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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#627 Nov 05 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
If SE made every kinda equipment EX then that means that there would be NO armor in AH cause armor that can be crafted can be dropped from some sorta monster. So that means low levels would have trouble with getting any high lvl armor. Im not sure if thats what your saying so im not rating up or down ^^;
#628 Nov 05 2005 at 1:09 PM Rating: Good
Let me give you a few examples of the kinds of information I'm looking for:

"Make it so monsters trained to the zone do not aggro until they've walked back to their original starting point!" or something along the lines of "AoE damage should not affect players in other parties not engaged in the battle with the monster that initiated the AoE attack!"

These are just a few examples. I'm ready to hear many, many more! It would help for collecting purposes if your suggestions could be clearly marked, i.e. something along the lines of:

Suggestion: Released BST pets shouldn't aggro other people!

I think these 3 hit it right on the head. I've seen suggestions that say, make it so that monsters don't link, Well that lessens the challenge of the game doesn't it? I know we've all been pissed off when something has spawned right under our party and just decimated us, but there's also a thrill when something spawns right under you and you have to scramble to sleep it, then kill the mob you're fighting, and then still kill another mob with no rest... That is part of the game, and i'll be disappointed if i see that go...

To be honest from what i've seen of these posts, the 3 original suggestions hit the nail on the head.
#629 Nov 05 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Excellent
I will give kudos to SE for actually trying to take a proactive approach to the problem of MPK, albeit a quite late approach. I think that the biggest issue people have with being MPK'ed is the nonchalant manner in which player complaints have been dealt with.

Let's face it there are certain MPK "hotspots" if you will, Castle Oztroja, Kuftal Tunnel, etc. While the GM's have to manage and deal with multiple complaints at pretty much all times of the day, these places go relatively unmonitored.

While I think it is noble that now SE has taken in interest in attempting to stop MPK'ing, but in my opinion it is far too little too late. The possible solutions thought of by fellow players all have merit, but some of the changes I don't think are plausible.

For instance, monsters that link. We all have had a party where something has linked and you are able to take it down. To me it is fun to try and tank two monsters at one time and hope that my pt is good enough to make it through.

Would it be possible to have it set up so that any more than one link would not be possible?
#630 Nov 05 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
174 posts
Everyone here has some great ideas and some thoughtful reasons both for and against many different changes.

For me, the bottom line is that you cannot stop gamers from finding exploits. That's what we do best. If you change the fighting system and linking process, then the entire game changes. AOE bomb damage exists on some mobs, but not on others. It is a rite of passage that you learn which and avoid those problems.

Since you cannot change people's attitudes with game code, and you do not (as a company) take action against gilsellers who inflate the prices on every server, my suggestion is a bit different.

Create a Vana'diel Justice System

1) Using the existing screenshot mailing capabilities of this game, evidence would be presented in this fashion.

2) Eyewitness testimony would be taken as secondary evidence, do to the fact that there are many dishonest people in this game.

3) Chat logs should have a new way of being "recorded" or "cut-n-pasted" to a storage cabinet in a players POL account. This would serve as another source of "primary evidence. This would include battle logs, tells, linkshell chat, shouts and says. You would need to include all to ensure that no other communication disproves the claims or evidence invloved with the fact-finding process.

4) There could be [/Aquamarine]one full time GM who was situated in Jeuno[/Aquamarine] somewhere (maybe at the Ducal palace) and who would arbitrate disputes based upon evidence.

5) All types of situations would be able to be resolved which are currently replied with only, "I'm sorry, if you do not wish further dealing with this person, then you should blacklist them."

6) Examples of issues of contention which could be resolved:

a) MPK
b) Gilselling / NM overcamping, monopolizing
c) Deceptive trade situation from player to player
d) Violation of lotting rules on BCNM / Garrison / NM parties
e) Failure of one person to divide evenly proceeds of
(for example) BCNM drops (Astral Ring, Leaping Boots,
Peaccock Charm, etc.)
f) Harassment / Misc violations of code of conduct.

7) Process would be simple, if you witness/experience a violation, you save your screenshots (/names on) and indicate your system to save all current chat log information. Both would be saved to a file in POL and your system.

