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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#527 Nov 04 2005 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
Suggestion: Make it so you can't get aggro thru walls/doors! Alot of innocent MPKs occur this way. The mob magically walks thru walls/doors and beats the crap out of you.

Suggestion: If you get hate solo, the monster should not attack anyone else while you have it claimed, unless you get help (powerlevelers, random help, stuff that will give hate in a party as well). If in a party, only people in that party when the mob is claimed can be attacked by that mob (again execpt the above listed).

#528 Nov 04 2005 at 7:05 PM Rating: Good
Here's a thought: an MPK very often involves only one high lvl character dumping a train at zone. SO ...

SUGGESTION: If number_in_party = 1 AND party_zones AND multiple_mobs_attacking_party THEN mobs_go_home

Perhaps also add a level check (if character_level >= (mob_level + 10)) ?

You could also conceivably add (THEN notify_GM)

Titan Server
#529 Nov 04 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
3,432 posts
A lot of the suggestions that are being made here and were proposed initially by the SE rep would get abused in obvious ways.

With reguard to HNMs and NMs, I think that the most obvious thing to do that would remove MPKs and botting attempts would be to make lots and lots of things spawned rather than 21-24 hour windows. I also agree that the pop items should be rare/ex and difficult to get. This would help a lot since it would allow people to gather their friends for a large fight after getting the spawn item. Personally, I think that said spawn items should be dropped by something in the zone that the mob spawns in, but at a rate so that 18 people slaughtering everything they can find would get 1 every 3-4 hours (ala Ro'meave water).

Of course, even this could be abused, if the gilsellers (or other people) monopolized everything in a small zone and then forced people to include them to get the pop items.

Making stuff instanced would also be interesting, but perhaps it could be done by having the alliance/party that the claimer is with be drawn into the new zone with the NM. Of course, this would also eliminate much of the power of beastmasters for these fights, as they would have no pets. It would also remove some of the complications from fights in areas with mobs that will aggro to level 75 peeps.

Anyway, I think what I'm trying to say is that there doesn't seem to be a very good solution to the problem. Many of the proposed solutions have obvious ways they could be exploited, or would place undue burdens on the non-24/7 people that want to participate in HNM activities. The one that I like best is making mobs spawned via an item rather than occuring at a semi-random time. This would elminate much of the reason that people MPK (so they get an opportunity to fight the mob), and make it much easier for people that are on in the evenings to do some of these activities with their friends.

For example, Fafnir could be spawned by carrying a rare/ex item "Baby Dragon" into the 'pit' area in Dragon's Aery (Her maternal instincts kicking in cause her to aggro the party, otherwise she lives out of sight). The baby dragon could drop off a spider or demonic rose in Dragon's Aery. Similarly, other items could cause the other land HNMs to attack people if they enter the right area while carrying them.
#530 Nov 04 2005 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
527 posts
Suggestion: Instancing. Why do all HNM fights have to be in "public"? If people have to wait 24-72 hours for a monster to pop, of course it is going to get nasty. I understand SE wants to make certain items super massive uber elite to get, but when you drive people into a frenzied craze of competition, this is what happens. It's like you are dangling a sirloin steak over the heads of 1000's of starving people. Stop.

Suggestion: Think [b]Dynamis... Or instead think Ballista and Garrison where players are seperated from each other while existing in the same zone.[/b] You cant interact with people fighting in those events, why should fighting HNM's have to be any different? And /blockaid is not an answer to this.

Suggestion: Make BC500 battles, 1000, 5000, who knows. Make them difficult with these HNM's, but make them instanced. Instance XP spots for a cost of seals or other items. We all understand this is a FF game that will require 100 years of constant eye bleeding fun to breed the golden chocobo but COME ON!

SUGGESTION: PLEASE!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF ANYTHING GOOD!!!! DO NOT gimp the jobs. Jobs/job abilities are NOT the problem. Players are.
#531 Nov 04 2005 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
1,100 posts
I hope this hasn't been said already but there's 10 pages of stuff that I can't get to on this crappy internet connection of mine.

"Suggestion: Remove the option to 'call for help' on a Notorious Monster."

