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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#427 Nov 04 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
I see many valid suggestions and ideas, however also see how many of these can be either taken advantage of, or how they could be detrimental to exp pt's...
most exp camps are somewhat close to zone.
when the source of a mob's hate "Zones" have the mob lose all hate and become deaf dumb and blind for a cool down period .. rather than until it reaches it's spawn point.. I could see deviant players training all the mobs of an area to a zone so no one could exp from them..

my suggestion on this note would be .. if the player zone's a mob.. instead of wandering back to it's spawn point..
have it despawn, and respawn in it's place during it's cool down stage..
say .. deaf and blind for 30 sec... despawn and 30 sec til it respawns..
this of course excludes NM's .. maybe a different set of rules should play in for that..

as for the GM's .. I don't think the manpower or resources should be required or are necessary to improve the situation..
use what we have...
Give the GM's more power.. give them the ability to respawn mobs, return lost exp, etc.. or even
.. how about a system if a player violates the terms of service.. instead of a "time-out" or "jail".. force the player to stand in spot for x amount of game time.. per violation.. freeze them in place and make them stand motionless unable to talk, act, or participate in any way.. alter their name visibly or maybe even turn them all gray like a statue..
for lack of a better explanation..
make them a monument stating they have violated the ToS.. somehow.. create a different icon to float over their head..
make them stand in place unable to do anything until their time out is expired.. if they log.. make that time continue when they log back on.. keep them from taking the easy way out..
I do this to my 6 yr old when she misbehaves..
By standing in place unable to respond to hecklers, or passer-bys or a possible NM spawn.. just stand there helpless for the world to see that they did a "no-no"...

make them into a visible statement.. so others can see the efforts of GM's..

GM's are viewed as a joke as of the moment.. they can unstick you and be a listener to your vent.. but the response is always the same.. "We'll investigate the issue". nothing is "made right" nothing is visible to the player reporting the issue.

when you zone into an area.. every now and then. a GM should post a /sh or system message to the inhabitants of that zone.. to remind them that they are being watched.. When people know that there will be repercussions to their actions, and that there are eyes on them. I think you'll find their actions will be far more civil.

Here's another idea.. Put a new NPC in key areas.. Make them the GM model.. as a default they could act as NPC's giving information like how many players are in that area, or update information.. etc.. or even a list of people that commited violations in the past say week or day..
At random times.. let a GM take control of that NPC to monitor the area.. no visible change.. but having the GM model there as a reminder to people that there are GM's available and that they are monitoring.. some people in this game lack the moral backbone or intestinal fortitude to act as mature and sincere people.. and need a reminder that there are consequences to their actions..
make violating players visible examples as their punishment..
give them time to think of what they did to deserve it.. heck, put a dunce cap on their head or something..

and my last suggestion.. not all "MPK attempts" are intentional.. The other day my party was exp'ing in an area close to another pt.. a mob spawned on the other pt.. and since we were much higher in lvl.. rather than let them die or be forced to call help on the mob one of our pt members claimed it.. when our puller brought the original target mob and his relatives to the party, our attention became diverted.. when the mob became unclaimed the other pt thought we had drug that one to them.. It was an heated argument until someone in the other party stated it popped, wasn't "brought" .. though no one died, the other pt felt it was a mpk attempt. we did manage to kill our mobs and that one.. but they felt they were in jeopardy because of our carelessness..when it was in truth our attempt to save them for a party wipe. After it was straightened out we ended up helping each other and cooperating .. they pulled the mobs they couldnt pull before, and didn't fear links so much.. we were there trying to get I think a coffer key.. so I ended up more or less curing their pt while our pt pulled the mobs that were interfering with their puller getting the exp mobs they were after.. Needless to say they loved us until we got our drop....

so my suggestion to that, I think a window of summoning sickness should be implemented on mobs to prevent spawn aggro.. so if a mob spawns. the pt there has time to get out of it's way before it becomes aware of it's surrounding.. that's my two cents..

