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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#477 Nov 04 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
Here's a major issue... make CFH impossible on NM/HNM, but not everything "Impossible to gauge" Summons/Pets from HNM/NM should still be CFH. Like Kirins lesser gods should be able to CFH for on Kirin and the real version of the gods and what not, CFH should be disabled by the system.
#478 Nov 04 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
The entire reason is being missed here. If you want to stop MOST mpk's you need to look at why they are happening in the first place. MPK's on NM's and HNM's are for 1 reason claim for the kill to get the gil. The economic sytem in the game is flawed as well as the ease at which money can be transfered between players.
There is no limit to money transfers. The AH system with "No Limits" is a Gilbuyers/sellers/ RMT's dream. Fix this and fix the constant NM/HNM MPK's. Will it stop all mpk's? No.
You must limit prices in the AH and limit or stop gil transfers between players. Think about it you have players on severs that are pawns for the gilbuyers and sellers that transfer large amounts of gil and most likely have never stepped foot out of the city they are in. I'm sure you could track this.
You made a small step by limiting purchases at NPC's and causing inflation with that item based upon previous sales but if you ask me it wasn't the gil sellers exploiting this system it was players who were trying every avenue available to them to make the gil they needed to advance in the game. It's the RMT's who mpk/ get the drop/ and jack up the prices forcing some players to go to these levels just to continue to play a fantastic game.
This game was designed for adventure and fun. Unfortunatly it has turned into a game about money.

One other thing I would like to ask you remove the /random from the game to stop the casino play. These lazy casino people need to get out and farm like the rest of us and not possibly lead a 14+yr old into a life of gambling in RL.

Thank you
Sandar, previously of lakshmi.
#479 Nov 04 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
Okay, forget reading the 10~ pages... chances of this being said already, 90%

Basically what I'm getting from the suggestion about no-aggro until they get back to home is... well... just that.

If you implement it, make sure they don't link on the way back 'home' either, or it will just be a waste of time.
#480 Nov 04 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
42 posts
So much of the difficulty with Bsts has to do with other players not understanding how we work.

The suggestion: "BSTs should not recieve the 30% xp penalty. This would eliminate them from having to release at the end of every battle." Doesn't take into account at all the VT and NM fights that take multiple pets, our careful creation of an Even Match zoo and pet-swapping, and that on longer fights our pet becomes un-charmed and starts taking chunks out of us if we don't Leave and switch in a timely fashion.

With the introduction of NPC friends and SE stating that they intend to add more solo play... I would rather see certain areas become solo-play areas, where the 30% penalty is given to any party with more than 4 members, and removed for trios, duos and solo players, bst or not. The two styles of play seldom mix well, but as the server populations increase we come more and more in conflict.

Another possibility would be a tagging system, bst can "Tag" up to 3 pets and pets-to-be - with an appropriate timer - that makes them non-targetable by anyone not in a party with the bst. The "tagged" mobs will not aggro anyone not in the bsts party until the "Tag" timer runs out. Similar to "Tame" but longer and with the addition of non-targetability (sp?). For all the claims of bst-MPK, there's a bst who just died because someone came along and killed their next pet. Often because they didn't see us... often because they had no idea we needed another pet, and sometimes maliciously.

#481 Nov 04 2005 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
659 posts
Regarding the issue of MPK during battles with mobs that have highly desirable drops, (serket, simurgh, kirin, etc.) perhaps the issue could be solved by only allowing interaction between players with the same linkshell equipped.

