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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#652 Nov 05 2005 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Suggestion: (H)NM Intimidation - All creatures not of the same species within the area of an NM and of significantly lower level of said NM, will not aggro.

Suggestion: Revenge Striking - We now have /blockaid, and so, this becomes possible. You may engage attack on any mob that has hate for you. Doing so will cause the mob to go into Called For Help mode until it has erased hate from either you or the other player involved, at which point it becomes claimed by whoever is left on hate list. This will, in turn, cause a lot of arguments about players stealing each other's XP mobs, but since it goes into Called For Help mode, why would one do this?

Suggestion: Zone/Death Hate Decay - When a mob has lost its target through the act of target zoning or dying, they retain their hate level for target for awhile, and remain claimed by that target/that target's party even though they are wandering back. This hate will have to diminish much faster, based on how much the creature moves, rather than how long ago their prey zoned. Creature loses all hate it has accumulated for everyone at that rate, therefore since the person with the highest hate is likely to be the one that zoned it, it will essentially return to party claimed ONLY if they built up so much hate on it that it returns to where they are before it loses all of it. Creature also does not aggro during this time.

Suggestion: Lose Track - Monsters that aggro and track by certain means should permanently lose track of someone who has managed to escape enough to get sufficiently covered, or run through water, or such. This would somewhat prevent accidental MPK.

Suggestion: HNM Roaming Triggers - As you have done for the Chocoboleech in the Dangruf Wadi. (I can't help but feel this was a test for such code, and it is a great one). Have the HNMs spawned by CRAFTED item with a moderate failure rate or that requires a series of synths to get all the items involved (also something I've noticed being done) and have the spawn point move around within a small area rather than the HNM itself randomly appearing. When Item is traded to ???, NM spawns claimed to party/alliance that did so. As with other such creatures, NQ spawns normal HNM, HQ spawns normal HNM but with higher droprate, HQ2 spawns King HNM or something similar, HQ3 spawns King HNM with guaranteed drop. NM despawns when all members of party/alliance fighting are defeated and AFTER it has lost all interest due to Zone/Death Hate Decay. (And just for the sake of looking cool, make NM despawn some sort of event). Of course, the ??? could appear only every few hours after the death/despawn of the last creature spawned from it, say 4 hours or so.

Suggestion: Sneaking into Zone - Players should be undetectable for about 15 seconds after zoning into just about anywhere EXCEPT by mob that still has Retained Hate. There is no reason currently why anyone should be instantly attacked when zoning, nor any area I know of where instant assault upon entering the area is part of the game mechanics.

The suggestions hopefully all retain the current harsh competitive atmosphere, but causes MPK to be far less outright helpful since the mob will just despawn after awhile, and since whoever managed to build the most hate on it will retain claim even if they must run/end up dead. Due to /blockaid's availability, players can now choose if they wish to be helped and risk losing the creature, or go it alone and risk death.
#653 Nov 05 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
personally, i believe the game is fine the way that it is now, mpking does suck, i will agree with that, but if you change the game too much (and make it so stuff doesnt link) it will make the game easier, there are already too many people that are at the level cap if you made it less hard to die there would be even more people at 75. Im not saying that people should go around and mpk people to keep them from leveling, but, if you were to take away the linking ability of the mobs, parties wouldnt die as much and stuff...
#654 Nov 05 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
what he was saing is. have the mobs act as if they where zoning but they wouldnt actually follow the PC to the new area. they would just respawn when the time was right. yes it is flawed as in if someone zones all the mobs in an area to the zone then when they respawn all at once/or a few at a time, then it would mess with other PCs.
but the idea is a good one if it can be worked with properly.
#655 Nov 05 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Im not sure if this has been said yet because too many pages to read, but mobs should return to their start position much faster, for instance ghost types take forever to return because they only move a short distance with a lot of time between movement.
#656 Nov 05 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
The biggest gripe i have on MPK, and someone noted this earlier is to change the reason on why people would want to MPK anyways. Mainly gilsellers and getting claims are the big reason for deliberate MPK - but if anything the monsters behaviors need to be changed while outside of party AoE and being bound.