8) Penalties / Judgments:

a) MPK: there could be 1st/2nd/3rd degree with penalties ranging from expulsion from the server and deactivation of your CD key!! To suspension based on severity (and recurrence) of violations.

b) Deceptive practices: simply put, if it is shown that someone traded a rangers necklace instead of the peacock charm they were supposed to, then it would be evidence of the item either being correctly traded (and for the agreed amount in chat / tell logs) or the gil exchanged and item would be returned. If it would be found that the person who traded the improper item has never or does not have the item the other party (buyer) wanted, then they could have their account banned/suspended based upon repeat offenses and/or severity.
[/u]1) For this to work, the current system of person to person trading would need to be modified slightly to include a /echo or a /tell to the person trading all items involved in the trade and the gil/equipment/items being exchanged, followed by the "are you sure" message. This in itself would fix 99% of the problems this causes.[/u]

c) Monopolizing NM's: Since the current regulation on this is about as clear as a "Lemon Law" guideline, let's clean this language up. Perhaps something like "maximum 3 claims on a NM in 24 hours, or something like that." Admittedly this is a tough one, but there has to be some type of "actual" guideline so that everyone has the same opportunity to fight/claim the NM's that we all need at some point. Since screenshots/chat logs would serve as time/date evidence, this would weed out the "botters" and "gilsellers" and other unsavory types. Again, account suspension/revocation as potential penalties for violating the rules.

9) Flexibility: Since the Vanadiel Court would be run/presided over by a full-time rotating GM from SE, the amount of GM calls should reduce substantially, and the process for filing grievances would be established, and well understood in a short amount of time. The incentive to violate critical parts of the game play would be reduced to almost nothing, since the offending players would understand that any type of activity that is witnessed by ANYONE could result in their losing their account. And since, ONLY unaltered documentation could be used as incriminating evidence, and all parties would be assumed innocent until ACTUAL PROOF was supplied, this would be the best way I think to permanently and immediately solve all server issues without having to alter the link/fight/aggro codes which (other than exploits from other players) are essentially problem free.

This is the bandwagon we all need to jump on, and there is no other solution which could ever work in my opinion.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 14:14:11 2005 by Marinka
#631 Nov 05 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
359 posts
Here's a radical idea : leave MPKing alone. Its probably the least threat to anyone of the major exploits people use. The fact is that MPKing may be wrong, but at least its an equal oppurtunity for everyone. Because anyone can mpk, if person (or group) A wants to mpk person (or group) B he must be willing to face retaliation. This keeps everything in check.

I would rather see this energy focused into a permanent stop to botting. A permanent stop to the windower. A permanent stop to movement hacks. These things are not equal oppurtunity, as you must use programs outside the game to use them. If you stop mpking but do not stop these other things then you have done nothing.

Last time I checked, I had over 250 real life days played in ffxi (this does not include bazaar time, which is on another character) In those 6,000+ hours I have NEVER been succesfully intentionally MPK'ed and I have NEVER intentionally MPK'ed anyone else. So where's the problem? During that same 6,000 hours I have been affected by other players botting - which has excluded me from parts of the game that I shoul be entitled to. Until there is a permanent fix to the serious issues, stop distracting players from the real issues. This whole thing reminds me of a saying :

"When Guns are outlawed, only outlaws will own guns."

If you make it impossible to mpk using the game dynamics then guess who will be the only people who can MPK? People using a 3rd party program which allows them to break the game's rules.

I guess its too late and you have too much support, but don't be surprised if this makes things get worse rather than better.

As soon as PSU is released I will be going to that game, not because of MPKing, but because of the rampant botting and RMT in ffxi. Undoubtedly there will be cheating on that game too but because it will use instanced areas no botter can prevent you from enjoying a chance to fight a specific monster. If FFXI gave me the same opportunities, I would prefer to stay.
#632 Nov 05 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good

ve lost so much xp to that glitch and even been humiliated as the timer ran out on our hourglass and was dumped dead into the streets of jeuno after we won. That is just wrong, and it's an MPK issue that is on you guys since the glitch has been around since FFXI was jp only.


I'd like to point out that Dynamis wasn't introduced until Rise of Zilart, and Rise of Zilart was introduced to NA at same time as JP.