Reasoning: People who are holding an NM but can't beat it will call for help to by time.
People, gilsellers do this a lot, will hold an NM like Simurgh, or steal it, and call for help if they themselves cannot kill it.
#532 Nov 04 2005 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
For HNM Spawns, I suggest the following:

1) When a LS engages a HNM, all players are forced X meters away from the HNM unless they are in the party. Think of this as a protective barrier. Not only does it solve the problems with people linking and MPKing linkshells, but it also keeps the lag down in high graphic areas (like Aery). This would null the need to make a monster passive to aggro (such as spiders). Think of this as a reverse draw-in. If a player drops party though, they could gain an immunity to the pushout (cool down maybe?) so they aren't thrust far away immediatly.

2) For BST charmed pets, I suggest reseting a charmed pet's TP after it's released. I've had times where I've claimed a BST's mob and it'll unload with a TP move at the very beginning.
#533 Nov 04 2005 at 7:37 PM Rating: Good
For HNM Spawns, I suggest the following:

1) When a LS engages a HNM, all players are forced X meters away from the HNM unless they are in the party. Think of this as a protective barrier. Not only does it solve the problems with people linking and MPKing linkshells, but it also keeps the lag down in high graphic areas (like Aery). This would null the need to make a monster passive to aggro (such as spiders). Think of this as a reverse draw-in. If a player drops party though, they could gain an immunity to the pushout (cool down maybe?) so they aren't thrust far away immediatly.

2) For BST charmed pets, I suggest reseting a charmed pet's TP after it's released. I've had times where I've claimed a BST's mob and it'll unload with a TP move at the very beginning.
#534 Nov 04 2005 at 7:58 PM Rating: Good
16 posts

"3. Make darn sure that monsters cannot go yellow during anytime a fight is ensuing by the people that legitaemly claimed the said monster in question."

Yes, please.

Leather: 42
Cooking: 52
#535 Nov 04 2005 at 7:59 PM Rating: Good
234 posts
Well I'm glad someone official (I hope) is attempting to finally correspond with the public. I don't mean this to sound bad or anything, but why now of all times? It's been 3 years since it came out in NA and over 5 years since it came out in Japan. While I can't speak for the Japanese, the only official correspondence we've had with SE on this game are assorted interviews with spokespeople and GMs. I'm just a bit curious why it has taken this long for someone to stand up and actually try to communicate with anyone on an open forum level.

Despite how negative the above statement sounds, I applaud your efforts for trying to help the community, and I hope after you've gained enough feedback on this specific topic (500 or so posts should be enough I'd think, it gets redundant after a while), you'll ask the community about other issues in the game such as RMT, NM monopoly, etc, and hopefully we can get rid of most of the other problems in the game.

Thanks again for your time.
#536 Nov 04 2005 at 7:59 PM Rating: Good
122 posts
I actually was not going to post, what I am about to, but it's an idea that has been brought up many a time.

Having just the party/alliance of an HNM claim group get warped or a protective barrier around them or whatever (idea was brought up in many different ways), I won't deny it I like the idea, but can use some tweaking.

Instead of it only being the party/alliance should make it anyone in that LS in that zone that gets warped to a BC or gets a protective wall around them. If it's one of the 3 kings that spawns and the particualar LS needs more than an alliance they should still have the resources to sub members in and out of the alliance. I love the idea of being sent to a BC because the lag would get reduced so much by that. Other than that I think most the ideas are great.

Also, many have stated this as well, look at who is doing the MPK'ing. Try to fix the conflict by dealing with the MPKers themseleves. Personally I much rather see something done about the MPKers than the game itself getting changed. If MPKers can actually get in trouble for MPK than I'm sure the MPK rate would go down.
#537 Nov 04 2005 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
wow an SE rep taking the time to care! this is a very touching moment and i'm not being my normal sarcastic self. it's great to see SE caring about the community ^^ i have several suggestions so here we go.

Suggestion: Lotto pops, make it to where they pop to the person who did the work. i spent over 6 hours total killing tremor rams to get rampaging ram to pop only to have a whm who had no use of drop take it and then report me for using a /slap emote. the annoyance at having worked so hard for that only to have someone else take your prize will drive even honest ppl to atleast consider mpk. i do like how you guy's are leaning moer twoards force pop's from the looks of things so kudos.

