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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#677 Nov 05 2005 at 8:02 PM Rating: Default
Its not that easy to prove someone is a RMTer. They could have 5 people playing the same character and taking turns. just beacuse I can disprove that they are RMTers right there is reason enough NOT to ban them...you dont know. If it were that easy, then it would have been done already..-_-a

i'm sorry but thats bs, any experianced player can spot a RMT IMMEDIATLY. the name, the way they talk, the way they act, the way they party with OTHER PPL JUST LIKE THEM. the equipments they wear, and their bazar comments ESPECIALY. if i can spot a RMT then anyone else can. its that simple.
#678 Nov 05 2005 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
444 posts
um making mobs despawn is gonna be very lame, i mean for one, what if a NM was zoned. would it despawn and go back into LOTTO? i mean wtf thats stupid. Ok heres another example, sometimes ill pull a Trooper from 3rd tier orc area in davoi, then run it to rank 5 zone in order to zone it and ALL the links i get, so i can zone out and be able to claim it w/o getting so many links, seriously CHANGING THE GAME IS NOT THE ANSWER, and I know me and ALOT of other ppl will QUIT if this happens... i might not quit but ill most definatly consider it, of course ill try out the new gameplay but STILL. THIS IS NOT THE ANSWER. HIAR MORE GMS OR SOMTHING WTF. hiar real players to BE GMs. i dunno, the PROBLEM here is GMS NOT DOING THEIR JOB. if you dont think this is true then you HAVNT been around long enough.

If the NM was zoned, it would go directly back to the home point immediately, meaning back on the top of the spawning list. (read a thread before you call it stupid).

The GM's CANT do everything we say. They cant put someone at the zone of a HNM spawn because remember there are ALOT of servers, and ALOT of HNM spawns. *Hire is the spelling you wanna go for. The GM's are doing all they can, and I've been playing for 23 months, thanks.

The GMS obviously are doing all they can do. They have become stricter with MPKing, but SE is trying to stop MPKing ALL TOGETHER, so the GM's can stop getting craploads of calls every few minutes about it. Then, they can have their GM's doing other things, and then the developers can focus on making the game better in OTHER ways. I just reported a Gil seller on my server, that person hasnt been on yet. The problem is, they can just buy a new content ID, and thats perfectly within ToS. They're be ready to go in a month again...

Fix the Linking system, and there wont be trains...like i said, my answer is the most logical, and easiest to pull of.
#679 Nov 05 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
444 posts
i'm sorry but thats bs, any experianced player can spot a RMT IMMEDIATLY. the name, the way they talk, the way they act, the way they party with OTHER PPL JUST LIKE THEM. the equipments they wear, and their bazar comments ESPECIALY. if i can spot a RMT then anyone else can. its that simple.

No i understand completely. Seeing the Xables camp on Diabolos constantly with other Xables, they dont speak to anyone else, and others have heard in LS chat FROM THEM saying that they ar RMT's. They get banned, then they make a new character and thats it.

You cant profile someone as a RMT, and that is not what SE wants to do. Saying "They're chinese, they all do the same things, we're banning you", im sure they could get sued really hard.
#680 Nov 05 2005 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
2,796 posts
Tell that to the court.
"Why did you ban him?"
"He looked like a gil seller."
"Any evidence to prove it?"
"Not really, just had a huge gut feeling."
#681 Nov 05 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
444 posts
exactly...court is in favor of jinxou wong, 5 million US dollars.

Three days later, they've taken over the server with their money -_-a
#682 Nov 05 2005 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
IMO not enough players are banned for ruining the game for others. The thing that irritates me the most regarding this subject is the RMT's who MPK who ever claims the nm they are attempting to claim. I don't know how many times i've watched this happen by the same small groups of RMT players and I've called GM's a couple of times with no effect other than a pleasant conversation with a GM. I understand that SE does not want to ban people since that would cancel some of their income but if players cannot play by the rules they should be punished. It seems the only thing that happens is the MPKer will get a tell saying something along the lines of, "Don't do that again."
I know I'm exagerating here but I'm sure you get the point.
#683 Nov 05 2005 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
it's easy to find out who is RMT. The reason GM's don't do anything to RMT who mpk you is, they simply are told by SE to leave the RMT alone. A GM has told me that.