I'd also like to point out that tame won't work on something after a certain hate threshold has passed.

Most BST related MPK are caused by ignorant, whiney parties that believe they have more of a right to exp than a bst. That being said i think parties don't understand that a bsts camp is much larger than a parties camp. Sometimes a bst camp will take up 2 grids because we have to find something to charm (That something will wander back so we have to go back to get it) and something to fight.
You (players) May think that if there's two of something we can use it, but this is not the case since we charm an EM (same level as self) and make it fight a T or higher.
Sometimes the mob we're fighting will shred through our pet too fast and we have to find another pet while letting our previous one heal, Some players seeing a weakened mob will kill it with the intent of: Easy EXP, Easy farmed item, or Helping. But doing these things could be MPK in a smaller area since BSTs rely on our pets to kill thigns, If we don't have a pet that's strong enough we're pretty much screwed, This is MPK in it's own sense.
Leveling your NPC somewhere is nice, West altepa. Oooo Spiderwebs (Bad droprate but still wOOOO!) NOT! I leveled my bst from 40-41 in west altepa, PLayers leveling thier NPC ruined my exp by killing mobs for me to exp on and mobs for me to charm, and since that is a rather spread out zone my exp droped severlly despite my efforts to kindly ask people to stop killing spiders. By the time i hit lv 41 i was so fed up with altepa and NPCs i left the area.
Not all beastmaster's MPK, some are kind and gentle wanting nothing more than to get thier share of exp, Infact most of us want nothing more than to just enjoy what we have on our own without people around to bother us. You may have a bad experience with a BST, However I've had so many bad experiences with 'normies' I get nervous and start to watch them when they enter my camp.
All in all: Don't prejudge people, and respect thier space.

Suggestion: Don't make a change to the beastmaster job, There is a small number of us compared to other jobs on each server and most of us want nothing more then to enjoy ourselves.

Suggestion: Reduce recast on the job ability "Tame", 10min is a good standing atm for me, I only have to use it when i get a misscharm or link, However when using a mob that is charm resistant i fail alot more and in a bad place, that can be fatal to a job that doesn't have the luxury of a raise all the time.

Suggestion: Everyone else has said it pretty much, Have a GM watching HNM spawn camps in thier respective window and handle the violations of ToS accordingly.

These are my only requests, the rest was just making it clear to other jobs what they don't understand
#633 Nov 05 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
well, id like to thank you for bringing up this subject first, i heard rumors, but im not accusing any1, that GMs keep gilsellers (whom are the mostly likely candidates for MPKing) b/c they get a cut of whatever they make or something to that effect. i kinda think that is boguss, b/c how are the Gms going to talk to chinese gilsellers to make a deal like that? i know its possible w/ a translator, but i think thats its false. i think that fixing MPKing would be best by finding the gilsellers, (i know its not too hard, i can give u a list of like 30 on my server easily), and just getting rid of them. i know the can just go buy a new character, but eventually, i hope, they will get the point. this is more a rant about gilsellers, srry about that, but they seem to be the ppl who MPK the most. thank you,
#634 Nov 05 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,353 posts
First, I would like to apologize for not reading everyone's posts so I'm sorry if I'm repeating someone.

Suggestion: Make punishments actual punishments. If someone MPKs and gets told off and goes to jail, fine. If they do it again, send them to jail for a month, and if they do it one more time ban them. Extreme punishment (not that this is so extreme), is working in some countries in the world today that have an eye for an eye policy, and guess what, they don't have crime after the first few people got their hand chopped off. The people MPKing and telling others how to MPK are a small group in the FFXI community that continue to pester the rest of us. Just ban them, and their CD key or whatever. If they have enough money to keep buying FFXI's then that's just more money for you guys to spend on banning them.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 14:19:45 2005 by TheShadowWalker
#635 Nov 05 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
[b][/b] ok i know this may not be a MPK issue but it is definitly a
issue....regarding blazespikes etc...first time it was an accident but then higher lvl characters thought it was funny to stick around a exp party use blaze spikes and cure party get attacked and drain exp at end of battle...the really sucks when someone u hate wont go away from your party
#636 Nov 05 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
sUGGESTION: NM Beast is a notorious monster usually higher than all that is around it... area beasts should react in such a

way.. not only does this aid in the linking issue when fighting an NM (already difficult task lets try not to make it

impossible shall we (^.^)) but it also gives more "feel" to the game. Seeing beast flee an area where an NM recently spawned

does many things.. makes lower level players aware of danger in the area to take precaution, allows hunters to know season

is open, makes death by link rate lower .. animal is running away so it could care less about your butt, gives a feel to the

game it is lacking making the realism of Vana'diel more acute.