Have GM's actually take action i can't count the times i've seen stuff reported it it was still going on when the GM got there and they took no action.

i do love the idea of the train not attacking till back in thier range that would be totally awesome i can't count the times i've had to stop xp'ing in cape terigan cause of some idiot puller zoning pugils.

and to the person earlier who surgested the zoning of the mob and them disapearring then being reset shortly after i like the idea but i'm worried about the lag that would put on the server and it would be done to get ppl to DC at some of the big fights.

please do not remove linking mobs they're what make it fun imo. and it makes sense. however i know it's a big endeavor but here is my final idea. make it so the environment is a bit more accurate. to where sometimes not all the time maybe 1/100 chance that a mob will attack another mob. like there are beastman mages casting away right in front of an elemental yet let me throw up sneak and he's on me. or a tiger ignoring the easy kill of it's dinner by killing a sheep yet it'll agro a galka with a great axe. like i said not all the time but i think it would add an awesome depth of reality to the game!

allwell this is all just my opinions ^^;;;
#538 Nov 04 2005 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
444 posts
I got a quick, and easy way to fix this.

Lets use Valkurum as an example. You got a few goblins on you, and you zone to Mhaura. Where as usually they will turn around and start killing others, what they SHOULD do is as soon as aggro is lost and after their anti-aggro short delay runs out, they are despawned. And put back on the top of the spawning list.

I say they are put back on the top of the spawning list, because a possible exploit to get lottery spawns to pop quicker would be just to train and get them to be "deleted".

<b>I have a much more fun idea.</b> Its called Notorious Criminal. If a GM finds someone guilty of a crime, a player will be known as a Notorious Criminal. Outside of town, they will be able to be claimed and defeated. If defeated, they will drop an item that when equipped, players can check and see what criminals have been brought to justice.

They are then put into jail for 3 game days, and loses the maximum EXP lost on ALL jobs, meaning the amount of possible exp lost at level 75, to all the jobs they have leveled.
#539 Nov 04 2005 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
396 posts
I have never inentionally MPK'd someone else. I have been MPK'd quite a few times. Honestly, I think it's just being resourceful.
#540 Nov 04 2005 at 8:34 PM Rating: Good
I think it makes since to make the mobs stay in the area around the spawn point. as you run the mob will loose hate against you. It makes no since for a mob to chase a person down till they zone. If i was the mob it stop running after them if i saw that they were running away. of course certain mobs should chase you down till you zone (maybe like the beastman mobs) but others shouldnt. i think the bind thing should attack all ppl who are around it according to its senses. Like if a gob is bound it should attack all ppl around it that it can see. if they are invisible it shouldnt attack them. (just a thought) and if they heal them selves they shouldnt bring hate from the mob. And i know this is off the subject but smn should have more avatars and i think that the avatars should have separate bloodpact timers. if that makes smn too powerful then you can make the sub job abilties and spells (not traits) inaccesible while the avatar is out. Similar to yuna in ffX.
#541 Nov 04 2005 at 8:34 PM Rating: Good
suggestion: Create a hate system similar to the fomor's hate system, I call it MPK hate. If a player trains mobs without killing them or being killed, ie zone or log out, the player will get some MPK hate which is proportional to the number of mobs he trains. When the MPK hate exceeds certain amount all the mobs in the same family will aggro him even with sneak/invisible. For example, if a guy trains lizards & exceed the MPK hate threshold, he will get aggro from all lizards in all regions even if some lizards don't aggro normal players and the aggro radius is much larger than usual aggro mobs. Also the MPK hate is level dependent, in other words, a guy gets more MPK hate if he trains too weak or easy prey and get less MPK hate if he trains EM+ or T+. The MPK hate will decrease after certain amount of time. In this way MPK hate won't affect the regular exp pt much but will make a regular MPKer not able to move around the world freely for days, weeks or even months, which is like putting the MPKer in a jail.
#542 Nov 04 2005 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
Suggestion: Take all resources that are being spent on "getting customer feedback" and "improving gameplay" and redirect them to anti-bot and anti-hack measures.

By this post, I don't mean to dismiss or insult Ahkore or anyone else at SE. I simply feel that trying to glean useful, intelligent suggestions for the game from these rabble is an impossible task.