to sum it up..

zoned mobs should respawn if it doesn't get claimed my another
player/pt .. forget the wandering back....

give gm's more authority and make them more visibly present..
as reminders of what can and will happen.. GM's should remind players they are there... and can give an embarassing punishment ... repeated offenses should be more severely punished..

establish "summoning sickness" on mobs that spawn.. to give players time to get out of the way..

sidenote: Thanks to SE for taking the time and listening to our suggestions.. hope we can all work together to make our virtual world more pleasant and enjoyable so we can all enjoy it as we want..
Can we create a zone where you can kill/attack anyone or anything kinda like a mob ridden PVP zone to satisfy and quench the thirst for those who want so desperately to draw <insert race here> blood... also might draw more players to the game knowing there is somewhere you can one on one with other players... make sure to put a message up to warn travelers .. bandits will keeeeeel you.. or something..

#428 Nov 04 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
can we make many of the NM's force spawned.. .?
I know it feels more worthwhile to have to work harder for it.. but days and days of camping an NM, and watching it get stripped away from you by a botter or a faster competing camper.. makes me personally want to quit the game.. or worse claiming the mob and getting no drop.. and having to repeat the whole process...
how about randomly pop a ??? across the zone to force spawn it .. say every hour... Lottery spawns are fine.. but make it more frequent..
eliminate alot of hassle and pissed off players wanting to MPK the person that was successful at getting the mob.. that you've spent countless hours pursuing.. I haven't done anything like that personally.. but I can relate to the emotion of sitting there waiting for Centurio X-I to spawn and just as he does.. I'm clear across the zone .. then watching botters claim it twice.. btw averaged 6hrs between it's spawn.... so yeah. I was upset.. but all I could was congratulate the camper, and /sigh..
sit there and wait another 6hrs.. I pay to play the game.... not stare at the same group of rocks and get nothing out of it.. maybe a key item you could get from conquest guards that would help you get dropped coffer keys, or rare/ex armor.. help the drop rate.. and make more of these things rare/ex like you did the leaping boots, and peacock charm, and emperor hairpin..
of course available through bcnm's.. I applaud you all on that move!!
but point is .. remove the frustration, and you'll have less MPK attempts.. just my two-cents playing devil's advocate.

Edited, Fri Nov 4 12:21:04 2005 by Gevlorien
#429 Nov 04 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
I would like to highlight a suggestion that was made by another person that I really liked:

8) Make scent mean something. Deodorizers are more or less NPC fodder for Alchemists. With an enhanced scent system, a player could give themselves an affect to smell like a particular mob family. This could either reduce aggro based on detection type, or eliminate linking altogether.

Instead of having a generic deodorizer, have perfumes/scent oils that allow you to mask your characters smell to fool the mob. I thought this was one of the more original ideas I saw listed here, and just wanted to highlight it once more.

#430 Nov 04 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
442 posts
My suggestion: Have GMs actively watch HNM spawns that are often MPKed by RMT. Actually BAN those people for a several days if not weeks. Just do this a few times now and then to discourage MPKing. The reason why they do it is that they know they will never get caught. The presence of a GM is very intimidating and I believe it is the key to stopping acts of purposeful MPK. Set a few people as examples and let it be known that people are actually getting banned for it. You would only need to do this on occasion of course, having GMs at every spawn everytime is impossible, but doing it occasionally will let people know that something is being done.
#431 Nov 04 2005 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, this may sound stupid, but I like the excitement of MPK situations. Sure it's annoying, and sometimes can cost players many hours of gameplay, I've experienced it plenty of times, but if many of these suggestions are actually applied then that would take away from the situational dangers of an area. Does no one else enjoy trying to avoid 20 gobs all within 50 feet? I like watching people train things to the valkrum entrance, even when it kills me and I forgot to set my check point, so I end up back at Windy. I remember a particular incident when I was about 55: I saw this 65+MNK come out of Quicksand Caves as I was about to enter, and she had about 10% health, but I didn't think anything of it. I walked in and died before my taru could take even a single step because of the 10-15 undead just sitting at the entrance. It took about an hour for them to all disperse far enough to get on with leveling, and the exp loss was a pain, but I still think it was funny. Well, I suppose I see MPKs a little like life. Sometimes people can try and ***** you over, and if you don't know what is going on, or your situation just doesn't permit you to do anything, you do get sodomized. But if you do have the skill and/or luck, then you get to go on with life, feeling just a little more accomplished. Some things you just can't do anything about, and without those kinds of things, the appreciation for fairness just seems to drop. Sorry to ramble, but the big point is: bad luck and cruelty are a big part of real life, so why not part of the game too? Again, this probably sounds stupid, because it even does a little to myself, but I like the excitement, and I don't want the game to get 'too' easy.