SUGGESTION: NM/agrro'ing Beasts should have more of a BOO! factor than a "I'll hit you once and kill you" factor... unless provoked or scared (an NM is not scared) beasts just "act" tough many deaths are becuase an NM scared the crap out of a low level player that couldnt get away in time. personal experience is my favorite little dragon in the Kuftal Tunnel .... i have no intentions of doing anything but running for my life at top speed from this thing.. please allow me to live SE (^.^) when sneak is wearing .. since you cant recast on top of it (hint) mobs should not be able to aggro you as if it is gone already(as WHM i have experienced this on SEVERAL occasions).. just a hint either allow to recast over it when wear warning is in effect or allow aggro delay for it.. running through that tunnel at level 50 i would cast sneak every 10 steps if i could get away with it (>.<) i am not a "gamer" i am a player i enjoy alot of the things people complain about becuase it keeps the unpredictable challenge there .. you never know what another player is going to do.. and that keeps me on my toes.. but as for the game .. you can do away with alot of the bad stuff by making the challenge there for everyone.. NM spawn should be the most random thing in this game..

SUGGESTION: NM Spawn should be way more random.. give the campers/sellers no way to camp. if the above "Boo" factor is

implimented the area an NM spawns can take up the whole Realm .. ooo wouldnt that be nice :) and fun! the VE can spawn

ANYWHERE in Vulkrum ooo that would cool ... oh and with this ..addressing the boo factor - that means if after a few seconds

the player who got hate/agrro doesnt claim beast, hate is lost and NM/beast moves on (this also shouldnt affect pullers as

you attacked it so therefore you have claim which also should be addressed once attacked, claim should never be lost unless

death/call for help! hate can move around but claim should never be lost even if you are claiming more than one).. this is

the boo factor :) and keeps more people alive and less likely to be killed..random spawns as NM is now = BAD idea :) i can

just see that dragon let loose all over that tunnel (/cry) it would only work with my Boo! factor .. but i think its a good

idea :/

SUGGESTION: like i said im no gamer im just a ver average player im not good or bad and i make plenty of mistakes but there are some things i see that need addressed... limits on sellable prices for items is on.. ok there is no reason for an item you can buy off an NPC for 1.2k (14400g per 12) should not be able to sell for 40k per stack that is extremely unrealistic. yes i make money we all do.. but lets get a little bit back down to earth.. shall we... you want to stop gill sellers... (^.^) make these drops Rare/EX non-auctionable you want it you kill it (^.^)....but yet able to defeat for its level.. in other words mob drops items of its level.. lvl 56ish mob ..lvl 56ish item that will cut out gil sellers alot and make items pricing fair again... astral ring.. come on people cut me a break.. who at level 10 can afford this item seriously. but make it non-autionable and people can have this item with friends help.. and it is enjoyable.. I am not good at BCNM but i am willing to try for the item if i want it bad enough (^.^) but i refuse to pay 8 times what its worth..... Erase is a big one.. when its something that is somewhat demanded by the job making to practically unobtainable by normal means make the game less fun to play.. i dont mind a challenge i don't mind paying for it if i decide to be lazy.. when no other spell out there goes over 200k there is no reason why Erase should be allowed to sell for 600k its very unrealistic. just my opinion.. there are limits.. the AH is so out of whack becuase of things like this .. if ERASE is 1mil and a person fails at 10 BCNM's trying to get it .. is it really worth the 1mil yes i guess so .. that makes make the temptation to support a gil seller that much more enticing... why .. after dying, deleveling, the frustration of not obtaining it and seeing the price it sells for.. you have two choices.. actually three continue BCNM, Farm for who only knows how long to obtain the gil, or buy gil online and get your spell.... putting price caps on items (reasonable price caps come now we all need to make gil still) can aid on alot of the issues many people complain about... a 200k price cap on Erase to me is not so unreasonable... when obtaining it is by drop not crafting. you have spent nothing to obtain it but time and maybe XP yet still make a decent profit as well as giving lazy ppl the ability to buy instead of work for it.. this is just an example btw.