Ie: A fight vs Jormungand requires a great deal more than 18ppl to succeed.. There are going to be additional melee building TP for WS/SC, combat mages resting for MP, healers healing the main combat alliance, even additional parties/alliances to handle other mobs that may spawn and interfere with the battle, etc... All of which are the commonly used and logical actions for 90%+ of those successful.
As the system is now, a 2nd non-related group of players could train in a bunch of mobs into the area the fight vs the Wyrm is occurring in, purposefully lose hate by whatever means, allowing "their" mobs to wreak havoc on those involved in the fight against the wyrm.
Or, that 2nd group could focus on exploiting the "loss of claim" bug that occurs frequently for short periods of time during long battles, in an attempt to outright steal the contested mob, often when the mob has been reduced to a pathetic state by the legitimate players, resulting in an easy kill and theft of the dropped items.
There are other means of MPK/griefing, but I feel that these could be the simplest to fix.. That's right, simple to fix.

Suggested Fix: Limit the interactions of those involved in a fight against any NM to those equipped with the same linkshell. ^^
This would not alter the current combat system much at all, except effectively putting a linkshell-limited /blockaid up on all members in the same immediate area (longbow/casting range basically) as the NM that is being fought.

Fix #2: Eliminate the "loss of claim" bug that occurs during these longer battles when a player with the NM's attention dies/DCs/disengages (or warps/teles/zones for that matter.) I personally like the suggestion that as long as anyone on a NM's hatelist lives, it stays claimed.. This would also insure that the big NMs that necessitate multi-alliance battles are not futile efforts, with the same group that started the fight retaining claim until every member is dead/zoned..
It seems truly unfair for a group not involved with the wearing down of an impossibly difficult NM to end up grabbing the claim, kill, and loot due to this.

Fix #3: Somewhat related to #2, eliminate the same "loss of claim" effect for BST due to their pets. It does not seem unfair to me for a BST to use the tactic of killing 2 mobs at the same time with a strong pet, but it is unfair for other players to exploit the bug at this time to steal the claim of any of that BST's targets.. I believe this is also what causes some BST to become bitter and willing to MPK others for little reason. Eliminating this problem could reduce the issue of BST MPK'ing to a non-issue. ^^

Fix #4: Please increase the spawn rate of normal NMs that only drop R/Ex equips! >_< For instance, if Argus was a 30min pop, then the competition on it would rapidly fade. Worries of MPK'ing would evaporate as well.. This should be done on all the lower level NMs that drop the lower lvl equipment (40 or lower) that are considered "end-game" equips... Peacock Charm, Leaping Boots, Archer's Ring are all very good examples of this... and while the recent changes to alternate, yet identical, R/Ex drops was a smart move, there needs to also be an increase in both the spawn times and drop rates of these kinds of equips... Having to camp Leaping Lizzy for days, getting many claims and kills, but not getting the drop is a frustrating experience, both for the veteran who is looking to get "the best" equipment, and the newer player who wants "the best at my level" equipment but has to compete for the claim with the veteran.. when no one gets the item, no one is happy.. Also, regarding this type of issue, please consider making all 21-24hr NMs have a 100% droprate of R/Ex equips... ^^;;; It is unbelievably frustrating to spend days and weeks of available game time repeatedly camping/killing a NM that only drops a R/Ex equip, but not getting the drop... I'm sure that if they were 100%, there would even be more players willing to help each other out, while now, they shrug off help requests due to them most likely being a pure waste of time.
#482 Nov 04 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
I noticed a repeated suggestion to put a GM at every HNM spawn point to watch for gilsellers and the like MPKing other players. While I believe this to be impractical...I suggest this:

::Suggesion:: Put GM's in their "invisible mode" at random points throughout the game, changing the points daily. This would require much less GM's, but still make it to where people who MIGHT MPK, would reconsider because a GM MIGHT be there.