Oh, and don't think that I MPK. I have once or twice, but they were accidents. Lol, I remember once I got all of the orcs in ghelsba on me when I just reached a 50 blm, I had pretty much crap equiped, and I was taru....so....yeah. It didn't end up how I expected, not with 120+ orcs hitting for 1-4 damage each every couple seconds. Anyway, 7 secs after I stopped, they caught up to me and I obviously died. Then pretty much everyone below lvl 30 died (luckily there weren't very many there that day). I felt bad, but then I got a /tell from one of them actually complimenting me, saying how awesome it was to see so many orcs mob everything. Well again, sorry about rambling.
#432 Nov 04 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
Although i like some of these ideas, if you are going to put these into effect you might as well start everyone off with a Lv75 Job. Quite a few of these ideas take away from learning how to play.
In the new zones you should allow it to be PvP, People mpk for a reason, so why not allow them to do it in certain areas.
#433 Nov 04 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
Oh, and I've never been big on camping NM or HNM, so I don't know much about those gilseller MPKs. It would probably agree it'd best to do something about that. I was refering to normal mobs earlier.
#434 Nov 04 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
I dig the idea of the GM Station, but let's take it one step further. Everytime an NM pops and someone doesnt win the claim, they are hooting and hollering for a GM that never shows up. A GM should 'pop' at the same time as the NM. Maybe even a little before. This way, the GM will have a chance to view the logs in real time and see if anyone was playing unfair.
#435 Nov 04 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,692 posts
Only problem when an offical posts in this fashion is how there swamped with replies, a lot of which are not even in reply to what they asked. This causes the official to quickly lose intrest and the initial idea fades away, posts like these need either heavy moderation or a post within the topic which can offer a summary so the person can quickly drop in and garner the information they want. Even as a forum goer and not an employee of SE, trudging through 8++ pages is going to become tedious. Thats the main reason developer interaction rarely works or lasts.



Give GM's more powers to punish players. They have banning and suspension atm but there really should be other in-game punishments, for instance boosting tax they have to pay on the AH and from Bazaars this could be tiered form of punishment that lasted a period of time. Maybe even a tag a GM could add to a player to set them as a trouble maker to others.

I'm sure you can think of other in-game GM punishments but I think this would be a very good thing to add, the current GM punishemnts are so hefty that you have to do something very bad to get them. Hence people get off with no punishment at all a lot of the time and the GM ends up looking like a toothless granny and the person in the wrong gets the idea there actions are more acceptable than they should be.



Mobs trained to a zone:

The level of the mob in relation to the person being chased should be directly linked to how long it will chase you, mobs should also have a a more territorial outlook where the further they get from there home-base the less they want to chase you and you have to have significant hate for them to carry on with it.

If mobs do get to a zone or far from there spawn spot they should not have there natural rest period between move phases or at least significantly reduced, this can be incredibly annoying for mobs like ghosts that rest for long periods between moving, it can make a zone a no go area for a long time. Possibly a 15-30 second grace period after hate is lost for them to get back to there home in a non aggro mode also.



