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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#52 Nov 03 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
An overall problem with the whole thing is that [GM]s are almost never a visible force. I think that people would be much more careful of their actions if they saw a Judge Patrolling the streets, or walking through heavily populated areas. Now obviously this is not an entirley possible feat for you to operate so heres the suggestions.

Suggestion #1: At a randomly selected time Issue a [GM] to watch over the spawn of a popularly camped HNM, if a [GM] would simply watch the events of a Serket pop, a Fafnir/Nidhogg pop etc, they may be able to easily deduce rule breaking behavior made by those players present. Serket can be especially violent, with RMT running rampant and trying to MPK everyone around.

Suggestion #2: Have a single or small group of [GM]s who run a player based orginization on each server, this would allow you to darastically increase your manpower without needlessly increasing costs. Do not neccesarily give these volunteers and [GM] powers or abilities, however make them able to easily contact the head [GM] quickly to report any indescent and rule breaking activities. But do not make this system NPC based like a Mentor system where everyone can join. An applicant should be required to meet with the [GM] for their server in a one-on-one interview much like an application for a real job. To encourage activity possibly create a small in-game salary.

I beleive that Suggestion #2 would step up the level of authority that SE holds over Vana'Diel, perhaps even work the Judges(GMs) into the Story. If a tighter presence of authority is created, without becoming opressive, I beleive that illegal activites including MPK will be greatly decreased. As long as the players are not granted any major abilities or anything like that, but simply a special symbol or a special equipment that visualizes their connection to authority, and that player is carefully interviewed, and removed form service if they break any of their commitments, I beleive that it could become an effective way to increase presence without increasing your acctuall manpower.
#53 Nov 03 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
Suggestion: Have a GM present at any NM/HNM spawn that takes 24 hours or longer to pop. These NM/HNM's have the highest rate of MPK due to how long it takes to make them appear.
#54 Nov 03 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Default
Honestly there is no reason for bombs or other aoe to hit anyone outside of the party/alliance, other than create an annoyance and player death.

As for monster aggro there should be a timer for bst released mobs.
#55 Nov 03 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Enhance or outright implement a "give up chase" system. Sound aggro mobs tend to express this trait the most amongst the current system, particularly crabs or crawlers after running over water. Create a "leash" based on the scale of the level difference between the mob and the player and a lack of activity by the player toward the mob in reference to the mob's spawn point. If the player's level is greater, the mob won't chase it as far. If the player's level is weaker, the mob will go a bit more out of its way, but will inevitably give up.

Although the second part of this I agree with, it is not sound monsters that give up when going into water, it is Monsters that track by scent, this makes perfect sense, SE is implying that you can wash off your scent in water. However, of course if you are still within sound/sight range it wont loose you. Deodorize should be modified to act just like water, the spell is almost completely useless, after binding a demon in place and running half way across the zone, deodorizing then running the other half, the smell tracking demon will still catch up.
#56 Nov 03 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,683 posts
Greetings, Akhore.

Suggestion: A creature under the effect of Bind should not attack random players in proximity, only players in the same party or alliance as the Binding player.

Suggestion: The presence of a NM could intimidate creatures that do not normally reside in the area. For example, if a group is fighting Aquarius (Normally surrounded by Knight Crawlers, Robber Crabs, those Mandragoras), then if another party trains Processionaires onto them and Warps or Escapes, these Processionaires would ignore the group fighting Aquarius and return to their regular spawn area, afraid of drawing the wrath of the NM. This has the advantage of allowing the intended crowd control concerns for NMs that have linking creatures in the area, while preventing some MPK attempts.
#57 Nov 03 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
RamseySylph wrote:
Although the second part of this I agree with, it is not sound monsters that give up when going into water, it is Monsters that track by scent, this makes perfect sense, SE is implying that you can wash off your scent in water. However, of course if you are still within sound/sight range it wont loose you. Deodorize should be modified to act just like water, the spell is almost completely useless, after binding a demon in place and running half way across the zone, deodorizing then running the other half, the smell tracking demon will still catch up.

there are times when a scent tracking mob just won't freaking give up. i've kited a crawler in the boyada tree (sp?) quite a bit to get rid of him, but once a certain point is reached (which i don't know what it is), that puppy just will not give up...then other times i'm pulling and it takes about two steps and gives up...not sure what the difference is
#58 Nov 03 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Awsome that an SE rep. is here. ^_^

Suggestion #1: Not really on the line of MPKing, but I notice in a Party, sometimes, if the mob currently aggros a member of the Party, and they disconnect, the mob name turns from Red to Purple, and the Party can't fight the mob until it's claimed by the party. Just kinda a pain when a Party wants 200 EXP every 10 minutes and when you tank, someone would steal hate when there disconnecting, and then dissappear, leaving the monster to get in a few big hits.