This is my first post. I hope it was of use. Thank you!
#483 Nov 04 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
OK~ i think getting rid off the ability of mpk may cause a few other problems, yes i would like mpk to be a thing if the past but~ Since it's a big problem i may have a idea, forgive me if it has allready been posted in one form or another... When a mob<s> links~ and the person it is going afther zones,warps,dies ect... it should loes its ability to agro some one for atleast 1/4 of it's trip back to it's spawn point. The claimed mob <not linked, should just not agro for 5 seconds~ I do not beleave AOE should hit only party members. It won't make much cents if a bomb drops and only the person fighting it gets hit, i also don't think these ideas should fall into play in areas like dynamis. These are my ideas, i would like mpk to go away but i don't want to see it get easyer for every day partying reguarding mpk

#484 Nov 04 2005 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
You should be able to shoot the person mpking the monster to the party.
#485 Nov 04 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
MPK HAPPENS FOR A REASON!! and how do you know this guy really works for s/e anyways? And why does everyone keep saying the same idea's? sounds to me like the beastmaster's keep on getting all the blame or screwed somehow, !!!first off more then half the mpk problem is you have a party that get's killed an cry's mpk to the gm so you have 6 people against the 1 beastmaster who either died,zoned,mischarmed or just had his almost dead NM stolen because s/e only gives the target 5 seconds before it can be reclaimed or had his ONLY place to level up taken over by a party that refuses to find another camp. ASK YOURSELF --- WHY DID I GET MPK'ed...
#486 Nov 04 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent

** Weakened player SHOULD NOT get agro **
he/she already lost exp and unfair to lose exp again

** Training **
ppl use training as a game tactic. using it for a bad things shouldn't force ya to remove it. YOU should punish who did that.

** AoE **
normal mobs/NMs should only effect party/allince only. HNM effect all.

#487 Nov 04 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
25 posts
Sugggestion: Decrease the time between spawns on some very difficult NMs. Perhaps people who MPK would have less reason to try and hijack an alliance's NM attempt if they knew that in an hour or two - instead of days or weeks - there would be another chance to defeat it the 'right' way.

Besides... Fighting NMs is fun, why make the opportunity to engage in this game activity so rare? Worried about devaluing the drops? Meh. Nothing can make the fun you had while killing the monster any less valuable.
#488 Nov 04 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
All the suggestions you guys talked about are great, But what about the RMT? you cant Mine in Gusgen mines in Slyph.

i seriously think that if you guys (GM) were more aware of the problems of RMT that messes up this wonderful games economy.

It's really sad and depressing when you call a GM and they do abouslutley not one thing about it. take for instance Mammingway on sylph beastmen blood sells for 70k a stack. now look at the price history, then do a /sea all mam every time you log in, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out wow over the last 3 months this guys hasnt slept one day. also all the lvl 50 drg running around gusgen mines. who also never sleep and never leave there spot, I even had one admit to me she's rmt 16 y/o from china charater name domape. I then called a GM 1 hour 15 minutes later he answers my call. I had asked him to view my /tell logs so he could see for him self what she had said.
here it is 3 months later the same charater is still minning gusgen mines.

On Sylph alot of players have resorted to MPKing the RMT players.
Such as Chest Backhamme freindly/Heroism LS that is a RMT LS.

I guess what I am Saying is. Untill you get Rid of the RMT players then dont do away with MPKing, other wise you are actively taking away the only way we can fight back.

Oh btw here's a huge Hint on what programs you are looking for.

Edit for spelling and grammar.
#489 Nov 04 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
All the suggestions you guys talked about are great, But what about the RMT? you cant Mine in Gusgen mines in Slyph.

i seriously think that if you guys (GM) were more aware of the problems of RMT that messes up this wonderful games economy.

It's really sad and depressing when you call a GM and they do abouslutley not one thing about it. take for instance Mammingway on sylph beastmen blood sells for 70k a stack. now look at the price history, then do a /sea all mam every time you log in, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out wow over the last 3 months this guys hasnt slept one day. also all the lvl 50 drg running around gusgen mines. who also never sleep and never leave there spot, I even had one admit to me she's rmt 16 y/o from china charater name domape. I then called a GM 1 hour 15 minutes later he answers my call. I had asked him to view my /tell logs so he could see for him self what she had said.
here it is 3 months later the same charater is still minning gusgen mines.

