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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#577 Nov 05 2005 at 3:19 AM Rating: Excellent
109 posts
Quote:By: Credos the Venerable

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Thanks first off for coming to Allakhazam. I think a big reason why people get so bent out of shape (read the various threads on this forum) is because there is no definite response to the public from SE. People want to know that they are being heard, and that their suggestions are taken seriously.

With that being said, I think there are a few things that could be done to solve the problem of MPK:

-As Avoklex stated, ensure that once a mob is claimed, the mob does not come unclaimed until every single person in the alliance is defeated. This would prevent Dia/Voke spamming from causing an HNM to run rampant on people who cannot take any action against the NM.

-Put a GM at all HNM pops at their pop time to ensure that what occurs in the area is actively being monitored. Too often we (The players) see someone using a Mr.Argus tool/bot program etc, but even with the reported information, do not see any action taken. Ensure that the GM is not visible unless a situation arises.

-I am not sure how possible it would be, but somehow restricting the loaded data that is in game while fighting an HNM would be great. Too often other LS or RMT can try to force people to D/C by using JA, pulling monsters on top of tanks, etc.

-Make it so that if a mob is claimed, and the alliance fighting it is wiped, the mob cannot be claimed until its HP is at 100%. Too often we've seen RMT MPK groups of people at the end of a fight, to defeat a mob who had a sliver of life remaining.

Hope to see you around here more often, and thank you for the efforts you've made thus far (Blockaid comes to mind) to assist players in having an enjoyable gaming experience.

-Make it so that if a mob is claimed, and the alliance fighting it is wiped, the mob cannot be claimed until its HP is at 100%. Too often we've seen RMT MPK groups of people at the end of a fight, to defeat a mob who had a sliver of life remaining.

brotha man, you TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUTTA MY MOUTH !!!!!!!!!!!

this is the # 1 thing that ROYALLY pisses me off as an End game player.

i wont say certain names, or LS's, but i'll give an example

my ls was fighting Tiamat, after a few hours of fighting, we got it down to 3%...

well at that time we had a few pops on us that we had to take care of.

at that time Tiamat went yellow and local, yet the hate was still on my LS.

a Certain person remaining un-named, decided to voke Tiamat and then calling for help leaving us no chance for drop without having to re-go thorugh a few hours of killing.

when the MPK/Steal happened, only 10-15% of my LS was dead, just the norm, we were not wiping by no mean, we only adverted out attn to the pops since it was night time, there for losing claim, and eventually led to a total MPK wipe.

we did call a GM, what happened you ask,

sorry for the rant, but dammit this crap has to stop, and the GM's need to step up and grow a pair, and actually TAKE ACTION

"we will take the information we have and investigate the matter"
my *** you do,

if you going to be a game master, then step up and do something , THEN and only then, maybe players will have a fair chance at doing stuff without jerked around and getting screwed over

again sorry for the rant, but i'm only telling the truth, tis might not be a nice way, but it is NO LIE,

Thank You

Sorry for the underlines, seems when i was quoting, it still kept it on,

i'm working now on taking the underlines outta the bottom part of post, it was not supposed to be there, forgive me for not see'in that sooner

Edit, Fixed the underline prob.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 03:40:23 2005 by Skybreak

Edited, Sat Nov 5 03:34:05 2005 by Skybreak
#578 Nov 05 2005 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
110 posts
I dunno if this has been suggested yet, this is a looooong post and I only have a minute here then I need to log for the night.

Some good suggestions (from what I've read). The one that sparks my interest though is the one from the original post about monsters not aggroing until they return to their spawn point.

People have pointed out how flawed that is, and I agree with that. But since the dev's can script something like that (their rep was the one who suggested it >_>), why not just make it so the mobs move double-time back to their spawn points if they've traveled a certain distance?

Biggest problem with a lot of the huge trains in XP zones is how slow the stupid mobs move. They sit at zone for half a minute, turn, move five feet, stop for another half minute, rinse, repeat. This is compounded in zones like the Nest, because of how long that tunnel is going from the first large chamber to the entrance.

Give the things flee so they move away from zone and people don't start getting antsy and make stupid moves trying to sneak around them.