This is really easy, remove bombs from the basement of GC, same for other popular party leveling spots. Mobs(bombs) that have high degree of misuse should be removed from areas that have high concentration of normal parties. The basments of GC for instance is so well known for MPK that I am suprised a GM has yet to put this idea forward.


Release MPK:

When a bst uses Release the mob should go into dazed state for 30 seconds-1minute while its walking home which means it becomes non aggro/non linking for that period of time. Mobs linked to the Bsts pet should react in the same was as mentioned in "Mobs trained to a zone:". This would stop a bst charming a high level pet attacking another mob then purposely linking it with 10 others dragging it to anywhere in the zone and releasing the entire posse on a party.


Have to be very careful that actions taken to combat MPK dont end up ruining the game by removeing the challenge or leading to things that become misused, a lot of people enjoy the extra challenge in the game in the way monster acts atm.

The problem with the ideas to stop MPK is there pretty big things to implement, so if nothing else a GM should be given more powers to punish players within the game world other than suspend or banning. Nobody would like to have to pay significantly more tax to buy/sell anything, and it would help remove gil from the economy >.>
#436 Nov 04 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
161 posts
I agree with everyone here who has suggested a change to GMs to prevent MPKing.

The MPK problem is not the mobs, it’s the GMs.

Seriously, you want to evoke laughter in someone who has MPK’d you. Threaten to call a GM, and that’s what people would do. “Oooo you called a GM, Im so scared.” I see threads about people just mocking your GMs and they do nothing but threaten action. People wouldn’t MPK if they knew that real repercussions would occur if they MPK. Save your developers a lot of time. Fix the GM system and for all humanity, drop the corporate manual responses of *We will investigate this matter.*

I don’t expect GMs to stand around waiting for an (H)NM to pop so people play nice. That’s a waste of time. Perhaps if a signal could be sent to GMs upon a major HNM popping so that there is a chance that a GM *could* be there watching.

As of right now your GMs are more like Tech Support, not Game Masters. I see zero interactivity with GMs and this game. If they are Game Masters then they should be cruising the streets looking for trouble on random servers. Figuring out which spots in the game are *areas to watch* for MPK is obvious.

And no, I don’t want to see GMs, keep them invisible and not talking to players. If I did see this, I couldn’t help but wonder about favoritism. That I do understand in terms of them not hanging around in the game.

If you cant have GMs watching the game at the time of major (H)NM pops, how about an instant GM call button. Consider it the 911 of FFXI. Have certain GMs who are on standby and strictly answer these types calls. Abuse of this button would cause the person to lose the ability to use the feature or be suspended depending on offense of abusing the feature. The instant GM call should have a GM show up within 30 seconds to the players position NOT just sending them a tell. Too many times have I seen GMs ask about offenses that are happening right when the GM starts communication, and THEY ARENT EVEN THERE to see it happening! And yes, it was MPKing.

Have a better method of evidence collecting. From GM screenshotted conversations, your own GMs have said they can do NOTHING against MPKing unless the person is stupid enough to say *I am going to MPK ____!* and then they do it. That is ridiculous, because now all people do is not talk about it, and then they get away with MPKing.

I do agree with the post that stated a flag is set on an alliance when they claim and NM. This flag should not keep other mobs from attacking them, but set up that group of players to be logged with certain feedback. Once an MPK starts, the GM should be able to easily see this data for evidence.

So again:

Don’t change the mobs, change the GMs.

Edited, Fri Nov 4 12:42:10 2005 by GreenEyeSwirl
#437 Nov 04 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
Suggestion: Increase the drop rate on over-camped NMs.

With the population rising, and a greater demand for rare items, there should be an equal turnout on drops. With 100 people needing an item, a 10% drop rate would be fine. But since there's 1000 people needing that item the 10% drop rate will make huge increases in AH prices which leads to the idea of buying gil more appealing.
#438 Nov 04 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
my input:

1: released BST pets sholdnt aggro until they've walked back to their spawn area

2: monster AoE's should not be able to hit people that arent in the party fighting the monster (this goes for BST 'Sic' too. the ability is near useless, as it can aggro all the mobs around you if you pet uses an AoE attack).

