobs in the new Recovery state.

2) When the mob is claimed, it goes to the Claimed state (Red/Purple name). At the moment that it is claimed, it sends out a "Help Me!" signal to other mobs in the area. Any mobs within range that are permitted to link will do so.

3) When the mob is unclaimed (due to death, warp, Leave, etc), instead of going to the Unclaimed state, they enter a new Recovery state. The mob's name will turn a new colour while in this state. In this state, the mob will not link with claimed mobs or other mobs that are in the Recovery state, and it will not aggro. It will, however, respond to the "Help Me!" signal that is sent out when a mob first goes from Unclaimed -> Claimed and will link with that mob. When in the Recovery state, the mob will move towards its spawn point, and recover health. It won't exit the Recovery state until it has both Full Health, and is near the area where it spawns. The mob can be claimed while it is in this state, and when it is claimed, it will send out a "Help Me!" signal, just like an Unclaimed Mob will.

4) If a mob is aggroed, but not claimed (For example, when you just walk too close to a Goblin), it will go from an Unclaimed state to this new "Recovery" state while chasing its prey. Unclaimed mobs may still link with mobs in this state.

For BST pets, the same rules above apply, but instead of the "Claimed" state, it's the "Charmed" state.

This should eliminate MPK, while not affecting the current system too much. Basically, this new state targets the two specific ways to MPK someone by pulling a mob near them then losing hate:

1) It's a linking mob that links with what they are fighting. This is eliminated because the mob will enter a Recovery state, and in this state it is not permitted to link with Claimed mobs. It can only link with unclaimed mobs, and those mobs that are being pulled (changing states), not mobs that are currently being fought (staying in "claimed" state, even if "claim" moves around a bit like it does in an alliance).

2) It's an aggro mob that aggros the party. This is eliminated, because the mob will enter a Recovery state, and will no longer aggro unless it is attacked.

As a side effect of this solution, since the "Recovery" state has a different colour name, Beastmaster Pets that are recovering after being released will have a different colour name. This will help prevent people from pulling BST pets for XP, since it will be clear that the mob is not fully recovered, and may not grant XP when killed. Its sometimes difficult to see on the HP bar whether the mob is at 99% or 100%. The name colour change associated with the new state will make it perfectly clear.

Suggestion: Bound mobs should only attack people on its hate list.

Another way to MPK people is to claim a mob, bring it over to the people you wish to kill, and Bind it. When the mob is bound, it will lash out at anyone that is in range. This should not be possible. The mob should continue to lash out at anyone that is in range that is on that mob's hate list (which would cover everyone in the party with claim, and anyone outside the party who is assisting that party with cures, etc). But it shouldn't lash out at players that aren't actively involved in a battle with that mob.

Suggestion: Claiming a mob should reset hate, if the mob is claimed by someone that is not currently on the mob's hate list and not in a party/alliance with someone on the mob's hate list.

Another way to MPK someone is to get claim on a mob that they have a substantial amount of hate on. For example, if Player A repeatedly casts Sleep on a mob, they build up a substantial amount of hate. Player B comes along, and attacks the sleeping mob, causing it to wake up. Since Player B did not deal much damage to the mob, it continues to attack Player A, since Player A has more hate. If the mob were to reset hate when it is claimed by a person that is not on the hate list, it would eliminate this problem.

There is potential for abuse though, since the party's tank is unlikely to be on the hate list for a mob that a mage has been sleeping over and over again. When the tank claims the sleeping mob, it would reset hate...

To solve this, the hate should only be reset only if the mob currently has no hate for the person claiming (so outside healers can't reset hate by temporarily claiming the mob), and the person is not partied with someone that has hate (so if the tank for the party claims the mob when the party is ready to fight, the mage that's been sleeping it will still have hate).
#414 Nov 04 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
You could give high level blm's an mpk button with a tier IV-aga spell that would kill added mobs instantly. LOL

No but really I think taking out the Bind Trick is a big one.
I agree that it would be nice to change how the mobs aggro and link after training or being released by bst, but it also destroys some of the integrity of the game and how it is actually a challenge unlike other MMORPG.
I play ffxi because it is challenging and it takes work to get somewhere in the game.
Keep up the good work and thanx for posting in alla^^.
#415 Nov 04 2005 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Suggestion: Fix the cause for MPK.

How bout a new catagory for items.



You can posses one and sell it or trade it or whatever. Then if you get it again, it is automatically Rare/ex and you can never get another one that can be traded or sold.

People will still be able to farm drops for NMs. But only one at a time. Don't worry about legitamate campers, there are so many NM's out there that no legitamate player could possibly attain all the drops twice (one sellable and one limited) and if they do come accross one they want to sell, the prices will be high due to lower supply so they will make more gil.