Hah! Couldn't help checking a few more before buggering off. Looks like I was beaten to the punch. Sorry for the interruption. As you were.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 04:12:20 2005 by ShiftlessDrifter
#579 Nov 05 2005 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
Suggestion : Maybe a way to fix NM/HNM MPK'ing is to make NM's/HNM's appear "dangerous" to other mobs. All other mobs would "fear" the NM/HNM and stay away from it, which in turn would keep the mobs away from whoever is currently fighting the NM/HNM. After the NM is dead, the mobs would go back to their normal movement area and resume their route.

Edit: You may have to add a certain time period before mobs enter the NM battle area on their path back to where they came from (if the mobs cannot go around the NM area). Just to give you a chance to get out of the way or to heal. This idea would mostly be useful in NM/HMN MPK train situations, which happen way too often.

edit for spelling... it's getting late lol

Edited, Sat Nov 5 03:56:54 2005 by Lilragha

Edited, Sat Nov 5 03:58:46 2005 by Lilragha
#580 Nov 05 2005 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
I must say that is a good idea. Much better than the let the other mobs join into the battle ideas, as that would suck becuase when the battle is over, your stuck with 4-5 mobs that will instantly argo and destroy your MP and HP low party.
#581 Nov 05 2005 at 3:56 AM Rating: Default
359 posts
Suggestion: Make it so monsters trained to the zone, released mobs, etc. do not aggro until they've walked back to their original starting point!

Suggestion: Current HNM AoE system is fine. Regular mob's AoEs should not effect other players.

Suggestion: GMs need to be more of a presence. Punishments for botting, RMT, and MPKing should be made public sort of a players to look out for list.

Suggestion: add Death spell, a good way to eliminate EP-T regular mobs so training on alliances. (obviously make it so NMs are unaffected, also you get 0 xp and no items if you kill the monster with the spell.)

Completely unrelated lol.
Suggestion: Tell your friends in SE that gamers want a full "Final Fantasy VII" remake, not just a tech demo teaser.
#582 Nov 05 2005 at 4:18 AM Rating: Default

Heres an idea. Why don't you get rid of the ##@$!% gilsellers! They are 90% of that problem!!! Everyone who plays learns very quickly who they are. And if they don't MPK you they kill the mobs around you to keep you from levelling in their area.

SE response?
- Song and Dance

My response?

- Cancel account

Seeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaa. And good riddance.

#583 Nov 05 2005 at 4:22 AM Rating: Good
71 posts
I myself am a Summoner main, and Beastmaster as well. I see where both sides are coming from, but I don't think anything needs to be changed. Making monsters not aggro til they get back to spawn point makes things far too easy. This game is difficult to be enjoyed. Think how easy everything would become if they changed it all. The MPK issue...well, I have never really had a MPK issue. I suggest better service from our GMs. The ones I've spoken with aren't very knowledgable. More penalties for those who MPK, but not complete cut of service, I think that would be nice. Take away a priviledge if they ***** up, but don't make it permenant. Just a few random, unorganized thoughts^^
#584 Nov 05 2005 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent

Suggestion: Link Limiting by patrol radious Limit linking to a mobs patrol zone. So, if a person has pulled a mob outside it's normal patrol zone, it won't link to any other mobs during a chase, or on it's return trip. Also, mobs that are excessively outside the engaged mobs patrol zone link to the mob giving chase, it will argo, but it won't link. (say, 2 sectors outside normal patrol zone, linking is disabled, that's still a decent sized range)

Suggetion: Cooldown time. (no indicator, just an internal cooldown timer) After a mob has lost its target, been uncharmed, or otherwise abandoned, it will not argo or link for 1~3 minute. (random that timer) After the time is up, it will continue it's walk to it's patrol zone, able to argo, but like the above suggestion, won't link. This gives everyone in the area time to respond to it.

Suggestion: Combative claim. If a mob is attacking Player 1, but player 1 has not clamed it, (i.e. farming or other type of link) then player 2 attacks the mob, then the mob can go Orange (or some other color) so that player 1 can still actively claim it. During being Orange, if player 1 does not claim it, after a certain amount of time (or number of mob attacks), the mob goes red for player 2 and completely removes player 1 from his hate list. Never should a mob be allowed to attack a player when the player can not respond.