I recently witnessed someone claiming Amemet and a gilseller brought a cactaur over and began to fight next to the person fighting Amemet, creating 1000 Needles AoE which will knock the shadows off and deliver dmg depending on hw many players/pets are around the area. I definatly believe AoE should be limited to party or person fighting the monster only. As for a monster being bound, i've had problems with this myself, they should only attack people in party that get close not people running by - but then again if you run by and monster attacks you just get away from it and don't do anything like cure 3 to draw hate back.

So those are my biggest gripes, let AoE be limited to party/person attacking mob only and change the bind-hate feature. Also wouldn't hurt that trained mobs don't aggro till they reach their assigned point - kinda doesn't make to much sense but it'd be a lot easier on parties and innocent people i.e. people EXPing in kuftal while some idiot trains 100 crabs and 50 haunts, that's just lame -_-
#657 Nov 05 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
355 posts
The main reason most MPK happen anway, is because of the rarity of NM, HNM, the rarity of drops from both, and the many many people all camping NM for the same reason. You've servers are no longer small in population. I'm kinda scared about the number of people NM after 360 release myself.
#658 Nov 05 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
Suggestion: For contested hnm like fafnir introduce an automatic warpga ability to the mobs (like what the red sash event mob Toro did but aoe). Every 5 minutes the mob automatically casts warpga on anyone within *hnm aoe radius* but not in the killing alliance. This will prevent people from camping on top of fighting alliances trying to dc them or mess them up or mpk by stealing claim if it goes yellow for a second. Alliances that want to fight if the group wipes would be forced to stand at hnm aoe radius waiting for a wipe before moving in or they risk losing their alliance to warpga. Basically it turns it into a clean and lower lag fight for the claiming alliance, competing groups can still be there, they just need to be at a considerable distance. As this is a mob ability, you can choose which hnm to give it to on a case by case basis and add it to anything that becomes a problem. The only thing to consider is this will mess up outside healers and supporting groups so this shouldn't for example be done to CoP wyrms which use outside add killing pts.

Suggestion: If a mob is claimed, and hits someone who can't hit back (the mob is purple to that player), allow that person to call for help on it. This would give the player the ability to defend against shadowbound mobs, or against certain types of mpk attempts in general.

Suggestion: Disable call for help on hnm. Really, there is no good reason to call for help on an hnm ever. Just have that feature not work on hnm. If you implement previous suggestion, you might need to implement this one too.

#659 Nov 05 2005 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
I honestly don't know if it's been mentioned in here so far......because after reading the same suggestions over and over my attention span went kaput.

Sometimes MPK is necessary. HNM life is set up around some rules....if there's no way to inforce these rules then it would give rise to even more problems....that you can't do anything about. One example is. There's a rule about HNM claim. After a HNM is claimed, every competing LS leaves the zone leaving only a spotter, and does a /random for the order of who gets the HNM next should the original claiming ls die. Being player inforced rules.....there's no way to inforce it if you take MPK away. Like one time in aery before. A LS got claim....everyone escaped save for a JP ls. They knew the rules on that, ls leaders /t'd them what was going on in thier own language. Still they stayed, and took Fafnir as soon as the original claiming ls died. Sooo the winning ls MPKed them with spiders and the aery's Rose. If these player inforced rules can be taken up on a GM level. Such as a GM presides over the /random and enforces it that way, then I'm all for this. If not, I think some things need to stay the way they are....or it'll just get unenjoyable HNMwise endgame. I really don't want to imagine 5+ lses standing around a HNM while we're fighting turboing it because that's the only way they'll get a chance at it if we lose >.> I'm on satelite internet so my lag is bad enough as it is thanks lol.
#660 Nov 05 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
Lots of good suggestions seen have I.... but quit reading/looking at this thread I believe SE has ;)
#661 Nov 05 2005 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
VVillow wrote:
I do believe that people should at least read some of the thread before replying, since most of the suggestions are all basically the same.