Obviously not all NM drops need this, but anything that people want for their character should. Maybe just start with the drops gilsellers and HNM shells alike are monopolizing and work from their. Stuff nobody camps doesn't need protection from over camping.

To code this, maybe make a key item associated with every NM drop. Say I get kraken club. I get a key item "kraken club certificate." next time I get one, it's rare/ex. I know how you guys like to use key items for things like counters.

Maybe consider a variation on this like "Unique." Unique items can only be possesed one time ever. If you sell it or trade it you can never hold another one.

Edited, Fri Nov 4 04:08:02 2005 by President

75BLM Valefor - 18+ Linkshell - www.jadedsociety.net

A good idea President, except that RMT will just bring a lvl 1 mule to get the next "Limited" item, sell it, delete the char, create a new one for the next camp.
#416 Nov 04 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
115 posts
Suggestion: None engaged mobs that lose their target, due to the target dying, warping, zoning, etc. could after a moment, fade-out like a summon instead of walking back. They can then reappear in their normal locations. This would help to alleavate issues with large mob trains clogging up areas for long periods of time while the group moves back. Also, it addresses the mentioned Thf fleeing tactic to clear the way for everyone while the mobs would be in a none-aggro mode suggested earlier.

Edited, Fri Nov 4 11:27:16 2005 by Psyberjace
#417 Nov 04 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Customized Aggressive Personalities

Trying find one solution for MPKing in general is futile because MPK
Happens for many reasons. Purposely or accidental, the solution needs to be
Adjusted to be relevant for the situation and aggressive behavior needs to be customized for each type of monster. Meaning, "what pisses these
Monsters off in the first place?"

Starting off in lower levels of game play and working up to higher
levels. I'll give examples of way's the monster's aggressiveness can be altered to control MPK.


1. Goblins -
Terrorizing game play from the Dunes till the Jungle. Many deaths are
The result of accidental MPK, some are on purpose. However, the nature of
The game and a goblins behavior is simple. Scavenge all day, look for
Weaklings and take em out. They'll chase you across the span of Vana'diel if they could. If you chain a group of these to the zone, they may kill you.
Then when you are dead, they'll kill the next person they see, and so on.

Solution: When a monster(s) is zoned to another non-city area, or
Position within the same map zone far away from it's spawn point. Behavior
Should stay the same as it is except the period of time it takes for the
monster to become aggressive again should be extended. Perhaps the Goblin is tired from chasing or its busy chatting with it's friend about the noob he just chased down and killed. Fact is, game now leaves little time for a person to react to a chain of mobs that shouldn't be where they were
accidently/purposely brought to and more time needs to be allotted for that.

More creatively, when a Gob is zoned into a city area, like Selbina or
Khazam, in my opinoin these zones are realitvely open for anyone/anything to
walk into. What is preventing monsters from walking into these zones and
destroying the entire city? A magic force field? I think not. City Gaurdian
type NPCs would be the more logical choice. Maybe they come out automatically when a player zones an aggressive monster. Or maybe the
Player activates something similar to the "call for help" option while zoning.

2. Aggressive Beast Type Monsters -
Bats, Crawlers, Flies, Beetles, crabs etc. Common mobs from level 35
and up. These are not intelligent creatures. Their behavior, plain and simple "You walked into my nest, now you must die." And all their friends share the same opinion.

Solution: You stirred up the nest (spawn point) you must pay. Of
course! You walk into the Lion's den, you'll get hacked to shreds. This doesn't necessarily mean the mobs need to chase you across the entire zone.
Aggressive beasts only attack you for being too close to their nest.
So, maybe they only chase you away a decent distance from their nest, but
Not wander off too far because they have to go back and protect their nest
From more predators. Then when on their way back, they are away from the
nest so only attack after they are challenged. Exception of course, to the Mobs who may be out hunting, like Tigers.

3. HNM
These seem to be the main issue. However, these are the rare circumstances. And rareness calls for unique customization.

Solution: These bad boys need to cause an up-roaring behavior in the Monsters of the surrounding area. But customized to the situation. For example: if a Queen bee was an HNM, then perhaps all the bees in the area would aggro anything to protect it. But in other cases I think the surrounding area monsters should become fear stricken and unable to act in their normal behavior. Maybe they run in circles like under some kind of histeroanima spell and they don't enter a certain area around the HNM. Or maybe they get some kind of a "beast sense" where a few minutes before the HNM spawn they start acting crazy.

4. Releasing

Solution: They should dissapear, like a summon.

Ok I've rambled enough.

Edited, Fri Nov 4 11:50:20 2005 by Oddyseus
#418 Nov 04 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
137 posts
I'm sure my post will get lost in the sea of other's here, but I'm going to give my 2 gil worth anyway.

MPK is due to one of two factors: Greed or Self preservation.

Some items in this game are sought after and are now considered "necessary" to continue play.