3: the issue that mobs under the Bind spell will attack anyone nearby

heres one i think we'd all enjoy:

Don't let monsters link with eachother!!! sure, beastmen are smart, it wouldnt be too abd if they linked, but not flies and worms and leeches and all that stuff!

how is it fair that an engaged monstr can have his buddies come and fight, but a beastmasters pet doesnt do the same? shouldnt my pets buddies come help him out, and link on the monster im fighting?
#439 Nov 04 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
272 posts
give them time to think of what they did to deserve it.. heck, put a dunce cap on their head or something..

LOL, I thot that was the O Hat...

Sorry, couldn't help myself. Nice post...

Dilligaf - Titan...
#440 Nov 04 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
127 posts
Suggestion: Get rid of all the gilsellers. That will take care of WAY over half the mpk problems. There's a list of gilsellers on the Seraph forum. Yes, we have no proof, but cmon, it's kinda obvious.

Suggestion: Make it so the same people cannot claim an HNM or the likes twice in a row. I know this would be difficult, but hear me out. Say pt #1 claims a 21-24 hr HNM on monday. Tuesday pt #2 comes in and claims it but has 4 members that fought it on monday with pt #1. Those 4 people should be automatically kicked from the pt. This would deter a LOT of HNM mpk because there would be no point other than just being jerks.

Suggestion: AOE's SHOULD hit everyone in it's area whether or not they are in the attacking party. AOE = Area of Effect If you are in the "Area of Effect" uh, duh, you should get hit. However, I have seen and been in too many pt's where HNM AOE's wipe a lower lvl pt exp'ing near it. There should be some sort of limiter that stops AOE damage to people outside the fighting party if the damage is above say 100 hp. There's nothing worse than being in the middle of a fight with a beetle in Garlaige and seeing your whole pt drop to the red from a Serket AOE that's almost too far away to see.

Just my 2 cents
#441 Nov 04 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
Suggestion: Make certain NM spawns that many many people kill, i.e. Mystikmaker Profblix just for one example, spawn more often. This would relieve the stress that causes some people to MPK. The game attitude toward NM killing could change as well. The focus of killing an NM should be, as many feel, the KILLING, not the CLAIMING

Such a good point... many people have quit this game over frustrating hours waiting to lose claim.
#442 Nov 04 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
573 posts
Ok, here's my 2 cents.
1. I read lots of gripes about BST and MPK and such. Lets talk about Thf and their abilities to hide and such also able to very easily MPK anyone they want at higher levels. MPK will always be there regardless unless you prevent a temp log to POL or completely logging off when engaged. Not really an option you want to take away or do you?
2. Stealing someones prey while they are engaged is rampent where drops are really worth something like tree cuttings and I have lost many gobbues to someone while fighting as I was engaged a link and the claim moved between me on link and my pet on the main target. That goes for any pt as well since even then the red claim will move back and forth between mobs. Lets fix that for all . If it's claimed it's claimed until the pt is all dead or zoned out.
3. Make more items ra/ex like you have the empress's pin and bounding boots. Only please increase the drop rates so someone doesn't go 0/30 camping LL trying for the boots. Camping these NM's has not dropped with the move of the high value sellable drops it's gotten worse on some items.
4. I say leave the linking system alone it is fine as is. I look at the jobs where posted on some of the complaints and I did not see much posted by those who specialize in pulling but from those other jobs. I find it hard to remember more than 10 links I've pulled in the last 4 levels as bst and those were in the tree, cape, and west altepa. Can't remember any links in the last 3 levels on rng in the nest. I tend to agree with one post I saw stating something along the lines of making a lazy/easy job of pulling with no danger.
5. Not sure on the item someone posted about your mob doing dmg to other close in pt's or transient players passing by. I see both sides of that issue and yes I've died while on choc at the main entrance to yhoat waiting for an invite by a pt's gob dropping a bomb many times. Only took a few to learn to move off and if that meant a new camp for pt so be it, we moved off to safer ground.
#443 Nov 04 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Sugestion: Sence a lot of people have said the worst mpk atempts are with HNM/NMs why not make alternatives to get some of the NM/HNM drops that are very mutch like the real thing. For example maybe have a lvl 75 ENM/BCNM/KSNM Alliance fight against a mob that similar to a NM/HNM for a similiar drop. Example maybe hae a 65 capped ENM where you can figth a NM for a serek ring that could be rare/ex or normal. However you need a alliance for that fight. This would allow a chance to go try to get these items the wya they were intended but not so often you could flood a market. It would prevent monopaliziation on these items by certain groups. Also it would be a alternative to have a garanteed way to atempt to get these items instead of going days or weeks with no claim on the said NM/HNM.