Suggestion #2: In one LS, I've heard a few monsters that would "Charm" a person, and if a BST was in the area with a pet, the BST could "Sic" the person, as could anyone attack that person. One recent person in the LS, who was removed after doing this, would sub /BLM so he could "Sic" then "Bind" the mob and go grab a new monster to stick near the "Charmed" player. Anyway this could be stoped?

Suggestion #3: "Bind", or any WS/Ablility/Item that causes "Bind", on a monster doesn't shift aggro to the nearest person to the mob. That would, I believe solve the problem.
#59 Nov 03 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,202 posts
Stunted wrote:
Suggestion: Level dependant linking. If a level 75 (for example) trains a Goblin through the Dunes next to a Level 15 party fighting the same Monster type, make the monster the party is fighting actually link onto the level 75 rather than the other way around. This way the MPKer is actually attacked by additional mobs, rather than the other way around. Think of it as a "imminent threat" model...the 75 is threatening his Goblin brother more than the party is threatening him. If the 75 zones, only the monster that the party was fighting returns...it does not link onto the other monsters.

That would have to be modified, What if the 75 in question is RDM/BLM, BLM/WHM, WHM/BLM? Any Spike spell, (Blaze, Shock, Ice Spikes would end up negating the parties XP. Since the mob took DMG from the 75.

Suggestion: Fix Bind/Shadowbind. When these 2 abilities are used, the mob will attack any player within range. When a monster has Bind/Shadowbind on it, it should only attack the person who used that ability, or the persons party or alliance.

Suggestion: When a monster that is aggresive to other players via sight/sound/magic/link is brought to another party on purpose or on accident. The player(s) who brought the mob has all of the hate. If the player(s) are to Die/K.O./Warp/Log-out/Leave(BST Ability). The monster would go into a mode where they can not be engaged, attacked, killed, they wont aggro, they will slowly head back to there area. During this time they will regen there HP to 100%. Once there HP is up to 100% they can be claimed and fought or killed for Normal XP. Say you set a time period, would take 2 MIN for the monster to go out of this "Safe Mode" giving all players time to move out of the way or rest to take it on.

This would resolve unfair killing of HNM's when the LS that is fighting it wipes and the HNM's HP is at 2% and some other Linkshell group kills it. It would also make MPK by train/warp next to impossible as it would give the MPK'ed party time to Move/React and get away from the monster while this Monster is in Safe Mode. This would also give the time to an HNM LS that wiped to get claim again. AoE DMG should stay the same. They way Hate control is set on a monster needs to be adjusted. Adjusting hate control with those 2 suggestions would prevent 99% of all MPK down at Exp party camps, and at HNM Camps, or NM Camps.

Edited Conclusion for clarity.

Edited, Thu Nov 3 16:05:33 2005 by Technolust
#60 Nov 03 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
150 posts
Need to do something about NIN 2hr on trains of mobs too. My ally got wiped out the other night camping Serkit because the Gil Sellers where having a war over it! Damn NIN out of no where trains weapons and a rotted fleash on top of serkit. All ic is BOOM!

I don't have any ideas yet for NIN 2hr, but that no aggro till they go back to there points of aggroing I guess, but hey throw it out there maybe some one has better idea.
#61 Nov 03 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
5,587 posts
Edited because SE is retarded.