Suggestion: Unclaim Timer If a player, Beastmaster, Linkshell, Party, have claim on a mob, does not mater the case or cause, where a mob would normally go unclaimed, before it does, a 1 minute "hold claim" timer starts. so, even if all players disengage, flee, die, warp, or otherwise disengage from battle, the mob will still be in a claimed state for a minute before going unclaimed and begin the process of returning to a default behavior. Even if a new target is engaged, the first mob would stay in a clamed state. the exception to this, is if someone claims a 3rd mob, at this point, the oldest mob becomes unclaimed. Also, the max duration of holding 2 claims is 1 minute. (this allows bsts to solo without someone stealing their pets during a swap.) After 1 minute of a 2nd mob being actively engaged, the older clamed pet unclaims. During this time, a 'hold claim mob' will not argo or link to other mobs, but will still actively engage his clainant.


#585 Nov 05 2005 at 5:27 AM Rating: Default
A few suggestions of mine ^^:

Suggestion #1: Take action against reported MPK'ers.

When 50-100 people call a GM on the same person for the same MPK, theres an extremely low chance that they made it up. Quit making excuses like "we have to witness it" or "did they make any prior threats to mpk" because the people that MPK know what theyre doing and are not dumb enough to say what their intentions are beforehand. Good MPKers can make any MPK attempt look accidental.

Suggestion #2: Stop the double-standards.

One Night my linkshell was MPK'ed at Fafnir by a overly jealous member of a rival linkshell who decided to train Spiders and bind Darters on us while we were fighting. We wiped, and his linkshell proceded to kill Fafnir and won. We called a GM on him and their excuse was, again, "we have to witness it", the player that caused the MPK got away scot free.

The following night at Fafnir again, the same person decides to show up, we call a GM before he pops to see if they will monitor the fight just in case he attempts to MPK us again. The GM replies they cannot watch over us due to the fact that they have other problems to solve and went away. The player, again, MPKs us after we got claim, his linkshell defeats Fafnir once again. And again, he gets away scot free.

This has to stop, and a good way to do this is as a lot of others suggested: have a GM moderate an area in which a highly allocated NM is about to pop.

Suggestion #3: Make high value drops Rare/Ex, and make them drop more often or 100%.

You guys did this to a few NMs back on the July 18th Version Update, and it has been a huge success other than the fact that the price of Leaping Boots and Emperor's Hairpins have skyrocketed. Doing this will prevent Real Money Traders (often refered to in the FFXI community as Gilsellers/Gilfarmers) from camping and killing these monsters. Over 90% of MPKs on the Kujata server are done by RMT's.

One example would be Serket: Serket has 2 highly allocated drops, one of which is a Ring which has jumped in price from 1 to 6 million gil due to that NM being monopolized by RMT's that MPK to get claim and kill. Making that Ring Rare/ex will prevent Gilsellers from making a lot of gil on it to sell over the internet. Making it a 100% drop will prevent the price of the non-rare/ex version from skyrocketing further. Overall the community would benefit from this.

Suggestion #4: Make certain highly allocated Rare/ex drops obtainable from other sources, or make certain NMs/HNMs forced spawn.

Going back to Suggestion #2, I mentioned an event that happened at Fafnir. Fafnir drops items that are highly allocated even though they have no price and are Rare/ex. Now, there are thousands of other players on the server who want the item you're after, all it takes is for one crazy person who will do whatever it takes to get this item and get it now, including MPK.

2 ways this can be fixed. One would be to make items, such as Abjurations, available from other sources, NMs, HNMs, quests, etc. Example: Earthen and Martial Abjuration: Body peices drop off Nidhogg ONLY, if they dropped off another NM/HNM or even ENM, that gives more opportunity for a person to obtain that item they want.

or, Make the HNMs forced-pop, in an arena or zone where its impossible to steal/mpk, nobody likes to camp Fafnir everyday or possibly Nidhogg every 3-8 days just to have another person steal/mpk it from you.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 05:53:49 2005 by Bizznatch
#586 Nov 05 2005 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
499 posts
I've not had much experience with this myself but...