If they are known RMT, it has to be handled by SE's legal dept. Who dont give a ****. GM's are strictly told leave RMT alone. They want the 12.95 or w.e a month. Baning RMT = Less money. RMT is gonna get worse with the 360 crowd coming in with daddys credit card. That's what its gonna be from a $1,000 gaming console.
#684 Nov 05 2005 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
238 posts
I have another one... on the lines of preventing MPK through deterrent.

Suggestion: If someone is blatantly guilty of intentional MPK and is jailed and suspended for such, have it so the GM's could levy an additional penalty, such as after the out-of-game suspension ends, an additional AH suspension for a set amount of time.

Could also throw in Airship and Chocobo suspensions, like say 1 day of no AH and Airship/Chocobos for first offense, 2 for 2nd, and go exponential assuming a permenant ban from doesn't take place.

Could also throw in a Delivery Service suspension as well to prevent violators from just shipping something to a mule and auctioning off that way, and possibly make NPC Vendors notice the AH ban too.

And in cases where a permanent ban isn't put into place yet violations keep occuring, levy fines on the violators gil, say 25% or 10000 for first offense, whichever is greater, and up it by 25% or multiply the static value by 10 each time, with the 4th time this is done (and if someone's still violating and still able to play by this point, they shouldn't be allowed to play anyways) they would forfeit all gil for the violation.

In summary:
- MPK results in game suspension.
- MPKer comes back, and finds additional suspension from:
-- Auction House (anything on auction at time of suspension is immediately delisted and returned to delivery box, fees forfeited).
-- Chocobo Stables
-- Airships from all cities, not just Jeuno
-- Delivery Service (I forget the actual name)
-- NPC Vendors.
-- Perhaps Inter-player trades as seen fit.
- Maybe even levy gil fines in extreme cases that don't get permanent bans.

It may not in itself prevent MPKing, but it should act as a deterrent, especially against RMT violators who use the AH as a primary tool for their activities.

Another Suggestion: This is along the lines of previous suggestions, but have like a town crier in all cities with a list of recent MPKers and other violators, with punishments levied. (Of course, you'd have to actually talk to the NPC.) This would be useful to not only help us players find out who to watch out for, but also help Linkshell leaders investigate player behavior based on individual LS rules as well, further helping the community police itself.
Vaius of Ramuh
San d'Oria 10 | Windurst/Bastok 6 | ZM DONE | CoP DONE | ToAU DONE | 1st Liuetenant | WoTG 9

DRK 90/BLM 90

Goldsmithing 67.8 + 1
60 Capped: Cooking, Alchemy
Post 50: Smithing, Clothcraft, Bonecraft

Apocalypse: Stage 1 (250/500)
#685 Nov 05 2005 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
444 posts
I agree, stricter watch over RMT, and mpking should be there, but the rep is looking for ingame changes...
#686 Nov 05 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
585 posts
I have a suggestion. With the fellowship/escort quests, there's some sort of AI for certain NPCs... why not give this to the region guards? If a mob comes too close to an outpost, or to a zone, the region guards attack and kill the mob (kinda like the guards in WoW). This would eliminate any possibility of zoning out and having the mob link onto somebody else.

If the mob is claimed, then the guard can't attack it, but otherwise the guard just kills it.
#687 Nov 05 2005 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
444 posts
This idea could be exploited... Just zone all the mobs and have the guard take care of them, then back to NM camping
#688 Nov 05 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,021 posts
Not of any big concern, but more fodder for the cannon.

Party in Kuftal Tunnel was just Greif Killed by a Haunts AoE Curse. An once again, Im going to side with changing the AoE effect to party-only people affected by a monsters AoE.