Edited, Thu Dec 15 15:25:41 2005 by jmakovec
#62 Nov 03 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
Suggestion: Make certain NM spawns that many many people kill, i.e. Mystikmaker Profblix just for one example, spawn more often. This would relieve the stress that causes some people to MPK. The game attitude toward NM killing could change as well. The focus of killing an NM should be, as many feel, the KILLING, not the CLAIMING, which is the case now on many servers. Fairy for example often has 12+ people camping Profblix at all times, all leveled far enough to kill him solo, but they get an alliance together so they can get the claim, leaving me and many other lone hunters with almost no chance to kill him. Of course this statement shouldn't apply to all NMs, i.e.:Vtra, Tiamat, and other HNMs for obvious reasons. But NMs that drop items that are Rare/EX should spawn often enough that everyone has a better chance at getting to fight them, instead of having to compete with impossible odds. Not only is the claim impossible to get because of the long spawn time, it can take up to 2 hours to get to even see the NM. For some players who want the Rare/EX items NMs drop, this time could be half of their total play time per day, and they arn't even garunteed to get to fight the NM and get a chance for the drop they want. These problems with the NM system of spawning lead to people being MPK'd because of the anger that occurs when people spend hours upon hours camping an NM, to be left with nothing.

Imber - 70 BLM, Fairy.

Edited, Thu Nov 3 15:58:35 2005 by Imbere
#63 Nov 03 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
190 posts
An Gm for every server visiting an HNM pop or notorius MPK site for that server @ random and offcource invisable..

As soon as he withness MPK he drop invis and cast Teleport-Jail fox xxx days on MPK person so that people actually see and withness GM are there and punish people to prevent this behaviour.

Allow Fraps as proof for MPK it's notorious hard even if your expert to fake the movie in an short spawn after it happens.

Fraps doesn't interfear with the game it doesn't give any bonus or other unfair advantages

Edited, Thu Nov 3 16:04:45 2005 by leonesongaruda
#64 Nov 03 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Suggestion:Not really any REAL suggestions, but maybe a few ideas i'll throw out there... impliment a system which determines the amount of monsters linked somehow proportionate to the player's level.

Suggestion:More intervention of GM's removing mass links what is seemingly MPK... maybe some kind of GM police >_>?

Suggestion:Strict monitoring on players who have been reported multiple times for attempted MPK.

Suggestion:Instead of when a person in a party/alliance aggros a mass link and then when they die, then whole party gets attacked (example Dragon's Aery w/ flies), simply change the aggro to only the aggro to the person who originally aggroed...then after they're dead they'll be back to their non-aggro business instead of slaughtering the rest of the party
#65 Nov 03 2005 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
Double post... Im so embarrassed. :(

Edited, Thu Nov 3 15:50:54 2005 by Imbere
#66 Nov 03 2005 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
1. Make it so no monster can link with one being fought or one being pulled.

2. Station a GM at every spawn point of highly sought after NM's (Simurgh, Roc, Serket, KB, etc.) Give them the power to take control of situations like that and handle the linked monsters on their own.

1. You do realize that the game was created with monsters linking in order to make it harder ya? Without linking the game would be (Too weak). Gives a challenge. Just make it so that they have to be back at the original spawn area after claiming before they can link, that way you don't defeat it all together.

2. It seems like a big hassle and almost not worth it. =/ This would require much more work and energy. Maybe just have a GM there to monitor the window of time when it could pop. And they would only clean up links on mobs that linked because of other PC actions.

I hope anything I posted is helpful in SEs actions to prevent MPK.
#67 Nov 03 2005 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
911 posts
"Make it so monsters trained to the zone do not aggro until they've walked back to their original starting point!" or something along the lines of "AoE damage should not affect players in other parties not engaged in the battle with the monster that initiated the AoE attack!"

Seems like a simple fix.
Question is: Why after 2.5 years of this game being out, has SE never fixed this or even tried. This should have come in the early days of development.

IMO, people that complain about MPKing (especially at certain NM locations), are usually under prepaired to be there in the first place.

I feel the monster behavior does not need adjustment. I beleive that if we make anymore changes to the monsters , this game will lose it's challange.
#68 Nov 03 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
5,903 posts
I /applaud the one who mentioned that they should have a GM standing by when any Largely Contested mob is about to pop. Make him invisible and make his presence unknown so that players can't use them to tell when an HNM is about to pop...

You guys know which mobs people MPK on the most, you get GM calls all the time, mobs like Serket, Fafnir/Nidhogg, Jormungand, Tiamat, the list goes on and on and on.