For instance:

Thepalace wrote:
At the top of my list is probably the least succesful for MPK, but one of the most absurd that it's possible..

Suggestion: Bound monsters attacking any and every player near them. This is just stupid, and pointless. There is no practical purpose for this game mechanic, and yet it is there. Get rid of it.

Mentioned at least more than 5 times in posts immediately preceding. Reading the thread, I can't see anything that I need to say that has been said, which may be a thing we'd want to all give a shot.

Keeping the suggestions and ideas concise and not flooding the thread with repeated posts that say the same thing will drown out the few posts that may have something different and potentially important to say.

Or it could show that "Hey, this idea seems to be coming up alot. Maybe this is something we should think about implementing"
#662 Nov 05 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
Suggestion- There are mob behaviors which are active code within the 3 starting regions. (Saru, Ron, Gusta) that have mobs give up after a certain amount of time, and seem to have a limit to how far they can go from their origional area. Make that active everywhere.

Suggestion- The bind issue (been said many times, but the more who say it the more it's seen.)

Suggestion- Earlier, it was changed that mobs recover slowly as they return to their zone area, instead, I say that this be set back to how it used to be. Hate is still lost after zone, however, the mob returns to their origional location without agroing anyone (whom did not already get hate with the mob), and they return without stopping. Aka, keep running through. Making the process of returning still logical, but removes the problem of kills on zone-in and exp parties.
#663 Nov 05 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default
Heres a suggestion, Hire GMs that actualy DO THEIR JOB, like when you give them PERFECT EVIDENCE OF RMT MPKING, like for example, TALKING TO THE GM WHILE YOUR BEING MPKED AND ASKING HIM IF THEY SEE IT AND THEM SAYING YES AND NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT. dont change the game mecahanics because YOU people cant do your job, sry thanks for the thread and intrest in alla forums but this is pointless. would be ALOT better if you just ******* KICKED THESE PEOPLE WTF
#664 Nov 05 2005 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
444 posts
<b>I got a quick, and easy way to fix this. Doesnt require changing hate system></b>

Lets use Valkurum as an example. You got a few goblins on you, and you zone to Mhaura. Where as usually they will turn around and start killing others, what they SHOULD do is as soon as aggro is lost and after their anti-aggro short delay runs out, they are despawned. And put back on the top of the spawning list.

I say they are put back on the top of the spawning list, because a possible exploit to get lottery spawns to pop quicker would be just to train and get them to be "deleted".

AOE will not affect anyone not in the party/alliance...easy fix for that.

<b>I have a much more fun idea.</b> Its called Notorious Criminal. If a GM finds someone guilty of a crime, a player will be known as a Notorious Criminal. Outside of town, they will be able to be claimed and defeated. If defeated, they will drop an item that when equipped, players can check and see what criminals have been brought to justice.

They are then put into jail for 3 game days, and loses the maximum EXP lost on ALL jobs, meaning the amount of possible exp lost at level 75, to all the jobs they have leveled.
#665 Nov 05 2005 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
Leash the monsters. They really shouldn't be running a mile just because they're aggro. I mean, yeah vary the leashes based on the monster and their likeliness to catch their prey, but if they've gone, oh, a minute or so without either hitting or getting hit, they should stop, shrug, and turn back. That'll all-but-eliminate death trains.

What's more, intelligent mobs should communicate instead of chase stupidly. Take Castle Oztroja for instance: if you aggro a Yagudo at the top, why would he chase you all the way to the bottom? Couldn't he just shout "Watch out for a Hume in green heading for the entrance" and other Yagudos would be pre-aggro to him? That's how it works in real life. If someone steals from a store and is noticed, the shopkeeper doesn't chase him down the street (usually); he yells "Stop him!" and somebody else does.