On Sylph alot of players have resorted to MPKing the RMT players.
Such as Chest Backhamme freindly/Heroism LS that is a RMT LS.

I guess what I am Saying is. Untill you get Rid of the RMT players then dont do away with MPKing, other wise you are actively taking away the only way we can fight back.

Oh btw here's a huge Hint on what programs you are looking for.

Edit for spelling and grammar.
#490 Nov 04 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Excellent
1,451 posts
Guys stop asking questions about things he's not asking you about. He came here asking about MPKing and I've read people say things about which jobs need boosting, who's going to get nerfed, and now gilsellers. Maybe SE didn't ask our opinion on things earlier because they didn't want a million off-topic questions from people who can't stick to the topic at hand?

Stick to talking about MPKing for now. Next time he might ask about nerfing, or boosting or whatever. If you guys keep asking off-topic questions there might not be a next time, so chill out.

#491 Nov 04 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
180 posts
Heres mine:

1. When a Monster is zoned, that monster will not argo or link for a certain time or distance on its way back to its original spawn. Possibly not link or argo at all till back at this spawn.

2. Same for the above for leaved bst pets.

3. Make leaved bst pets unable to be claimed for a short time.
Not applied to party members.
( so people cant abuse or basically mpk a bst.)
#492 Nov 04 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Good
2,214 posts
Suggestion: Make more mobs "Party" aggro. Basically, there are certain mobs that have aggroed/linked to a particular player, and even though no other PT member has influenced the mob or the player, it has an intial hate value for all players in the party. That would solve the issue of people trying to zone mobs in Ro' Maeve and giving everyone a free ride, since the mobs will, once the one player zones, be hot on the trail of all other players in their pt (there are flaws such as disbanding, or what to do about alliances).

Suggestion: random delay period (cooldown) after a mob looses aggro. E.g. mob begins to return to its start point rather then aggroing on the first person it sees, however, say 30 seconds to a minute later it can link or aggro. Obviously bind and sleep might be a problem to this, however, if the delay is long enough it would allow the mob to move away from the party it was dropped on before it could aggro again.

Suggestion: Pets released with the Leave command automatically return to start point before aggroing. The other two suggestions work to cut down on party aggro and zoning mobs while still leaving the risk of running into random mobs into the game. The Bst pet getting dumped on pts is simply a nuisance, and can not be used to flush zones of mobs for easier running.

Suggestion: Have mobs remember hate until they are either engaged by another person, or a set period of time has ellapsed. E.g. person trains a mob at a pt, dumps it on them, zones and returns, mob re-aggros on that person if no-one else has claimed it (this could have issues with locking mobs at zones, or in the case of a bad pull, pts could be stuck having to wait for mobs to cool down before returning).

Suggestion: Give rangers or thfs an ability to drop party hate from a mob. Like hide, however, works with all mobs, and even if mob has been hurt by pt will not return for other members. E.g. Fighting a crawler in the nest. Pt next to you dies, their crawler links in on your pt. Thf can pull the mob, run it out of the room, use Decoy move, and return to the PT w/o linked mob.

Suggestion: AoE attacks only influence people who have affected the mob, or any party member affecting the mob. Nothing like fighting a gob in Yuthunga and getting slept by a pt that just moved in fighting a mandy.

Suggestion: When a person engages a mob that has been previously attacked by someone (e.g. a linked mob) all hate is removed from the party that previously engaged it. I don't know how that would work for alliances, however, I have heard of, and been in a pt that has been exposed to a mob that was attacking us, while someone else had claim on the mob. It is hard to do, and will not directly kill you, however, it can be incredibly painful to have a mob that you can not attack, attacking you.
#493 Nov 04 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good

1) Have it so that if somone is bringing a monster or a chain of monsters to mpk a party or alliance with in a certain range of the nm. The mob will stop and use draw in to bring the person back, so the person HAS to fight the monster or they will die. Even if the person dies, the mob will be out of range. But if a mob or mobs come with in range on its own, it will aggro the party or alliance.