As far as GM's invised observing NM pops to try and catch out trouble makers. This wouldn't have to be every NM pop, which would make it much more staffable. Say one in 10 sought after NM pop is observed, and anyone greifing was banned, (after all the GM saw exactly what happened. This would be enough to provide a significant deterant for greif tactics. Knowing that a GM might be watching would put off most people who who did this. And those that it didn't would be caught pretty quickly
#587 Nov 05 2005 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
763 posts
I'm trying to word this correctly, but it would work if I could get it out.. lol

How about when a NM or mob significantly higher than the levels of the players around that mob or NM when moved from spawnground to a zone... simply despawns immediately or after a few seconds to see if the subject will rezone and get reaggrod..

This means if someone is attempting to MPK, when the subject zones and the mob is left standing.. it will wait a few seconds or a minute to see if the subject will come back. (most mpk'ers want to see the turmoil.) and if the subject doesn't come back.. the mob simply despawns and respawns back to original starting point. This way the mob will not aggro on the way back to starting point. Nor will it aggro the surrounding people trying to level since the mob is focussed on that one individual.

Personally, I believe "no aggro until back to starting point" takes away from the reality of the game. The above would be a more logical choice.
#588 Nov 05 2005 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
If a mob has been trained more than a certain distance, it should despawn instead of comming back to its original point. That would avoid things like the crawler trains in the nest where stuff is dragged a quarter mile to zone, aggros everyone on the way back, then just gets zoned again and again.
Also there should be a limit as to how many things can link onto one player. 5 IT-VT mobs is more than enough to kill any group. If their EP or lower then the person training is probly just being an ***.
#589 Nov 05 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
I dont think we should change the battle system. What we need is law and order. If someone is MPKd they need to lodge it with the relevant authority. The authority must then ACT upon the issue. If ppl are regularly MPKing ppl then they must be banned from the ZONE or the GAME. It needs to be made a crime to intentionally MPK, a crime with consequences. We need an internal noticeboard that states facts: EG Kaditcher is banned from Zone X for x game days for suspected MPK action. The notice board method will build a profile of who is MPKing and who is not. The Authoritys should manage the noticeboard.

A form of penance used in medieval times was BRANDING with a mark. If you /check someone it should state social facts about people, eg the number of times they been accused of MPK and confirmed MPK's. A search facility would allow you to check a zone for known MPK players and act accordingly.

#590 Nov 05 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
109 posts
Ah this brings back funny memories of someone MPK'ing a mob on to someone in Ghelsba when all but like 5 people on the server were in the line in Ghelsba and it just sat there claimed doing practically nothing for like at least 30 min.

but anyway if you're doing work with the claim system, which it sounds like you are, would you be able to go ahead and fix the thing where if the monster is attacking someone in annother party in the alliance it's purple instead of red and <bt> doesn't work unless targeting it which is the whole point of bt.

Another idea to help with MPK is maybe you could make it so that if a monster who is claimed by someone else is attacking someone with 1/2 or 1/4 or something like that hp the person could attack back (might be kind of hard to make sure that random people with 1/2 hp couldn't walk up to something and attack it even though there's a pt fighting it.
#591 Nov 05 2005 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
My suggestions:

1.I think it is a Great idea for mobs that are bound will not lash out on anyone running by, more to the effect they only attack Party Members.

2.Getting rid of links and aggro's while fighting was probably the dumbest idea i read on the first page. I mean common weres the dificulty besides it doesn't make, lets see how many mobs i can simotaniously whipe out at the same time, any fun.

3.Give beast pets a 1 minute cool down timer after beeing released and will only aggro the one who released it and there party members.

4.I don't believe in the whole stop mobs from aggroing because someone zones them that just makes it way to easy to have a puller zone several tough mobs out of the way completely bypassing sneak/invis (that method will hurt the alchemy society the most). Instead if a mob is zoned and 1 or more members in your party is engaged in battle it will bypass your party. Ya have to think if a mobs zoned and ur not engaged in battle that gives u ample time enough to either A. get the hell outa the way or B. Sneak/Invis yourself.


The Search, Part I:
Randomly profile users (not everyone, since that'd likely overload the servers), and flag high volume transaction accounts with large inbalance of total value in-flow and out-flow. Then, select a few accounts from there for closer monitoring.

Aparrently you did read the subject, "Suggestions for changing the MPK system, not lets whine about gilsellers more cause we all would so love to hear about that post. Bsides the little flitch in you idea is what about all those ENM statics and HNM LS's that there leader or one person is selling and distributing the money via mail. There gonna get falsely acused of being a gilseller. PPL PLEASE THINK FOR GOD SAKES BEFORE YOU POST!