MPK - i was always under the impression that MPK was done on purpose but after a while i see how its mostly on accident...

your not gonna stop it - someone will always find a way to do it on purpose.. some make it thier life goal... but the

"accidents" can be derailed slightly... scared player/party runs to zone with beast on there butt - none call for help beast now has nowhere to release its hate finds, closes person and beats them to death becuase it takes to long to linger back to is little area.. unfortunately that is life.. actually that is very realistic if a person can escape sucessfully.. but it is can also be unfair to other innocent players near zones like walking out of the dark to a tigers grin in your face.. claimed beasts needs to follow through zone .. well quite frankly if a bear is chasing me in the woods there is no imaginary line that i can run across that makes him stop .. so mob needs to zone with claimer and respawn at spot... now if its chasing someone unclaimed yes fair game so sorry u lose.. but a mob should not hold so much hate to follow very far (my Boo! factor (^.^)) now as for pulling its already addressed target is claimed and can hold hate all it wants, you provoked it silly (^.^) beasts wandering around minding its own business usually has no interest but to be left alone depending on the type of mob.... there for the should act in such a manner... also... if a beast finds itself backed in a corner or senses danger (hunting) it will hide or evade (^.^) survival of the fittest.. i am not a programer so my ideas might be impossible to do but i think they will help without deluting the game to bordom.. i kinda like it when a mob is accidently zone (one mob btw) keeps me and my party on its toes!!! Watch out! pull back! AGRRO TO ZONE! it is a part of the game it is what makes it "feel" like another world i live in.. dont take too much away from it. Most of the time people panic and forget to release the mob by calling for help they just ZONE ZONE ZONE! becuase this is just typical human nature drop and run haha.. claimed mobs really should follow as though they are chasing the party.. only when release should a mob have untargeted hate anyway.. the call for help system is perfect just as it is, since no matter provoked or not it can not be claimed by just one person everyone can get a bite ..... this is just my two cents (^.^)
#637 Nov 05 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,353 posts
ok i know this may not be a MPK issue but it is definitly a
issue....regarding blazespikes etc...first time it was an accident but then higher lvl characters thought it was funny to stick around a exp party use blaze spikes and cure party get attacked and drain exp at end of battle...the really sucks when someone u hate wont go away from your party

They added a feature so that you can't be cured by someone outside your party. I forget how to use it but it's some like /blockhelp or something. Just make sure everyone in your party is using it.
#638 Nov 05 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
Linuac wrote:
"FFXI is the only place you can work so hard, put so much time and effort into a goal and have nothing to show for it."

here here, I agree 100%

#639 Nov 05 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
52 posts
Suggestion: Ok, I've discussed this with my linkshell and alot of friends.
This is an easy solution.

Ala every other Final Fantasy game, with random battles; when you're walking across the battlefied and get warped.

As soon as the NM gets claimed, the person who claimed it, and their party will get warped to a battlefield where nobody else is.
MPK is absolutly impossibe in this case, since their will only be one party/alliance there vs. the monster in question.

If the said party happens to lose the battle, the NM will pop again for the other people waiting who tried to get the claim originally. But the waiting parties will have no idea if the NM is defeated or not, so that would add a bit of strategy.
Anyways, in short, this would eliminate all forms of MPK, while still keeping the world of Final Fantasy alive and well. It's a system used for 10 Final Fantasy's prior so why not FFXI?

Edited, Thu Nov 10 04:37:20 2005 by Whahoppen
#640 Nov 05 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
I don't think it should be changed at all.
#641 Nov 05 2005 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent
1,085 posts

> AoE damage should not affect players in other parties not engaged in the battle with the monster that initiated the AoE attack!"

I agree with this one! The other night I got hit by an AOE from a NM did against a 75BLM. As a 31SMN (at the time), I died on the spot. I was not part of his fight but was trying to get away from him. He had moved his fight to right beside me (for whatever reason).