2) With bst pets, make them go through the somewhat the same way as #1 but if the pet comes with-in range, have it move out of range with out aggroing and have it reaggro again after its out of range

Edited, Fri Nov 4 16:17:43 2005 by DnightX
#494 Nov 04 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
Ok 1st off any suggestion about altering the AOE effects of monster moves will never happen. I personally think that the AOE thing is fine just don't go running around in red hp and you'll be fine.

My suggestions would be having GM's set at random Nm and Hnm spawn points Looking for RMTS that MPK you.

My second idea would be alter the effects of bsts leave move. Making it so the monster has been released dies after the bst uses it.
#495 Nov 04 2005 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
299 posts
After reading mostly all the posts I really like the following suggestions.
For the random hnm suggestion, however the GM would need to be invisible/not targetable for this not to give away when it is gonna pop. After the spawn & claim the gm should be visible to all so that ppl know there is a chance that they could be caught mpk’n & that gm’s are gonna be watching. I think that on the second suggestion you’d have to make sure that these ppl have a clean record, perhaps talk to several random ppl (pick ppl who are on during same time & have many game hrs) as well ls mates…do you know ___? Tell me about ___? etc. Do this anonymously so they don’t know you’re a gm, that way they can’t know & fake their answers.


Suggestion #1: At a randomly selected time Issue a [GM] to watch over the spawn of a popularly camped HNM, if a [GM] would simply watch the events of a Serket pop, a Fafnir/Nidhogg pop etc, they may be able to easily deduce rule breaking behavior made by those players present. Serket can be especially violent, with RMT running rampant and trying to MPK everyone around.

Suggestion #2: Have a single or small group of [GM]s who run a player based orginization on each server, this would allow you to darastically increase your manpower without needlessly increasing costs. Do not neccesarily give these volunteers and [GM] powers or abilities, however make them able to easily contact the head [GM] quickly to report any indescent and rule breaking activities. But do not make this system NPC based like a Mentor system where everyone can join. An applicant should be required to meet with the [GM] for their server in a one-on-one interview much like an application for a real job. To encourage activity possibly create a small in-game salary.

Mistress Melphina

2) suggestion: I like the system of implementing a way to see where your GM call is in the que. I place a call and get "There are 34 GM calls before you". I then have no way of knowing the status of my call 10 minutes later and no way of knowing if the GM is soon coming. Am I now 15th in line?? 2nd?? still 28th?? I have no idea. Please fix this.
#496 Nov 04 2005 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
If a mob which usually aggro to PC, make it not to do so at zone is strange.

I suggest add some NPC Patrol at zone where people usually level.
When unclaimed mobs been trained to zone, those heigher lvl npc will attack the mobs and get hate.

#497 Nov 04 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
Much of what I'm thinking has been said already, like so many others. Some of the ideas, though they seem nice at first, are very situational and won't work all the time (like AoE damage not effecting outside players).

Though my ideas may seem "off topic" they are more on topic than some of the other posts. In order to address "MPK" we have to look at it as a cause and effect relationship. Its more psychological than it is tangible. We have to ask "Why?" do people MPK and address THAT answer. Though people may find various answers to "Why" most of us already know. 10% of people who MPK don't like someone and are doing it as revenge/dislike or because they think its funny. The other 90% of the time its because they want an enemy who drops something they can sell.

My thoughts as far as MPK goes are:

1. I like the idea of not having a monster become unclaimed until its 100% full on life. This makes it easily fair in every sense. This would highly discourage those who choose to MPK to get the claim and for them to have a quicker battle.

2. IMPLEMENT MORE RARE/EX ON DESIRABLE ITEMS. In fact, 90-100% of every item dropped from an NM should be Rare/Ex. NMs should be there for people who NEED the gear, not for those who want to make a quick gil. Leaping Boots and Emperor's Hairpin were the first step. Now, we need Rare/Ex Ochiudo's Kote, Jujitsu Gi (yes, I know its used in a synth), and all the other items that are highly desirable. I myself work too much now to be able to make enough gil to purchase most of this, and we have botters, 24/7 gil seller campers, and other people who won't even use the drop. NMs are for people who WANT the gear without taking the quick route of just buying it.