Most the ideas i read were good ideas but weren't well thought through in the aspect how badly it would ***** so many ppl on ever server over. another thing to everyoen that reads this post /blockaid is there to stop ppl from Curing you stealing your mob and running off i hear ppl whine about that to much even AFTER the update.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 09:26:54 2005 by keddin

Edited, Sat Nov 5 09:29:50 2005 by keddin
#592 Nov 05 2005 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
797 posts
Lord LyleVertigo wrote:
Cancel and refuse service to people in China and Hong Kong. That would cut down mpk by at least 70%.

SE is a business, you have the right to refuse services to anyone.

To be totally frank this is the best idea in the whole thread, and I'd put the number closer to 90%.
#593 Nov 05 2005 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
Lord LyleVertigo wrote:
Cancel and refuse service to people in China and Hong Kong. That would cut down mpk by at least 70%.

SE is a business, you have the right to refuse services to anyone.

Scholar wrote:
To be totally frank this is the best idea in the whole thread, and I'd put the number closer to 90%.

That wouldn't be fair because not everyone in China is doing it. Assuming you're NA, what if most of NA's were the ones MPKing? It wouldn't be fair to stop providing service to NA just because a group of people are misbehaving. And according to you it's around 70-90% so that would leave a 10-30% out.
#594 Nov 05 2005 at 9:28 AM Rating: Default
I must disagree with the "GM Bystander" suggestion.

I don't want to play "1984", I want to play "Final Fantasy".

I already live in a society with CCTV, credit card logs, consumer activity databases, police records, court archives, "n" different security forces and law enforcement groups... I want to be free, even if it's "virtually" free.

I want to be disemboweled by a tiger, smashed to pieces by a goblin and eaten alive by a mighty wyrm, and then switch off and go to work.

Increase the "police presence"... {Thank you for the offer but I will have to pass}.

Change the game mechanics to make MPK-ing more difficult? Some good ideas have been already posted. And I agree with them.

*) Bind/Shadowbind issue. A bound mob will utterly ignore any player not in their hate list. A bound and claimed mob will not add people to it's hate list for sound/sight/low HP/rest aggro.

*) Non NM mob's AoE attacks will not affect others but people in it's hate list.

Suggestion: HNM mob's AoE damage will be multiplied by eight in players not engaged with/on it's hate list, thus causing instant death to whoever is bystanding the battle too close.
It will also have a large knockback effect in the "native" mobs roaming around in AoE range and unclaimed.

Alternatively the "Presence" feat can be added to HNMs, which causes native mobs in AoE range to become instantly "Mesmerized", preventing any interaction between the mobs and the players. No action will be possible in either direction.

If this feat would apply to surrounding mobs of the same kin of the one being fought is what I have doubts about (ie.: Beastmen Gods).
#595 Nov 05 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Default
First and formost most MPK happen because of Gilfarmers. How do I suggest rid of them?

1) Put a flag up for people who are doing actions *say mining*, who do not reply to GM tells.

> GM says: Hello, you have been identified as a possible mining bot, in order to prove otherwise, I would like you to say your not
<< Bot_001 says: ......

5 minutes later

> GM says: You have now been flagged as a possible bot.
GM casts D2 on Bot_001.

After oh, 3 times of that, they get banned FOREVER. Not just the account, they can buy new ones soo...
a) Account
b) Credit Card
c) Billing Address

2) Make every item dropped from HNM droppable in an ENM.

3) Make every type of monster have the chance of dropping said item.

For example, Leaping Lizzy. He should have 100% chance of dropping his boots, but, have all the other lizards in that zone have a chance of dropping them as well.

4) Make monsters only drop items if you get XP from the monster.

5) Make the HNM spawn with an item found in the zone from very harsh monsters in the zone.

6) S-E buy gil. Very simply put, a GM disquised as a normal character buys some gil at there website. The person sending it should get banned, as well as everyone from that billing address and from that credit card.

7) ACTIVE GUARDS. If a city controls a region, there should be guards. Yes, I know there already there, BUT, if say people are running away, they kill everything in range. /CFH would be nice on this too, if the guard is in range, they come running to save you. I want this in EVERY zone.