BUT any Power Leveler or Assistance from outside the party during the battle should be fair game.

IBHalliwell - Thank you for taking up this question!

#642 Nov 05 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Excellent
1,085 posts

Here's a suggestion but one I have yet to think out completely.

Realizing MPK will continue to occur, all those killed by a MPK to raise or HP for NO LOSS in XP. Those raised should have no weakend conditioned.

Yes, there are details to work out like how to determine if this is a MPK raise or HP .vs. a normal death raise or HP.

IBHalliwell - If we can't prevent all MKP from happening, at least we could reduce its effect upon each other! :)
#643 Nov 05 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
454 posts
What you should do is change the Pop times for some NMs that are highly sought after such as things like Ulli in Sky. It randomly pops lets say every 12 hours cause it's hard to see it pop after 4 or 5, you NEED that drop to have your Linkshell do gods, and those are the types of items most MPKd over. Maybe just changing pop times on some NMs and making it so even after sleeping an enemy another person cant claim it so the PT or alliance cant resleep it.
#644 Nov 05 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
16 posts
No matter the alteration, people will still find a way to exploit whatever system is in place. The moment SE changes a bit of code, thousands of us go looking for a loophole around it.

The only way to end the problem itself is to fix the underlying causes. Money is hard to come buy. Casual players have no hope in the higher levels. Even with imaginary money, people will kill to make a profit.

SE won't alter the difficulty. Make things too easy and less time consuming, and we the customers might do all there is to do, and stop paying for service each month. Making money easier to come by falls in the same category-- if we no longer have to farm for weeks on end, we don't have to subscribe for as many months. Insanely long spawn times of 24 hours or more are in the same category-- they want customers to fail or get no drop and have to try again and again week after week. Its all just good business sense.

That said, the only real solution for both SE and the consumer is to simply increase our options. Every THF on the planet fights tooth and nail for the *exact same drops.* Every BLM in existence will spend endless hours sitting around waiting on the exact same goblin and hoping everyone else in sight suffers heart attacks.

Add new equipment, and make the bright shiny pieces Rare/Exc for the most part. And I'm not asking for the type of equip additions we saw during the CoP release, because frankly, they were piddly at best. For example, give a lvl 65 THF the option to chase after a really kick-*** jerkin with +20 Acc and -20 Eva, or a harness with +20 Str and -20 Agi, or one of half a dozen others. Hold off on programming 12 new areas for us to enter for a couple of quests and never after and instead spend the time coding in equipment and weapons that give us valid choices as players. That was supposed ot be one of the benefits of an MMORPG-- the chance for very different people to evolve similar characters in very different ways.

Some form of ruining the other guy's day will always exist. If you want to really help make it a more enjoyable experience, focus on giving us less reasons to do so.
#645 Nov 05 2005 at 3:25 PM Rating: Excellent
55 posts
IBHalliwell wrote:

Here's a suggestion but one I have yet to think out completely.

Realizing MPK will continue to occur, all those killed by a MPK to raise or HP for NO LOSS in XP. Those raised should have no weakend conditioned.

Yes, there are details to work out like how to determine if this is a MPK raise or HP .vs. a normal death raise or HP.

IBHalliwell - If we can't prevent all MKP from happening, at least we could reduce its effect upon each other! :)

Since people will find ways around preventing MPK, this idea of no weakness and no XP loss sounds good!

#646 Nov 05 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Default
Suggestion: Make ALL EQUIPMENT drops from Notorious Monsters Rare/ex. the exception to that rule would be ENM, Beastman Seal and Kindred Seal Burning Circle fights.

Ugh smoke much crack? There goes half the fun of the game.

I do personally think everything is fine, aside from a mass amount of players being melodramatic. SE rocks and the current system rocks. Stop complaining and making big long post and actually play the game.

The only Idea I am keen on is IBHalliwell's suggestion which is more sensible than anything previously suggested.
#647 Nov 05 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
"I think this whole MPK issue could be taken care of quite easily if GM's actually did something about it. How many times do I gotta hear about how ol' Talorhoho of Garuda MPK'ed yet another party/alliance and he's still around?

I don't work for SE and I'm not sure exactly how they like to enforce thier policy, but after the 500th GM call about people like Talorhoho MPK'ing people...I think it's time to take a little action against the individual(s)...don't you agree?