Suggestion: Have very short delay on mobs linking with argo mobs. This makes it so you still have to think while pulling for exp partys while stagering mobs so you don't have a huge train droped on you all at once for possible NM/HNM.

Suggestion: A way to know where you are in line when yo ucall a gm. Lets people know how soon to expect there call to get a responce. Also maybe have a way to prioritize calls to more important matters possibly for gms to respond faster. For example 10 calls are made 2 stuck in place 7 about something gm cant probly like return gil and last one a mpk atempt. Maybe have the MPK arive first then the stuck people then the others.

#444 Nov 04 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
174 posts
I personally think thats an awful idea (no offense intended). This just opens the door for people to be lazy. I can hear it now john doe and his party are in the rumble crawler room, and they get an add. John says zone it, the THF in the party zones it, along wiht every crawler from there to the zone, and now you have 78 crawlers wandering back to their homes, but no one in the entire zone has to worry about agro. This would make garrisons a lot easier, just have a friend zone all the mobs, and then you could kite all day long, with no worry of a link. Same goes for dangerous NM camps (Vrtra for example), you could just have one person zone all the mobs, and then zone back in, pass the mobs, and wait for them to get close again, and then rezone them. I just think it will cause more problems then solutions.

I'm sorry, I did not read through this whole thread and this might have already been mentioned but just incase.. I believe the problem you are suggesting could be solved by making it so the monsters only follow you a certain distance. And in cases like Vrtra or other mobs where you are supposed to have to deal with adds, make it so the mobs won't leave the room or something to that effect.
#445 Nov 04 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
Another form of MPK we've seen during Shikigami Weapon fights:

A party is camping Shikigami Weapon. They have successfully brought it out of hiding via link, and are busy fighting it. Several other weapons have linked, and they are currently being slept by the claiming party's black mage.

Joe MPK decides he wants Shikigami Weapon for himself. A variety of MPK methods are available to him, and he chooses one. He casts diaga on the slept links, thereby waking the entire group and preventing further sleep. The slept links mob the sleeper, who has built up more hate on them than the waker.

This sort of thing can happen in a variety of ways. All it requires is an enemy be slept and yellow, then any bystander can wander up, hit it, and cause all sorts of fun for the party.

The sad thing is that we can't really think of a complete solution to this.

A partial solution for this would be to make waking a slept mob give you temporary hate on that mob greater than anyone else's. The slept mob should come tearing after whatever woke them up, rather than the person who put them to sleep. That way, people who wake slept mobs would take a good beating, rather than the person who had been sleeping them.

There are problems with this solution, though, and that's why it's a partial solution. There's nothing to keep a BLM/RDM from applying phalanx, stoneskin, blink, then popping manafont, casting diaga, and immediately escaping/warping. Their defenses would probably keep them alive long enough to get out. Then what? We've only reduced the problem to requiring a 2hr ability to successfully MPK... and most people doing MPK don't particularly care if they die as a result. Also, this sort of workaround could have other unforeseen consequences, such as making it too easy for a sleeper to pin hate on the party's tank.