8 MUCH MUCH LONGER RESPAWN TIMES, on monsters. You may think, but wouldnt this hurt xp? What does this have to do with MPK? Wouldnt more competition encourage more MPK?

a) NO - people do not kill half the monsters available, whens the last time you killed malboros for xp..on purpose? in my experience..once *two 75 character*

b) Read this! - people would be spread all over vana'diel, thus, less people clogged into one tiny area. I have literally seen 50 players + in the tunnels killing crawlers all in that one camp with all the lizards towards the entrance.

c) NO - if the monsters do not spawn quickly as they do now, they wont be around to kill anyone else. I would say at least 4 hour respawn on all monsters not in newbie areas ie, East and West Ronfaure, East and West Sarabuta, and North and South Gustaburg.
#596 Nov 05 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Ok I've read through what I have heard and I will state my current sugestions based on what I know from both gaming edicate and programming knowlage.

Suggestion: "Monster Zoning" & "Lingering Claim".

Monster Zoning

This is a rather simple fix. Once all the players in the party/alliance who have claim a mob, zone out of the area. The mob despawns, preventing any MPK issues along zone lines (Like Valkrum Dunes MPKs).

Another way to direct this would be the last player who contains hate on the mob zones out of the area would cause the monster zone. (We can also have releaced pets have this effect.)

Monsters despawned this way can have a low (15-30) second respawn timer in the area they origonally spawn with full HP.

Lingering Claim

This contains another pair of changes here that might have a residual impact on the game as well.

Characters who are not in party/alliance with the monster loose hate of the monster when the party/alliance that has claimed dies or zoned. (This prevents anyone who cures a passing player trying to zone a monster getting a supprize accidental MPK after a player zones a mob.)

The previous change leads to this one...

Non Notorious or Named monsters REMAIN Claimed for an extended period of time AFTER the a party whipe or a party uses warp/escape. The monster remains claimed, and unable to agro untill it resumes its normal roam area, and full hit points. (The monster is tired after chasing/fighting with its last opponet and needs time to heal.) Naturally an decreese in the amount it time it takes for a monster to return to their romaining area, and recovery to full HP would have to be implmented.

On mob linking:

Linked mobs in this system could react the same way as if a monster zoning, making only one monster have to be roaming back, while the rest can re-spawn in the area they normally would.

Unrelated Sugestion: This monster zoning issue can also open up the option for monsters to escape from battle, but I will leave that idea to you. (Which can also prevent higher level monsters from training lower level mobs) But I will leave that issue to your development team.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 10:13:41 2005 by Hyrist
#597 Nov 05 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, so many replies. I got stopped at one suggestion, and just felt like I should second it.
Suggestion: make it so that bound mobs don't lash out at people not on their hate list just because they happen to be physically next to the mob.

I really don't know why letting bound mobs attack other people (outside of the party/alliance) was possible in the first place. o.o
One other thing, and again I haven't read too many of the replies, so I'm sorry if this was brought up already. :P
About the mobs not attacking until they reach their original spawn point...I think one addition to that should be that after they're zoned, the name above their head turns a different color, like a CFH, claimed, or weakened mob. People should still be able to claim them and get exp from them before they reach their spawn point though.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 10:19:59 2005 by AJKazuya
#598 Nov 05 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
117 posts
Wow. Lots of ideas here that will completely break the game.

Links should stay, AoE should stay, but how about this:

I rarely see people MPKing other people when a NM or HNM is not involved, so start with this fix:


Suggestion: Any time a person claims a mob that cons "Strength Impossible to Gauge", that person, everyone in their pty, and everyone in their alliance enters a state, called NM State, in which they can take no damage from any mob in the game other than mobs spawned by that NM or mobs directly aggroed by a party or alliance member. NM state is in effect until the NM dies or the party or alliance dies.

Mobs directly aggroed by a pty or alliance member is defined as:

Any party or alliance member in NM State can aggro a mob that is unaggroed since it's last spawn, but those players are immune to aggro from mobs that have been previously aggroed by people not in NM State.


That way, you still have the challege of dealing with existing links, but it's impossible to be MPKed by anyone while in NM State.