Maybe you should hire a squad of GMs that only investigate MPK issues? They could moniter people who have been accused consistently of MPK. I'm sure it's hard for a GM to moniter suspected MPKers when they got a whole bunch of other issues to respond to and resolve.

As for changing play mechanics, I think it's not a good idea. For the most part, the gameplay is wonderful in FFXI and making drastic changes to the system to specifically halt MPK could, and possibly will, hurt people more than you could imagine. "

Edited, Sat Nov 5 10:34:28 2005 by Reizel

I agree to what this guy said this would be too big of a change and if GM stoped people who deliberately mpk others this wouldnt be such a problem...

as for mobs that u are zoning that aggro if someone else happents to run into it and die well sucks to be them >.>

the claim issue ,say for bst changing pets <> or hate well maby make a timer? for how long the mob hasnt been hit like 1 min?
(thats time to get then new pet?) just an idea i didnt read whole post and wont... tooooo long i did skim... and this guy seems to have an opinion that i would on this subject ^^
#648 Nov 05 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
I'm about to ding 70... I've been MPKed once. The system only has 1 problem. I don't like getting blown up when minding my own business. Make AoE work only against the party and make mobs suffer for using their AoE. Why can a goblin blast Aeroga III in a circle full of bunnies but I get mauled?

SE, focus on the real problems, I think one of the major problems is botting. I hate going and seeing Cassie or Serket or another NM just pop spawned because someone has been packet sniffing again.

And make FFXI run in a god damn window. I know like 15 people who use windowers so they can chat on AIM, use Ventrillo, listen to music, or just get some homework done while playing the game. I know it's against the ToS in the most technical reading, but does it really provide an edge?
#649 Nov 05 2005 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
thx for keeping me occupied at work. was fun to read ^^

while most of your ideas are well thought out take into account a few things.

#1 "zomg train to zone" yes this sux for people zoneing.. **** happens. live and learn - stop xping at zone entrences find new camps

#2 MPKing gilsellers = stress relief (without being able to MPK them there is no way to releave the stress of watching them take down a 21-24 hour pop NM)

#3 MPKing mules who sell items at zones for double there worth = practice for #2 (we all hate them and love to kill them - even if they are lvl 1 and don't loose xp)

#4 SE banned 800 people last december or whenever for various things, some were banned monoplozing NMs others for botting and most for gilselling yet some of these gilsellers actually provided a service for the community. i.e. tele and warp whoring. (way to boot the people who helped us... first! (*^^)b good job SE >.<)

#5 GMs are not police nor will they ever be they are "mediators" between SE and an the community. There job is to listen to all the ******** SE doesn't want to deal with and fix simple problems like rezoning. Those generic responces are really the GMs saying "SE doesn't care why should we!" The only thing I have seen that can constantly get u jailed for is constant hurrasment of another player.

#6 MPK sux when it happens to you. But its entertaining to watch. Memories of gilseller wars over anament = priceless(this is a game and its supposed to be entertaing)http://www.skemp.net/gilfarmerwar/index.html
if this doesn't make you laugh there is something wrong with u!

If SE really cares what the communtity has to say they would put a FORUM/SUGGESTION link on the playonline website. This is a feable attempt by SE to please the community so we think they are listening. Needless to say I have little to no faith in SE at this point.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 16:11:48 2005 by Mestatic
#650 Nov 05 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
... I recently was leveling in the Yhoator and Yuhtunga Jungles. now, the mandragoras there have a tendency to use "Dreamflower" which puts everyone in AoE effect. I got Lv 32 today so I'm out of that zone but i may make my way back. But my problem is when my party and I are on our own and fighting a mob when a party next to us grabs a mandragora that uses "Dreamflower". That puts my whole party to sleep in the AoE. And if a gob is by the zone while a different party puts me to sleep and the gob comes, well then kiss my parties *** goodbye. also this may lead to an agry party member to MPK the party that put his/her party asleep. if this could be changed, I'm, sure many people would be very happy
#651 Nov 05 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
829 posts
Suggestion: When a player zones mobs, just have those mobs vanish into the zone as well and respawn at their original spawn points.
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