And yes... Ghosts take to long to move out from the zone there in Kuftal. -_-
#689 Nov 05 2005 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
Honestly. What NEEDS to happen is for Gil sellers to die and rot where they came from (hell) But thats not gonna happen this is how my friend was MPKed when he went AFK (rl thing) What happened was a RMT (Real Money Trader) aka Gil Seller. Bound Roc Right next to my friend and ran far back enough to not get the effect of "Pull-in" but far enough to make sure my friend was being attacked and die. IF a mob is bound it should ONLY attack the players of that PT, not others.
#690 Nov 05 2005 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing FF11 since PS2 beta. Now me GF and I play together with 2 accounts, 1 on PS2 and 1 on PC. We've been MPK'ed a few times by people who were either gil sellers or jealous of our claim. Either way MPking has become an issue for all of us. Many of the suggestion posted here are good but infact will significatly impact gameplay.
I also think that many of them like the no aggro til mob returns to spawn point may be a temperary solution in High MPK areas. If this was to be implimented everywhere and forverer we might find ourselves facing more problems.
Unfortunatly the only way to significantly stop MPKing may be to have someone to monitor areas and NM spawns such as Serket and Rock. This will undoubtably put a few burden on SE and there GM's. I suggest that certain virtuous players been given responsability for short periods of time in areas and without taking action report there findings to SE GM's who can inturn take effective action based on reports from Key "TEMP GM" players.
I personally have yet to get my WHM GF a serket ring but would gladly monitor and record such NM's like Serket or Rock @ various times in order to help other players gain the FF experience. Beeing a Long time player i think this would be a good responibility to give virtuous, indifferent, and experienced players.
Thankyou and please let me know if I can help in anyway.
Leviathan server
Honolulu, HI
#691 Nov 05 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
208 posts
Suggestion: If you decide to give mobs an aggro/link cooldown time after they're trained/zoned (which I think you should, that's an awesome idea) please make their name another color during that time... like, pink.

I see alot of great suggestions about the claim system, making it so the mob doesn't flash yellow anymore, so a mob can't be claimed until everyone involved in fighting it is dead or zoned. This is also a great idea! That problem has cause so much friction between members on the shiva server. There's something I'd like to add to that.
Suggestion: Even if an NM doesn't draw in, if you are the target of hate and you're more than X distance away from it, you will be drawn in.
I suggest this because, an ideal claim system would prevent anyone outside the originally claiming party from engaging until all members are dead or zoned. That would be perfect, but it's also easily exploitable. If it looks like my party is going to wipe, I could disengage and run all the way across a zone and wait there. If my party wipes and I'm sitting a mile away from the mob, it would run all the way across the zone giving my party ample time to recover from the wipe and keep claim. If you wipe, the next group in line should be given a chance. So that's why I think if you're faaar away from an NM and you have the most hate, you should be drawn in.

Suggestion:I'm a big fan of the suggestion to have your status in the GM call queue updated. Thumbs up to that. Also a huge fan of fixing the bind hate "bug"

Please: More short window NMs, like Shikigami weapon. It's so much easier to get help from people when you can assure them it won't take hours out of their day to help you.
Please: expand Limbus. This is such an awesome addition to the game. I have many low level friends and it makes me sad that they can't experience this with me. I hope to see more like Limbus in Treasures of Aht Urgan

Thanks for visiting us. Please come back often!
#692 Nov 05 2005 at 9:52 PM Rating: Good
2,225 posts
Fix it so a mob claimed by someone else will not attack anyone outside of the party.

Fix it so that if a mob is slept by one group, another group claiming it gets hate immediately. I was MPK'd once by a link my party slept. Another party claimed our mob, but did not touch it at all. When it awoke, it was purple to us, and we could not touch it. They stood by laughing while it beat our mages to death, then the rest of us. We were totally helpless. Fix this please.

Fix it so the Paladin Invincible trick won't pull hate. I've seen Paladins dump a Cure IV on someone in a party tanking Simurgh and Roc before, then pop Invincible off, and pull hate. Then the PLD runs off and eventually claim drops on the mob and the Paladin's buddies steal it. That's BS and should be fixed.

#693 Nov 05 2005 at 9:59 PM Rating: Good
315 posts
Credos the Venerable wrote:
-As Avoklex stated, ensure that once a mob is claimed, the mob does not come unclaimed until every single person in the alliance is defeated. This would prevent Dia/Voke spamming from causing an HNM to run rampant on people who cannot take any action against the NM.

-Put a GM at all HNM pops at their pop time to ensure that what occurs in the area is actively being monitored. Too often we (The players) see someone using a Mr.Argus tool/bot program etc, but even with the reported information, do not see any action taken. Ensure that the GM is not visible unless a situation arises.

-I am not sure how possible it would be, but somehow restricting the loaded data that is in game while fighting an HNM would be great. Too often other LS or RMT can try to force people to D/C by using JA, pulling monsters on top of tanks, etc.

-Make it so that if a mob is claimed, and the alliance fighting it is wiped, the mob cannot be claimed until its HP is at 100%. Too often we've seen RMT MPK groups of people at the end of a fight, to defeat a mob who had a sliver of life remaining.