And don't forget, if you don't want people drawing a mobs hate by curing you, SE already implemented /bloackaid.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 10:23:31 2005 by stavejon
#599 Nov 05 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
1. Monsters should no longer link with one that's being pulled as this normally results in a "train".
2. Area effect spells by players and monsters should no longer effect anyone other than the target(s) as this normally results in death.
3. If a monster is bound or paralyzed it should not immediately attack the nearest person.
4. A monster should attack whom has most hate and then the least in said order. Rather than in a random nature.
5. A monster should kill it's target and return to it's spawn point. While not linking or attcking another player whom aggreviates it along the way.

Thank you
#600 Nov 05 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
I think if they really wanted to stop MPKing. After a NM mob is unclaimed because its opponent is defeated have it despawn. It sucks that no one would get it, but it wouldn't benefit ANYONE if you MPK someone. Either have it despawn or go into a "call for help mode"
#601 Nov 05 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
189 posts
I would like to put my two cents into the matter here. I don't know if some of these suggestions have been said already, but nonetheless I will give you my opinion. To be perfectly frank, I believe that following some or all of these suggestions would greatly improve the game.

The first thing you have to look at is not ways to curb MPK; you need to look at the reasons why people MPK.

First and foremost the word that I hear in game of why people MPK is quite simple; they feel that the GMs and Square-Enix do not do anything. It is the reason here is fighting in hockey, the players are policing themselves because they feel the referees are not doing there jobs. It is really no different here. Someone gets trained (whether it was intentional or not), they get mad, they train back, more people get mad, and volence breeds volence.

I believe that people wouldn't feel the need to police themselves if it seems like the proper people where doing there jobs. I am not saying that they don't might mind you, I am saying it seems like they don't do their job. Why not go out of the way and try and prove the GMs are doing their job. I would suggest these:

1. Publish offenses in the Vana'deil Tribune, web site.
2. Have a greater GM presence in the game.
3. Tribunal of peers.
4. Eliminate the exp loss on death.
5. Eliminate cannot attack cause of claiming.

I would think that if Square-Enix would publish offenders (of just about anything) in the newspaper or on their website people would be less likly to do something wrong. They would be guilted into not doing something because their peers would know what they did. I have found some very anti-soical and very lonly people play FFXI, to further alienate people like that who do something wrong would make people less likly to do it.

Also, having a greater GM presence would be helpful to show that there are people in the game who are there to help. I have seen a GM in game only twice. Once the GM popped in on my party to say hi in Kuftal. This showed that there are actually people in game there to help. Also, having a GM come around after one of the big NMs pop would make people less likly to MPK to try and reclaim the pop for themselves.

Another thing would be to make sure the GM doesn't have a personal reason of begin there. The second time I saw a GM was in Jeuno. The GM was there to tell people to raise someone who was dead outside the Mog House. When he was raised the GM left. My personal though on this was the person was an aquaintence of the GM.

After the GMs have basically arrested the players for crimes against the FFXI community, let the players dictate the punishment for the guilty. This would be a way for the players to police themselves without resorting to MPK.

Don't forget, if you eliminate the exp loss on death, there is nothing to lose by being MPKed (other than time). Also, if someone claims a monster you are already fighting, but letting you continue to attack and kill there is no chance of people dying cause of too much hate.

The second reason I see people MPK is to get back at the gil sellers.

People do not like spending 10 million gil on an item, and they blame the gil sellers on it. I understand that the way FFXI was set up there would be a time when the economy would eventually get to that point, but the gil seller pandemic accelerated this. This does need to be fixed. Honestly, if someone spends for what seems like weeks at a time in the same zone collecting an item, there is something wrong with that.

In my opinion, Sony has the answer to this problem: Make a Square-Enix website to sell gil. This way you can control the flow of gil better than letting someone else do this. Someone wants to sell gil, sell it back to Square-Enix. Someone wants to sell an account have it facilitated by Square-Enix.

The next step would be to then put in the TOS that it is illegal to make a profit off of FFXI. Punishments could include, character deleting or even somethign like criminal actions.

Just to point out, I have heard a rumor that current GMs are in control of the gil sellers and profit off it. It is just what i heard in the game and I'm not saying it is true. If these rumors are true, something needs to be done about that.

The gil sellers did help cause this problem. I'm sorry, I have 7.4 million gil and I feel poor.

Ahkore, feel free to contact me. I will help to fix the problems of FFXI. I love the game and think it has the potential to be the best MMPORGP on the market if these problem can be fixed.
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