3. More Rare/Ex item ENM battles. Make Palborough Mines, Horlais Peak, and Giddues into ENM battles as well, creating more accessible places with more options. (For these, make it so no items drops that isn't rare/ex, people won't care about it if they aren't going to use it). The biggest problem is equipment options. People don't care about a piece of gear with defense and no stats, we want additional stats, effects, and skills. People MPK for money almost 90% of the time (the other 10% is because they don't like someone). If we take away their "money" making scheme, they WILL stop.

4. Make a maximum number of link that one person can have total. Or better yet, make it so the party itself can only have a certain number of links. 4 or 5 would be fairly reasonable. Its enough to detract a group with a bad puller (they have to learn, taking it away doesn't help anyone), but not enough to throw off a group facing a high level notorious monster or HNM.

5. Create an ability to make the sneak, invisible, and deodorize spells AoE. It can become a Job Ability for White Mage (most probable) or become an -aga spell. Either way, this would most definitely help out avoiding intentional and unintentional trains. (Perhaps there should also be a way for this effect to last WHILE fighting a monster thats already been engaged. That way there is no aggro while fighting. Afterwards, if another is pulled THEN the effect would wear off.) For example: Party A pulls a bat in Garliage Citadel. Ninja A trains undead and bats to the zone. Party A's White Mage uses Sneakga or an AoE enhancing spell to make sneak hit all party members at once. Sneak does not wear as the party has ALREADY engaged the enemy, after the enemy is dead, THEN sneak will wear if someone attacks another enemy. The trained monsters then pass the group with NO aggro. (Also, please fix the randomness on sneak, invisible and deodorize! Make it so enhancing skill affects the MINIMUM time it lasts, so many people are tired of their spell wearing off three seconds after its cast!)

5b. Additionally, make it so trained enemies who are far away from their original spawn point don't stop 16 times before heading back. As soon as the person who trained them loses hate (zones out or dies), the monsters immediatly make a B-line straight to their original area.

6. Alternatively, creating "warnings" for certain players who are reported numerous times for training on purpose/MPKing. These warnings will serve as notice to those who are partying in areas and also can be used by GMs to suspend someone who is an avid MPKer.

7. Fix the Bind problem! The original puller/linker should have hate, not a random party who has NOT hit the enemy nor has any menas to defend themselves.

Sehira above me has some great ideas as well, actually using the intimidation chart to keep some monsters away from each other would not only alleviate many MPK problems, but lend another dimension of realism to the game. This is probably one of the better suggestions I've read throughout the entire discussion and just wanted to say I agree with it whole heartedly.

Again, there are two kinds of MPK that has to be addressed, the MPK out of desperation or for money (NM MPKing) or the MPKing because someone thinks its funny or doens't like someone else (Revenge/dislike).
#498 Nov 04 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
184 posts

Unleash the PvP system or at least at all the HNM sites, just have a prompt for users with a reminder of some sort of code of ethics (e.g. bushido) and agree to enter an area where PvP in affects.

Well known HNM linkshells all have unwritten code of conducts of not to steal claim or MPK other LSs when doing HNM or Gods. Things get messy usually when gil seller LSs start to stir things up.

The root cause for the MPK problem at HNM sites is because some people see the drops as money/gil; meanwhile others players want the drop as a trophy. Great job on changing drops to ex/ra.

Normal monsters aggro
As for the monster trains, maybe make the monsters non aggro until it is back to their original spot. If people decide to pull from the train, the monsters will only aggro the player who pulled.
#499 Nov 04 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
1. a level 75 guy will not take damage from a monster in valkrum dunes
2. if the high level persons happens to have blaze spikes up, the monster will take damage which causes the party to recieve 0 exp.
#500 Nov 04 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
Here's a suggestion: don't ever ask any question on Allakhazam unless you're ready for a dumb answer.