All the above, plus the 3 you mentioned would be supurb!
#694 Nov 05 2005 at 10:26 PM Rating: Default
Welcome! This is my first time posting on the forums also!

I do have a few comments about my gameplay, I have noticed when I zone a monster that could kill me and i'm low on hp that when i zone the monster hits me and I either die or lose extreme amounts of hp. I was wondering if this was just my internet connection or just something in the database. If it cannot be changed that is okay with me i just think it is annoying and kindof unfair.

I will wait to see if it fixed or get some feedback on if it cannot be changed.

#695 Nov 05 2005 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
The suggestion of the "Karma NPC" could be a great idea if done properly.

For example, say every player was allowed to report 20 seperate individuals per week for "bad karma". Over time, this negative karma would build up on the players that are causing grief to the community. Eventually, if it gets bad enough, their name would turn red and all players would be allowed to attack that certain player with horrible karma.

By fine tuning this system, making it possible to only report a handful of players once per week, it would be taken seriously by all players. It would not be possible to give random people a bad karma report just for the sake of killing them. It would only happen to people that are generally despised by the community. Over time, your negative karma status will eventually drift back into the normal player status if you mind yourself and don't cause any grief. But the people who keep insisting on MPKing or anything else they might do that makes players upset will continue to pay if the community as a whole reports them for bad karma.

Naturally, if a player falls into a negative karma status and is liable to be K.O.'ed by the entire community they will lose exp according to his/her level.

Players with negative karma should not be able to be K.O.ed by the community within city walls, however, outside of the city they are fair game.

If this system is done right, it would drastically reduce MPK and other issues that plauge the FFXI community. It would also make it so there are no major gameplay changes that could possibly hurt the game. Most everything is fine in FFXI... There is no reason to change the game mechanics that have been around for years because of silly MPK issues. All you have to do is add the karma system...let the players take justice into thier own hands.
#696 Nov 05 2005 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default

after reading all posts, I have got an idea may help alot.

1. If the mob agro, then it'll go red [ claimed ].
2. If MPKer/Zoner/Trainer/Warper left the zone, the mob still red[ claimed ] till it back to its pop spot. That's will prevent the mob from agroing another cuz it is already got someone and tell the others that this mob won't hurt till it back to its home poin>

then let anyone try to MPK me, by agroing or doing anything, it'll be useless.

SE, you should say thnx to alla site and me *lol*

#697 Nov 05 2005 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
o my, i feel alone, whats MPK XD!
#698 Nov 05 2005 at 10:39 PM Rating: Default
Multiple Player Killer? o_o;
#699 Nov 05 2005 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
problem with punishing a gilseller that mpk's is this: there gilsellers. They dont just sell gil, they also buy accounts. So to ban an account is no threat to them at all, they just hop onto another high-lvl character they got in there vault of purchased accounts, and keep going on with there usual business of mpking.
#700 Nov 05 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
only problem with the 'karma' idea is that if anyone can attack them when there karma is low, then there gonna get jumped while there xping too. The other people in his party will be upset about him getting killed too..cause it wastes his party members time now...and they are innocent to the situation. I know you think to just not invite someone who has bad karma...but what if he is the only tank or healer your lvl seeking? Now, you would think ok...only let him get attacked while he is solo, but he's safe in a party...well what happens now is that the gilsellers with bad karma just stay in parties with there gilselling friends just to avoid being jumped. the karma idea would not work with simple programming, i am certian of that.
#701 Nov 05 2005 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I guess they'll just have to stop ticking people off then... Simple solution to low karma.

They wouldn't be safe in parties anyway, low karma = low karma. If it would take thousands upon thousands of negative votes to give someone that status, they deserve it. And would you really want someone like that in your exp party?

This isn't gonna be like if they started it tomorrow that within 3 hours people will have the negative karma status. No, it will take many, many votes to make it that way. Generally, only people who are despised by the community as a whole will get this status. It could take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month to see your first negative karma victim.

If the whole idea is to rid FFXI of notorious MPKers, this is a way to do it. Eventually, these people with poor karma will be so hurt and bruised that they would have no choice but to play by the rules.

Edited, Sat Nov 5 23:16:45 2005 by Reizel

Edited, Sat Nov 5 23:27:56 2005 by Reizel
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