And please, when someone DOES MPK, please please PLEASE do something about it. That one time, we were in an exp party in the basement of Garlaige Citadel, and there were 3 people, linkshell-less, who were MPKing over and over again. I submitted two GMcalls, and the GM even asked me which person was doing the MPKing, I told them the names, and the exact methods. Later on in the day, I did a /sea <name> and found that both players were on, and NOT in jail.

Is there a reason for this? EVERYONE knows they MPK'd. We watched him do it, Intentionally.

So, along with trying to stop people from MPKing, you guys need to react faster to MPK, and react in a more profound way towards MPKing. Like, Instantly jailing them for 36 hours. No Questions Asked. If they cast a spell on a linking mob and RUN towards other players and intentionally die/Mijin Gakure/Warp, there's NO question about their intent. Especially if they do it MULTIPLE times.

Its really disheartening when I see a criminal in-game, heck.. 20+ people saw that dude doing that... we all report him... and 30min later, he's in LowJeuno as if nothing at all had happened. Very disheartening and it destroys the players' faith in GMs and the SE staff.

#69 Nov 03 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
Make the THF ability Flee automatically shed hate/aggro so they can't train mobs since the intent of the ability is to escape from things, not kite or train I assume. Or at least make it that after a certain distance is obtained betweent he mob and the PC, aggro is lost.

Acctually, in some scenarios, acctualyl quite a few end game, with Dynamis as an example, the point of flee IS to kite the monster around, if Flee shed hate, THF would essentialy loose their purpose in Dynamis, as they would no longer be able to allow a death pull to occur.
#70 Nov 03 2005 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
How about really doing something to the ppl who do mpk make it a serious offense make it public whos been suspended or removed from the game by some npc so that the game community. By doing so ppl will see that they will not be allowed to play.
If you skim the post here i'm sure you will find time and time again a mpk happens a gm is called, and the next day you see that same person at the AH beside. talk about a slap in the face to the games who are getting mpked on.
#71 Nov 03 2005 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
507 posts
Stunted Defender of Justice wrote:
Yes, but he can't kill them, and they return to the party once he zones/logs. Even if your 75...60 Goblins on your *** that you can't fight is gonna hurt.

That sounds like complicated way to fix it and it would make it easier to cause grief to lower level exp parties.
Simplest method would be that after being zoned or whatever, the mobs return to their original spots without aggroing or linking.
#72 Nov 03 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
5,587 posts
Edited because SE is retarded.

Edited, Thu Dec 15 15:27:05 2005 by jmakovec
#73 Nov 03 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
The only thing I really agree with, is to not allow bound monsters to attack the nearest thing they can.

Honestly though, before you do anything like this, actually DO some of this "investigating", that GMs always say they do. I'm sorry, but I've called GMs a lot before, and had others do the same. They don't do anything about problems.
#74 Nov 03 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
470 posts
2 more suggestions:

Suggestion: Selective policing. A modification from the posts from the people who expect all their problems to be solved at one go. Lack of GMs to police all flash points? How about having a few GMs randomly policing a couple of NM everyday? No one knows where or when. But people will tend to MPK less if they know someone "might" be watching.

Suggestion: NM Zone of Control. How about modify mob behaviors to make it such that once a NM is in a fight, the NM asserts a zone of control where no other mobs in the area will want to come close? An beastman NM will want his lesser minions to stay out of his wrath while he punishes those that attacked it. (Insulting to be helped by lesser minions). Or just the natural respect of beasts to those special NMs around them to stay away. This means that once a group starts a fight, they are safe from other mobs nearby. (Can be modified to allow linking of same type of creatures but keep all others out)
#75 Nov 03 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
95 posts
1] Make it that when monsters are zoned or after the player dies, the monster vanishes and repops at other random location (with full health and experience point if pulled again)

2] Other parties should not be affecte by other party's AoE, agreed.

#76 Nov 03 2005 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
It is my understanding that you have been here for quite some time, Ahkore.

I also see those topics you posted in your OP were made some time ago, I guess it shows there has been someone from FFXI team here for a long time.

Thanks for showing us your here, and welcome (To posting anyway, hehe). Smiley: yippee

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