FFXIOnline.com and even Killingifrit.com will provide answers of higher quality and caliber.
#501 Nov 04 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
What if;
Instead of making it so Mining points stop popping when camped or botted, they continued to pop as usual but occasionally mining a point would spawn a mob or NM to fight.

To work, the mob would pop Green, would not agro to pet attacks, would attack only the miner that popped it.
These mobs would be a lvl equal to the average lvl of mobs in a given area say Gusgen mines would be as powerful as the highest to mid lvl mobs in that area.

This would be just enough to quickly dispatch anyone seeking to bot mining points. They could not be called for help on so it would be a solo battle if the person was not in party.

Rewards for killing the mobs, and types of mobs popped could be.

Mining points: Worm/Skeleton; drop: ore, minerals, stones, ancient beast coins, Rare/Ex or temp items usable by miners to improve mining results.

Logging points: Bee/Bird; drop: logs, lumber, fruit, ancient bst coins, Rare/ex or temp items for logging results.

Harvesting points: Crawler/Beetle: Grasses, dropped items, fruit, ancient bst coins, Rare/ex or temp items for harvesting results.

Better or hq items could be obtainable from random NM versions of the mobs which could pop instead of normal versions at any time without warning.

To ensure that botting does not continue, a timer would not be in place instead mobs could pop as soon as the next mining point or as late as the tenth. This is similar to the antifishing bot measures taken but possibilities of items or rewards would make mining/logging/harvesting more appealing to players and reduce over pricing in Auction houses.

Also wouldn't it be nice to see a mining botter or Haho being beaten down by a mob or NM that they just popped . Lovebaobao would become so poor it would be hilarious. Dead mining bots give me this warm and fuzzy psychotic feeling all over and make me so happy.

The logical locations for this sort of thing would be Gusgen mines where CGF are notorious for monopolizing entrance area mining points, as well as other easily accessed area's of the game.

Just this much would make mining experience much nicer for everyone but the RMT/CGF/gilsellers. As for mpking get rid of the bugs and the chinese gil farmers/sellers and there goes your problems. We the players of FFXI are tired of the "Blind Eye" that is turned on CGF, if you google FFXI you will get 3 legitimate websites as well as several sites such as IGE, and MOGS and other foreign companies.

That is what people see when they look up FFXI. Not players raving about how great an experience it is but sales people hawking game currency at competitively low prices, and forums like this where people rant and rave about how corrupt the system is and make noise about in game drama.

We love this game or this site wouldnt exist, we want the game to do well and continue the story that is being told. We don't want to be taxed by these wastes of life called RMT or CGF. We want to spend our time adventuring but we want to do it legitimately.

Also you should know about a bug in your system that allows people to remove the .dat files for certain linking mobs around the Ground kings. You need to have the game scan the files on every system accessing the network and block entry to anyone missing these files, a flag should be placed on any account missing the files for any mobs.

This bug gives certain individuals an advantage in heavily contested area's. Accounts with tampered with .dat files should be suspended upon regaining access for cheating, as violation of the TOS. This scan can easily be done during the next update as a required measure to sign back on. The .dat files that should be of concern are the files for Darters in Dragons Aery. Or if it helps make it so if a .dat file is missing for any part of an area including all mobs the character will glitch or recieve a FFXI error.

To prevent botting and MPKing all a GM needs do is appear at the actual spawn time when the HNM 21-24 hr spawn packet is dropped in. GM's can see 3rd party programming supposedly, this would kill botters fast and stop MPKing as those responsible are removed mid kill. Most HNM's/Kings/ect are stagger spawn no 2 spawn at the same time in the same period. It is actually very possible to have a GM present at all HNM pops exactly when most of the activity is occuring.
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