But mostly I agree that fixing the mechanic for MPK is not what needs to be done here. Instead, you need to look at the reason and fix that. Or toggle repeat-offenders of MPK as attackable by others. True PK to keep the MPKers in line.
#666 Nov 05 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
628 posts
Suggestion: Change the GM call system to include a call specifically for MPK. Make MPK calls top priority. The problem that I have seen is that by the time a GM does show up the MPKer(s) have already made their exit or everyone is already dead. If a GM responds immediately this will increase the amount of people caught in the act.

Suggestion: If a player is caught MPKing add an additional penalty of XP loss(say about 10% of their total XP [This can result in several levels lost at higher levels]) to go along with their suspension.

Suggestion: Do not post GMs at high demand NM spawns until a few minutes after the claim. There are to many bots that tell when a GM is in the zone and this can give away the NMs spawn.
#667 Nov 05 2005 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
444 posts
After a person is killed, or zoned, the mob(s) should just respawn back to their home point...thats it...easy. MPKing fixed

Edited, Sat Nov 5 19:45:10 2005 by Kailkun
#668 Nov 05 2005 at 7:35 PM Rating: Default
Suggestion: Change the GM call system to include a call specifically for MPK. Make MPK calls top priority. The problem that I have seen is that by the time a GM does show up the MPKer(s) have already made their exit or everyone is already dead. If a GM responds immediately this will increase the amount of people caught in the act.

um yea this would work IF THE GMS ACTUALY DID SOMETHING TO THE MPKERS. i'm sorry but the lack of action taken when GMs HAVE THE EVIDENCE IN FRONT OF THEM really makes me sour.
#669 Nov 05 2005 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
2,796 posts
Make it so that if a mob is claimed, and the alliance fighting it is wiped, the mob cannot be claimed until its HP is at 100%. Too often we've seen RMT MPK groups of people at the end of a fight, to defeat a mob who had a sliver of life remaining.

Well, only way a monster can recover HP is when he's yellow.

I think that a possible way is making only a NM turn yellow once the everyone in the alliance with either hate or are in visibility range are at 0 HP. If you just change it that the 'whole' alliance has to be dead, then every time someone will just post a person in a safe spot with no activity to the NM so that if they do wipe, they can just reraise and kill it again.
Thus if a person is sitting, using offensive moves to the NM, or uses support magic/abilities to 'any' member with hate or not, will have to die to allow the NM to turn unclaimed.
Of course I'd only apply this to Notorious Monsters, because while things might be useful to regular monsters, some people actually want the monster to turn unclaimed maybe for a mistaken pull or they want the other person to kill it for them.
Either that, or there should be a control to choose it to go unclaimed once disengaged like the control /help is used to manually concede the monster.
#670 Nov 05 2005 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
444 posts
If an alliance is facing a HNM and someone tries to train it on them through bind, or Warp, or just suicide, after the person training is gone, the mob shoudl just go back to its home point immediately through a warp.

Scripting wise, i think the easiest way to do it is to put the mob back to the top of the spawning list, and have the mob unspawned. This way its impossible to train on someone.

AOE should only effect someone in the party, or your NPC.
#671 Nov 05 2005 at 7:41 PM Rating: Default
honestly this whole thread offends me, its as if they _want_ to do something about MPK but yet this problem has been going on for years now. Ok so what it seems like to me is you gms want to change the game to make it easier for you? what are you lazy or somthing? honestly ive NEVER been mpked except once when i afked somewhere, now ive had ppl ATTEMPT to mpk me 100s of times, it just cant be done. im too good for them, all you gotta do is FREEKING MOVE. PAY ATTENTION AND MOVE.

but as far as this thread goes im going back to my first post here and saying that IF YOU JUST DID YOUR JOB then we would HAVE this problem.
#672 Nov 05 2005 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
2,796 posts
Sounds like King Loius during the French revolution.
I wouldn't suggest turning this into a flame thread.
#673 Nov 05 2005 at 7:47 PM Rating: Default
Sounds like King Loius during the French revolution.
I wouldn't suggest turning this into a flame thread