Edited, Fri Nov 4 20:55:21 2005 by shotgn
#543 Nov 04 2005 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
Cancel and refuse service to people in China and Hong Kong. That would cut down mpk by at least 70%.

SE is a business, you have the right to refuse services to anyone.
#544 Nov 04 2005 at 9:19 PM Rating: Good
207 posts
I just caught sight of this and don't have time to read the whole thread now, so I'm not sure if this has been addressed. However, there is one consideration that needs to be taken.

Suggestion: Mobs bound by other players using such spells and abilities as bind and shadowbind should not attack other players that pass by. They should only attack in such cases when another member of your party (ie experience party, bcnm party, etc) come within range of the mob. I have been killed by the bind a mob near you mpk before.

Thank You,
#545 Nov 04 2005 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
heres an easy answer to the problem if you ask me. When someone makes a complaint about mpk and its actually legitimate...do something about it and get them off of the server. if more ppl saw reprocussion from mpk it wouldnt happen anymore. Gil Sellers have been mpk'ing at hnm camps forever and they are still roaming V'anadiel freely....why? what the heck is taking so long to get rid of them when it is so obvious to everyone else who they are?

i understand mpk is not only a rmt issue and i think your proposals could help. But why not just nip it in the bud already and get rid of them? Your attempts to make ffxi more of a solo thing imo is helping them as well. Seeing rmt's with npc buddies dinging 55 already is crazy -.- now they just doubled in size without them having to recruit a single person.

now lets look at some facts:
SE makes a TON of money
SE knows when Mpk is going to happen unless they are stoopid
SE has GM's
SE should have some ethical duty to make the game fair

my proposal as ludacrous as it sounds:
at hnm camps gear up ur lil GM guy that you're paying there to sit hourly and type on a video game. Send him to the zone for the 3 hour pop and play "referee". If you wanna be really cool have him /s "let's get it on!" when the window opens! someone mpks they are kicked the f out of the game.

This will:
-make ppl not mpk
-Hopefully make Nidhogg not spawn on the last window what seems like EVERY single time because GM's will now know what it feels like to sit there so damn long.

Edited, Fri Nov 4 22:08:32 2005 by tristainpld
#546 Nov 04 2005 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
MPK exists for 2 reasons, angry players who couldn't get the claim, and just plain mean players with no skills. My suggestion, make actual consequence's for that person. If there are 2 LS's trying to claim one monster, and one MPK's the other, punish them, suspend everyone from the LS that is in that zone, or if the person is alone, suspend them... Farfetched, but here is an idea, put them in Jail... Make them pay bail to get out,, If they get caught for MPK'ing, make them pay 5 Million gil to get out of jail, if they do it again, 10 million, etc. until one day. It's 300 million gil, and they can't play anymore.. Honestly one less MPK'er on my server, makes me happier..
#547 Nov 04 2005 at 9:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Probably already mentioned, but I figured I'd add it anyways:

Currently there is a rift between all the times zones. This leads to unhealthy behaviour previously mentioned, adds onto competition, and ultimately leads to MPK because of the competition.

If it were possible to reduce the repop times on these highly desireable HNMs from 24 to 12 hours, just about everyone would be happy. Competition would be reduced, and people who would normally be restricted from joining in the HNM scene would finally get their chance; they wouldn't have to stay up until 2am in the morning to have a chance at fighting an HNM.

Another idea would be instanced raids and moving all the the HNMs to them. Naturally the difficulty of the mobs would have to be considered, along with allowing entire linkshells to enter the instance rather than something like an alliance or a party. A super-alliance if you will.

Almost all MPK is a result of competition; so just remove it and make the game a challenge again rather than who can spam their macros the fastest. This is routine for almost any HNM shell any more after all. I realize there's a thrill in the claim, but some people actually enjoy the HNMs for their challenge, and not the waiting 21-27 hours for a shot at fighting it.
#548 Nov 04 2005 at 9:41 PM Rating: Good
"Make it so monsters trained to the zone do not aggro until they've walked back to their original starting point!" or something along the lines of "AoE damage should not affect players in other parties not engaged in the battle with the monster that initiated the AoE attack!"