Any ideas about how to handle this sort of situation?
#446 Nov 04 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
28 posts
Suggestion: Change the loot tables in the 99KS bcnm's to reflect their King HNM counterpart. This will stop many MPK attempts and GM calls.
#447 Nov 04 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
Many wonderful suggestions so I will just offer my thoughts.

1) I too greatly dislike the bind thing, I was an innocent bystander that died when a NM was bound and I was the closest to it.

2) AOE - why is it that when my pet does AOE, nearby mobs will attack my pet, but when the mob I am fighting does an AOE, no nearby mobs will attack that one? AOE should be AOE for everyone.

3) Not sure there are enough GM to go around. And also, who is to say what is a deliberate MPK and an accidental one? I am a BST (wouldn't play the game if I had to be something else) and there are times when I head for the zone with several mobs screaming for my blood. If I make it out of the zone and if there is someone already at the zone then they could yell at me for MPK even though that is something I would never do regardless of how provoked I was.

4) Linking, if I were able to mass kill I would like for the linking to occur in farming situations. Maybe make it so the mobs quickly get back to the area they came from as has been mentioned.

5) REALLY like the idea of NM's not being able to be attacked by outside parties until fully healed.

Thanks SE for your efforts. You folks are doing a great job and I know you will work out something to improve the game
#449 Nov 04 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
267 posts
Concerns with many suggestions found on this thread relating to BSTs and BST abilities

Ahkore, (if you are still reading individual posts after nine pages ^^), first I would also like to thank you and SE for doing this. While I know the response is huge, and a lot to sort through (which is probably why it has not been done often or ever before), it does show to the player base that you are concerned about some things that happen in game that the general player base are afraid goes un-noticed.

I have been going through this thread and have seen some very disconcerting suggestions, comments and opinions involving BSTs and BST abilities.
I have started a thread on this in the BST forum here on alla:
Thread on BST Forums (clicky clicky)
Please take a look at it (it is an independent thread so it will get updated apart from this thread), so that hopefully the BST community can give input or feedback on a lot of suggestions put forth by players who may not understand the job.

As you can see from my signature, my main job is BST (as is my wife's, Rhinoa - static duo for almost 2 years now). I am also pretty involved with an all bst and smn linkshell on Odin, and generally find myself to be a big supporter of the job. Believe me when I say that most BSTs, by far the majority of us, would like to see MPK reduced or elminated. Frankly most of us have had to deal with the MPK issue much like other groups of people in real life have to deal with certain problems, essentially profiling. So bringing down the amount of MPK concerns amongst the general player base will hopefully result in less harrassment of BSTs on a day to day basis. However, we do not want to suddenly get hit with a massive change that cripples our job.

Thank you for your time, and for reading this and the referenced thread. ^^

Edited, Fri Nov 4 13:19:01 2005 by Darkraistlin
#450 Nov 04 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
Do like what has been done on EQ 2 once a mob attacks someone weather they zone or die...the monster will return to its predetermined movement pattern will not link with anything will not attack anyone untill its reached that spot
#451 Nov 04 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Suggestion 1) The way a bound monster behaves is wrong. That should be changed asap =)

Suggestion 2) As a Beastmaster, I know there is potential for big trains of monsters to be transfered to anyone they can aggro.
>>This should be changed by disallowing monsters to re-link for a short period of time if their hate table is cleared.<<

That would allow the mobs to behave like normal before and after the big link-train, and allow anyone who might fall victim a few moments to get out of the way, making this MPK method alot less dangerous and less likely to succeed.

This also solves the problem of training and then warping or zoning, to a certain degree. However, monsters trained to zone should still move back at the same speed and be dangerous, otherwise it encourages training and would disrupt the whole zone's native fauna.

Thanks for posting like this, I look forward to seeing the changes you implement to improve everyone's experience.

Edit: Added suggestion tags to comply with OP's wishes. Again noted to self never post in main forum, even (especially) if trying to contribute positively to the community.

Edited, Fri Nov 4 19:04:05 2005 by arcandor
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