LAAAAAAAAAAAWL too late buddy, its already happened. People wanna repeat the shame **** over and over and over and over, but fail to see the truth, or the point. you see theres a principle, and that principle is that we WANT TO HAVE FUN. We dont wanna do YOUR job (: *you being the GM who started the thread*

heres another suggestion KICK THE FREEKIN RMTS, you can change your rules right?! THEN DO IT!!!!

change it to were if you ACT like "this" then your getting booted, i mean make a program that monitors peoples play time.


also, i mean these ******** just spam things like **************** and talk in chinese, and have times and weird crap in their bazar comment... i dont understand how GMs can tell me "theres nothing wrong with camping a NM" yea well theres nothing wrong with changing your ToS either, its YOUR game, NOW FIX IT

Edited, Sat Nov 5 20:06:04 2005 by Stayhigh
#674 Nov 05 2005 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
444 posts
The GM's from what i understand cover multiple servers, so they have a tough job.

I hate to restate my suggestion, but I honestly think it would solve MPKing. Theres a small delay after a mob loses hate on the player. This is also the same delay taht when they spawn, you can just run by quickly. Make it so they dont move for about 5 seconds, but anyone within their aggro range WILL be attacked.After this small delay of non-aggro, then they should just despawn, and respawn to to their home points.

Example. In Crawlers nest, Soldier train to rolanberry zone. Player zones. They stand there not moving back for 5 seconds. If someone DOESNT run by, they go back to their home points.

Example 2. In Crawlers nest again. Solder train to rolanberry zone. Player zones. They stand there not moving back for 5 seconds after hate is shed. Player goes to check and see if the train is gone. He gets aggro and is killed. 5 Seconds after hate is shed, someone goes to zone into rolanberry, and sees a soldier, and gets aggro, but zones. Soldiers shed hate, and after 5 secodns, respawns back to their usual home point, train gone.

No more GM calls on MPKing. Make sure that disbanding from a party doesnt clear hate.
#675 Nov 05 2005 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
444 posts
LAAAAAAAAAAAWL too late buddy, its already happened. People wanna repeat the shame sh*t over and over and over and over, but fail to see the truth, or the point. you see theres a principle, and that principle is that we WANT TO HAVE FUN. We dont wanna do YOUR job (: *you being the GM who started the thread*

heres another suggestion KICK THE FREEKIN RMTS, you can change your rules right?! THEN DO IT!!!!

change it to were if you ACT like "this" then your getting booted, i mean make a program that monitors peoples play time.


also, i mean these @#%^s just spam things like "sh*t" and talk in chinese, and have times and weird crap in their bazar comment... i dont understand how GMs can tell me "theres nothing wrong with camping a NM" yea well theres nothing wrong with changing your ToS either, its YOUR game, NOW FIX IT

Its not that easy to prove someone is a RMTer. They could have 5 people playing the same character and taking turns. just beacuse I can disprove that they are RMTers right there is reason enough NOT to ban them...you dont know. If it were that easy, then it would have been done already..-_-a
#676 Nov 05 2005 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
um making mobs despawn is gonna be very lame, i mean for one, what if a NM was zoned. would it despawn and go back into LOTTO? i mean wtf thats stupid. Ok heres another example, sometimes ill pull a Trooper from 3rd tier orc area in davoi, then run it to rank 5 zone in order to zone it and ALL the links i get, so i can zone out and be able to claim it w/o getting so many links, seriously CHANGING THE GAME IS NOT THE ANSWER, and I know me and ALOT of other ppl will QUIT if this happens... i might not quit but ill most definatly consider it, of course ill try out the new gameplay but STILL. THIS IS NOT THE ANSWER. HIAR MORE GMS OR SOMTHING WTF. hiar real players to BE GMs. i dunno, the PROBLEM here is GMS NOT DOING THEIR JOB. if you dont think this is true then you HAVNT been around long enough.
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