Make NM / HNM ALWAYS drop a Rare/Ex item.
Simple solution. Make Valkurm Emperor ALWAYS drop Empress Hairpin, Dune Widow ALWAYS drop a Rare /Ex version of Spider Torque as well as a possibility of the sellable version, etc.
This way people that are looking for a specific drop will ALWAYS get it, if they kill it. This will greatly lower competition for certain NMs, because people will only have to kill it once instead of spending weeks of their time trying to get it and fighting others for it. Lower the competition, lower the chance that people will get so frustrated that they feel their only option is to MPK.


Make mobs that are zoned / lose hate / give up chase non agro-able for 2 minutes and/or till they return to thier homepoint.
I also think that these mobs shouldn't just "wander" back to thier homepoint. Make them continuously move back, not stop and go.


Fix Bind / Shadowbind so Mobs will not attack non-hate players.
This has already been iterated a few times, and I agree.


AOE damage should not affect people outside of party / aggressor list.
I don't know how many times I've seen someone take a bunny in Batilla Downs and bring it to the vendor area by the Jeuno Zone and just stand there waiting for it to do it's spinning attack and kill dozens of Player vendors there. I will admit it's funny to think people stand out there with lvl 1 jobs, but it can be annoying to the people trying to sell items for thier LS's.

Also, I do realize, like many people here, that RMT is an issue. However, that was not the subject of this column. So, I will not get into it here. However, some of these suggestions, would curb that a bit as well.

Thank you for your time,

Deidre ( Caitsith )

#419 Nov 04 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
There are a lot of great suggestions on here that I won't repeat. Here are my two cents, tho! ^_^

Suggestion: Take MPK calls much more seriously. Obviously you can't believe 1 or 2 random calls. However, when there are 10+ ppl all telling GM's that someone is MPKing toss them in jail.

Suggestion: A lot of MPKers seem to be RMTers. Here's a radical idea. Make it more like EQ where gil buying is acceptable thru an approved SE website. Seems to me that would make for a lot less MPKing. Then you'd only have to deal with the psychopaths trying to ruin the game for everyone. Plus, SE would be reaping the profits of those too lazy to go and earn their own gil like the rest of us do.
#420 Nov 04 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Put a timer on a zoned mob regaining the ability to aggro. For example, a Gob Zoned in Valkurm Dunes would have something like a 30 second wait time before it could aggro anything else, same with Garlaige, only make the timer relevant to the area the mob is in depending upon the possibility of link while it returns to its spawned area. I.E. Someone links and trains 3 sets of Citadel Bats to the zone in Garlaige, don't make the timer go off at 30 seconds because the bats will never make it past the 2 or 3 parties xping in the area they are passing through that are far to low to fight them in that time period.

Just my 2 cents.
#421 Nov 04 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Everyone says the GMs need to be more active, but nobody has made a reasonable suggestion for how they can be more active. Having GMs posted at these NM spots continually will mean fewer GMs will be available to deal with all the other problems, and having them come in at random times when the NMs are spawed will mean only a small percentage of the total MPKers (the ones who were there at the same time as the GM) will be caught. Plus, both of these solutions only look at the problem with MPKing during NM battles, not MPKing as a whole.

Suggestion: Obviously, the GMs can't respond instantly to any call (unless it's a very slow day, but on average they'll have a queue). However, when someone is reported for MPK, particularly when someone is reported by mulitple users or on multiple occasions, the GMs can make a note of the user who was reported and keep track of them to observe them when they MPK again. If the user was reported as having MPKed while farming normal monsters, watch that player the next time they farm that area (or, if the player is still farming when the GM call reaches the top of the queue, watch them right then). If the user was reported as having MPKed during an NM battle, watch that user the next time they are fighting that NM. The more reports that a user has against them, the more often they should be tracked. That way, the GMs can focus on catching the worst repeat offenders, and those who have been reported falsely (or those who have only MPKed once and will never do so again) can be ignored. Perhaps one GM at a time could be dedicated to watching those users, leaving the other GMs to continue dealing with other problems.
#422 Nov 04 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
Hello and my friendly regards to SE!

Finally thank you for listening to the players calls and try to do something about this matter!
We all wanted to see this day and try to make vavandiel a better place for us all.

I'm not going to read everyones reply here cause there are just too many but i hope you guys from SE will.

First of all we need to look to some aspects that can be made without causing the game to chance that much and to let the SE developing team realize the dreams of us all.

There is something SE needs to understand first.

Yes the fact is you can do something about the MPK factor but as you all and i know there are botters out there!
SE tried to chage this by letting the NM / HNM not be claimable for a short amount of time after the pop, SE did make some people happy though this factor has not been solved yet!
Still there are botters out there and SE should do more about this!
I dont know how this can be changed tough.
Maybe other fellow players have ideas about this fact!

As far as the MPKing goes, well people had some rough times about this!