1. Seems the thread is unanimous on fixing the Bind/Shadowbind problem, other cheap hate tricks, and the problem of a mob's status turning to free/yellow when it is technically still claimed.

2. I agree that the AoE attacks should not affect those outside the party/alliance fighting it. Perhaps both the problem of stealing the claim/hate of an HNM could be solved by placing a lvl cap status similar to garrison or BCNMs on the party/alliance that legitimately claimed it. The lvl cap can be 75, so that no one suffers any loss of battle potential, but those not having the cap status will not be able to link other mobs or create outside interference.

3. As to the problem of regular links, I agree that the linking system should remain to keep the difficulty level satisfactory. However, I think the hate needs to be adjusted accordingly: it is very important that linked or trained mobs maintain their hate upon the character that pulled them and strictly along with the mob that they linked with originally. For instance, if someone is fighting the Valkurm Emperor, and someone were to train some damselflies by the persons or persons fighting the VE, the damselflies should not link with VE but should remained focused on the character and the damselfly with which it originally linked.

4. Also, I don't know if it is possible, but perhaps the train situation that drive so many people crazy in places like Garlaige Citadel and the Crawler's Nest might be fixed by reseting the trained mobs automatically to their spawn points after 30 seconds to a minute and cannot aggro or link in this interval after the individual/party/alliance they were trained upon has zoned. This way, if a party gets a link and needs to zone, they can do so, and it will not greatly effect other experience parties.

Thanks for coming to listen to our concerns! I hope others like you will also stop and by, and you will soon start a "How do we get rid of these gil selling bastards" forum.
#549 Nov 04 2005 at 9:59 PM Rating: Good
i've always said this and said something of the sort during one of the IGames tours stops is to have the mobs not aggro for xx amount of time after being lead xx far away from their spawn point and roaming area. Not to have it all the way to their spawn point/area but just enough time to warn/move. i say not all the way back b/c some train's aren't intentional and their should be some fear of death in all parts of the game where monsters are concerned. too many ppl in this game think they're invincable
#550 Nov 04 2005 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
I got one thing to put in Cuz most MPKing happens around HNM's

Shiver Factor: When enemys are in certen range of a HNM they will just stop and turn around and go back without aggoing.

Heres a run down of how it could work

mpkerA arrgos mobs and runs them to the HNM pop area. Enemys stop chaneing Him when he is in a sertint distance from the HNM. Enemys go back to Pop site.

Have it Happen When Pop windows are up too so u cant die as or befor it pops fomr MPKING

That right there fixes about 87.38737% of all problmes
#551 Nov 04 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Excellent
439 posts
Good grief.

This is a perfect example of why any kind of player controlled "karma" system would be a bad idea for solving any MPK problems in the game.

(The above to make this post "fit" the thread.

Good, bad, stupid or wise, every post in this entire thread (all 10 pages of it) has been rated down, some so low they are below the filter line.

Well, I suggest everyone that gives a <bleep> take a moment and rate this thread back up...some interesting ideas may get sock-puppetted to death before Ahkore can get to them...heh.

I've rated everyone (else) up with Excellent (reguardless of who or what they said...pity I can't fix my post but oh well).

Oh, and a comment on many listed suggestions:

A lot of posters keep saying "Make it so when a BST does Leave, the pet goes completely safe and un-claimable until it wanders back to it's spawn point" or "Make a released pet non-aggro and have it run back to spawn at 500% normal speed" and similar such things.

Beastmasters use mobs to fight, and with Leave (used non-agressively) will have a mob they may have brought halfway across the zone, resting and slowly wandering back, to be claimed before it has gotten very far.

Having a pet the BST just dropped off (swapping out with another pet) immediately despawn or similarly "vanish" back to it's spawn point will make it much harder on the BST (which many would call a good thing).

Make a released mob non-aggro/non-link for 1 or 2 minutes except to the BST that had charmed it (for a mob that can aggro).

This makes the mob "safe" around other people, but if the mob does aggro under "normal" circumstances, the BST still needs to be careful not to draw aggro from his freed pet, making it hard to "leave a killer" on a party, but also not taking the original -purpose- of Leave away.

Sensubean on Midguardsormr
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