I suppose this can be prevent by claiming a mob and after all arround you disapears just like ballista system.
Also what can be done is just like WoW that you need to do some mini quests to make it to the place you need to go to pop those HNMS this would be nice but much work for the developing team.
You could also do that the HNM pop in special areas like BCNM areas.
Things as big rooms must then be tought about cause of the enormes lag will show up of that many people gathering at the same spot at the same time.

So far my opinion and please SE hear the calls of all these people and make it a better game!

Friendly regards,

Hellio Dark Knight of Cerberus
#423 Nov 04 2005 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,006 posts
HI if you're still reading ...

My main concern is "Accidental mpk". Typical example is whilst fighting a mob you get a link, sleep the link and it turns yellow again. If someone else (non party/alliance) attacks the mob it will awake and more often than not have more hate on the sleeper than the new attacker. This means you are being attacked by a mob you can't attack/sleep etc.

#424 Nov 04 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
If someone zones a mob of any kind in a zone, why not have them zone out as if they're going after the character that zoned them. Such as someone brongs a rumble crawler to the zone in the crawler's next, that thing will ling with every crawler on the way to the zone. Now when the player zones, if the mobs still have hate twords them they run out of the zone. The player will end up in Roleberry fields (spelled horribly, I know) and the crawlers just kind of disapear and reaspan a few moments after running out of the zone.

First off, I want to thank Square-Enix to consider our idea's to help make FFXI more enjoyable. That is very kind to you.

Second: I want to thank Hstreets of this idea. I dabble in making games, the idea for changing aggro and links would be a major change in the system. One thing that wasn't mention with Hstreets idea, long chains won't follow. So when the mob goes back to his spawn point and on the way aggro a party or someone else, they can zone out with the mobs behind following them.

As far as the NM and gill sellers and players monoplizing and putting 20 mil + on srider boots etc. Make them all rare/x to stop this. Either add a rare/X 20-25 slot in the mog house or create a npc to hold them.

The main thing in this game is, I fell very sorry for beginners. Many have quite because they spend at least 70% of the time farming to get gear to beable to be in a XP party. This would stop all of this stingeness. Hopefully, It would change people to help eash other, [like the game was intended] to reach each others goals.

I find more JOY in helping others to reach there goal, instead of trying to reach mine. Bcause when I nead a party, alliance, you get very fustrated, depressed, sad, because people could care less. That would take away the crap thats goes on in this game.

Rock On Square-Enix The RPG Fan_addic!
#425 Nov 04 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
-The one to two minute immunity from zoned mobs is a great idea. Walking into Garliage and having 15 bats attack you all at once bites.

-The mob walking all the way back to its spawnpoint w/o aggroing is a bad idea. The parties in the area should just get together and kill the zoned mob...teamwork people!!

-This is the answer: If a person aggroes a mob, and decides to bind/release/hide near another player, where that mob is in aggro radius, that mob should use a drawing-in ability similar to the Mimic's ability to keep a player from running away, until the other player (the passerby) is safely out of aggro range. This forces people who get aggro to deal w/their mobs w/o involving innocent passerby's, and allowing the innocent a few seconds to figure out how to survive. It shouldn't be to hard to make a code that senses aggro range and activates the drawing-in ability as soon as one of the above mentioned ja are used.
#426 Nov 04 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
1.Trained mobs shouldn't att anything till they get the the original spot they went to att the original player and dont have them walk then stop like in garbage ******** have them walk straight back to the original spawn. The amount of trained deaths in there is crazy that will solve mpk and linked mobs.

2.Have it so if I am not fighting the mob I cannot get affected by its aoe, a few times I was in weakened state and a goblin bomb killed me again.

3.Also how about haveing the time you can fight NM's can be something like when you do enm's can't do enm's for 5 days well how about can't fight NM's for 2 weeks or so, so the rest of the world has a chance at getting items also I mean some of the NM's out there are camped so much its redic how many 75 thf's do you know you see just camping like 5 dif NM's and not doing anything else cmon man let us have a shot at it :(

4.Btw can we shorten the spawn time on some of these mobs plz I dont want to spend my days camping NM's I would like to level also :P.

5.How about setting a limit to the amount of gil you can ask for items ? so like lets say if you make it so the emp hairpin can only be sold for 500k then people cannot sell it for 2mil I mean some of the items out there are so freaken bad its no wonder people buy gil and buy all the items they cant afford I blame it on you for letting the market get so bad, yes you did try to add that tax for items but they dont care they will sell it for same or more making it no dif or even worse. Make it so some items (the ones that go for insane amount) cannot be traded but can be sold in ah.

6. How about some more traveling moogles ? dunes plz I mean it wont help me cause I leveled all the jobs out of dunes but I am sure alot of other people would love it.

7. Another spot to level from 20-25 other then quf island
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